A Quiet Friday — His Story (Part 3)

I have to make good on my part of our deal — to masturbate while Susan watches.

Overview –

My wife’s younger sister, Susan, had come for the weekend. Susan always liked to flirt and tease me, but home alone together on Friday, flirtation had led us to agree to masturbate for each other. I convinced myself that this was innocent enough and that I was in no way being unfaithful to my wife, Barbara, since Susan and I agreed not to touch one another. But, one thing led to another, and in Part-2 you read about how I ended-up masturbating her to an intense orgasm.

In Part-3, I have to make good on my part of our deal.


Excerpt from the end of Part 2 –

… Experience had taught me just how long to keep my partners going and when to finally ease up. Susan never begged me to stop, but I eased up when I thought she had had enough. I kissed her lips again as I let her descend into the lovely post-coital haze that awaited her, but I kept my finger inside her. I sprinkled kisses on her sweat-covered face as she gradually caught her breath.

She whispered, “Oh, Wow. Oh, Wow. Amazing. Is it what ya do with Barb?”

“Uh-huh…whenever she wants it. Although, now there are some things she likes even better.”

She smiled slightly at my comment and repeated sleepily, “That was so good. No wonder she married you.”

She was beginning to drift off, so I gently withdrew my finger which was still inside her. She drew-up her legs, rolled onto her side, pulled up her knees and curled up into a fetal position. I wanted to crawl in bed beside her and take her from behind, just as I had done so many times with Barb. I managed to control myself.

Barb was wrong. Susan didn’t want to seduce me, she only wanted a nice orgasm. I stroked her hair while showering little kisses on her shoulder and the back of her neck. She was saying something, but I hushed her the way you might a little baby. As she settled down, I tucked the sheet and a light blanket around her, so she wouldn’t get cold. Swaddled in the covers, she was already drifting off.

“Sleep well my lovely little vixen. Sweet dreams.”


Part 3

> Getting Ready for the Day

For some moments I stood over Susan, watching her sleep. Then, familiar feelings in my lower abdomen made me realize that the morning coffee was doing its work on me, so I headed for the bathroom. On my way, I took one more deep hit of Susan’s scent from my fingers. It was glorious and brought back a fresh flood of memories of my first girl friend. Sitting on the toilet, I smelled my fingers, played with my penis and thought about relieving my sexual needs – maybe going back to bed to take care of things. But, once my bathroom business was done, I recalled that I had promised to let Susan watch me. So, I decided instead to make a fresh pot of coffee and reinstall myself on the front porch with the morning newspaper to wait and see what would happen next.

Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about the first time I put my finger in my high-school girlfriend, the other Susan — we were both so young. I remembered making-out on the couch. I was very excited and she was very wet. Before I knew it, my finger had slipped into her. After that, fingering her became part of our nightly make-out sessions. That first night, I discovered her scent on my finger. When I got home, I went to bed, smelled her scent, and quickly got myself off. With that inspiration, I came really hard…harder than I ever had before. Making a real mess with all that semen under the sheets.

At that age, I was pretty clueless, not knowing about hymens, or even thinking about her being a virgin. We only talked about it once. Months later she asked me one night if she was still a virgin. My fumbling response was that she was because we hadn’t had intercourse. I think we both knew I was evading her real question. Either I had deflowered her with my curious finger or someone else already had. We never spoke of it again.

Now, more than seven years later, I had instinctively put my finger to my nose and took a deep hit of Susan’s scent before quietly leaving the front bedroom and closing the door. It was so nice. The scent of each young woman is different and alluring in its own way — hard to explain if you haven’t experienced it. Perhaps it’s how a young woman ‘marks’ her partner and to make sure he comes back to her for more sex. I don’t know. But, I do know I have never forgotten my high-school sweetheart Susan’s, even to this day many years later.

