The Dream_(3)

The Dream
I woke up this morning,
From an amazing dream,
Of you and I having a picnic,
By a tree overlooking a crystal clear stream.
We fed each other fruit & cheese,
And drank bubbly champagne,
We felt so giddy, light headed, & amazing, we were so glad we came.
The air was warm,
The sun drenched our skin,
You looked so cute on that blanket,
With your hand supporting your chin.
As I stared at you in the sun’s glow,
I could see your natural beauty,
My mind raced with all kinds of thoughts,
how lucky I was To be with such a cutie.
As we laughed & we talked,
I thought about an opportunity I didn’t want to miss,
To keep this moment going,
And end our picnic with a passionate kiss.

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2014-02-17 08:05:06

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2014-02-17 08:05:05

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2014-02-17 08:05:01

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2014-02-17 08:05:01

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2014-02-17 08:05:00