Control yourself! – Training a mage in the modern world

Special thanks to Interesting Reed for the help with this story about a young mage coming to terms with her new powers check out his stories for more adventure stories! =)

This is how I realized I wasn’t your typical normal teen. I first started to realize that when I was eight and I noticed I could move and control things with out touching them. My dolls were my best friends because I wasn’t that good at making friends at school. Barbie would walk by herself talk to me and play. I didn’t find it strange but when my adopted parents found me alone in my room talking to myself they thought I was a bit lonely. So they naturally tried what every parent tries force friendships to happen. So they set up play dates and get me to meet up and hopefully make friends with some classmates a good idea right? Wrong.

My play dates didn’t turn out too well my classmates and random kids from the park my parents lassoed into a play date for some reason couldn’t believe that my dolls could walk and talk by themselves. So when they first saw them they freaked out I’m responsible for a few of my grade school classmates being institutionalized In the state nut house, but it only got worse when I moved up in grades. School was easy I never had a hard time in classes in fact I always made honor roll and was able to skip a grade or two. That only made things worse on trying to find a friend. Try being a ten year old friendless and in the 8th grade. It was horrible I would get teased and bullied every day.

Grace Harper the local slut in our class got in my face when I showed up to class in the same outfit as she had on and I wore it better not that any of the boys cared. They still viewed me as a kid even though I tutored most of them after school. Well I guess because of my short black hair and young thin body frame that was naturally tone compared to my pudgy classmates and other kids of my age Grace saw me as a future rival and the boys thought I was just a smart brat. I don’t know what made her do what she did but she started to belittle me for not having friends and being a outcast and a quote “nerd” unquote it got to where it was a daily thing and I learned to live with it.

I would wake up my parents are already at work, typical. I’d make the toaster make toast brew some coffee on the pot and fry up an egg all while I was still in bed wiping the sleep out of my eyes. Change clothes luckily the school dress code wasn’t greatly enforced just as long as most of you was covered up you’ll be ok. Hope that Grace didn’t have the same outfit on for school. I would bike to school because the bus is such torture all they do is talk about the newest boy band and junk I really didn’t care about besides all the boy bands music sounded the same to me and completely fake.

When I get to class Grace would insult my outfit then I would have a boring class. I wouldn’t even pay attention but I knew the answers and when I didn’t they sort of came to me out of nowhere or so I thought. Then lunch oh how I hated lunch but thankfully I convinced the principal that I don’t need to have lunch with everyone and got to eat my lunch outside. Mostly on the roof I loved being so high up away from all the noise that comes out of my classmates mouths and see the whole town from up here.

One day while I was enjoying my own lunch I heard a noise from the other side of the roof. I went to investigate and what I saw blew my mind. There was Grace on her knees with Bobby Holden the star basketball player of our school. She was unbuttoning his jeans and whispering something I couldn’t quite make it out so I did what I always did when I couldn’t hear anything. I imagined myself there closer and things got louder so I can make out what they were saying.

“You sure this is safe that freak comes here to eat you know?” Bobby said he isn’t that tall only just 5 feet 7 inches but has crazy good luck with his shots. He isn’t too bad looking could learn to clean his face better so he wouldn’t be so covered in acne and his voice is too squeaky for me to stand, but his emerald green eyes are dreamy with his long messy brown hair more then made up for it. “Don’t mind the geek she is probably studying for Harvard or being a derp somewhere.” Grace said in her usual catty tone.

Grace isn’t too bad looking herself she only 5 feet 3 inches about the same hight as me but her tits are a solid C cup and she loves showing them off. Always wearing that white zip up baby phat hoody and some type of half top or low cut shirt. The only way she gets away with wearing them shirts is she keeps her hoody zipped up in class and the halls but doesn’t mind unzipping it and showing off a healthy amount of cleavage to the boys or male teachers. I was would admit I have been jealous of her boobs I barely had a A cup mostly sticking to wearing my big wooly green sweater whenever I’m outside besides that I dress normal a tee shirt and jeans I wasn’t a big trend setter.

