My First Gay Anal

The Story Of How I Got Fucked In The Arse For The First Time

My First Gay Anal.
Although this story will stand alone I would recommend people reading this start by reading my previous 2 stories to better understand the characters and situation in this story.
As with my previous stories this is again heavily based in truth with only slight deviations made to names, places and to make it readable.

It was about a month, maybe six weeks after my threesome when Bryan again influenced my life, albeit not directly. I had just got home from a long day at work at wanted nothing more than to fall into my bed asleep. I made myself a sandwich figuring that I should really eat something and sat down at my computer planning to eat my sandwich while checking my emails thus saving time before I could fall into my bed.
Half the sandwich was gone by the time I finally loaded windows and access my inbox. I remember that I’d just picked up the second part of the sandwich when my eyes fell on the email I’d been dreading. The sandwich slipped from my fingers as my brain raced as I read the email title over and over again somehow praying that I’d read it wrong. That it couldn’t be true.
‘I know your secret CUM DUMP!’ My heart raced as I opened the email. ‘Bryan showed me your video and gave me your email address. He told me to tell you that if you didn’t do exactly as I say he’ll put that video on the internet like he promised.’ I couldn’t believe it. I’d started to believe that I’d never hear any more about that video but here it was biting me in the arse. Would this nightmare never end? Would I never be free of Bryan and the effect he’d had on my life?
‘My address is 146a Princess Road, I expect you to be here at 7.30pm. When you arrive knock 3 times then enter, the door will be unlocked. Once inside you are to strip naked, and get on your knees like the cum dump you are facing away from the internal door. If you are not there on time I will email Bryan and everyone will know what a cock sucking whore you are.’
‘OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD’ I started to hyperventilate. I was expected to just turn up at some strangers house, strip naked, and god knows what else. No warning, no time to think about it, no time to prepare myself.
But how could I not? Bryan still had the video my sexual assault although no doubt edited in such a way as to make me look like a willing, eager participant. If my friends or worse my family ever saw it they would surely ostracize me. I looked at the clock 7.15! I only had 15 minutes to get there. I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door. I’d decide what I was going to do on the way.
All the way on the journey to this strangers home my mind raced. Should I submit to what I was sure would be another sexual attack? Should I just turn back home? But if I did that my family would surely know what a cock sucking faggot I was. I was caught like a rat in a trap, although I suspect a rat would have had more fight.
I parked the car and started walking up the street. 142, 144, there was an alley then 148. What? Where the hell was it? I looked across the busy high street but I could clearly see that the houses on that side were all odd numbers. I backtracked to 144 which was an all-night newsagent. I looked up the alley and noticed a door about halfway up.
146a. This was it. Moment of destiny time. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes for a moment and lifted my clenched fist. TAP TAP TAP. I knocked the requisite three times with a shacking arm before opening the door and stepping toward my fate.
Inside was a small pitch dark vestibule area. I quickly stripped off my clothes and with nowhere to hang them I left them in the corner before dropping to my knees facing the door through which I had come.
I knelt there for what seemed like ages but in reality could not have been more than a minute or two before I heard the door behind me open. I was too scared to turn around as I felt someone enter the small space with me. Without warning I felt something cold and tight around my neck and heard a quiet ‘clip’ that to my ears sounded like a gunshot. I instantly realised I was wearing a dog collar.
‘since, for tonight at least, you are my bitch I think it only fitting that you should wear a collar like one’ I heard a male voice announce. ‘Here are the rules; you will do exactly what I say immediately after I’ve given the order. Any hesitation on your part will be met by extreme punishment. You are not to speak unless told to do so or unless you are asked a question. Do you understand?’
‘Yes Sir’ I replied instinctively knowing what was expected of me. Obviously Bryans training has stuck. The owner of the voice gently pulled my arms behind my back and used a thick leather strap to tie my wrists together.
‘Good then we will proceed. You are a worthless cocksucking faggot slut, what are you?’
‘I’m a worthless cock sucking faggot slut sir.’ I replied trying not to start crying at my humiliation. He attached another leather strap around my balls that were hanging down low between my legs. He then slid a leash through a ring on the collar around my neck and clipped it to a ring in the leather strap around my balls. Instantly I knew he had full control over me. Any time he wanted he could pull the leash which would it turn pull my nuts painfully upward.
‘This I know since I’ve seen the video’ I blushed in embarrassment, obviously this man I’d never seen before in my life had watched me get skull fucked and drenched in another mans’ sperm. ‘Tonight your body belongs to me, to do with as I will, your body is mine to use for my pleasure. Do you understand faggot?’
