Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Eroticism – Ch 1

Harry Potter accidentaly receives a mysterious book, one in whick he takes great interest

Note: This is a sequel to Harry Potter and the Spellbook of
Desires. I have no affiliation with the prequel and claim no
rights to it

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Eroticism
Chapter 1 – Privet Drive

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or
characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any
affiliation with its author

As the hottest day of the year so far was reaching its peak,
Harry Potter was not outside, enjoying the warmth and the
sunlight. He was in his room, sipping on a can of coke he
had managed to steal from the Dursley’s fridge. It was a
nice way to cool down, and he savored every sip.

The summers were normally an awful time for Harry, but this
one had been particularly bad so far. Dudley, having been
transformed by his diet and his new-found boxing talent, was
now big enough to pose a serious threat to Harry. He had
therefore been forced to avoid him at all costs, meaning he
had spent most of his summer outside in the neighborhood.
He would sit on benches and read newspapers, and sometimes
go and get a bite to eat. Money was no limit to him, for
although he couldn’t duplicate his wizarding money, his
muggle money had no such charms protecting it. He had
learned the Gemino spell in a book that Easter, and wondered
how he had ever lived without it. It was handy, to be as
rich as he wanted, even in this world that he so hated and
despised. He had sat down on the last day of term, where he
could still do magic, and duplicated all his muggle savings
several times. But as he sat in his bedroom, finishing the
can of coke, this did little to improve his mood.

He had had no news of Voldemort, and though he presumed no
news was good news, he had been hoping for some small
contact with the wizarding world, even if it was through the
muggle news channels. He had tried watching the news in the
living room, but the Dursleys had shoed him away, with the
excuse that he had no need to find out about the muggle
world. It had nothing to do with ‘his lot’. He had therefore
resorted to skulking in the hall or outside the window to
catch the reports. And still he had heard nothing.

As these gloomy thoughts invaded Harry’s head he saw, to his
astonishment, an owl soaring through the air towards number
four. It wasn’t one that had ever delivered to him before,
it was a handsome, large, jet black owl with a package in
it’s claws. It landed on his windowsill, dropped off the
package, and took off again in a flurry of black feathers.

Harry stared, stunned, at the parcel now lying in front of
him as he sat there. It was wrapped in brown paper and in
a scrawl on the surface had been written the following words

It read: ‘Dear John – I thought this might be useful to you
in your work at the department. It’s just what you said you
were looking for – Hope you are well – Barry’

Now understanding that this was not for him, and the Owl had
clearly been confused, he considered sending Hedwig to go
call back the Black owl. But she was asleep in her cage, and
he was reluctant to wake her. He therefore decided that he
would discover what was in the package, and if he didn’t
need it, he’d send it to the ministry, for he had no doubt
that the ‘department’ Barry mentioned, was a ministry dept.

He picked up the parcel and carefully unfolded the brown
paper, it fell away to reveal a blue, leather bound book. It
was small enough to fit in a pocket, but thick, and housed
what he guessed were a few hundred small pages. He flicked
open the first page, and written in the centre in blue ink
were the words:

Spellbook of Eroticism

Harry stared at the title for a few moments. He knew what
Eroticism meant, and he began to see in his minds eye an
inkling of what lay before him. Anticipating what he would
find, he opened up the second page, and a chapter heading
lay before him:

Chapter 1 – Section 1 – Spellwork

He read down the long list of spells, each one contained
a short description and many had a few diagrams next to
them. He read the first description with a grin growing on
his face. It read:

The Hornikolus Charm – A very simple spell almost guaranteed
to give results. Upon casting, the target will feel a strong
but subtle attraction to the caster, causing them to desire
some level of sexual contact with them. Certain external
factors may affect the level of attraction. The effects of
the spell last for between 1 to 2 hours, and they will end
either if the allotted time runs out or the caster receives
full satisfaction.
Warning! – The target will remember the contact entirely
Warning! – As with all spells in the volume, the casting is
undetectable by the wizarding trace but highly
illegal to perform
Warning! – After each casting, the target’s permanent
disposition to the caster will increase