What I saw next amazed me she started to blow him off I think that’s what’s it’s called. I still have the adult censor on my computer for some reason technology is hard for me get a grasp on. She grabbed his penis and put it her mouth and began to grab and twist it up and down. I wanted to barf doesn’t she know he pees out that thing? I always knew she was dumb blond but come on that down right disgusting. She started to suck all of it in her mouth making the most disgusting sounds imaginable. Kind of like getting a suction cup to stick on and off a wet window over and over again.

The thing I like about my trick is that when I’m imagining myself closer to them it’s like I actually am even though I can clearly see myself hiding behind a air duct hearing it hum to life. I can totally see his penis get harder and longer then just as it gets to it hardest it deflates. I can also hear what other people really think about inside of there heads. “Really? All that bragging about he the biggest in the locker room which he isn’t and he’s a quick draw?” Grace thought to herself as she tried to hold back a cough from the few drops of sperm his penis produced and shot to the back of her throat.

Bobby completely satisfied with himself pulls out his penis covered in saliva a bit of sperm still on the tip with a goofy smile plastered on his face. “Wow baby that was magic. The guys were right you are easy.” He said in his mind but I made him say it out loud. “The fuck do you mean easy?!” Grace said in a shrieking voice half stunned and half hurt but completely mad. “I didn’t say your easy just the guys who you sucked off after a game said…” Bobby tried to hold his mouth close but I forced the words out of him. “…you were and there are a lot of guys I mean come on you sucked half the bench and we made a bet I could get you to blow me for a fruit cup and a few sweet words.”

To Bobby’s defense he did give her his fruit cup for a whole week before she sucked him off. “You pig! I didn’t suck off half the team more like all but one and they all had way bigger dicks then you and lasted longer.” She said trying not to keep talking but I was having way too much fun. “I bet even your little brother has a bigger penis then you. He definitely can last longer or is it a hereditary thing to only last approximately fourty eight seconds?” I said threw Graces mouth. “You were the last one on the team I gave oral to and you better believe it you sure weren’t my favorite or best.”

Bobby face got red with embarrassment and anger he just zipped up his jeans and went threw the door. I couldn’t hold it in anymore I bursted out with laughter. I laughed so hard that I didn’t realize my trick ended and I was laughing so hard I was rolling on the roof on my back. “You little freak! Did you…and you heard…oh your dead!” Grace yelled at me and lunged at me. I didn’t even notice until she was a few inches above me.

“Crap…” I said meekly as she was about to pounce on me and beat the life out of me. I blocked her punches and scratches with my arms over my face. She still managed to get a good hand full of my hair and bang my head on the hard roof. Just as I was about to black out I saw a blue flame. It was cold even though it was clearly a large blue flame then it spoke to me. “Your going to let a mere mortal get the best of you? Defend yourself!” I stared at it dumb founded a flame shouldn’t be able to speak it’s nothing but heated up parted accelerated so fast they make up a fire. For some unknown reason I decided to over look that and talked back to it. “How? She is bigger then me and I’m just so weak…”

“Foolish child your far older and stronger then your current body shows. Release the power from with in you. Let it out concentrate and follow your instinct.” The blue flame said in a calm and peaceful voice.

I opened my eyes and shouted “Get off of me you cunt!” In a deep and other worldly voice I rose up and grabbed Grace by the throat. She didn’t let go of my hair and began to pull at it. Now she had clumps of hair in her hand while I choked her. “You whores child.” I said while punching her with my left hand.

“Fucking unloved bitch!” I said with a loud back hand that echoed out around us. “You dare lay a hand on me?” I slammed her into the roof with so much force it shooked the air around us. “You’ll die a countless amount of deaths before you beg me to rip your pathetic worthless life out of the fabric of existence!” I said with one last swipe at her face I clawed her deep with my nails leaving claw marks across her face that had dark red blood seeping out of them.

