The Sex Contract

My sister and I entered into a sex contract thanks to Mom, whom I’ll always be indebted too. Love you Mom!

Fbailey story number 710

The Sex Contract

My sister and I were born eleven months apart to the day. When I was just one month from turning fourteen my sister was turning thirteen years old. In our family turning thirteen was a big deal. It ranked right up there with first periods, being able to vote, and being able to drink…legally.

We had celebrated Catalina’s first period when she was about ten and a half. That was when Mom put her on birth control pills, the same kind that Mom takes herself. Then we celebrated me turning into a teenager.

Then Catalina turned thirteen. Dad asked her where she wanted to eat dinner. Mom asked her what she wanted but she was too shy to say it out loud but she did whisper it into Mom’s ear.

Mom just smiled and said, “I think I can arrange that. Later!”

We went to Catalina’s favorite place for Lobster while Dad had his usual steak. After dinner Mom suggested that Dad go and visit his friend on the other side of town. He knew that something was up so he told her that he would call before coming home. Mom gave him a really nice kiss.

Mom sent Catalina in to her bathroom to take a nice long bubble bath. Then she sent me into the other bathroom to take a quick shower like I normally did. Then she told me to play on my computer until she called for me.

About an hour later Mom called for me and I started for her bedroom when she said, “I’m in here with your sister.”

So I stood in Catalina’s doorway and waited to be asked in.

Catalina said, “You may enter.”

You see in our house there are rules to be obeyed. One of those rules is to knock if the door is closed and if it is open you need to be invited in. I think it has something to do with vampires but I’m not really sure.

Something else you might wish to know is that both of our parents are lawyers and that our mother is also a judge. Dad handles criminal stuff while Mom usually handles family disputes and divorces.

Mom instructed me to sit on the bed with my sister so I did.

Then Mom looked straight at me the whole time and said, “I have prepared a contract, a sex contract, between your sister and you. Her request tonight was to have sex with you. After a short discussion I agreed with her reasoning. She loves you, she trusts you, and she thinks that you are cute. Like I said I agreed with her.”

“Now I will read the contract, let you two talk it over and then if you are in agreement we will all sign it.”

“This a sex contract between Catalina and you. It is strictly about sex and nothing else. It is almost always to be vaginal penetration. However, if you are turned off by blood during her period you may fuck her face. Anal sex is strictly up to her and not you.”

“If she wants sex she will ask you for it and you WILL provide it, even if you are mad at her about something. She understands that on occasion she may have to help get you hard…such as stroking your penis with her hand, sucking on it with her mouth, or simply spreading her legs to excite you.”

“Whenever you want sex all you have to do is ask Catalina for it and she will spread her legs for you even if she is mad at you over something.”

“The normal positions will be Catalina on her back, on her belly, on her hands and knees, and on top. Other positions are open to debate.”

“If any problems arise I will be the mediator and settle the problem. My word is final. Since this is a sexual contract about all I can do is remove sex from you for a day, two days, or a whole week. On the other hand I cannot remove sex from your sister without punishing you too…so I will have to punish her with anal sex for a day, two days, or a week.”

“If you have any questions, I’ll be in my bedroom. When you two are ready to sign or suggest changes please come in.”

Mom walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

For the first time I looked at my sister. She blushed.

Then Catalina said, “Mom went over the contract with me before she called you in. I understand that in essence I am giving my body for you to use as you see fit. Mom called me a sex slave because I can’t ever say no to you. At least sexually anyway.”

I asked, “So you want to be my sex slave?”

Catalina said, “Oh yes, forever, with all my heart and soul and with all my mind and my body.”

I stood up, lifted her to her feet, and then I kissed my sister. I let my hands run down over her tight little ass as I pulled our crotches together.

When she broke off the kiss she giggled and said, “Just as soon as we sign the contract you can do whatever you want to me.”

I asked, “Should we amend the contact to allow for oral sex and anal sex on demand too?”

Catalina smiled and said, “Sure. If it is what you want then I want it too.”

When we told Mom about the revisions she changed them in her computer and printed out three new copies, shredding the old copies. Then the three of us signed all three copies. Mom stapled one inside my closet out of sight of friends. She did the same in Catalina’s closet and then she filed her copy in her locked drawers.

We thanked Mom and rushed into Catalina’s bedroom. I watched and helped my sister get out of her clothes. She helped me out of my clothes and then we looked at one another and then we explored each other’s body.

Finally, Catalina got on her back and spread her legs for me. I pushed my very hard cock into her very tight pussy. The feeling was incredible and we both loved it. I came way too quickly.

Catalina said, “I want to wait a half-hour and then I want you to do it again. If you need help I’ll suck it.”

I got dressed but Catalina just slipped on a big T-shirt that she wore to bed. It used to be Dad’s but she keeps it to sleep in.

Mom fixed us some hot chocolate. Dad came home before we had finished it and Mom told him about our sex contract.

Dad said, “It sounds just like the one we signed.”

Mom replied, “Almost to the letter.”

Catalina looked at me and said, “Come with me. I want sex.”

Mom looked at Dad and said, “Come with me. I want sex.”

I looked at Dad, he looked at me, and we both smiled as our women dragged us off to their bedrooms.

We undressed and I said, “Get on your hands and knees this time.”

Catalina said, “Hey, wait a minute. I asked you for sex so I get to tell you what to do. Get on your back, I what to be on top. I will let you decide which way I face though.”

I replied, “I would like you to face me. I want to see your tits bounce.”

Catalina said, “Fair enough.”

Then Catalina climbed up on the bed and squatted down over my cock. She wouldn’t even let me hold it for her. She held it up and lowered herself down onto it. That second time with Catalina was perfect. I was not quite as anxious and it was a lot gentler. After she had cum she kept riding me until I had cum too. Of course after that Catalina fell onto my chest and melted in my arms. She had surrendered her body, her mind, and her soul to me. We had become one.

Dad and I were the most sexually satisfied men in the world. Our women were too. Life was wonderful.

The End
The Sex Contract