‘Yes sir I understand, you will use my body for your pleasure’
‘While in this house your name is cumguzzlingslut. Your soul purpose is to give your body to me for me to fuck. What is your name?’
‘Cumguzzlingslut sir’
‘And why are you here?’ He asked. I choked on the answer.
‘To g….give you m…my body to fuck sir’
‘Good, now come with me.’ He pulled gently on the leash until I was on my feet and led me into the main house. As we walked down a hall I was shocked and appalled when an attractive girl about my own age stepped into the hall pulling on her coat.
‘And who have we here?’ She asked looking at me, naked with only a collar, wrist and ball cuffs and being led around on a leash. I was mortified that a pretty girl should see me like this.
‘Answer her faggot!’ My master for the evening demanded pulling hard on the leash. Pain shot through my balls as they were roughly jerked upward by the leash.
‘I’m a cumguzzlingslut.’ God this was so humiliating and degrading, and they were both enjoying my embarrassment.
‘Well that’s an accurate name at least. And why are you here do you think?’ She responded with a smile. Of course she knew why I was here but she seemed to be revealing in my humiliation.
‘I’m here to give my body to my master for him to fuck for his pleasure’ I replied all the while trying to not cry.
‘I see. Well enjoy you time performing arsehole duties faggot.’ She said off handedly. ‘I’ll see you later honey’ she said giving him a kiss before disappearing the way we had come. For the first time I looked at my master for the evening.
He was about twenty or so years older than me and had dark hair with a touch of grey at the temples. About 6 feet tall he was well built with what was obviously a hairy chest peeking out of the v neck t shirt he wore.
He led me into what was obviously a living room before telling me to kneel down in the corner. I knelt in corner as instructed as he left the room. I remember thinking to myself that these people obviously just saw me as piece of meat to pass around. Something sub-human to fuck and use for their pleasure as they see fit. Obviously there was something wrong with me, something submissive that allowed myself to get into these situations. Maybe they were right, I was nothing more than a cock sucking faggot.
He came back into the room and told me to cup my hands. I did as he asked even though they were still securely bound behind my back. I felt something wet and slippery poured into them. ‘Work that into your fuck hole cunt’ He said brutally.
I instantly obeyed all the while thinking ‘oh god he’s going to fuck me in my arse. He’s going to rape me!’ Still I slipped one finger up my arse, lubbing it up for my violation.
‘Use two fingers whore’ he said. I quickly inserted another finger opening up my sphincter as I forced it in to the second knuckle. ‘That’s it you faggot. Now use those fingers to fuck yourself you useless slut pig’ I started fucking myself with my fingers. In and out they slid and I was horrified to realise that my cock was getting hard. Could it be true? Was I really a faggot whore?
‘Now three. Stretch out that cunt of yours slut’ I pushed in a third finger slowly. It hurt as I stretched out my sphincter, forcing three fingers up my arse. Slowly it went in thou until a moment or two later there I was kneeling on this strangers living room floor fucking three fingers in and out of my burning anus.
‘Yeah, are you free tomorrow night? About 8pm? Ok I’ll see you tomorrow’ I realised he was on his mobile phone. He was I naked, kneeling on his floor, fucking myself at his order, and he was on the phone! Somehow I found this incredibly degrading and demeaning. Still I continued to fuck myself in front of him, proving what a nasty little faggot slut I was.
Finally I heard him hang up and a moment later I felt him put something soft and bulbous in my hand. ‘Shove that up your arse slut’ he said as he came around to stand in front of me. I realised it was a butt plug and I slowly started to force it in my tight slippery anus. In front of me he unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly and let his trousers fall to the floor.
He wasn’t wearing underwear and I was greeted with the sight of his huge limp dick.
It was by far the biggest and thickest I’d ever seen and it wasn’t even erect yet. I was scared, did he intend fucking me with this monster? Surely it wouldn’t fit and would tear me apart if he tried. Below it his balls huge low and heavy, wrinkled and hairy. ‘What are you?’
‘I’m a cum guzzling slut sir’ I replied obediently, my eyes never leaving his huge cock. I licked my lips nervously.
‘Prove it slut. Suck my cock.’ I leant forward at with the tip of my tongue licked it slowly from bulbous uncut head to root and back down before taking the head into my mouth. I sucked hard sliding my lips up and down the shaft each time forcing myself to take a little more. I could feel it butting against the back of my throat as it rapidly grew harder and longer. He grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth off his cock for a moment. Forcing me to look up at him he spat directly into my mouth before forcing it back onto his cock. Slowly he started fucking my face, gently at first but before long he was face fucking me hard. Slamming his enormous manhood deep into my throat.
