choice of a step mother. Intervention – part-2

A realistic take on fantasy. read and enjoy

Barry with his briefcase in one hand and the other on his tie went upstairs to fresh up and get packing for his trip.

“I’ll cock something honey, come down when you are done” I said, not knowing what else to say, the practice of being a wife comes in handy when situations like this happen and your sub-conscious takes control. Barry just looked at me funny and left.

I walked in all my senses, making up my mind to be strong about things, sat on the other end of the sofa with some considerable distance between us and said

“We have to talk.”

He didn’t reply, I waited for a minute gathering all the left over strength while the events played in my head over and over again, cleared my throat and said again,

“Jack, we have to talk.”

He turned off the TV, slowly placing the remote on the table, my heart began to build up the speed, came to the middle of the sofa, I was ready to push him if he tries something, and as I sat there prepped for anything, He sprung up and shouted

“I am the king of the world”

With a little buzz at the end. This I didn’t expect.

It was hard to put 2 and 2 together, I spilled an unstoppable smile as he placed his hand in front of me like asking for a dance or a kiss, I was reluctant, I remember that but something in me pushed my hand over his and he took it and like a perfect gentleman, said

“My lady” like in a Shakespeare movie and kissed it.

There were butterflies, unicorns and every kind of fairy dust in my stomach which on the back of my head sensed something is wrong, that romanticizing of things is bad.

As I was sitting there smiling with him, half bent, holding my hand while he jumped on me the very next split second, kissing me with his tongue inside, moving it in ways that could exponentially excite my state, and placed my hand inside his boxers. Fondling with my boobs. I sensed his cock still rock hard, amidst all the mayhem with all the strength I gathered, I tried to push him away, but his strength was more than mine, now helpless, my body turned in a position of my ass pointing his cock, He thrusted his cock onto my pants. Twice and used my hair to pull towards him and I don’t know what happened but all of a sudden, he stopped, put me to my initial positing, stood there for a second staring right past me and left.

I remained in the very same state he left me for the next five minutes, not even adjusting my top with half of my boobs left out, hair over my face with millions of thoughts questioning the same fundamental reason

“What the hell just happened?”

One minute he is all calm, the next romantic and the next practically raping me, is he a psychopath?

The very thought, no matter what the plausibility made a twitch in my clit. I stopped the thoughts, barricaded them, set my hair, adjusted my boobs and started working on the most important thing right then. Barry’s trip.

I started cooking and was half way done, I put the things Barry would need on the bed so that he would not be late, just eat and go, and came down continuing my cooking. The sound of stairs, walking steps created an unknown sense of fear which was mysteriously mixed with an arousing anticipation made me aware of all my senses.

I didn’t look at the living room fearing that Jack would take it as a cue, I wanted to establish strict grounds, we are not some horny teenagers, although I am feeling like one. There’s something erotic in the sense of doing what’s wrong, the taboo, the prohibited and this feeling is hard to fight with, easy to justify the things against but even more harder to face the truth.

A few minutes passed and I calmed down a bit, maybe he is watching TV, after all his father is upstairs.

A cool breeze passed over my shoulder. My body didn’t know where it came from but I think it can be boiled down to the only possibility.

The anticipation of the touch is the very essence of romance. You can learn a lot from thriller movies, the same rules apply and a relationship starts to tear apart only when it becomes boring and the sex life becomes a chore rather than an adventure. In the case of me and Barry it has been a long time since we tried other stuff or at least did it someplace else than missionary in the fuckin bedroom.

My thoughts made my hands work slower and the whole thing, the continuous altering breeze made me feel my whole body, legs, arms, chest, my pussy, the neck.

His body, like a magnet was behind me, his head over my shoulder, with small kisses on the neck as his hands drew lines on my arms.

He slowly moved his cock over my ass left and right and like an instructor helped me cook. I was enjoying it, laughing with him, totally forgotten thoughts of boundaries and even my husband upstairs, who knows not a single thing and is quietly showering.

Is this what an affair feels like?

Like being alive, every single moment.

What should I even call this?

His hands now are moving away from my arms and reaching my pants as he blew air over my ears and kept rubbing my ass. I started responding by small movements back and forth, playing with his cock as he tries to rub it. Maybe that gave him the courage to do what he did.