>> She Awakens

About half an hour later, I heard Susan waking and getting up. There was a long delay during which I assumed she was in the bathroom cleaning herself up. Finally, she reappeared in bathrobe and slippers. She sat down not saying anything about what just happened.


She nodded, “Yeah.”

I went and got her a cup with a generous dollop of milk. The way she liked it.

As she took the coffee from me, she said, “That was wonderful, but I didn’t expect you to do that.”

I wasn’t sure if it was a confession or an accusation. So, I decided to apologize,

“I’m sorry. I promised not to look and not to touch. I broke both promises and I’m really sorry.”

“No. No. I didn’t mean it that way! It wasn’t your fault. I did it! I put the lube on your fingers, and we both knew exactly what I was asking you to do.” She paused, “You were so gentle and patient. I can’t believe the way you made me feel.”

I felt an erection beginning to grow again, “You had a nice orgasm. Did it feel as good as it sounded.”

“Are you kidding? It was good. It was wonderful.” I recognized a friendly sarcasm in her voice. She looked at me and smiled. When our eyes met, I knew everything was OK.

“That was the first time I let someone do that to me.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Then she looked away and sounded more serious,

“I don’t know why I felt so sleepy.”

“Susan, don’t apologize. I expected that. Haven’t you noticed, it usually happens after an orgasm? It’s supposed to — has evolutionary origins — keeps the females lying down after sex, so the sperm can do their work, getting them pregnant.”

Arrrgh. I realized how clinical I sounded. But it was hard to undo four years of training as a scientist. We sat and drank our coffee. It was just past 9:45 and the day was still young.

>> Susan’s Ready to Watch

I sipped my coffee looking out at the beautiful day, lost in thoughts of how it felt to have her holding onto me as she was coming. Then breaking my reverie she asked,


I looked up unsure of what she was asking.

“For what?”

“We had a deal, didn’t we?”

I hadn’t forgotten, but I didn’t think we would do it so soon. Now, it was my turn. I fumbled for words,

“Yes, of course.” But, I didn’t move.

“So…. Are you ready?”

The simpler and honest answer would have been, No. But, I put down my coffee and looked at her. I was having second thoughts, but there was no escaping the deal we had struck. It had been so easy to promise that she could watch me, when all I was thinking about was listening to her. Now, it seemed different and I felt nervous, embarrassed and excited, all at once.

“I guess. As ready as I’ll ever be.”

She stood and held out her hand. I took it in mine, got up, and she led me toward the door — I felt like a sheep being led to the slaughter — my heart was pounding. Once inside, she locked the door behind us, just as I had done the first time.

Then, she led me into the bedroom for my turn ‘on stage’ for her. I stood by the side of the bed, nervously moving the bottle of lube we had left there, and placing it on the bedside table.

“Remember. I get to watch — so, no sheet.”


I folded down the top sheet and sat on the edge of the bed. I was beginning to feel self-conscious and more than a little nervous.

Then I added, “I hope you know, I’ve never done this before, not even for your sister.”

“Making excuses already?” She pulled the rocking chair close to the bed and settled in to watch me.

She continued, “OK. I’m ready. You can get started.”

“Have you ever seen a guy masturbate?”

“No. That’s why I wanna watch you.”

“You know, it gets a little messy at the end.”

“Duhhhh. I figured that! You have some sperm to deliver, don’t you. That’s what I wanna see.”

“Well, the last thing we need is for Barbara to find semen stains when she launders your bed sheets. So, we need to get a towel.”

“OK. Where are they?”

“In the hall closet across from the bathroom.”

She was off to the linen closet and back in a flash with a large towel and a small hand towel. I got up and spread the big towel on the bed where I would soon be doing my business for her to watch.

She again got re-settled in the rocking chair — her feet tucked under — watching me intently. I was stalling and I’m sure she noticed. My nervousness was taking its toll. The whatever incipient erection I had had earlier, was now gone.

“Well, sweety. Don’t you think it’s time to get undressed and let me see you?”

