Demon Chronicles – (Seven Sins) Asmodeus

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Demon Chronicles – (Seven Sins) Asmodeus
Would love to read your comments. English isn’t my first language, don’t mind some of my grammar mistakes.
Skip to paragraph 8 for the kinky parts 😉

I walked down the dark alleys of the Underworld, carefully placing my steps to avoid dirty puddles. The coldness still crept up my thick coat. I dream about this place almost every night, and I’ve overheard enough from the other residents that this was the Underworld, where the fallen angels live in peace. I wanted to explore more of this world, away from the cruel Human one I lived in and suffer from.

It was a fantastic world, the people here were friendly, even though they were so-called, demons. And of course, most of them looked stunning. As I walked with my head down, the huts beside me looked really warm, and I was tempted to sneak into one. Without warning, a shadow fleeted pass high above, and numerous followed, seemingly in pursuit of the first. One of them jumped down in front of me, and I immediately knew this wasn’t a normal demon. His robe’s material was made of dark purple velvet that shone under the orange street light, none of the normal demons would have this type of robe.

The person was tall, around than 6′ 2″. He gently pulled off the hood to his robe, revealing a head of messy dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. I spotted a pink scarf around his neck, contrasting heavily against his dark-colour robe. “My dear, do get back home soon, it’s not safe out here,” he said, his voice was moderately deep, and I liked it. “Uh, I don’t have a home actually, I’m a wanderer,” I lied, since I wasn’t too sure what to reply. His eyes met mine and they narrowed, “You’re not from here are you?” he asked softly. I gasped involuntarily, oh shit someone found out.

“You’re human? In a dream?” he continue, pressing for answers. “…yes” I replied, my voice almost a whisper. “Ah, I see.” His answer surprised me, I thought something bad was going to happen if anyone found out. “I’m Ash, nice to meet you,” he patted my head, “I’ll need to continue my pursuit, go to the square or the main mansion if you seek for shelter,” his voice faded as he leaped away into the shadows.

The main mansion was where all the head demons lived and I definitely did not want to go there. I scuttled away, maybe I should go to the square instead. As I walked I kept wondering who they were pursuing, I think there were still a lot of things to learn from this dimension, but surely, I’m not someone important so maybe I don’t need to know. Well, curiosity killed the cat. I found the city square, almost desolated as it was late. I guess I’ll need to find some corner by the street to rest. Suddenly, someone appeared behind me, his hand clasped my mouth and a cold blade was pressed against my throat.

“Got you, human scum,” the person behind me smelt really bad of rats and sewer wastage. “I’ve been following you for a few days, now my experiment shall be complete!” he said, chuckling as he pulled me into the shadows. I wasn’t sure how it would end if I died in my dreams. Something wheezed past my ear and the next thing I knew was that my assaulter was screaming in pain. I heard the sound of daggers being unsheathed and the person who attacked me fell silent.

“Didn’t I tell you to go for the main mansion?” a familiar voice sounded behind me. The green-eyed man had some blood on his face, and it was definitely not his blood. He looked serious this time, his subordinates finally followed up and landed beside him. “Wow you guys are hella slow,” he said sullenly as they bowed their head. What happened next was a blur, he picked me up in his arms swiftly and started leaping. I squealed and clung onto his robe, my eyes squeezed shut. “You really shouldn’t be here,” he said, his words blown away by the strong wind.

After some time, he finally stopped, and I opened my eyes. I was in a warm broad room with tungsten lights. “Rest, and go back to your dimension my dear,” he said, taking off his robe. He was very lean and quite thin. I couldn’t help noticing all the scars he had around his neck as he took off his pink scarf. “Staring is rude,” he said, and I snapped back to the current situation. “I’m sorry, and thank you, Ash,” I said as I smiled. “Oh, and this is my room,” his serious face broke into a grin and his eyes glinted with amusement.
“Is-is it alright for me to stay here though?” I stuttered, lowering my head trying to hide my blushing face. It obviously wasn’t a good idea to stay at a demon’s place, but I don’t think I have a choice. He started striding towards me, and I instinctively backed away until my back was against the wall, but he was still coming. Holy shit. In a fast motion, he pinned both of my hands above my head and leaned in.

“I would like to do really bad things to you, Human,” he hissed, “But I’m going to be a good demon and leave you in peace tonight,” his face was in front of mine, strands of his messy hair fell in front of his eyes as he stared at me lustfully. His attitude changes so damn fast and I couldn’t grasp what was going on. I could smell his manly scent. His hands that were on mine were rough from hard work and I could see his scars more clearly from this point of view. I was really entranced by his green eyes, seemingly luring me into his soul. “I dare you…” I said, summoning up my bravery, meeting his burning gaze. “…Asmodeus.”

His grip tightened on my hands as he gently nipped my ear. “Oh? Suddenly found your courage?” he whispered. “You know my name?” his gaze locks mine again. “I read about you, I was just guessing since you told me your name was Ash,” I replied truthfully. “I thought Humans nowadays do not acknowledge our presence anymore?” he said, one of his eyebrows lifted in question. “Uh, can you let go of me now?” I said awkwardly. He chuckled and let go. As I rubbed my wrists, I could see him eyeing my every move.

