2 Smokin’ Old Ladies

Two women, both in their late 60s and still smoking, are walking down a street when it begins to rain. The first old lady pulls out a condom and places it on the end of her cigarette. The other lady, not knowing about condoms asks,” Whats that?” The other lady responds,”Its a condom, you can buy it in the store.” As they pass a 7/11, they walk in and the lady without a condom asks the man behind the counter,”Do you have condoms here?” The man behind the counter asks,”What size do you need?” The woman pauses and looks at her cigarette. “Oh I dunno, one big enough to fit a Camel.”

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anonymous readerReport

2012-12-17 16:11:13
سکس با حیوانات

anonymous readerReport

2011-08-21 23:05:57
gf but i think the guy woulda known

Anonymous readerReport

2009-10-09 19:43:04


2009-05-25 15:36:49

Anonymous readerReport

2008-05-15 11:28:15
lol…..a HOOT!