I hesitated.


I lied, “No.”

Susan looked hard at me.

“Look. Why not be honest? It’s so much easier. Of course, you’re nervous. I understand. You don’t gotta do it if you don’t wanna. We can simply go back out onto the porch and forget the whole thing.”

“No. No, Sue. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“OK then. Think about it. You’ve already seen me naked. I let you watch me come. I let you make me come! I let you put your finger up inside me. I didn’t hold anything back. I let you see everything.”

“I know.”

“Didn’t you like watching me come?”

“Yeah. I did.”

“So, why be shy? Or nervous? You’re just gonna let me see what you’ve already seen. That seems fair enough.”

“Yeah. I know. But, …”

“And, in case you don’t realize it, I can see you don’t have an erection. Is that what’s making you embarrassed?”

I sheepishly admitted, “Yeah.”

“Well, now that we both know it, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Is there? C’mon stand up for me and lemme see you. I haven’t seen your penis yet and I wanna see it.”

I stood in front of her and gingerly slipped my tee-shirt over my head.

“Do you want me to help you get undressed?”

“Yeah. I’d like that.”

“That gonna get you excited?”

“Yeah. I think so.”

She slipped her fingers into the waistband of my PJs and slipped them down. The fell around my ankles and I kicked them off. She reached out and ran her fingers down the front of my briefs – then carefully lowered them until they too slid them down my legs. I stood there naked, facing her, only inches away.

“Susan, meet Mr Penis.”

She stared at my penis for what seemed a long time.

“Well, well. So, this is the little ‘sperm injector’ my mother warns me about all the time. It looks so harmless.”

“Surely, you’ve seen other guys. Haven’t you?”

“No. Never. Only little babies. Can I touch it?”

I nodded. “You two need to get to know one another.”

She reached out slowly. Her slender fingers gently touched the tip. Her touch was light and a shiver of excitement ran through me.

“Go ahead. He wants to get to know you, too.”

I felt her small cool fingers. She gently held me and examined me.

“Ummm. Your touch is very gentle. He likes that.”

She tentatively reached out her other hand and ran her finger tips across it.

“That’s it. Don’t be afraid. You’re not hurting him. Here, let me show you how to hold him.”

I guided her left hand under my penis. She gently lifted it while continuing to gently stroke it.

“It feels so soft. My girlfriend Kathy calls is the one-eyed snake.” Then touching my glans, “And, this is the fireman’s hat?”

“Uh-huh. It’s called the glans. It’s very sensitive, just like your clit.”

While still holding me, she touched my glans lightly with the finger tips of her other hand.

“I’ll be gentle. I promise.”

I started to feel my erection returning.

“How do I make him grow bigger?”

“Can’t you tell? You already are.”

She gently stroked the underside with one hand and traced the rim of my glans with the other. It didn’t take long before the effect was noticeable.

“Does it feel good?”


She kept going until I was standing in front of her, my penis engorged but not yet fully erect. I moved slightly closer to her – my penis now only inches from her lips.

“Mr P would like a kiss.”

She shook her head slightly and pulled away.

“Go ahead. Just a little kiss.”

She leaned forward and lightly kissed the end of my penis and then drew back. I brushed back her hair and placed my hand behind her neck.


I coaxed her forward. She yielded.

“And this time open your mouth?”

She began taking me, but the withdrew shaking her head, “No. Not that. I know what you want. I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

I felt bad. I had crossed a boundary she didn’t want. So, I sat down on the bed, gently brushed back her hair again and kissed her lips.

“It’s OK, Susan. I understand. I won’t ever ask you to do anything ya don’t wanna do. OK?”

She nodded and I kissed her again. I was glad that she wasn’t angry with me for my presumptuous behavior. So, hoping it would be forgotten I simply said,

“Ready to watch me?”

Then to my surprise, she said, “No. Wait. Lemme try again.”