I finished cooking and moved away from him on the excuse of setting up the dinner table, He let me. As I came back to wash my hands, He put his hands in my pants dragged them down, flipped me sideways and started licking my pussy kneeling over. This happened so fast that a dish fell down and made a huge sound. I didn’t care.

My hands were over his head, pulling his hair out and in, thrusting his head towards my pussy hoping his tongue would go all the way inside, That was he most divine moment of all and the scariest one, as I heard Barry coming down asking “ I heard something, Everything okay?”

I pushed him away with my hands trying to pull my pants up but He wouldn’t, He kept on licking it and I turned forcefully towards Barry, Half covered, What seemed like a normal top, with my hands in the pockets as the other half my son licking the living hell out of me. I tried to control as much as possible and finally blurted something out in the fear of Barry coming close.

“Hmmmmm, nothing honey, ahh, ahh, um, Just a plate, Did ……. You complete PACKING?”

“Almost done, you sure everything okay? You sound like you are sick”

“ahhhhhh, Just a head..ache HONEY”

I tried to cover it up with my hand over my forehead and my head down looking directly at Jack who is immersed in satisfying my pussy.

“Okay then, I’ll be done in 10” Barry said and went upstairs.

“ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uh uh uh uh uh uh”

My mini moans echoed in my ears as my mouth wide open trying to breathe as much air as possible, my hands pushing him away and He forced his tongue inside and his hands over my pussy, rubbing it, pinching it, spreading it, playing it the way he wanted. And a few minutes after that I finally pushed him away, adjusting my pants as he fall on the floor, this time making a lower sound.

He looked at me from the ground, as I rushed to drink water. After I was done, I started cleaning the mess at the sink and He slowly got up and took his cock out.

“What are you doing?”

Our first interaction during all this, He looked at me and then down at his cock, at me, at his cock, me, cock, me, cock.

I think I got the point and I begged him to put it back in gesturing with my hands in fear that Barry might hear, a couple of times touching his dick in the motion asking him not to, but he kept insisting.

He stood beside me stroking it over my thigh left and right, all the time a seriousness on his face that I felt the need to comply with, the demands I have to meet, and so I took my left hand and began stroking it slowly, nobody on the other side noticing, but he pushed my hand away.

I began stroking it fast now facing him for a better grip, He closed his eyes and I looked at the stairs to see if Barry’s coming down, when he grabbed by hair and forced me down to my knees, and pushed his cock in my mouth. I was spellbound by his boldness and the attitude of getting what he wants. He began to fuck my mouth instructing me to open it wide and use my tongue. As he fucked my mouth Barry came down with his bag packed and asked for me.

“She’s right hereee, .. something wrong with the sink.”

The motion stopped and I was like a statue with his cock still in my mouth but the tongue still moving. Have to get back at him, son of a bitch.

I could see his eyes acting funny.

“What are you doing?”

“Helping mom with the dishes.” As he said that, he moved towards the sink, taking his cock out of my mouth and I slowly got up with some dishwasher in my hand.

“Hey honey, all done?”

“Yeah, helping your mom with dishes is good. You should take the responsibility, no one will ask you for it. Help your mom while I’m gone.”

“Of course dad” Jack said, with a quick spank on my ass that he managed to cover with sound of the dishes, he sat at the dining table.

We finished dinner rather quickly and Barry gave me his car keys and said a couple of last important things, kissed me, hugged Jack and left for the cab.

We stood at the door waving goodbye, while in the back, Jack managed to pull my pant down and inserted his hand with his hand covering my bare ass. He took my left hand and put it on his dick which is still erect pointing at his daddy’s back.

My smile remained unchanged and when the cab left,

I closed the door with his hand still over my ass and my hand gripping his cock.

We stood in front of each other, hoping the other would dare to speak as this is the first calm moment, being alone that we’ve spent after this crazy adventure.

Words were not coming out of either one of our mouths, when I finally got the courage to speak and opened my mouth, He put his finger on my lips, his head shaking sideways as his hand moved slowly all over my back.

I started twisting his cock and that moment of synchronous movement of both our bodies, we met half way through and kissed passionately for over a minute.