A New Chewtoy

This is a small part of a larger work that focuses on a bratty submissive and her Master. Please enjoy, and if brutality isn’t for you I’ll apologize in advance.

My hands gripped onto your wrist as you dragged me by the hair down the hallway to a new cell. I struggled to keep up with you as my side smarted painfully from the kick you had given me a moment ago after deciding that I was worthless and no good for you.

“So I’m going to give you to someone who really needs a toy to chew on.”

You threw me inside the new room and I barely saved myself from smashing my face into the floor. When I looked up at first I only noticed the darkness. There was a single light on a string overhead that swayed slightly of its own accord.

I could sense you standing in the doorway behind me as I looked around the empty room. The light moved enough so that I could see who you were referring to. Hidden in the shadows of one of the corners lay a great black dog, curled up and asleep.

My eyes grew wide with fear as I crawled backwards until I bumped into your legs.

Your voice had a dark, taunting tone as you looked down at me gripping onto your pant leg. I couldn’t see your eyes as I looked up your body at you but your cruel, sadistic smile chilled me to the bone.

“What’s the matter Samantha, are you afraid?”

I held onto your legs tighter as you continued, “You’d better try not to wake him.”

You freed one leg and pushed your foot between my shoulder blades making me fall into the room again. I sat back up quickly, panicked.

I turned around and whispered urgently, “N-nate wait..” but you had already started closing the door, noting you needed to oil it.

My whisper was drowned out as you slammed the door, the loud metallic clang shattering the silence. My heart jumped into my throat as I turned back to see the dog wake with a start from the noise. His fur bristled instantly and I yelped, scrambling backwards until I hit the door.

I could feel you turning the heavy bolt lock as my hands were pressed to the cold metal seeking salvation.

“Nathan please, please let me out of here. I-I swear I’ll be good to you. I’ll be good for you.” I looked over my shoulder as the dog stood and growled, his eyes on me. I stood as well, pounding on the door.

“Nate, Nate listen! I know we’re talked about this but that was fantasy! This is real life! You can’t leave me here!” I heard the dog’s claws scratch the floor as he approached me. I was so focused on the threat behind me that I nearly jumped out of my skin when you slid open the eye level slit to look inside.

Your cold, green eyes stared into my wide hazel ones, trying to convey to you how real my terror was. You drank it up with a slow, sadistic grin that grew as you heard the dog growling again behind me and my whimpering in response to it.

As I tried pleading for you to open the door your dark tone cut me off. My lips trembled as you sealed my fate with a few choice words.

“Good luck, Samantha. I’ll be watching.”

As my bandaged hands reach for the little window you slide it shut and I let out an exasperated gasp. My fingers trace the line of the window as I start to shake and the fear set in deeper.

“Oh my god Nathan please.. please let me out..” I plead into the door, my face pressed into it as tears start to form.

A cold, wet nose bumped roughly into the bottom of my ass and I screamed from surprise, startling both myself and the dog. It backed away just as I had time to turn around and press my back into the door to face it.

It had woken up ready to fight but as it approached me it could smell my pheromones. Your orchestration of my declaration of submission had me dripping wet from each confession and each insult you threw at me.

I had completely forgotten about the ache in my lower stomach from that moment until the dog had sniffed out my scent. It didn’t look like he was going to go lay back down either. He had identified that I wasn’t a threat but now he was considering me as something else- and it wasn’t a chew toy as you had promised.

I tried to slink along the wall but his black eyes were trained on my crotch.

“N-nice doggy. Just go back to b-bed, okay?” I tried to keep my voice calm and soft as not to excite him. As I moved though and eyed his side I realized we were past that. I could see the tip of his hard red rocket poking out from under his fur. My eyes flickered to the door and I wanted to call out for you again but I knew you’d ignore me. That wasn’t true, you would be intently watching as my suffering increased. It made me whimper aloud knowing I wasn’t alone and yet feeling so isolated at once.

The dog approached again. My timid movements must have mimicked how a prey animal would have behaved. The dog wasn’t cautious as he closed the distance between us, he was filled with intent.

When my shoulder collided with the corner of the room I knew there was nowhere else to go. Not even five minutes had passed and I had effectively trapped myself.