This time she had me lay back on the bed, and she got down on her knees between my legs. This was the position Barb usually used when she wanted to give me some head as a special treat. I felt her take hold of me and was excitedly anticipating the first touch of her lips. Then, I felt her take my glans in her mouth, enclose it with her lips and slowly withdraw.

She asked, “Is that what ya wan’me to do?”

I told her it was, and then she asked if I was gonna come in her mouth.


Then, I promised her that I wouldn’t. I would let her know when to stop, so I could masturbate for her as we had agreed.

She told me to close my eyes and relax, then began – taking me ever deeper into her mouth. But Sue had lots to learn about giving head. I had forgotten that Barb had come to me with lots of experience and didn’t need any guidance from me. Susan on the other hand, had no experience and her attempt at fellatio was actually unpleasant – her teeth sometime touching my penis. I let her give me about a dozen strokes before stopping her.

“Sue, that feels so good. But, I think we better stop, now.”

She gently stroked my penis with her hand as she got up from her knees. She kissed my lips. She had done a good job of getting me fully erect.

“Now I see what was causing the lump in your pants when I came out to breakfast.”

She stepped back and just stared at my fully-erect penis.

“That what it’s like when ya put it inside my sister?”


“Want some lube?”

“No, Sue. I do it dry.”

“Then, I guess we’re ready to get started.”

“Uh-huh. But, I wanna do it. OK?”

She released her hold on me. I sat on the bed, then lay back and moved toward the center. She sat back down on the rocking chair.

–> Getting Started

I could see her watching me get settled as I centered myself on the towel. I closed my eyes again and tried to forget all about Susan being less than 3 feet away from me, watching my every move. I spread my legs apart, comfortably positioned my testicles and positioned my right hand to jerk off. She had gotten me hard as a rock. Then the familiar feeling as my fingers encircled my penis.

I started stroking myself, trying not to think about Susan watching me, but it was hard. She let me go for a while, but in spite of being excited, I wasn’t making much progress.

“Fantasizing about sex with my sister?”

“Uh-huh.” (This wasn’t true, but it was a safe response.)

“Ever think about anyone else?”



“Old girl-friends.”

“Anyone else?”




“Did ya do her this morning?”

I was surprised by her questions, but kept my eyes closed, “No.”

“Last night?”


“I know. I heard you.”

“You probably did. I was pretty excited and it was hard to be quiet.”

“Did you want me to hear you?”

I kept stroking. I was getting more aroused and my cock was getting harder.

“I don’t know.”

She paused. Perhaps not knowing what to say.

“I should stop my chattering, shouldn’t I?”

“Yeah. If ya wanna watch me come, I need to focus. I got a way to go.”

I was trying to fantasize about Linda, the girl who introduced me to sex and the only person who ever watched me masturbate the way Susan was doing right now. I tried to imagine Linda kissing me on the lips ever so lightly. I was saying her name softly.

I would get just so far and my mind would snap back to the present – thinking about Susan sitting there beside me. My favorite masturbation fantasy wasn’t working.

Susan finally said, “Does it usually take this long?”

I stopped. “No. I’m having trouble getting into it — ya know, with you watching me and all.”

She knew of course. She had experienced the same problems when it was her turn.

“Do you want me to turn away and just listen?”

I was embarrassed. I had promised and now I couldn’t deliver.

“No. I promised to let you watch — and I wanna keep my promise. Besides, I think ya really wanna see me come.”

“Yes, sweetheart. I do. I really wanna watch ya come. Anything I can do?”

“Well, OK. Do me a favor?”

“Sure. What?”

“When I come. Semen is going to shoot all over the place. Cover me with your hand? Not now. Just later, when I come.”

“OK. Just show me what to do.”

I motioned for her to sit on the bed beside me. Susan came and sat next to me on the edge of the bed. I could see her breasts as she leaned over me to whisper,

“Wanna use a condom?”

