All because of my sisters panties. 4

the story continues

If you have not read the previous parts of my story, then this part will make no sense at all.

Love to Virginia Belinda Aibhlinn Tirion Jones, most people call her Ginny, she is my Ali.

My heartfelt thanks to T, she has given me the confidence to continue and has become my very good friend and mentor. We are getting real close to one another, but we are so far away in miles.

Everyone needs a friend; I have the best two in the universe.
We climbed the stairs, still naked, hand in hand, she laid me on my back on the bed, I felt her finger find my opening, she pushed against my barrier once twice, maybe three times. “Are you ready Jocat?”

The sharpness of the pain was immense, but at the same time exquisite, she kissed away the tears, that had sprung from my eyes and whispered to me that everything would be OK and that the hurt would soon go away. I felt her finger move deeper within me; it was warm, like a wiggly worm, exploring the place that no one had been before, now it was deep in my moistness. She started to rub me inside, suddenly she touch somewhere that made me jump, she pushed harder on that spot, as she did I let out an involuntary sigh, nothing existed apart from her finger in my honey pot, she withdrew her finger slowly and held it up for me to see, it was smeared with my blood and my glistening juices, then without warning she sucked it clean, “ Now you are mine forever” she said with a sound of triumph, “ feel yourself now” she commanded.

I inserted my own finger inside of me, I slick and soaking wet. My finger was as deep as it could go, then I felt Ali’s finger sliding in beside my own, I thought I would split in two, but the feeling was almost magical. “Can you squeeze for me”? she asked. I did as I was told and felt the pressure on our fingers.

I was desperate to orgasm. So I withdrew my finger and found my clitoris, while Ali moved her finger in and out of me, I rubbed for all I was worth. I exploded, that is the only word to describe what happened, I arched my back from the bed, which drove Ali’s finger so deep into me that I thought I could feel her in my stomach, wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over me, I think I screamed out loud and as I did, I felt her mouth cover mine in the deepest kiss ever, now I had her finger in my vagina and her tongue in my mouth, but in my confusion I thought it was the other way around, the final burst hit me so hard that I felt I would buckle or break into pieces, the kiss continued until my mind started to work again and I lay exhausted holding Ali tightly in my arms.

I am not sure how long I held her like that, maybe an hour, eventually the fog cleared and my senses started to return, “you ok baby girl” she enquired. I stuttered out a “yes” and she kissed me full on the mouth again, a kiss that was so full of love that I thought I would cry.

Ali disentangled hers limbs from me and sat on the bed scrutinising me. “Would you like a drink Jocat?” she asked, I thought for a second and replied “Yes, champagne please”. With a giggle she left the room. I went to the bathroom, when I saw my reflection in the mirror I looked liked I had run a marathon in a heat wave, not only was my face flushed, but my torso was also, like a sunburn, my eyes were shining like I had never seen before and my nipples were hard and poking out. I sat and took a pee. As I tinkled it stung a little and I could feel soreness somewhere inside of me.

As I exited the bathroom, Ali entered with two flutes and a small bottle of champagne. The cork came out with a loud pop, she poured two glasses and as we touched our glasses, she toasted “here is to forever more, just the two of us”

It was then that I noticed the wetness on the bed sheet. “Oh God “I said,” did I wet myself?” Ali smiled and said “oh no, you just enjoyed yourself more than you have ever done before” and you know, something? She was so right!

The champagne went straight to my head and i got the worst fit of the giggles, they must have been contagious, because before long we were both laughing like hyenas and falling into each other’s arms, our bodies shaking in time with our giggles, then we were kissing again. I could taste the champagne on her lips, but I could also taste something else, me! That made me heady again.

We must have drifted off to sleep; I had the most incredible dreams of Ali and then suddenly, I was awake, tangled in her arms, safe, comfortable, warm and in deeply in love. I started to roll away from her, “where you going?” she asked dreamily“. I heard her sit up and knew she was watching me in the darkness of the room, “can I, can I watch” Ali mumbled. Without even thinking I gave her my permission.

The light was snapped on, almost blinding us, I sat on the toilet seat, Ali knelt before me and with one hand on each knee spread ma as though I were a wishbone. Being watched had the weirdest effect on me, I could not start to pee, I screwed up my eyes and tried to make out that there was not a girl on her knees, no more than six inches from my crotch. At last i began to do a little dribble, then a steadier stream, then I felt a finger on my clitoris, as it pressed I stopped, as the pressure was removed I started again, it was like an on/off switch. To be honest it was very pleasant feeling and quite erotic. “Keep your eyes closed sweetness”, I heard her say, her finger trailed across my lips and then became more urgently, pushing into my mouth.
I tasted saltiness and bitterness, my mind raced back to when we I made love to Ali with my tongue, she must have pee dribbled into my mouth as she hit her orgasm, I found the thought of that very exciting, because of how dirty it was.

As we got back to the bed, I noticed it was 3-30 in the morning and I was wide awake. Ali was restless, “Jo, let’s go to Westerly and watch the sun come up” Ali suddenly said. “Quick, brush your teeth and wash your face and let’s get going” she added.

Within ten minutes we were dressed and chasing the sun. Peddling like fury, hair streaming in the slipstream, knees pumping, bottom of the saddle, both leaning far over the handle bars of the BMX> We were almost like the kids in ET.

The sky was turning pink as we arrived, as the sun appeared over the horizon Ali took my hands in her own and made a vow that made tears spring from my eyes. “Jocat, I will be yours for the rest of my life, no other person will ever touch my body or kiss my lips. You have my heart and I freely give you my soul”. As she ended and with the sun now a shining ball of flame, she bent, pick a long strand of grass, wrapped it around my wedding finger and so made me her bride, with a kiss.

We cycled back home very slowly, suddenly a thought popped into my head and I said. “I wonder why Jasmine dislikes you so much Ali?. She glanced over at me and simply said, “I know why, if you want I will tell you, but it is not pretty” .