He had made it to me again and he shoved his nose right between my thighs. I shrieked and slapped his muzzle away and instantly regretted it. The dog didn’t like that. His hair bristled again and he snapped at my leg, making me shriek as some of his teeth caught my skin. When he brought his nose back to my mound I kept my hands up by my face, trying to stop my trembling self from sobbing.

His hard muzzle forced my legs open a little wider and I gasped as his long tongue lapped at my slit. He let his tongue out again, covering my whole entrance easily with each swipe, sometimes the tip licking my asshole. I jumped with each slurp he made at my sex and I felt so violated. His saliva was sticky and it coated my inner thighs in a fine film.

After confirming I was something of interest to him the dog startled me by jumping up onto his hind legs and thrusting at me. One paw landed heavily on my right shoulder and the other one slaps onto my breast. Without something to stop it, his paw scraped sharply as it fell off my chest. I shrieked and looked down at the three red scratch marks that followed the curve of my soft flesh. One of the angry scratches ran right over the top of my areola and I could see small beads of blood form on it. By losing it’s footing released me from it’s fuzzy embrace but seemingly only frustrated the canine further.

His second jump up caught both of my shoulders before I could shove his legs away. I cried as his thrusts made his thick red cock made contact with my thigh and slipped between my legs. It wasn’t the sensation he was after thought so he abandoned his hold after a few thrusts.

I was convinced that if I could stay standing that he’d lose interest or wear himself out from trying. My chest hurt while my eyes remained on him as he whined. I almost felt bad for him but not bad enough to give him what he wanted. Then his pitiful noise turned darker as he growled at me again. The sudden change made me cower and his next lunge triggered my mistake. I had turned to the side and covered my face with my arm just as his paws wrapped around me and he pulled me down, hard.

I landed heavily on my side, letting out a sharp scream as the impact jarred my insides. My broken ribs hadn’t had a chance to heal yet and my torso was so incredibly sensitive. This made the muscular paw wrapping around my rib cage hurt even worse as he pulled me to him.

I screamed your name as I felt him jabbing into the back of my hip. I pleaded into the cold air for your mercy and was met with the dog’s panting breath in response. I had held out hope that you’d walk in and call the dog off and it’d just be another one of your scare tactics. You’d laugh, I’d cry and we’d move into aftercare.

It was the crazed jingling of my bell that brought me back to reality. He was jerking me back onto him as he probed for a hole to fuck, making my whole body shake. His jabs moved up closer to his goal while his paws dug into both my stomach and my back. Neither gave him the right kind of purchase he needed so he had to continually adjust his grip, crisscrossing my back with scratches and pressing hard on my broken ribs until he slid down to my navel.

I groaned and felt like I was going to puke from the pain. I had to do something or that’s was going to be the next reality check. My face burned as I came to the only logical move I had. I pushed on the dogs heaving chest long enough to roll onto my knees. I had to protect my stomach at all costs. That included sacrificing my dignity.

I brought my red bandaged hands protectively over the back of my neck as I felt him relatch onto me. This time his paws caught onto my hips and I felt him jabbing again on my asscheeks and between them. I realized that he’d settle for either hole so I swallowed my pride and spread my legs more. If he was going to rape me I wanted it to hurt as little as possible.

While I had spread and got lower to the ground, he had gone higher and he slammed into my rim. I shrieked and jerked forward but he held firm and hammered into my tight hole again. He kept knocking on my back door until his head caught part of my rim and he thrust until his hips met my ass and he had forced his way inside brutally.

I screamed and cried into the floor as the dog fucked and stretched my asshole. I gripped and pulled my hair as I groaned, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my bottom. The cold floor that my cheek was pressed onto provided no comfort to the pain swelling inside me.

He adjusted his grip on my hips as I felt my insides start to stretch further. I could feel his cock getting longer inside me. I clawed at my neck as he forced more of me open as his prick nearly doubled in length. My only saving grace was that his head was thinner than his base.

I grunted and my bell jingled with each deep thrust he made into my intestines. As he continued, I started to feel the ache in my groin return stronger and I started to panic.

“Oh no I can’t no no no” I scolded myself. I couldn’t get off from this animal fucking me. I pressed my forehead against the cold cement floor as I fought against my primal needs.

I glanced at the metal door, hoping you would see my plight and that you’d save me from this bestial raping. His claws reminded me quickly that I needed to focus on here and now before he ruined me and there wouldn’t be anything left of me for you to save.

