Have Hands — Will Travel– My First Time At Sex

The Youngest Years

Have Hands—Will Travel — My Very First Time

Chapter 1 Author — Michael D.Miller

This story tells of my first sexual experience . If underage sex disturbs you..leave now.. If it happened to you also before your eighteenth birthday, you will understand.

It was the summer of 1962 and school was out . My parents both worked so a ‘baby sitter ‘ was retained by my Dad to watch over me while they worked from one in the afternoon till ten each weekday. We lived in western North Carolina at lake James. I could take a well worn path through the woods and be fishing in ten minutes.

I always had a passion for the lake and fishing. I was hitting puberty early– my voice already changing—my balls dropping and young cock expanding. I was always full of energy and Dad knew whoever they got to supervise while they worked would have their hands full.

If I was not in the treehouse my Dad and I built– I was at the lake fishing. Mom on the other hand thought I should take piano lessons.We had one and the 19 year old Dad hired would also teach me.

I had not yet become interested in girls. Her name was Le’Lu, a mix of Oriental and American descent. Her English was enhanced by a very sexy accent, although I didn’t know exactly what sexy was yet. She was on vacation also from college, where she was training to become a school teacher..She would live with us all summer and return in fall to study at college.

Le’Lu arrived just as I woke one morning.I could hear my parents laying down the rules. She was told she had complete run of the house and me. They gave her a list of activities she should follow.

I came into the kitchen and sat looking at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Long black hair in a ponytail that reached the top off her well defined ass. She was pale in comparison to me, high cheekbones and dark brown eyes.The eyes gave away her heritage-the brows and eyelids having a hint of upward lift in the outer corners. She was tall in my terms-a full head taller than I was. I was a shy young man, having no sisters.

My Mom introduced me to my new sitter as I ate bacon,eggs , and a pancake.

“Well Danny it seems we will be spending lots of time together. I get to teach you to play piano—you get to teach me to fish and climb trees.Your Dad told me about the treehouse.You are so lucky to have one.” Her sweet smile could melt butter..
I looked at her again , thinking if she wanted to fish and see my treehouse-she couldn’t be all that bad.

“But in return—you have to promise to learn some chords on the piano– to keep your Mom happy.” Le’Lu smiled, showing her perfect teeth.
“I’ll do my best..” was all I could say..
“Good—We’ll do the lesson after lunch. I have lots to unpack.”

Dad and I cut grass all morning while Mom helped with Le’Lu’s things..Our house was seven large rooms, and she let her have the guest room beside mine.
We came in for lunch and afterwards the parents began their ritual of preparing for work.

Le’Lu done dishes while I picked at the piano keys, waiting for my first lesson. It was warm at this hour of the day, and I had only shorts and sneakers on..
I rarely wore a shirt when around the house. She came by and said she would be back as soon as she changed. She stood behind me and bent over my neck to show me a new chord..

Doing this let my head rest inside the clevage of her firm breasts..I could smell her—smelled very nice.Her hands placed mine in proper position while the swells of those breasts tickled each ear..Playing the chord correctly earned me a kiss on the cheek ,and she was off to change.

I sat playing that stupid chord over till I knew I could find it with my eyes closed. What really bothered me was her intoxicating smell—and the effect it had on me.The short but sweet kiss, the softness of her lips..

I was trembling, and I didn’t know why. I felt funny ‘down there’ between my legs….warm and swelled.

Mom and Dad were leaving as Le’Lu came back out wearing a short yellow skirt and a very loose fitting sleeveless blouse. The parents reminded me to not disobey my ‘sitter’ and be in bed before they returned home. She wished them well and said that we would get along just fine.

She sat to my left on the hard bench and showed me two more chords, reaching to place my fingers in proper postion again, and looking through the top I was amazed to see her bare breast! It rubbed my arm at the elbow as her hands guided me along..Her smell was driving me crazy..

While she had me play the chords in unison, her warm open palm rest upon my bare upper thigh. She squeezed it as I done my chords three times without a mistake. Another hug and cheek kiss came as she said that was all for today and I could choose fishing or playing in the treehouse as my reward.

“You sure are a big boy for your age Danny. I bet you have tons of girlfriends..” She had made my face red with that statement.
“N-No—I don’t play with girls !” was my response.

That warm feeling was back, and I said I wanted to fish first, and the treehouse would have to wait. Dad was finished with the sawing and nailing the lumber to the sides and floor, but had left a mess to clean out before it was useable..

We packed a few items in the cooler. Took a blanket and radio for her – and fishing rods for me.We made our way down the trail and was in my own secret cove—away from the fishing and ski boats. Le’Lu spread her blanket on the warm sand and sat. Soon the radio was blasting.. I was baiting my hook to cast out.

“You need to turn that down!! Scares the fish off.” I turned to explain..

I was shocked to see her thin panties staring at me—about two arm lengths away. On her hands and knees tuning the radio. She couldn’t even hear me. Her short skirt had rode up high on that cute ass—her shapely thighs spread invitingly. The thin fabric did little too hide her dark curly pubic hairs as they crept out each side.

I stood rooted to the spot—unable to speak or move. My penis was swelling fast, and I had a good idea why now. My hand dropped to my shorts, rubbing my throbbing member..it pushed an unmistakable bulge outward in my thin shorts. She began to turn back around, and I spun and cast quickly..It was not fast enough however, and she sat with her legs slightly open and smiled again.

