Cocks are ugly

A discussion on what women think of cocks goes on to better things for two guys

I was at my usual Friday night hangout, Smitty’s, on the highway just outside town. Most of the regulars were there, plus a few friends-of-friends, mostly 40-somethings. I looked forward to the evening; not only did Smitty have a great fish fry, we’d always have some laughs. The crowd thinned out around 11 most weeks, though sometimes earlier or later.

This week, Phil and Laurie had brought a friend from Phil’s work, Rich. Phil figured Rich would fit right in, and he did. At one point, we were at the bar and got to talking about, what else, women. The banter went back and forth, and at one point I made the remark that “most women think cocks are ugly.”

“Well, they are, in their way,” replied Rich, “but they also can be attractive in their way too.”

I agreed. “Sure, but our opinions are biased because we’ve both got great looking hardware.”

That brought a good laugh, along with the guys down the bar hassling us, “Hey what’s so funny?”

“Your face, Ed.”

“Look who’s talking?”

The conversation rolled on after that, we both liked to fish, the usual guy stuff. We mingled for the rest of the evening. Later, the crowd was starting to thin out and I was back talking to Rich, when he asked me if he could get a ride home; Phil and Laurie lived the opposite way and he was on my way, so sure.

In the car, there was a lull in the conversation, then Rich asked me, “Do you really think cocks can be attractive?” I played along; “Well I think mine is. Really.”

Rich said, “I think mine is too. But, do you think it has to be big to look good?”

“No, I think that proportion and the straight, hard look are what I’d call attractive. And I think cut guys look better, just my taste. Maybe because I’m cut and the few guys I’ve been with were.”

“Yeah, so am I, and I agree.”

I thought for a second, then said, “Can I see it?”

He paused (but not long), then said, “Sure.” In a minute, we pulled into my driveway. I invited him in, we took off our jackets, and I said, “You sure you want to expose yourself?” Rich responded by opening his belt and pants, and pulling down his undies. There was a very nicely proportioned dick at what I’d estimate to be four inches; he’d gotten to the point of growing but wasn’t hard yet. Very straight and sleek looking. I said, “Damn, Rich, you were right. Very handsome.”

Without him asking, I opened my pants and lowered my underwear. I was also grown but not hard, exposing my larger-than-average manhood. Rich said, “Nice, and big too. Very hot.” He reached for his member and began to stroke it; I interrupted and took his hand away, and replaced it with mine, and started to slide up and down his handsome cock, feeling it get harder as I did this. At this, he reached for mine, which was almost totally hard, and stroked me as well.

I asked him, “Have you ever done this with a male?”

Rich answered, “I jerked off with a friend, but that’s all. You said you’d done guys, what did you do?”

I gave him a couple of squeezes, then said, “We gave each other handjobs and sucked each other too. That was a long time ago, but the memories are still with me.” Rich and I just stroked each other for a minute, then I reached for Rich’s ball sack with my other hand and rolled them around. His dick was smallish, but his balls were generous, almost as big as mine. I could tell he liked that, it brought a moan from him.

Rich was obviously turned on, I could feel him throbbing in my hand. He said, “I’ve always wondered what it was like to suck a cock. I answered, “You have an opportunity now, but only if you want to. Even if you decide against it, I’d like to suck yours. It’s been a long time for me, and damn it’s sexy.”

I led him to the couch and stripped, with my seven incher pointing straight out. He stripped too, and I pressed on his shoulders to sit him down. His small cock was pointing out and up, and I thought about how long it had been since I’d played with a guy. I wondered if I’d still like it, and I was about to find out. I spread his legs and knelt between them, and took his cock in my hand. Penises are amazing, so hard inside but so soft outside. I leaned forward and kissed his head; he throbbed in my hand. Moving my face around, I licked up and down his shaft, and cupping his balls, licked them too. I opened my mouth and enveloped his head, then slowly went down on him. Rich moaned, “Oh fuck man.” Well I guess he was ok with getting a BJ from a man.

I started moving on and off him, slowly at first. Occasionally he’d moan, and told me that my work was better than the women who’d blown him. I took my mouth off for a moment and said, “I think it’s true, guys do a better job.” I went right back on his cock. I was holding off on tongue action or a lot of suction, I didn’t want him to cum too soon and still held hope that he’d do me too. But he was getting there anyway, saying “I’m close!”

Gently, I opened up and came off his dick, then stood up and asked him, “Stroke me, man, I want some touch.” He leaned forward and took my cock in one hand and my balls in the other, then stroked me up and down while he cupped my sack. I closed my eyes and just let him do his work, it was making me feel warm all over.

I guess he made up his mind, because I felt warmth and wetness on my dick head. Looking down, I saw that he had his mouth on it, then slid on an inch or two. My turn to throb. Rich took his mouth off and said, “This is pretty hot. Having your cock in my mouth turns me on.” He went back on my member and slid farther on, maybe four or five inches, then began to slide on and off. No matter, he was doing a good job and I told him so. He came off again and told me, “Fuck this is hot!” I grunted my approval. Looking down, I could see that his dick was still fully erect – I guess he really was enjoying giving head.

After a few minutes, Rich came off and said his mouth was a little sore. “I know, my mouth was sore when I sucked off a guy this big. Anyway,” I said while kneeling down, “I want more of you.” I went back on his stiff cock and worked on him, then after a few minutes he reached for my cock but couldn’t quite reach it, so he told me to stand back up, because he wanted more. As soon as he went on me, I knew it wouldn’t be long, and said, “I’m close, I’ll let you know,” in case he didn’t want it in his mouth.

“Just let me have it, I want to experience it all.” OK then, I just relaxed and let the feeling come on, which it did in a minute or so. Now he was going on me almost all the way, must have been as far as he could, and started to suck harder. My whole middle was starting to feel wonderful, then more wonderful, then I felt myself going over the edge. I grunted hard, and felt my cum pounding out of my cock and into Rich’s mouth. He seemed a little surprised, then went back on me far while I finished ejaculating.

After a moment, I relaxed and he let my cock out of his mouth, then he visibly swallowed. I asked, “You don’t mind the taste?”

“I’m used to it, I’ve been tasting my own and sometimes eating it. My ex dared me once and I found it wasn’t so bad.”

I got back on my knees and went right back down on him. I was determined to make him cum hard, so I bobbed up and down with suction, and would stop and give his sensitive side some tongue work. “Goddamn, Paul, fuck, fuck.” He grabbed my head and guided me on and off his cock, and I kept up the tonguing. I could feel my tongue on his stiffy and his head moving to my lips and back. He started to grunt and croak, then he shoved my head down until my nose was buried in his crotch hair, then I felt his dick throb and his warm cum entering my mouth. I swirled it around his throbbing cock and he just moaned.

After half a minute with his handsome but deflating cock in my mouth, I sucked up all his cum and swallowed it, then came off him. We just chilled for a minute, then I asked him what he thought of it. He said, “I think I’ll be doing this again.”

I asked, “Did you get used to my thickness? You seemed to be ok with it.”

“I finally figured out that I should just relax my mouth, and I think that after a while my mouth stretched out a bit. Anyway, I loved having your fat cock in my mouth. It really turned me on.”

He reached down and held my now soft dick, and I reached for his softening, cum-covered member. I replied, “Your stiff cock was so sexy in my mouth, it made me hard too. I love having a cock all the way in and working it over good.”

“Yeah man, that tongue work at the end, holy fuck. I have to try that too.”

It was late so we dressed and I gave Rich a ride home. But not before we exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet on Monday at his house.

Another corrupted guy, now filed under “Straight but likes cock.”