He whined as he fucked me and slowly I began to feel a slight pressure against my asshole.

“No!” I shrieked as I clawed my way forward on the floor. He pulled back forcefully and my nails broke on the cement making me shriek as the pressure grew to the point where I was worried if he got his knot inside me he’d tear my taint.

Unfortunately for me I was going to find out how close I was to that as his growing bulge made my sore rim give way with a sickening sound. I drowned it out with my scream that only spurred the dog’s knot further up his red shaft.

By the time the bulge was part way into me it was just smaller than a fist and I felt obscenely stretched. His thrusting had become shallower as he worked his knot into my hole. I twisted and groaned as it grew bigger and popped inside me. The pain that shot through my body in that moment made my head spin and my body quake.

Before I could stop myself I arched my back and cried out in blissful agony as I came with the dog pressing further up my canal. I groaned and panted into the floor as both of my holes seized up over and over again. My tears flowed from absolute shame from my loss of control and as the passion left me I was left overly sensitive to the dog knot halfway up my ass. I looked over my shoulder and under his black fur I swore I could see where his bulge sat.

With a great whine I felt him shove himself into me one more time as his knot unloaded his hot dog seed into my insides. The jets of cum made me shiver as they shot deeper into me.

After he finished spasming inside me he whimpered and dismounted me. His knot was still firmly in my hole and I shrieked as his movement tugged on it painfully.

We stayed like that, ass to ass as he panted and I cried, for a few minutes as his knot slowly shrank. Every now and again he’d try to pull away but it was still tightly lodged in me and I yelped each time.

When it had shrunk enough it slipped out of my ass with a wet popping sound. His softening cock was followed by streams of cum oozing out of my bloody hole.

He moved back to his corner and laid down to clean his cock with his tongue. I felt sick as I crawled over to the bottom of the door and curled up, waiting for you to open it and take me away.

The single light in the room swayed slowly, blessing different parts of the room with it’s dim glow. I could see the shape of the dog rising and falling gently. He had worked hard for his climax and was resting peacefully from it while I was wide awake and scarred from mine.

Eventually my adrenaline left me and my exhaustion from the whole day had gotten the best of me. I closed my eyes and blacked out.

Something long, wet and warm lapped at my face, stirring me awake. My eyes fluttered and I called out your name to hear nothing. Instead, there was a quick moment where I was gagging on something and I focused in on the large black head that hovered over my own. The dog continued licking my face and mouth until I pushed his head away.

He backed off but he was still watching me. I sat up and pressed my back into the door. I held my legs close to my chest and I tried again.

“Naaatee please, it’s been really fun. Can I come out now please?”

Nothing. Except for the look the dog was giving me. I knew I smelt like sex and I was certain he could smell his own seed still leaking out of my hole. The look he gave me was similar to the one you’ve given me to signal when I’ve gotten myself into trouble. I was his bitch and I didn’t have a say in the matter.

The dog approached my enclosed figure and bludgeoned his head between my shins. I had my thighs held tight together so his nose fell short of its goal. His tongue did not. It slipped between my lips and I shrieked. I didn’t want to go through this again.

He licked again, liking the taste of my cream and I shuddered. He had gotten my nub on that one. And the next one. His tongue was slippery and it caressed my walls and my clit with each lick. I felt so violated and humiliated as I started to get turned on again from this.

My dignity was cut deeper as I let his snout inch further in as I spread my legs for him.

“H-here doggy, doggy.” I shook again as he licked my slit with the flat of his tongue. I had to convince myself that I was letting him turn me on so that it would hurt less later. I knew he was going to fuck me again, and I knew you wouldn’t be opening the door anytime soon. These were the little truths I told myself so that I lowered my guard and let him have his way with me.

I let him lick me until I started moaning. His red cock had started showing and I thought I could handle him again. All I had to do was keep him out of my ass, which was still caked with cum and blood.

I pushed him back, almost surprised that he yielded long enough for me to scooch down from the pseudo safety of the door onto the ground. He lept back onto me almost instantly making me scream and cover my face with my arms. He didn’t pay any attention to my fear as he scratched down my sides and over my broken ribs. I cried out in pain as I felt them moving unnaturally inside me. His paws hooked onto my hips and he pulled me downward while raising my lower body up.