“Relax child she’s had enough.” The blue flame said but I couldn’t stop. I began to kick at her side and stomp on her back when she tried to crawl away. “Enough child she will pass if you keep on.” Grace coughed up blood as I stomped on her back with a gasp she tried to beg me to stop. “Please don’t…kill me.”

I looked at her bloody and disfigured face and mimicked her voice excatly. “Pla-pla-please don’t kill ma-mah-me.” I said throwing my head back laughing at her as I raised my foot to stomp at her face completely prepared to smear her face into the roof. “I said that’s enough!” The blue flame appeared in front of me and I was thrown back off the roof. I panicked as I was falling off the roof and landed on the principals new prius. With a loud thud I awoke not in a hospital but a bed.

The softest bed I ever slept on and the room was strange kind of old looking. Solid grey brick with visable moss growing out on it. I got up and the wood creeked under my feet. I looked around and realized the at wasn’t grey bricks but solid rock. The place looked to be a study of some sort. Old books in bookshelves a desk with a half burned candle on it lots of loose sheets of paper laying around really messy.

Some books on the old desk called out to me. “Read me!” One yelled in a high pitched feminine voice. “No read me! I’m more knowledgeable then that book.” Another called out in a nasally voice. “If your going to try to read them you need to read me I have all the basic laws of magic and you’ll be completely lost if you don’t read me.” One said in a much deeper and older voice.

I slowly made my way to them when I heard the blue flame voice again. “Shut up! All of you she won’t be reading any of you until she learns to control herself.” I turned around and saw a man standing behind me with a large blue flame beard and eyebrows but no hair.

“Where am I? You know kidnapping a child is a felony right? You better take me home!” I said trying not to sound as frightened as I was but my knees betrayed me they began wobbling as he came closer to me.

“That’s not fear you have that’s something…else.” The man said stroking his blue flamed beard and not getting burned. “I’ll scream and I’m really loud when I scream.” I said while trying to get in his head like I do with other adults.

I tried but I felt a push so I tried harder then I was pushed again so I tried my hardest I ever tried. Usually this is a walk in the park for me I been taking control of people’s minds for years but his was different. Instead of a push I felt a physical slap across my face that left a stinging ache on my cheek this time.

“I’m not your average adult. You can’t take hold of my mind as easily as you do others.” He said with a coy smile. “Try that again and you’ll be punished.”

I was really scared then the books began to speak again they all said in unison. “Don’t do it.” It was as if they could read my mind because I was about to try it again. “They can they read a person just as easily as you read the words on them.” He said with a dry cackle but not moving his lips then I noticed he was in my head.

Reading my thoughts just as they popped in my head. It felt strange almost like a dream but with pain and it made my head ache. I tasted blood and copper in my mouth my vision became blurry. Is this what the people feel when I’m controlling them?

I wondered to myself. “Yes it is. Thought you should experience it form their point of view. Its not so pleasant is it?” He said as his voice echoed loudly in my head.

“No please get out!” I shouted. “I’m sorry I won’t try it again I promise!” Then suddenly the pain stopped and he reached out to me right before I passed out.

“Good go back to your realm this place isn’t safe for you. Try not to be such a pain either and don’t attract to much attention to yourself. I’ll contact you soon.” I awoke back on the roof with a bloody mess of Grace all over my shoes and her passed out from blood loss.

“Oh I almost forgot about her.” The blue flame said while encasing Grace in blue flame she completely healed. “Go leave her she’ll be fine. I’ll see you soon Ronda.”

How did he know my name…who was he? How didn’t he burn when he touched his flames? What the fuck did I do to Grace? Did that really just happen? Crap is she getting up?

I ran out the roof door and heard the principal yell out “WHY!!!” I looked out the window and saw him standing next to his crunched brand new prius. Crap there is way to much going on right now I tried to convince the nurse to let me go home. I was going to make her but then the pain of having that blue flame in my head came back to me.

I told her it was my period and that I need to go home. She gave me a tampon and called my parents. I was home in a hour but they took off back to work didn’t even bother to ask if I was ok. I guess I’ll wait in my room for the blue flame to show up again.