“Why you little devil! Were you looking up my skirt?” Le’Lu asked.
“I-I’m sorry– I didn’t see anything, I swear!”

My face turned beet red . I sat and tried to concentrate on fishing while she hummed to the music and rubbed lotion on her arms and legs.. I soon had four nice crappie on the stringer before having to rebait my hook. I cast again and got a coke from the cooler and offered her one.

“ I might have to tell your parents about you sneaking peaks up my skirt.” She had a different grin now, and spoke almost in a whisper.

“Please don’t– I said I was sorry! It won’t happen again!” I was scared now. My Dad had yet to give me the talk of the birds and bees. I was innocent I thought.

“Well—if you promise me you’ll do anything I ask—without fuss or questions, I’ll keep our dirty little secret.”
“Yes-I promise! Please, you don’t know how pissed Dad can get. Last trouble I was in at school, he wouldn’t let me fish for two whole weeks!”
A lifetime in my world then.
“Ok then –your first thing will be to rub my back and butt with this lotion.”

She slid her skirt down and then her panties. On her tummy she said that I should rub the lotion onto my hands—then on her back..I could save her butt for last. I was shaking nervously as my hands did what she asked, her moans were making me pant for each breath. My young penis had that bulge in the shorts straining the thin fabric.

“Now put more on your hands and use your open palms on each side down there.”
I slid down even with those pretty cheeks. I slowly made circles as Le’Lu asked, her butt rising to meet my palms.
“Mmmmm—That feels very good—press with your fingertips and thumbs Danny—they won’t break!”

Her slick white orbs tightened as my hands explored a woman’s body intimately for the first time in my life. Her moans grew louder and her thighs spread wide as my hands roamed her ass cheeks, the warmth in my loins heating me up also.

As my oiled fingers slid onto her –she asked that I oil inside her crease too. Her hands came around and spread her tight cheeks open to reveal the star—shaped muscle.. her voice shakily said-

“Ohh—Danny, you have an excellent touch. Please d-do it all round in my butt too!”
I wasn’t sure what she meant, but had the general idea. I slipped my middle finger onto her anus and she jerked as if shocked..Pushing slowly my fingertip slid into her hot ass. Her hips pushed up, trying to impale the digit deeper.

“All the way inside Danny, far as you can go.” I bottomed out as she screamed- “Y-YES!! Pump it-pump it faster!!”

I did not disappoint her as my finger speed increased to a blur..I felt her hand scratching it’s way up the inside of my thigh..I began to tremble and shake, knowing where the hand was going..Her delicate slim piano playing fingers found my ballsack.

Her perfect nails gave them the lightest of scratches over the whole area, making my 12 year old penis swell even more.I held my breath when her hand went to my shaft, wrapping it at the base and giving a respectable squeeze.

“Mmmmmm”—we both hummed in unison. “Danny , I have a 19 year old boyfriend at school. His cock isn’t as thick as yours!”

Cock? Had she said cock,as I was still virgin in my ears to the ways of the world. Le’Lu stroked my ‘cock’ from the wide base to the flared head, making the clear drops of pre-cum appear in the eye of the glands. She fumbled with my zipper and tugged my shorts well past my knees.

“Turn over here and lie on your back.” she ordered. Pulling the shorts completely off she threw a thigh over me and trapped my hard cock against her jet black pubic mound.

I thought at that time—well where is her cock at? I had never seen a girls privates before. I had assumed we were all the same. Her hand guided the head of me to a soft, wet opening hidden from view.

I was not prepared to accept the next feeling—a wet sticky warmth enveloped my cock as Le’Lu slid down my shaft – all the way to touch our pubes together. I felt her innner muscles grip me like a warm, wet hand and she rose– sliding up my gripped cock as she moaned how good it felt to have a cock in her pussy again..

‘Pussy’– another word to remember..I swore never to forget it.

She impaled herself again and again, while I just lay wondering how I had missed out on all these new feelings so long? My hips involuntarily started to hunch back at the new feeling—wanting more.

“Yes Danny—Fuck Mee!” Yet another word—fuck..

My vocabulary increased greatly before that day ended. Le’Lu’s ass cut little circles while I plowed her pussy from below. Her breaths were ragged and fast, and she pulled my hands to her open blouse and placed them on her swaying breasts. Still a little sticky from the lotion, she rubbed my hands against her mounds as she spoke.

“Feel them- squeeze—pinch my nipples Danny, Oh you feel so good inside me!”

As I obeyed, she reached for the lotion and squirted a line across her chest. I rubbed the stuff into my hands as she left little doubt what to do. When the nipples were pinched—she let out a high pitched scream—I just knew I had hurt her…

“Y-YES !–Yessss– I-I’mm -c-cummminnggg!” Her pussy gripped hard again and a warmth and wetness began to flood around my cock as she drove down hard, grinding her crotch to mine , going wild on me from above.
A tingle began behind my balls,coming from deep within my crotch. I had no control of this, and I was sure I had to pee.

The feeling built to a crest and I was over the top, spilling hot jets of my own cum deep in her gripping pussy..It felt as if someone had poured a pail of happiness on me –it tickled all over. Le’Lu leaned down, pushing a breast into my mouth to feed..

I was in heaven I thought. Nothing could ever feel better than this..I would find out later I was mistaken–
More new words followed in as many days.. Blowjob -titties– sweet spot- clit—ass fuck me—three words together………………………………Mmmm..My life was changed forever.