I felt him jab at my mound and onto my swollen lips. I felt his search go lower and self preservation spurred me onward before I had realized what I had done.

My hand had wrapped around his rocket and almost instantly he started using my hand to jerk himself off. I pointed his thrusts at my entrance and as soon as my lips touched his cock I let go. He immediately bottomed out inside me and I let my head fall back in a sharp gasp.

The dog panted against my chest as he started fucking my pussy. Whenever he turned his face to the other side he’d catch my bell with his chin and it’d jingle wildly. I moaned without pause. This was instantly pleasurable and I couldn’t stop myself from expressing it.

As his shaft elongated I cried out in surprised pain. He was now jabbing into my cervix with his thin tip every few strokes. I writhed under him and groaned. His pace had increased as well as his grip tightening on my hips.

I brought my hand down and put it on his large head. He growled as soon as I made contact and I whimpered as he bared his teeth. If I could have shrank into the floor any more than I was at that moment I would have.

He pounded into my cervix until I thought I was going to throw up. Convincing myself I was trying to change the angle of his thrusts I dared to move again. I wrapped my legs around his hind legs as best as I could and instantly his thrusts started stimulating me more than hurting me. I let out a shameful moan as I held the dog closer to me and my breath got quicker.

My eyes closed tight as he continued hitting my cunt in all the right places. I moaned and let go of any degrading thought that I had been demeaning myself with. My primal desires were firing on all cylinders as I groaned and he brought me to another climax. My hands gripped my hair as my body convulsed under him through several waves of passion.

He had showed no signs of slowing down while I descended from doggie cloud nine. He readjusted his grip on my hips, scratching me again and making air hiss through my teeth. He growled again to quiet me and I was reduced to whimpers. My slit was so sensitive at that point and I thought he’d force another orgasm out of me. Forced wasn’t the right word in this moment.

My climax had given his cock what he needed and I felt his knot being to march forward. I whimpered as it pressed against my slick entrance and I wished I could have stopped him from knotting me but I knew he’d attack me. For how painful this would be, having him sink his teeth into me would have been much worse.

I screamed as it forced it’s way into my cunt. I cried out and twisted under him as he stretched me more than my two toys ever had. The strain between my legs was so extreme that I held my face as I cried.

With my body being so turned on by all of this it wasn’t long before I felt myself slipping into another earth shattering orgasm. The dog whimpered as my slit squeezed even tighter around his bulge, practically forcing him to release his own cum into me.

I could feel his ropes of cum splashing onto my bruised cervix as I milked him for more of it. My moans were uncontrollable by that point, I didn’t care who heard me in that moment. We were held in that moment for what seemed like an eternity.

When he finally dropped my ass onto the floor and stood next to me with his knot inside me I groaned in pain. I laid there, looking at the ceiling and trying to recover my breath. My legs felt like jelly from how powerful my orgasms had been and my rib cage absolutely hated me with every labored breath I took.

I felt his knot loosen and after a few tugs he freed it of my sopping wet hole. I laid there as our fluids leaked out of my slit. After a while laying there I sat up and groaned from the effort. I rubbed my face and went to lean against the wall. I put my head back and closed my eyes, having finally quieted my heartbeat to a more regular pace.

With him having returned to his corner for slumber I only had my thoughts for company. After processing what I had just done willingly I had begun to have second thoughts about it. What kind of decrepit act had I just actively participated in? Would people look at me differently if they knew I had let a dog fuck me and liked it?

I hadn’t returned to the door this time. I didn’t seek it’s comfort or cry for you. I had to accept on some level that what I had just done I had liked it. Like wasn’t strong enough. I had had my legs around that dog and I was pulling him into me as if he was my lover.

That brought a new wave of degrading thoughts into my head. I looked at the door, seeing if you were watching and I was wondering what you were thinking. Would you be getting off knowing that I was being fucked by a dog? That I liked it and that I came when it knotted me? I was worried what you’d think of me if I ever asked for this again. The thoughts were overwhelming and I had to look away from the door.

Instead I found myself moving to the corner furthest from it with a deeper shame building up inside me. I had been here for more than half the night with a dog fucking my insides and after climaxing multiple times from it I had realized I had other needs.

My eyes did look to the door pleadingly. I didn’t know if you were still watching or if you had gone to sleep. I looked up at the dim light and for once wished it would go out.