Harry re-read the description, hardly daring to believe it.
He expected Barry or John to summon the book at any moment,
and for it to be whisked away from his shaking hands. It was
so perfect, a book giving the owner an arsenal of techniques
to lure his or her wildest dreams into reality. And it had
been sent to him, completely by accident, with no way of
tracing the wrongly sent package. He would have laughed out
loud for joy if he hadn’t known that the Dursleys were out
having tea in the Garden. The arrival of the miraculous book
had finally given him something to be happy about, and he
immediately began to wonder when the first opportunity to use
the books skills would arise. His thoughts immediately jumped
to Hermione, but she was far away, out of his reach, and he
couldn’t wait that long.

He looked out of the window and down into the street. Two
streets down, on the corner, was an old play park full of
half broken swings and roundabouts. It was where the youths
of Little Whinging would go to hang out, and Harry had gone
there a couple of times. Most of the teenagers there knew
Harry from the school days before he turned eleven, and he
had a hard time getting on with some of them. However, a few
of the muggle girls from his neighborhood that sometimes
turned up there, he had looked upon with longing. With some
help from the book that lay before him, he could have a bit
of fun with one of them that very afternoon.

He read the description of the Hornikolus Charm a couple
more times, and memorized the diagrams showing the necessary
wand work. He then pulled on his shoes and tucked his wand
in his waistband. He shoved the book safely in his pillow
before standing and walking down the stairs into the hall.
He braced himself before stepping outside into the view of
the Dursley’s, but luckily for harry they were on the other
side of the little garden with their backs to him, sipping
their tea quietly.

Harry walked down the path and onto the pavement, where he
strode down the street in anticipation of his upcoming
challenge. It would be difficult to cast a spell without
any muggle seeing, but he was confident with his ability.
As he rounded the corner of Privet Drive he saw the park, and
to his relief a few figures were sat on the disused swings,
passing round a cigarette. Harry, coming from a different
world than them, didn’t smoke. He approached the group
nervously, hoping that Dudley and his gang weren’t amongst
them. He was in luck, it was the group from Mangolia
crescent, not Privet Drive, that sat on the swings. A few
of them that knew Harry greeted him, and a few nodded
nervously in his direction. Harry was sure he was known in
the neighborhood as the boy from St.Brutus’s detention
centre for incurably criminal boys. Though this was helpful
in getting people to leave him alone, it wasn’t very useful
for making friends.

He sat down on the swings and when they offered the
cigarette to him he refused as usual. It was disgusting,
and he didn’t understand why muggles opted to do it. He could
have cast a shield charm on his throat to prevent the
negative effects of the smoke, but he would be expelled.
As they sat and talked among themselves, Harry picked his
target. Of the seven other people in the park, three were
girls. The first was a rather podgy, short girl from number
twelve. His eyes skated over her instantly, and landed on
the second girl. She was scarily tall, and a bit too bulky
for Harry’s liking.

The third girl, however, was gorgeous. Laura Stanford, from
number nineteen, sported long flowing brown hair and an
impressive rack. Her tight jean shorts accentuated her long
longs and her purt, round ass. An added bonus was that she
evidently didn’t smoke, as she had refused several times
whilst he’d been sat there. She would be his conquest, if
he could pull it off. The only tricky part was casting the
charm without any notice from the other muggles, and as they
all sat together on the swings that was impossible. He bided
his time, waiting for some of them to leave. After a couple
more cigarettes most of them left, leaving Laura and another
guy. He was trying his luck with her, but she had shut him
down almost instantly, making it fairly clear she wasn’t
interested by folding her legs and crossing her arms. Harry
was slightly behind the two of them, and he knew it was now
or never. He lifted his wand from his waist and pointed it
at her back, whispering ‘Hornikolus’, and performing the
movements accordingly. The spell was invisible, and he
wasn’t immediately sure it had worked, but he noticed a
change in Laura’s demenour as she began to turn to him. He
stuffed his wand in his pocket quickly before she saw it,
and smiled at her as she stared at him with what could only
be described as longing in her eyes.

‘Hello?’ asked the boy, ‘I’m still here, you know.’

