Dilemma 9 Background information

Negative Bitches – fuck you

It was time to return to work, and my first day back was interesting.

I received really, really warm welcome back hugs from Tracey and Mary, which I appreciated as did Mr penis, he erupted from a slumber at the smell of the girls natural pheromones.

I must admit, the thought of their erotic bodies brought a smile to my face.

Tracey left me a message later, that she had meetings for most of the day, and we might not catch up for coffee.

I spent most of the morning, reading up on what was happening on the ward, and meeting some of the clients.

When I spotted Mary, I thought …..
Oh god, I am a bad man, a woman’s husband has bashed me,and I still have the hots for her.

Mary was sitting with her back to me as I walk softly towards her, she is unaware I am behind her, and has head phones on, I look around and nobody is in sight, so I kiss her on the neck. Mary is startled and jumps, looking around, about to give out some abuse, then she sees me and laughs. Mary takes off the head phones, and takes my hand, leading me to the tiny photo copy room, closing the door, she throws her hands around my neck and gives me the hottest, passionate kiss with her full succulent lips. Well naturally I responded, and at the same time thrust my hand under her dress and massaged her mound – she moaned – then I slipped my fingers past her panties and found her wet cunt. Mary moaned again and kissed me more aggressively.

Mary pulled back, and said she missed me, especially Mr Penis, she said she thinks of him often, I didn’t let on what Tracey had told me, about when she is fucked by her husband.

Mary said she had to get back to work, she couldn’t afford to be sacked, she then glanced down at my pants, Mr Penis was pressing hard against my trousers. Fuck she said, Mary quickly opened the door, peeking outside, nobody being there, Mary quickly closed the door.

Well her hands opened my pants in a flash, and out popped Mr Penis into her awaiting mouth. Mary licked and sucked, with such vigor, that my balls were buzzing. Oh fucking yum. Mary grasped my balls and sucked and bobbed, an eruption was imminent. A shiver ran through my body, my back arched, I held her head, as I unloaded a full load of cum into the back of her throat, she held my shaft firm as she licked every drop. Mr Penis was very sensitive, my breath having been taken away.

Mary kissed me and departed quickly.

Our paths didn’t cross for the rest of the day, so I completed my tasks and headed home.

Upon returning home, I cleaned up the house, and prepared simple spaghetti bolonaise for the evening meal to share with Krystal. I showered and dressed in casual home clothes – sloppy/loose fitting. I awaited Krystal by reading a book, she was usually home by 6pm. To help relax, I opened a bottle of red and sipped while reading.

I had planned to talk openly with Krystal about our relationship, 6 p.m. came and no Krystal, no phone call, no text, I continued to read.

Oh by the way, the book I was reading was on Hypnosis, the second book on Hypnosis actually, I had already read one, the subject really interested me. Before I knew it , being engrossed in the book the time had rocketed to 7p.m. Now I was actually concerned for Krystal, as she is usually punctual, or at least lets me know she will be late. I called her mobile, it was off or out of range, and her work number rang off. So I rang her parents asking if she was there, their reply was no. I said nothing to worry about, and asked if they enjoyed Krystal’s visit last week, her dad said they have not seen her for at least a month. I said my mistake and hung up.

Mmmm, pissed off big time.

My mind ran wild, where was she , what was she doing – the skeptics will say, I am the fucker fooling around, let her fuck around as well. But I suspect she has been doing it for a long, long time, and I was ignorant of it.

In reflection in writing my story, I am sure I have pissed off many, many female readers, whom have given me negative ratings – due to me having outside interests – fucking Tracey and Mary. Well to those negative bitches – fuck you !

Fortunately some comments have been favorable, particularly from the male readers, and naturally I appreciate their comments and support.

Krystal and I have been together for 6 years, and we have had great times together, but in the last 12 months she has been less interested in sex, a little colder, I put it down to the pressures of work or women’s hormonal things. I suppose I either had my head up my bum, or did not want to believe that something was off or wrong. For 5 1/2 years I was faithful and caring, hell I think I still love her. I was always the one trying to instigate sex, which she would avoid or relent with the occasional blow job. We have had two fucks or love making sessions in the past two months, and if I wasn’t the aggressor, it would not have happened.

It is my fault I strayed, Mr Penis’s needed attention. I love affection, I love sex, I need both in my life. Hugs , kisses and fondles helps a relationship work – but only if both partners contribute. Krystal was not contributing.

I finally realized, I have a problem that needs sorting, sooner rather than later.

Krystal returned at 10 p.m. in a irritable mood, I finished my meal earlier and was reading in bed. I asked where she had been and why hadn’t she informed me that she would be late, as I had a meal prepared. Angrily Krystal said she went out for drinks with some girlfriends, and didn’t offer anymore information. I was informed to fuck off, as she headed for the shower. I decided I wasn’t ready for confrontation at this time, and needed to think things through – seeking advice from friends, I turned off the light and went to sleep.

My next few days at work were extremely busy, so my interactions with Tracey and Mary were the odd flirting and passing smiles. Mr Penis was penned up for the time being.

I had time to think about the situation. I wanted to know more, to confirm my suspicions. I had spoken to a close mate, he is a little on the devious side, he suggested I keep in control and keep things cordial with Krystal. Then use the hypnotism to get some information from Krystal, as she will likely play around with it, as she likes adventure and games.

I liked that idea, I could say it was part of my studies for work, and she has helped me in the past.

I also had a chance to speak with Tracey, and I told her what had happened, and that I suspected that Krystal was cheating on me for at least 12 months or more. Tracey replied, that she had a hunch, something was wrong for me to stray to her and Mary. Tracey jokingly commented, that if Krystal really goes so deeply into a hypnotized state, why not have her do some sexy erotic things, it would be fun and pay back.

I liked that idea as well, Mr Penis emerged from a slumber, gave it the nod of approval as well.

I informed both my friends , that I will practice hypnotism more intently, and when competent,I will then look at a plan of action.

Strangely enough, I was looking forward to the next few weeks.

Mr Penis wanted some more juicy cunt soon, whether it be Tracey, Mary or Krystal.

I wanted to hypnotize Krystal so badly now, but I had to get it right.

Thanks for reading, more to come.