There I was kneeling on a strangers’ living room floor, a butt plug by now buried deeply in my arse, and his cock firmly fucking my throat. His thrusts quickened and I felt him spasm. He groaned as his orgasm overtook him and I felt the first few jets hit the back of my throat. Instinctively I swallowed before he pulled out and shot blast after blast of his jizz in my face and hair. He lent against the wall for a moment to catch his breath before leaving me there covered in his semen.
A moment later he was back. He removed the leach from the ring in my ball strap and untied my hands. ‘Stand up’ he instructed. I stood up and turned to face him. ‘Put these on.’ He threw my jeans at me and I quickly put them on, butt plug still in my arse, and zipped up my fly careful not to trap my hard cock. ‘Here’s £5. Go to the newsagent and I want you to come back with 20 Marlborough, do not remove the collar, do not remove the butt plug, and you had better still have my spunk on your face when you get back here’
I was appalled. He was sending me out in public. To interact with the public no less covered in his cum with a collar that you would have to be blind to miss and butt plug in my arse. Oh god this was so humiliating. Slowly, head down I left the house and made my way back down the alley. All my senses seemed focused on the feeling of my masters now rapidly cooling sperm as it sat on my face like some obscene marker telling the world what a useless faggot cum guzzling slut I was.
At the end of the alley I was relieved to see that the high street was empty and I quickly rushed into the newsagent.
Going up to the counter I kept my head down, unable to bear the shame of seeing the disgust in the eyes of whom ever was on the counter. ’20 Marlborough please’ I asked with a small voice.
‘That’ll be £6.’ Came the reply as I saw the cigarettes land on the counter. I looked up in shock.
‘I only have £5!’ I exclaim pleading with the sales clerk with my eyes. He was an elderly man, probably the owner of the business, and was easily into his sixties. He had obviously not looked after himself as he was fat boarding on the obese with missing teeth and he stunk.
‘Pity, I guess there’s no fags for you then faggot.’ He said as he reached for the cigarettes on the counter.
‘No wait…’ he paused looking at me. ‘Erm…’ oh god what was I meant to do? I realised then that my master, the man whose sperm I had running down my face as I bought his cigarettes, must have planned this. ‘Is there…’ oh god I couldn’t believe I was doing this. ‘Is there nothing I can do for you?’
The shop keeper leered at me. I was going to give a BJ to a foul old man for want a pound. I was going to prostitute myself for a packet of cigarettes for someone else!
‘Give me the Fiver and get your pussy arse round here faggot.’ I put the five pound note on the table and walked around the end of the counter. By the time I reached him he had already dropped his trouser and pants and was sat back on his stool. ‘Suck it whore’ he said. I immediately dropped to my knees and took his shrivelled penis into my mouth.
Trying desperately to block out the foul, musky, stale sweat smell of his pubic area and trying to ignore the bloated fat whale carcass of a stomach I started bobbing my head up and down on his cock. Again sucking as hard as I could to bring him off quickly. As his cock grew in my mouth I realised it tasted of magma and obviously hadn’t been cleaned for a while. I gagged and almost threw up but continued sucking for all I was worth. He started to groan and his breathing increased.
Suddenly I heard another voice. ‘Just those please. Oh and an oz. of amber leaf’ There was someone else in the shop! I closed my eyes against the shame. They must be aware of what was going on, if it was someone I knew I didn’t want to know about it. Hell if I didn’t know who it was I didn’t want to see them. They must be disgusted. I was so ashamed. Caught with an old geezers cock in my mouth prostituting myself for fags! I was disgusting, a pathetic cock sucking, cum guzzling, slut!
‘OHHHH YESSSSSSSS!’ I heard the old man groan as he emptied his balls into my mouth. Blast after blast of acrid foul tasting sperm hit the back of my throat and I swallowed it all, not letting a drop pass my lips. When he finished I licked him clean before finally looking up. ‘Here you go slut now fuck off’ he said before turning to the other customer. Ashamed and humiliated beyond belief I picked up the cigarettes and head down walked out the shop past the other customer who had watched me drink the cum of the shop keeper and could clearly see from the cum on my face that it wasn’t the first load I’m ingested that night.
Once outside I ducked quickly into the alley before anyone else could see the state of this disgusting faggot whore. That was what I now was. A disgusting cock sucking whore. As I hurried up the alley my stomach lurched, heaved and I threw up. Emptying my stomach of two, well one and half, loads of sperm and half a sandwich. After catching my breath and making sure I wasn’t going to be sick again I once again knocked on the door of my master’s house and entered.
‘You took your time slut. I see you got the fags, £5 was enough was it?’ He smirked knowing full well it wasn’t but obviously he wanted to make me squirm.