Laura turned back to him and muttered ‘shut up, Matt.’ She
turned back to Harry and gave him a quick wink.

Harry could already feel a bulge growing in his pants, and
he nodded his head towards the large clump of bushes on the
right of the playground.

‘Why don’t you run along, Matt’ she commanded, not taking
her eyes off of Harry. To his relief, Matt stood and left
the park looking gloomy. As he wandered off down the road,
Harry and Laura stood in unison and walked slowly into the
clump of bushes. A clearing in the centre provided adequate
cover, and they stopped there, Laura backing up against a
tree trunk, with one leg raised.

‘I always really liked you, Harry’ she said in a sexy,
sultry voice.

‘Oh really?’ answered Harry, taking a step towards her,
‘The guy from St.Brutus’s?’

Laura looked at the floor and nodded, ‘I like bad boys’
she murmured, looking back at him with a gleam in her
eyes. He could see her already erect nipples through her
tight t-shirt, and knew she was gagging for it. He took
another step towards her, and know she was within his
grasp. She leant forward and they began to make out, her
pushed up against the tree and Harry groping every inch of
her body he could reach. He paused to pull off her t-shirt,
stared at the cute teen tits below. She was wearing a frilly
black bra that was a couple of sizes to small, showing off
her curves. She stuffed a hand down his trousers and felt
his rapidly growing cock. Harry suppressed a grunt of pure
pleasure as he began to receive his first handjob.

He could tell she had done it before as she worked his
shaft back and forth, moaning in pleasure as Harry reached
down her jean shorts and felt her tight pussy. He stuck a
finger in and moved it back and forth, in unison with her
own strokes of his cock. They both gave hand for a few
minutes, until Harry was desperate for more. He pulled his
hand out of her shorts, and looked her in the eyes.

‘Are you gonna suck it, or what?’ he asked her bluntly.

She flashed him a cheeky grin, ‘I was just considering
it’ she replied.

She let go of his cock and knelt down onto the grass. She
proceeded to unzip his jeans and pull down his pants and
boxers, revealing his now fully hard six inches. Almost
tentatively, she reached out and licked the tip. Harry
grunted in pleasure as she then began moving her lips back
and forth over his rod. He couldn’t help but take the back
of her head in his hands and give her a little help. For
the next few minutes she worked more and more of his cock
into her little mouth, until eventually she was deep-
throating five inches of it like a pro. He let out a deep
sigh of satisfaction and closed his eyes, letting her do
all the work.

After a couple more minutes of sucking he began to feel his
approaching end, as her throat enveloped his full six inches

‘I’m cumming, Laura!’ he warned her, ‘anytime now..’

‘Cum on my face!’ she pleaded in a ridiculously slutty moan.
Harry was only too happy to oblige her, and he pulled out
his cock just as it began to throb and swell. She opened
her mouth and stuck out her tongue, her eyes closed in
anticipation of the cum that was to about to be plastered
to her face.

‘Uuhnng!’ grunted harry as a healthy portion of his warm,
sticky cum erupted onto Laura’s waiting face. Strands of
it landed in her eyes and mouth and she smiled up at him,
blinking rapidly as Harry spattered his last few dregs of
cum onto her cheeks. She giggled up at him and gulped down
the semen that had dripped into her mouth, before standing
and wiping her face with her T-Shirt.

‘You enjoyed that?’ asked Harry, smiling. He knew the effects
of the spell would have ended on his orgasm, and he was
curious to find out her thoughts.

Laura blushed slightly. ‘Well, I’ll have to wash this
T-shirt, but I don’t regret it. I had a slight crush on
you at school’ she admitted, blushing still further.

Harry grinned, and when he knew she had enjoyed their little
encounter, he began to think about the rest of the summer,
and the possibility of repeating the feat.

‘You reckon we could do this again some time?’ he asked
tentatively, pulling up his jeans.

She smiled at him. ‘We’ll see’ she giggled, and winked
cheekily and sexily.

They said their farewells and parted ways, Harry back
towards Privet drive and Laura to Mangolia Crescent. He
had a broad grin etched across his face, as he relived in
his mind’s eye the last few glorious minutes of his summer.