The Life and The Dream pt 2

Before i start I’d like to apoligize i red through my story and realized i said Noah, He is my cousin i meant to say Paul if you had yet to realize.Also I rushed and some details were left out but anyways if you have read the past story, I had just found a new relationship with Tisha which has some sexual experiences and my brother had returned home from his expirement and has found out he has the ability to control time and has shared the power with me and has taught me the ways to do so. Ok last chance if you want my real life(Yes still has sex) comment and tell me or do you want me to continue this super power story with this time control stuff, comment and tell me also.
The November breeze came in through the open bus window as we headed off for school, it felt pretty relaxing as we headed on our way through the Medina streets. Our bus usually didn’t fill we usually had the first half of the bus filled with little kids and maybe 3 or 4 high schoolers mostly because others would walk or drive there themselves. So there sat Paul Tisha, Kylie and me, Tisha sat with me as Paul talked to Kylie. We were 7 minutes out from school when i felt the familiar hand grab around my junk. It took no less then 3 strokes before I was hard again. I felt like getting off but i had a good reputation goin for me and I didn’t want to ruin it. I was known as the good kid, the smart athletic type that wasn’t hard to look at either. With a bright future insight i didn’t want it pulled away from me beecause a girl got me off that was willing to do it any other time. What i hadn’t thought of the time was why didn’t I freeze time and get off then deny her, but I don’t think it would have worked she was determined.
“Stop! We’re on the fucking bus!” I whispered to her as her hand continued to stroke my dick.
“But I’m so horny! and obviously you are too!” as she squeezed my dick harder than before almost causing me to cum right there.
“Yeah well I can wait I’d prefer not to do it in public!” Then the look she gave me was the puppy dog watering eyes and everything.
“Fine do it! But never agian understand?!” she smiled and answered
“Sure but no promises.” she said with a giggle
Oh boy the next 5 minutes were hell, I tried to not look suspicious as Tisha whacked my dick at a constant pace. However that last minute was the worst as her mouth engulfed my dick, oh god what a feeling. I put my fist to my mouth to prevent from giving any signal i was getting pleasured. Finnaly I was at my climaxed I grabbed her by her hair and thrusted her mouth arond my whole dick as I released. She came up and showed me the amount she actualy got in her mouth as she swallowed it, i rubbed my dick in her face giving her the signal to clean me up. So after she licked me clean it was about time to get off the bus at school. As we stood up to get off the bus Tisha gave me a kiss on the cheek as we departed, oh god.
See Tisha was nice and all but she hung with the wrong crowd and I never wanted to date her because she always got involved in drugs and dumb shit and I had a reputation to keep in check. So I needed to make sure she knew that but I wouldn’t tell her until later her blowjobs are just too good to give up at the moment. As I turned around I saw Kylie getting Paul off as well as he mouthed to me “Thanks” I guess wathing Tisha suck my dick got her horny.
As we entered school our friends Shae and Jake, both a grade above us, came up to us asking why we hadn’t been at practice. See Paul was the QB for the new Jv football squad and I was the new CM/GK for the Jv soccer team and neither of us went to practice the day before partly because it had been his first day home and i didn’t want to go to practice when I could spend more time with him. Anyways we went to our first period classes he was off to Earth Science lab and I was off for study hall when i saw Taylor G. She was my Ex from 6th grade we didn’t really “date” it was a more stupid children believing they’re mature but anyways their she was her bright figure with a tight ass much tighter than Tisha’s and a much prettier face than Tisha’s but my dick was already to go and I concentrated on stopping time, I went through the routine my brother told me to do. Slowly I concentrated on the scene above me closed my eyes and tried to picture the whole scene paused. SUCCESS!
Now it was time for a little fun I walked around deciding what I’d do first. I circled my frozen target then I decided what I’d do. I bent her over her jeans hugged her ass tightly so I figured why keep them on? So after I stripped her completly I got behind her rubbing my dick along the entrance of her pussy, making sure i was well lubricated. After I was well lubed I entered her pussy, it was so tight! I thought Tisha was tight but truly her pussy was cutting off circulation from my dick, as I pulled out the largest pop sounded as blood ran from her pussy. I quickly wiped it up and restarted my voyage into Taylor’s virginity. I mean whats more to explain her tight pussy was so freaking tight and pleasureable but it was very uninteresting with no reaction from her. I figured it won’t matter Tisha will be bouncing on my dick soon enough anyways. So i just decided to fuck her pussy and get rid of this bothersome erection. After 6 minutes I reached my climax, what a feeling. SHIT! The sudden realization of what I just did was nerve racking. That was until i saw almost all of it start to drip out from her bloody pussy then breathing a sigh of relief i scopped the rest out with my fingers and went to the bathroom to grab some paper towels. When I came out I saw my brother pumping away into her ass, I decided to wait back by the bathroom, I find it hard to have a threesome with another guy and even harder when that guy is my brother, so I decided to just wait until he was done. After he finished on her back I saw him pull up his pants and head back towards the gym. As I approached Taylor’s motionless body I got hard again, what a piece of ass to look at! With her pussy completly destroyed I decided to take her virginity in yet another way. As I slowly inserted my dick I heard my brother’s voice.
“There you are! we need to discuss something!” he yelled from the end of the hallway.
“What?” As I turned with Taylor still impacted on my dick
“This whole random stopping time shit stuff has to stop ok its not gonna be an eventful day if you stop time every 3 seconds you get horny.” As he took out his dick and stuffed it into Taylor’s mouth. God Damn the kid couldn’t let me just finish banging her.
“What do you suggest then?” I asked as i pumped my load into Taylor’s tight ass
“Well I think we meet here everytime we pause time to figure out what we’re doing and you’re only allowed 2 stops in time a day, got it?” As he came in Taylor’s mouth
“Yeah got it I’ll get in position you resume time when your ready.”
“Ok” As he left I began to clean up Taylor making sure she was clean before Paul started time again
I took my place where I had been before I had stopped time and awaited for my brother to resume time. When time resumed I opened the door to study hall and held it for Taylor as she walked by she flashed a smile. Apparently she hadn’t felt the deflowering she had just recieved. When I sat down at a table I saw my friends from last year waiving me to come over. I walked over there was Greg the star swimmer in the making, already 5’10 and more muscular than most seniors he had the right to be called that, also there was Wesley he was a small kid about 5’3 and extremley scrawny and also extremley nerdy, Bryce was the basketball stud of course he was the tallest in the grade at 6’0 and was decently strong, and then there was Pope he was about 5’11 and very large, he was the center for the Jv football team and with his size it wasn’t hard to find out why. As we talked the period away about what high school will bring Taylor came over to me and handed me a note”Call me at around 5:30


Anonymous readerReport

2015-04-21 16:29:00
hope to see more parts of this story

Anonymous readerReport

2014-10-01 03:50:08
part 3 part3 part 3

anonymous readerReport

2013-01-18 17:42:46
hot and if they can both stop time what is preventing them from being stopped along with it?

anonymous readerReport

2012-11-04 23:54:24
It would be better if when he stopped time it didnt stop for his brother cause then he could stay in time pause for as long as he wanted

anonymous readerReport

2012-11-04 22:31:35
I like it but a little more reality but other then that its good