I didn’t want to waste a condom on a hand-job. Barb usually put out the condoms when we made love, and she might notice if one were missing from the box.

“No, sweetheart. Just hold your hand like this.”

I proceeded to show her how to hold her hand over me just touching my glans with her finger tips so that the palm of her hand would catch my ejaculation.

“I’ll tell ya when I’m gonna come. K?”

“OK, sweetheart. Anything else?”


“Then just close your eyes, relax and let your fantasy play out.”


I started stroking myself again. I felt her lean over me. She lightly kissed my lips and my face and whispering little words of encouragement and telling me to relax, again and again.


“Yes. Susan.”

“Do you trust me?”




“Good. Then just relax and let yourself go. I’m gonna take care of you.”

Soon, I was starting to drift into my masturbation fantasy. The light touch of Susan’s lips on mine were helping, but still felt self-conscious about letting her see me come.

–> I Surrender to Susan’s Scent

Susan was patient, but after a while she said very gently,

“Still havin’ trouble?”

I stopped and opened my eyes. “No. Well maybe. Just a little.”

“You said you trust me. So, be honest… havin’ trouble?”


“OK then. I’m gonna try something and I want ya to see what I’m gonna do.”

Susan got up, opened her robe and took off her panties. Her body was so close. I wanted to make love to her. I watched her use her panties to wipe the wetness from between her legs. Then she folded them carefully into a square slightly larger than the palm of her hand. She sat back down alongside me on the edge of the bed, holding her panties close enough to my face that I could easily smell her scent. She placed her left hand firmly on my forehead. I began breathing faster in anticipation.

“Barb ever done this?”


“Wan’me to?”

I nodded.


I nodded again.

As soon as I had given my assent, she gave me a quick kiss, then firmly held my forehead, so I couldn’t turn away as her right hand pressed her panties over my mouth and nose. She didn’t hesitate and wasn’t the least bit tentative. I was trembling with nervousness or excitement, I don’t know which. She looked down at me watching my reaction. I gazed up at her.

“C’mon now, take a deep breath for me.”

Her panties were damp with her wetness. I inhaled her scent, held it and then exhaled.


I took another deep breath. The trembling had stopped as her already-familiar scent filled my lungs. I was amazed at how I felt its effect surge through my body, as if I had been given an injection of a powerful drug. I slowly closed my eyes, letting her know that I was totally submitting.

I held it in, then exhaled, “Oh, Susan…”

She said firmly, “Again.”

I slowly started to masturbate again, as I drew another deep hit of her perfume. I felt my whole body respond again. I was relaxing, only then realizing how tense I had been. Another deep breath. And another. I kept breathing in her musky scent. The effect was overwhelming. My whole body felt a pleasant deep fatigue. I could already feel the effects of my stroking. It felt good. I was relaxed and thinking only about one thing. We both knew, I was on my way.

“Working, isn’t it.”

I nodded.

“Good. Now, let your fantasies take you wherever they want.”

–> Off to Fantasy Land

Susan’s panty trick was very effective. I couldn’t believe how it made me feel. My fantasy turned to Susan — my penis hard as a rock — nice long strokes – lost in a dream of being between her legs. I opened my eyes briefly to see her still looking down at me and smiling. When she saw me looking at her she asked,

“Drifting off to fantasy land?”


As my eyes closed again, I imagined that same smile, as she invited me to enter her. The tip of my unsheathed penis slipping into her waiting wet vagina. I felt the sensation of her bare vagina caressing me. She was tight and warm. My pace gradually increased.

Then I felt her taking her panties away from my face. It was good to breathe the cool unscented air. I felt very good. I wanted to come. I didn’t care what she saw.

“Still fantasizing about Barbara?”


“I didn’t think so.”

“Susan, it’s your scent. I can’t help it.”

“Want more?”

I nodded.

“Can I kiss you, first?”


