My life at a glance part 3

a rigid post

My wife came home that night to a problem, but it was my problem as she already knew what was going on, her mother had advised her what our daughter had been doing then she also found out that her sisters had been screwing me for months as well.

She decided that it was better for our daughter to be fucking me than some boy down the road, at least they could control it to a degree, I was left a little perplexed, everyone was fucking my brains out, the girls began to take turns, as well as walking around the house with nothing on, it seems so they could jump on my cock whenever they felt like it, I did not get a choice in the matter, although I must admit, I was defiantly enjoying the attention.

So here I was with eight women fucking my brains out, my mother-in-laws marriage had ended some years earlier when she caught her husband with a teen neighbour, none of the girls had never married, boyfriends maybe, but nothing serious, they must have been a bit frustrated living so far out and not having any near neighbours to screw, so I had my wife Grace, 25 years, her mother Sophia, 41, my daughter Louise aged 11, Carmen, 23, Janice, 20, Rosemary, 18, Laura, 17 and Danielle just 16, and the last one was the worse she would screw me all day every day if she got the chance, as a general rule taking skin off me in the process.

After about a month everyone seemed top be settled in what was happening, I noticed that I was getting sensation in my left arm and hand, not a lot but I could feel it, not what I would call pain, but not really nice either, young Danielle was giving me a pussy pasting one morning when I started to come, without thinking my arm moved and although I had little or no movement in my fingers, I pulled her to me and she came and then started screaming for my wife and the others as I had moved my arm.

It was not a conscious movement and I was not even aware of what I had done until she moved my arm from around her, the girls were ecstatic, I was just pleased something else was working besides my cock, my wife arranged for my doctor to come visit, he assessed me and advised that yes, there was some movement but not to get my hopes up as I may well get use of my arms, but my fingers and legs was quite another thing, he advised my wife to intensify the massage she had been giving me, I almost laughed out loud, massage! These eight women had been quickly fucking me into another world.

The following week there was a family meeting three of the girls (the three youngest) had missed their periods, excuse me, had no-one ever thought of contraception, so here I am getting screwed by everyone and now three of my sisters-in-law are pregnant, oh happy days, I spoke to the girls asking them if it may be a good idea if they at least used condoms from here, they all shook their heads, if I could get the three youngest pregnant, I could get the rest done as well, seems they all wanted a child, and they all decided me being the dad was ok, I was beginning to worry about this family.

An electric wheel chair arrived the following month, I had enough movement in my hand to allow me to get about, but the girls kept me naked (with a towel over my lap) and the sides removed from the chair (I was strapped to the back) so they could jump on me at will, it did not take long and Janice and Carmen advised they were pregnant, suddenly I am about to have five kids.

The big shock came the next month when both my wife and mother-in-law advised they had missed their period as well, I thought I might be going to get a bit of a brake from sex at first, but no such luck, being pregnant only fuelled their sex drive, it must have been infectious as even my daughter started screwing me on a daily basis, we had a meeting and decided far from town or not, it was to small a community for seven pregnant women to go unnoticed here.

So we decided we were moving, I had a mate who worked in real estate look around for me, he located a place for us just shy of the Queensland border, I arranged through him that we would take up the property within the next week (no cooling off period, I paid extra), our old place sold the following week (for more than I thought it was worth) and that was that, the girls packed everything up and we were shoved in the car and trucks and we were gone.

Carmen had been studying to be a midwife for two years and then dropped out, when the guy she liked turned out to be gay, so they discussed how everything would proceed from there, they would go to the doctor three towns over to track the pregnancies, so that there was little chance of anyone putting two and two together and getting seven.

So I am now counting down the months to the first one due, young Danielle, followed by Laura and Rosemary, then a month later Carmen then Janice and a further month and half, my wife and my mother-in-law, the girls decided that they would simply call me will (my name is William) all of them and as far as they were concerned I was married to them all, ok so now I am a bigamist as well, maybe I should start a commune.