“I believe that demons do exist, it’s most probably the reason why I ended up here,” I said. He ran a hand through his messy hair and took off his boots. “A Human really shouldn’t be here, you smell really nice and it really provokes us a lot,” he said as he continue taking off his leather vest. “Provoke?” I asked. “Not sure if it’s the right word to use, I’m not good in your language,” he shrugged as he started to unbutton his shirt. Oh shit. “Demons can gain more power if they get closer to Humans, close as the intimate type of close,” his gaze burns into me again. “Go to sleep, I’m going to go take a shower,” he threw his shirt onto the table. I gulped at his lean body, seemingly carved to perfection, but yet was covered with scars here and there. “If you’re not asleep by the time I’m done,” he turned around and smirked at me, “Baby you’re in for something,” and he walked into the next room.

I climbed onto the bed, removing my shoes and my robe, leaving just a white shirt and long trousers on me. The bed smelt like him and roses. I covered myself in the blanket and tried to sleep, but for some reason I couldn’t, most probably it’s because I am already asleep and I’m dreaming. After some time, I heard the door open and I pretended to sleep.
“No use pretending,” I could hear amusement in his voice. The other side of the bed sunk and I felt him climb onto the bed. He smelt so nice. His strong arm circled around my waist and pulled me into his embrace. Holy shit he’s not wearing anything. It was getting warm, was it the room, or is it just me I wonder? His skin was pale like moonlight, and his hair was still wet. For some reason I felt… protected with him. Gently, he kissed the nape of my neck and I shivered in response. “Are you afraid?” he whispered into my ear. “… not really, I feel safe with you,” I answered shyly. He chuckled in response. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

His hand slid over my shirt, unbuttoning them swiftly one by one. I didn’t even want to struggle anymore. He was, really gentle, his touch light on my skin. My back was still against him. As he threw my shirt onto the floor, I could feel my heart racing. “Relax,” he whispered, nipping my ear. He planted kisses down my back, one by one, slowly, taking his time. I shivered with each kiss, goose bumps rising on my skin. And then he trailed back up with his tongue. At this moment, my body had surrendered to him. He turned me over and his emerald eyes found mine, seemingly hesitant to go on. “It-It’s okay,” I whispered, breaking eye contact, my face as red as ever. “I didn’t say I was going to go all the way,” he grinned mischievously. “Don’t leave me hanging,” I whined, desperate.

He chuckled, his hand fleeting to my back, unhooking my bra and sliding it off. He then continued to suckle my breasts. His tongue around my nipples tipped me off. I was wet, needy and wanting. He kneaded my breasts gently, his tongue circling and tugging. I couldn’t hold in my moans any longer. He was looking at me, his green eyes shining. I was sure my expression was pathetic. He finally lifted his lips off me and admired the view. “Shall I stop?” he grinned mischievously. “No… please,” I whimpered. I had seemingly lost my strength, weak after all the teasing. I wanted to do something for him, it wouldn’t be fair if he was the only one to tease me.

I ran a hand through his wet hair and his eyes locked on mine. “I think it’s my turn now,” I said softly and gestured to change positions. He raised an eyebrow and did what I suggested. My mouth dropped open when I saw the size of his manhood. It was definitely above average size. I reached for it, and slowly rubbed it up and down. His breathing changed slightly at my touch. Then I proceeded to kiss the tip. Two can play this game. I did everything slowly, kissing the tip, licking him up and down, and finally wrapping my mouth around him. He huffed, my eyes met his, burning with desire as I went up and down. Without warning, he grabbed me and pressed me down on the bed, pinning both my hands to the side of my head.

“I think that’s enough teasing little Human,” his breathing was heavy, his voice husky and sexy. “Don’t move,” he growled, releasing my hands and going for the button on my trousers. Pulling them off, he eyed my overflowing sex. “Oh what do we have here,” he said softly. I rubbed my thighs together nervously, I never had such a big one. “Please,” I begged, and the main course starts. He edged into me, inch by inch, stretching me, the waves of pleasure overtaking my last bit of control I had of myself. “Ash…” I moaned as he filled me. He stopped and looked at me before starting to move. He went slowly at first, letting each wave of pleasure sweep through me, and then started accelerating. Each thrust went straight to my core, pleasure echoed within me as I lost myself in his rhythm. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his lips found mine. Our tongues entwined, it has been so long since I was made love to in such a gentle and slow-paced way. And I loved it.

“Fill me, with all of you,” I whispered, biting his ear softly. He grunted, I could feel him going faster. I wanted him, so much. As he reached his climax, his hot cum flowed deep into me, tipping me off the edge as I spiralled into my own climax. His breathing was hot on my neck. As I regained myself, I saw his eyes still burning with desire. “Enjoyed it?” he chuckled as he withdrew himself from me slowly. I nodded shyly and gestured for a hug. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me, pulling the blanket over the both of us. “It’s time to go back to your dimension my dear,” he whispered softly. Drowsy, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in my bed back in my room, wet and wanting, but with no one beside me.