no meat for you

A man decides he wants to purchase him some pussy. First he asks a woman on the street where he might go and she told him the building on the corner had the best pussy in town on the third floor. So when he got there he rung the bell. A beautiful voluptuous woman answers the door and say in a sexy voice “what would you like sugar pudding don’t get no sweeter than what I got”. The man replied ” I’ll like to make a purchase how much” and the lady replies ” hundred big ones daddy”. The man ” cries I only got twenty “. The lady took pity on him sending him to the second floor promising they are cheaper. The man goes down stairs and rings the bell. A pretty woman answer the door and says in cute voice ” whats your pleasure sir” and the man replies ” how much for a little pleasure”. The lady replies ” seventy- five and you can do as you please baby”. The man sadly states he only has twenty so she sends him to the first floor. The man gets to the door and notice there’s no bell so he knock on the door. A woman comes to the door looking like she had seen better days. “You have fifty dollars and I’m all yours” to this the man cries ” I only have twenty but if you pee in my hat its yours”. The woman did and the man left. In the alley he said to his dick ” drink soup mother fucker because the price of meat is to high”!!!

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anonymous readerReport

2012-10-26 03:18:13
weird and not funny I should sue you

anonymous readerReport

2012-04-17 18:56:58
That was not funny. NEGATIVE

anonymous readerReport

2012-03-16 05:25:43
at first i was all like l:< hardcore reading but then i made it to then end and was all like O_o double taken and then i lol’d x3

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-30 00:45:09
that a little weird but funny