Becky’s incarceration

They year is 2052 and an oppresive regim has established itself in the country and and has caused overcrowding in all of the prisons. Becky has been sentenced and this story followers her processing and incarceration. This is my first story which I wrote in one night I have a im sorry about the grammar and spelling I am slightly dyslexic. Please comment, Id love to hear if you enjoyed it, and would love any constructive critiscism. Becky, age 13, slim, shoulder length gingerblonde hair

Becky awoke strapped to a sturdy steel chair resembling an electric chair located plain white interview room at the town’s Obedience Enforcement Department. She thought back to the last time she was conscious which was the previous night when the when the OED officers arrived at her house.

A disembodied voice filled the room “Rebecca Sarah Johnson” our you were observed by your’ school’s CCTV cameras as engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviour with a student of the same gender at 13.00 yesterday.”

a screen embedded into the wall she was facing fired up and displayed an image of her school’s toilets. A slim blonde girl 5’6” walked in, Becky immediately recognised as her friend Hailey who was in the year above her. Becky and Hailey had been close friends since play-school but had never done anything “Inappropriate” together until that day when Hailey who was well into puberty and was sporting small round b cup breasts had decided to tell the less developed Hailey who still didn’t wear a bra that she “fancied” her. Becky practically worshipped Hailey and would do whatever Hailey wanted. So she gladly followed her into the toilet where they began to make out.

After minuet or so the video stopped, somewhat t Becky’s annoyance. The voice called out “after reviewing the presented evidence the OED sentencing department has decided that you must be incarcerated for 2 weeks. This incarceration will begin immediately OED officers will shortly escort you to the processing room.

“2 weeks…” Becky thought to herself “that should be easy” she knew that the local imprisonment facilities were fairly comfortable and had a TV What Becky did not know was that due to the excessive overcrowding in her region’s imprisonment centre her region had adopted the new idea of incarceration. Which allowed for existing facilities to hold 10 times their usual capacity.

A door in the wall opened and a young man who seemed to be around 18 entered the room and touched his watch to the side of the chair and the chair lowered into the floor and Becky found herself strapped to the floor. Her wrist ankle and neck cuffs were then disconnected from the floor and she sat up.

The young guard told her “don’t try and run or those cuffs will send a massive shock across your whole body and paralyse you. This is what it will feel like.” he pushed a button on his watch and Becky felt a huge electrical pulse flow through her body and caused all of her muscles to tense and she curled into a ball and started to shake

the guard who had seen this many times before said “Now get up and follow me.” with no sense of warmth. He led her through a door in the wall to her left which he opened with his watch. There was a black basket in the centre which bore a screen with the writing
Rebecca Sarah Johnson,
age 13,

5st 8lbs

14 south St,

Medical conditions – asthma
allergies – lactose
menstruation – irregular

incarceration until 13