Weird Tales, Succubus. Part 3.

When I had opened my eyes next, looking around then seeing a child running around then I realised it was from my childhood it was me; something made me spin around “Uuurrgg!” Don’t do that you scared me “Where am I now?”
She laughed “You are in your own head as it were we’re back in your past, before you start watching what humans call magic mysticism that is what is normal for us. Now start watching.”
As I watched I saw myself running around playing having fun then I saw myself turn to some bushes and out came Lilith emerging hurt and staggering, I saw myself run up to her both about the same age and watched how my younger self helped her.
Watching as the two sat down on the ground I saw myself propping Lilith up her head on his shoulder then looking at the bushes again a dark figure emerged hidden in shadows I watched as my child self lifted an arm and a strange aura was emitted repelling the the figure back to where it came from.
I could not remember doing that but then again I could not remeber hal of my childhood.
The scene changed now in my childhood home both playing games and again a dark figure appeared and again it was repelled, a figure tried each year and repelled each year.
With each scene change for each year from meeting they grow up together getting older Lilith’s horns and wings grow bigger.
The scene changed again this time it had to be when I was eight may be nine and this time I listened to what was said.
“Will you always be there for me?” Lilith asked.
“Yes.” Came the reply.
“Will you be my prince when we are older?” Came Lilith’s question
“If you want me to.” I saw my childhood self blush.
The scene changed for the last time.
This time it was the age of eleven may be twelve.
“I will miss you my prince I have to go for now.” Lilith said.
“Why do you, why must you go?” my child self asked.
“It’s time I do a thing we go through, I will be back promise.” She said.
I noticed that the child Lilith was naked but her body was covered in a downy type of hair I had only just realised this she had it from when we first met.
Both stood up Lilith and my child self pressed lips together in a kiss and she left.
The scene changed and it was a year later the year my family had moved house.
That seemed to be the last time it showed us seeing each other.
I was back in my room with Lilith “Why? I don’t remember any of that.” I said surprised by my own forgotten memories.
“You where a child at the time and the longer I was away your memories of me lessened and then forgot me, the bonds between us lessened till only I could watch you without you seeing me.” Lilith paused.
“I remember every thing all the time we spent together shared your bed with you as we grew up you looked after me you protected me, like I had said you became my prince I never forgot I . , ,” Lilith trailed off.
“You what?” I replied.
“I . I . I sabotaged your relationships I wanted you as my prince it hurt me seeing you with any other girl you promised to be my prince.” Lilith said sadly.
I sat shocked. “But we were children and I forgot most that had happened how could I keep a promise that I did not remember.”
“Kiss me let me open your memories and feelings as we do?” Lilith asked.
I did not know what to do. All that I knew was now gone I was always odd as a child, I never seemed to fit in never felt like I was was apart of any thing, now finding out that I was like Lilith in a way, a half breed as I was called I looked at Lilly she now more human no wing no horns.
“I want to be your princess; from that first day we met I felt I was supposed to be with you, I will even stay here with you and to do that.” Lilith told me.
I stood walked around so confused my hole world had dropped away Lilith blocked my path planing her hands on my face and planted a kiss on me I kissed her back, all the memories rushed back, lost memories and feeling. As we kissed our tongues danced around each others and exploring each others mouths our naked bodies pressed her hard nipples pressed into me.
Her leg lifted and hooked over my bottom my hand rubbed down her body and held the leg in place pulling her hips into me my other hand stroked her face and ran threw her hair.
Her arms wrapped round my neck her other leg lifted hooked round my waist my hand on her bottom holding her of the ground passion and lust as one for both of use.
I had a raging erection that needed its release, in her. I felt her reach down for it like she knew it was there and stroked it gentle she climbed down turned around bent over for me.
“Put it in me my love.” Lilith breathe horsely I walked but behind her I held myself and went to guide myself in “Nooo not there this time in my bum I want you in my bum!” I looked down at her anus it was twitching in little pulses I guided the head of my cock to her anus.
I pressed feeling the head touch her “Do it push in I want you in me, I don’t to bond with you again not yet any way I want to bond again but next time I want to bond properly that’s why I wont you in my bum my love.” Lilith breathed.
I pressed into her anus she gave way and then I stumbled pushed all the way in to the base of my cock she yelped in a little pain I thought I scared myself that I had hurt her; her body had gone ridged.
Scared “I’ve not hurt you love have I?” worry in my voice.
She straightened up her arms behind her back wrapping round me. “No I am ok you took me by surprise our anuses are a little stronger than that, it would take a lot more to course me damage anally my love now fuck me, fuck me good; fuck me hard, you want hurt me I trust you my body will protect both of use, women of our species bodies work like that with the person we love.”
I stared to pull out and then push back in I did this a couple of times. I felt a slime like mucus over my cock I feared to look down as i had a horrible thought at what it was. When i looked down i had nothing to worry about it was a kind of lubricant i pushed in held there my cock felt more sensitive because of it.
Lilith bent over parted her legs my hand drifted to her pussy I started to fondle her as I pulled out and in the porn clips on xnxx made it look easy but it any thing but trying to do two thing at once and work in conjunction to each movement.
so I gave up and guided Lilith’s hands to her clit she started to rub it and I was getting used to pacing myself when I started to stop over thinking it and started to enjoy it and feeling the contractions of the anus the feeling was different tighter but the sentsations were the similer.
I started to pick up the pace a little and Lilith started to moan with pleasure, The lubricant on my erection as I easied in and out of her increased the senitivity and I could feel my ball tighten up.
ready to unleash my offering in her I tried to thing of other thing as well as stop inside of her to let the feeling pass, as it did so I started again we both started moaning to gather I pick up the pace some more I felt my ball tighten again and unleshed my seed in her and with that I felt a flow of warm liquid run down my legs as she came to and let the orgams ride throw her. I felt her muscles milk me and I shot tow more load into her.
I pulled out of her with a plop she turned round and hugged me I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the bed put her down and lay beside her.
She curled up next to me I was so mixed up every thing I thought I was I now lost what was I going to do now.
“Come back to my world my prince learn about yourself then make up your mind afterwards” Lilith said.
“Ok I will!” I said it not as if I had any thing here any holding me back my mother had died a couple of years ago and lost touch with my father. We rested some time to recover. when it was time I took a deep breath looked round and went with her.
Lilith guided me to a building that reminded me of a la Petite Chapelle in Guernesey a little bigger. We went in she asked me to wait for a moment as she walked to a door near the back went in, I waited looking round it was sparce. Out came Lilith and and an other person the only way I could dicribe him was he was like a monk holding a book.
I was called over to them told to place my hand on a book close my eyes I felt an energy rush threw me from the book and then back out in to the book again.
My hair was standing up. “It’s the static shock left behind from the book give it and hour before you start reading the book as it writing its self right now.

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anonymous readerReport

2013-07-16 00:04:08
Good story only problems i have seen are all gramatical but other than that keep it up


2013-07-05 09:49:04
posted the last part so look out hope you all like the short tale.