
Smiling sweetly
her green eyes glitter
with a mischief
that she keeps
hidden within
hips swaying gently
as she walks to the dark wood
calling with her heart
wondering where
He has gone
she hears a wisper
carried by the wind
Here, Here
Here I am
with Love shining
brightly in her heart
she moves forward
into the forbidden woods
where she was told never to go
softly giggling to herself
she looks only forward
never looking back
walking into her lovers embrace
sighing happily lets Him
take her away
she looks back just once
smiling to herself
she realizes that she will Never go back
into the night she goes
with a love that
she never thought she would

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Anonymous readerReport

2014-10-03 08:46:16
Maybe you should agree with to make available Buddy Press plugin on their servers so that people wont pay for hosting could have a Buddy Press social network like they have had till now on Ning.It’s a possible way?thanks in advance for your reply

anonymous readerReport

2012-11-22 10:25:16
How long in a relationship do you go with out hanivg sex?*no more than a wkIs sex that important in a relationship?*absolutely importantWhat if you were hanivg sex with your partner before you became a couple, but after the sex stop, how would you feel?*very hurt to start Do you feel if your partner isn92t hanivg sex with you, they are hanivg sex with someone else?*depends.What does it mean if you partner says no sex because 93we are there yet94?Do you feel lonely in your relationship without sex?*hell yes!What if there is NO intimacy at all, what should you do?*ask why, can it be fixed, if not them leaveIs the problem caused by your partner talking only bout SEX. Everything revolves around SEX?*hey it’s important, so why not talk about it?Could it be because you & / Or your partner don92t feel good about their body?*yesIs it because sex between you and your partner is WACK?*maybe but that would be found out in the first few sessions wouldn’t it?Could it be your sexual education is way

Anonymous readerReport

2009-04-17 23:19:41
very nice

Lil DemonReport

2009-04-12 05:53:08
smiles, thank you both

Anonymous readerReport

2009-04-12 00:58:54
Very romantic – we need some more.
– Piquet