I sat there with my legs pressed tightly together and whimpered. My bladder had had enough of being ignored in favor of more pleasurable organs and I glanced at the door again. The eye slot still hadn’t opened. Maybe I could blame it on the dog if you asked me about it.

With a frustrated noise I squatted, pressing my ass into the corner and spread my legs wide. I didn’t have anything to wipe with and I most certainly didn’t want to cover my legs in piss. I was already coated in enough liquids for one night.

As I relieved myself my face started to burn again. I felt like an animal in a cage, having to piss where I slept. My head was in my hands when something warm and hot hit my arm. It startled me so badly that I shrieked and fell into the puddle I had made. My head hit the wall as I identified my assailant.

The dog had his leg up in the air as he continued to piss on me. His stream went across my stomach and down my legs before I scrambled to the side and away from the golden pool. I didn’t stop until I got to the door and started knocking on it again.

I choked back another sob as I pleaded, “Please.. please let me out. I-I’ve had enough. Please !”

The smell was overwhelming and it masked the distinctive scent of dog cum. I thought he might have been done with me after showering me so I curled up at the base of the door and waited for you, crying. I was almost surprised at this point that I still had tears to shed.

I had only been like that for a few minutes before I felt a sharp pain in my side. The dog had pressed onto my ribs, trying to roll me onto all fours. He went to do it again and instead of letting him puncture my lung with a broken bone I submitted to him.

I rolled with great pain onto my hands and knees again. Instead of laying my shoulders again I stayed up. It wasn’t long before I felt his furry legs wrap around my scratched hips as he mounted me. He didn’t even sniff or lick me this time. Had I sunk so low that there was no longer a doubt in his mind that I was his doggy fucktoy?

His frenzied jabs had made that abundantly clear. Both of my holes were so incredibly sore and I was certain he had torn something in my asshole. I couldn’t decide which pain I could tolerate again but my thoughts didn’t matter.

His cock pierced my rim that was still loose from the first time had raped me. His thrusts were at an upward angle, jabbing directly onto my wall and confirming my fears of some tearing on the inside. It fucking hurt.

It wasn’t long after that his thrusts became lubricated and it allowed him deeper and his thrusts more fluid. I knew it was fresh blood that helped him gain further access to my insides and I whimpered.

My hips were red and scratched badly and worsening with each shift of his paws. I had to push back to prevent his thrusts from knocking me over but that made the pain more intense. I groaned again as I did my best to withstand him.

The dog whined as his cock slipped out of my bloody asshole, his frenzy had grown reckless. I sighed from the reprieve but ended up screaming as he slammed into me again, his cock having extended more and hurting worse. I knew he was going to knot soon and I started crying again.

Through bleary eyes I looked at the cold, metal door. I willed it to open and for you to stop this. I was powerless here as this animal abused me. I needed your voice and touch to free me from this physical and self induced psychological torture.

The beast behind me thrusted harder and my arms buckled under our combined weight, crashing my torso down onto the floor. I screamed for you and cried as he stepped onto my back as he adjusted to my new position.

I could feel my broken bones press into my skin, threatening to break through and touch the cement I was pressed into. I shrieked and groaned, unable to right myself as he plowed into my asshole.

My tears slipped between my cheek and the floor, creating a little pool that my face rubbed against with each movement. My mind was broken as my body broke further. He was panting now, adding his own noise to my low grunts and groans.

My asshole having already been knotted once was more forgiving as his new one pressed forward. My rim was already so sensitive that when his knot passed through my vision fluttered and my taint tore. My voice was so hoarse that my screams had lost their sharpness.

His final thrust came and he unloaded into my reddened hole and with that I came too. Once again my body milked his knot of every bit of cum he had as I wailed into the floor. My orgasm lasted longer than his but it was cut short with a sharp tug as he dismounted. My sudden shriek had me tasting bile in my throat.

The dim room was populated by both of our panting and whining, joined by yelps and whimpers every time he tried to pull away. Despite having no more tears left in me my body did not lack liquid to leak. When he finally slipped out of my ass a small stream of blood and cum stung my torn taint.

The dog went back to his corner to rest while I dragged myself forward to the doorway. My legs wouldn’t work so I had to rely on my bandaged hands to pull my broken spirited self until I could touch the cold metal. I pressed my face against the door and whispered into it, “Please have mercy on me..”

And then I heard the lock click.