Bane of the Huntress part 1

This story will alternate between Michael’s story, and his dad’s.

Bane of the Huntress

Its hard being a son of Artemis. First, there is the fact that my mom was supposed to be an eternal maiden and not be with men. Second, because my mom pledged eternal maidenhood, I am the most powerful hero ever. Maybe I should explain. My name is Michael West, and I am what you would call a demigod.

My dad’s name is Drew West. He told me he found my mom. around twenty years old, he never asked her age, in the woods on a hunting trip. Here is how he told it.
In a large clearing in the middle of the woods. There was a girl crouching down over a dead deer. Several things I noticed immediately was, that there was a silver bow and quiver, the quiver contained arrows that matched the bow. Sticking out of the deer’s skull was another arrow. But the deer had golden that shined in the sun and I knew that this girl was not normal.
The girl looked to be about twenty to twenty three years old. She had a completely flat chest which contrasted strangely with a very full ass. She had long legs that looked like she did this regularly.
As I walked into the clearing the girl turned and looked at me scowling. As she turned back to the deer I walked over and saw that she was trting too drag it. “Need some help with that?” I asked. “Sure, could you carry it for me?”, she replied. I picked it up and was suprised, that it didn’t seem to weigh as much as it should. “Where are we taking it?” I asked. She said there was a path not very far from here and that someone would be picking her and the deer up. This troubled me a bit. Who would drop a twenty year old girl in the middle of the woods and just take off?
When we arrived at the path I set the deer down. “Are you ok here?” I asked. “Yeah,” she replied, “A friend of mine drops me off here and returns to pick up the game I have killed.”
As she said that, I heard a deafening roar and turning around, I saw what looked to be a rhino with wings and a golden horn charging. I quickly got my bow out and strung an arrow, but as I looked up, one of the girl’s arrows sprouted it’self from the monster’s forehead. I took aim and shot the rhino in the gut as it went barreling past. It stumbled and went down in a heap of muscle and skin. When I glanced at the girl, I saw that she appeared to be glowing. “Are you ok?” I asked. She replied yeah. “Does this happen to you often?” I said. “Actually yes.” I stopped cold and stared at her.
“Are you serious?” I said dumfounded. “Yeah it does. Oh and you can leave now thanks for the deer.” As I walked away I couldn’t help thinking that that girl was definitely not normal.


My dad told me that he found me in a basket that was left by my mom. Inside was a silver necklace and arm band. He told me that those things would be my most important posession. No matterwhere I put them, they always appeared on my wrist and neck in the morning. The only use I ever found for them is that monsters hated them. My dad was into hunting with bows and arrows but never used guns. He taught me everything he knew. From shooting to stringing to actually making on and taking care of it.
Monster problems began in grade school. I noticed creatures prowling the halls that the other kids didn’t seem to care about. Like any other demigod, I was ADD and had trouble in school. By second grade, monsters were actually visiting our house and my dad told me that I had to go to a special place that he called camp.
When we got to camp, all I could see was the woods. I turned to my dad and said, “There is nothing here.” We walked a bit further and tben I saw a sign that read “Camp Half Blood.” My dad said that was far as he could go and said he wouldn’t see me for a while. When he walked back to the car I could see tears in his eye.What happened next was the source of my nightmares for years on end.
When he got into the car, a beast walked out of the woods on the other side of the
road. It loked exactly as my dad had described it. Like a rhino with a golden horn and ugly grey wings. Stepping up to the car, It dug it’s horn underneat it and flung it far away. Seconds later I heard the explosion. With tears in my eyes I screamed at the best and wished I had a weapon to attack it with. I looked down at my hands and, to my utter amazment, there was a silver bow in my hands I felt my necklace get heavier and felt behind me and found a quiver of arrows. I grabbed an arrow, knelt down, and shot the beast in the back as it turned away.
That of course only made it mad. Turning at me and roaring, it charged. I shot another arrow and this time it seemed to do damage as it dug into his eye. I quickly dove out of the way as the beast slammed into a very large tree. With it’s horn stuck in the wood I shakily stood up and stood up and shot arrow after arrow, screaming with every one stuck in it’s hide.

Shaken up from the reality of what just happened, I collapsed on the ground, barely conscious of the people swarming around me and lifting me up. As I entered the camp being carried, I felt the bow and quiver shrink back into the armband and necklace, and my only thought, was that I had finally found a real use for the gifts my mom gave me.

Sorry this is so short. I had to set up the story and this is
all I wanted to write for his ch.