‘No sir’
‘Oh? Then how did you pay? I know it’s all you took with you. I hope you didn’t steal them, Pete is a friend of mine’
‘No sir, I didn’t steal them sir’ I replied looking at my feet.
‘Then how did you pay for them slut?’
‘I give him a blow job sir. I sucked his cock and swallowed his sperm for a £1’
‘Ha! So you really are a slutty whore. A worthless cum guzzling slut.’
‘Y…..yes sir.’ I sobbed as tears started pouring down my face.
‘Get over here slut and put your hands behind you.’ I obeyed and again he used the thick leather buckled restraints to secure my hands behind my back. He led me to the middle of the living room where he had positioned a wooden stool. He pushed me over it and pulled down my jeans.
‘Still got your butt plug in I see slut. Good you should be nice and loose by now.’ And with no further warning he ripped the butt plug out of my arse. I winced as the thick bulbous shaft roughly opened my anal ring before it was gone. I could feel my sphincter spasming, trying to close but by now so stretched out I was left with a huge gaping rectum.
Before I could get used to the feeling of emptiness thou I felt my master whose name I still did not know behind me. The warm head of his penis between the cheeks of my arse. My sphincter tried to close to keep him out but it was too stretched out after being wrapped around a butt plug for over an hour.
I felt the huge bulbous, thick, head force its way past my stretched out rectum as it slid into me. Violating my gut. I let out a groan as it filled me and I knew that there was far more to come. Suddenly he thrust his hips forward driving deep into my bowels. I screamed in pain and shock.
‘That’s it slut, scream for daddy.’ He grabbed my tied wrists and pulled me back towards him while simultaneously driving forward with his hips, pounding my arse, raping me, making me his.
‘You are my bitch now slut. Your body belongs to me. Can you feel that? Can you feel my cock in your gut?’ He asked as he continued to brutally plough my arse.
‘Yes sir’ I gasped.
‘Yes sir what?’ He demanded slapping my arse.
‘Yes sir I can feel your cock in me. I can feel you deep in my bowels.’
‘You like that slut? You like me fucking your pussy boy’s cunt?’
‘Yes sir. I like you fucking me’ my own cock was painfully hard. I was actually turned on by my own violation. My balls ached with the need to come despite still being stretched out by the leather strap tied around them. ‘Yes please fuck me harder sir. Please rape my fucking arse hard. I want you to breed my arse sir’ I cried out as harder and harder he fucked me. His huge cock now thrusting all the way in and out of my wrecked arsehole.
He was pulling out until just the tip was in my arse then pulling me back and thrusting forward until he was buried to the hilt in my arse. With every thrust I could feel his balls slapping against my own. ‘You’re a fucking cum bitch whore, what are you?’ he called out.
‘I’m a cum bitch whore. I’m your bitch whore. Fuck me sir. Take my arse. Use me as your’ cum dump. Rape my arse and breed me’ I called out again egging him on.
Suddenly I felt him tense up, drive himself deep into my bowels and then I felt him spasm. In my gut I could feel blast after blast of him semen coating my insides. I knew then that I really was his bitch whore. His to use as he saw fit. A cum guzzling, cock sucking, bitch whore slut for him to use as a receptacle for his sperm.
After a few moments he managed to get his breath back and pulled his by now rapidly deflating cock out of my arse. He came round in front of me and thrust his cock into my face. I instinctively opened my mouth and started using my mouth and tongue to clean his cock of the sperm and shit that was on it from my arse. I could feel his seed seeping out of my arse and running down my leg.
Finally he pulled out of my mouth and disappeared for a moment before returning with my cloths. After releasing my hands, balls and removing the collar from my neck he gave me my jeans, jacket and t shirt. Put these on and fuck off.
I quickly got dressed, my cock leaking pre cum now that my balls had been released. By the time I had got them fastened and my t shirt on my jeans already had two wet patches, one at the front from my pre cum, one at the rear where his copious amounts of sperm were slowly leaking from my well used arse. Putting on my jacket I was just walking to the door when I heard him call after me.
‘Be sure to check your emails tomorrow slut.’
‘Yes sir’ I replied and with that I turned and left. I passed several people on my way back to my car, all of whom pointed and laughed at the wet patches in my jeans. Some called me a faggot or a whore. One asked loudly if I liked being a bitch boy. I was ashamed, degraded, humiliated, used and abused and embarrassed… but suddenly I didn’t mind. I was hard, leaking pre cum, my master’s sperm seeping from my bowels. I enjoyed being a cum guzzling bitch boy slut whore.

As always all feedback gratefully received. Positive or Negative I don’t mind but please make it constructive, i.e. WHAT you liked or didn’t like about it.