I thought it odd for her to ask. But when her lips touched mine I understood. This kiss was different – soft and tender – a real kiss – a lover’s kiss. It was the kind of kisses that Barbara and I shared when we were making love. Now that she knew I was fantasizing about her, she was offering herself to me. And, I knew in the way that I kissed her, that I was giving myself to her. When our lips finally parted, she had finished seducing me, even though I didn’t realize it until much later.

“OK. Let’s give you a little more.”

And with that she once again held her panties firmly over my mouth and nose.

After those few breaths of fresh air, being reintroduced to her scent had nearly as strong an effect on me as it had had the first time. I felt it radiating through my body — reinforcing my fantasy of having sex with Susan.

“Oh, Susan. You have no idea how you’re making me feel…” I said through her panties.

I quivered with tension as my body was getting ready. The orgasm was getting closer with each stroke. My leg muscles were getting tense while at the same time I was allowing myself to let go. Then as I sensed my moment coming closer, I wanted this lovely feeling to last. My legs began to quiver with excitement.

Susan whispered in my ear, “Ummm. I think someone’s getting close.”


She took her panties away allowing me a few unscented breaths and using the moment to share another kiss, this one even longer that the last. When our lips finally parted, she said,

“Now, let’s take ya to the finish line.”

Then she put the panties back on my face, but didn’t hold them as tightly as she had before.

“…up inside me?”


I kept stroking and feeling my time of deliverance approaching.

“Susan. It’s time. Get ready.”

She took her hand away, but left her panties on my face.

–> On to the Finish Line

Soon, I felt the coolness of her finger tips touch the tip of my penis, just as I had asked her to do. Susan’s fingers were cool and wet — I felt them begin to slide down over my glans — so gentle, so loving, just the way Linda used to do it. A shiver ran through my body. She paused before starting to simulate the in and out motion I was already fantasizing. Her finger tips worked their magic on the rim of my fireman’s hat.


My stroking continued as I focused on the sensation of her touch and thought about being inside her. She must have sensed my growing tension.

“Feels good, doesn’t it.”


Everything became very quiet and dreamy as I was lost in the scent-induced fantasy ready to unload inside Susan. I could feel the semen beginning to fill the urethral bulb at the base of my penis.

“I’m close…”

The feeling of fullness built steadily. Just two or three seconds before the urge to ejaculate would become irresistible. I tried to hold back as long as I could, I tried to push my penis deep inside her.

“Susan. Oh God! I’m coming!”

Then the muscles surrounding my urethra involuntarily clenched hard and squeezed out a long stream of semen. I let out a loud grunt as my whole body stiffened and a good tablespoon of semen from my first ejaculation shot forcefully into Susan’s hand. Then a second, with only slightly less pace. And, a third. And finally, several more before my orgasm was over. I felt my semen dribbling down her hand onto my pubic hair. It all happened so quick. I was done — totally spent. My heart was pounding, and my chest was heaving as I tried to catch my breath.

When I recovered, I opened my eyes and dreamily watched Susan smelling the semen in her hand. All the sexual urgency I had felt just moments before was dissipated.

I asked, “How ya like my scent?”

She looked at me, “Love it.”

She must have felt self-conscious with me watching her. So, she wiped my semen off her hand with her panties.

“Shall I clean you up?”

I nodded. She refolded her panties to wipe the semen from my penis and pubic hair. Then, carefully refolded them again and held them to her nose.

“Now it’s my scent and your scent all mixed together.

She held it close for me to sample.

“Smells nice — doesn’t it. Like they belong together.”

I was feeling very tired.

“Ummmm. Nice.”

I rolled onto my side and drew up my legs. I felt her kiss my shoulder and then my cheek. She covered me and tucked me in. Just as I had done her. Not that long before.

“Sleepy-time.” were the last words I remember her saying.

She left her panties in front of me on the pillow to guide my dreams and for me to find when I awoke.