Dynamic Adventure

This is my first story. I wanna see what people think of this long back story but good sex. More to this series to come if there is a good rating.

Its only 11pm and this party is already raving. Well I shouldn’t be surprised this is a one and only Dynamic party. Dynamic came out of the blue and started off the charts parties that is invite only. The major rumor is that no one knows the identity of Dynamic; no one even knows if it’s a boy or a girl. Anyway people are starting to get extremely wild and there are still more people coming. The door bell rings, I rush to open it; hopefully it’s the more pizza that was ordered. I open the door and I see some chick in an oversized red polo and khaki capri. She has long untamed curly hair she’s about my height 5’ 5”.
-Um, so I have your pizzas here your total is 54 dollars and 45 cents- she says
She has a light voice but a tough body to match it I can’t see her face cuz she is looking down trying to keep everything from falling out of her hands.
-Here let me grab those- I say. I handed the pizzas to some random partier who takes them inside.
-Also here is the money- while handing her the money.
She finally looks up and I see her beautiful caramel eyes, little nose, and slight hint of freckles. Her skin color is a bit lighter than mine; granted I do tan a lot. She seems familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. I can’t help but snicker a little when she realizes the huge amount of noise and flashing lights coming from behind me and her eyes go wide.
-Thanks for the pizza, sorry for the late call.
-Its…. It’s no problem. – She still seems stunned by the party. But she eventually starts to walk away slowly.
-OMG, wait a second- I finally remember where I know her from –Kim? Is that you?
She looked confused for a second like she didn’t recognize me –yea that’s me do I know you
-yea well not really I met you about 6 years ago from mutual friends….more like friend.
She thinks for a bit before she remembers –oh yea aren’t you Gemma’s friend? That used to be the little weird chick with the glasses?
I laugh at the memory of me in senior year-yea well used to be Gemma’s friend she iced me out a couple years back, but hey whatevs- I can’t believe she actually remembered me we didn’t really talk much.
-Oh I’m sorry – she paused for a second like she didn’t know what to do next
So I speak up -hey you wanna come in I’m pretty sure I can get the party host to make an exception-
-I can’t I’m sorry I gotta get back and give the money I made and also return the stupid car and get my own from the lot but thanks anyway.
I don’t think she knew this was a Dynamic party she was turning down but I wasn’t gonna push her any farther about it. It would have been cool for her to stay. I always did have a thing for her.
-well I’m sorry you couldn’t stay but hey if you wanna stop by when you get your car I’m pretty sure the party will still be going by then I’ll let you in.- I was kind of hoping she might show up. I look her up and down one last time before I start heading in and she starts to leave.
– Alright thanks it was nice seeing you again
I don’t even answer I just close the door and head back to the bar to order a virgin martini. I prefer not to get wasted at a party and end up knocking out when I got a job to do. The doorbell rings again. I grunt in frustration. : Seriously how many more people are gonna show up: I open the door and I was surprised to see Kim standing there.
-hey I’m sorry to bother you but my car broke down and it started to pour and I don’t think the towing company is gonna show up this late.
-oh um come on in you wanna call your boss or something tell them the situation and that you’ll bring the money by tomorrow? – It’s like the perfect opportunity fell right into my lap
-um yea ill do that- she takes out her phone calls her boss and two minutes later she gives me a smile as she hangs up –he said he trusts me so ill take the money to him tomorrow
-great here come on in your soaked as it is
She comes in the house to the music and lights she looks around at all the people and smiles.
-hey how bout we get you some dry clothes you look about the same size as me I got some clothes here from when I crash here after parties.
She seemed unsure at first but she finally gives me a nod. We head upstairs to my “room”. I automatically go for the closet and starting rifling through it for a pair of jeans and a sexy top. Hopefully I can get this girl into something where I can see more skin. She stands by the door unsure of what to do. She is dripping from the storm and shivering.
-Here try on these- I toss her a sheer shirt and a pair of electrics blue skinny jeans
She catches them mid air. I turn around to give her somewhat of privacy in the tiny room. I guess I turned around too early cuz when I do she is still pulling up the pants and I see her boy shorts hugging her tight ass.
-holyshit my bad- I turn around quickly not regretting I just saw her
-It’s alright I’m done now-I hear the sound of a zipper and that’s when I know for sure I can turn around
I have a slight smile on my face as I’m proud of the outfit I picked out she looks totally hot even with her hair a mess. Man how I would love to run my hands through her hair and kiss her right now. I give her the sexiest look I can do hopefully I can seduce her
-so mind telling who’s party this is cuz I don’t wanna feel like a party crasher
She seems so unaffected my charms. Either I’ve lost my touch or she isn’t bi anymore like she was 6 years ago –um yea- as we start heading downstairs to the loud music – welcome to a Dynamic party
I love the look on people’s faces when I say that.
-no fucking way!!! You’re lying!!! Omg!! Is Dynamic here?
It’s like she can’t make a complete sentence. –yea Dynamic is around here somewhere never known who they are though; Never seen their face. Well anyway – trying to get off the topic of Dynamic fast- have fun see you around alright I gotta go do some shit- I walk away to the other side of the house I try and make conversation with other people but I can’t keep my eyes off of her.

It’s about 3 in the morning now, and I think it’s time for this party to end or else it will go till the next night. I walk up to the makeshift stage and grab the mic from the DJ.
-Alright party goers it’s time for us to start heading out. Leave peacefully or you will be banned from a Dynamic party forever.
I can’t believe I have to say that only because a couple months ago some people refused to leave; ended up having to call the cops. But now everyone is shuffling to get out except one; Kim I walk over to her she looks so confused.
-Hey what’s wrong you look confused? If it’s about my clothes you can keep them they look better on you anyway. – Raking my eyes up and down her body
-No it’s not that but thanks. I’m just worried because my car is still jacked up so I don’t know what to do.
I think fast on my feet, this is possibly my chance to get with her. –Um you could stay here with me I was gonna crash here anyway I’m pretty sure Dynamic will be alright with it.
-um yea thanks that would be great
I make sure everyone has left and Kim and I head upstairs. Tonight is gonna be a good night.
-So hey does Dynamic stay here too or is this just a secondary house? Also if you don’t mind me asking how come you are the only one that can crash here after a Dynamic party?
I really think this chick has a thing for a person she has never met. Nearly everyone does since Dynamic is so mysterious. I really don’t see anything in Dynamic. –This is Dynamics first and only house. I stay here cuz I work for Dynamic. I am the secondary hostess so that’s why I call when the party is over so Dynamics identity is secret. Look I’m gonna knock out we will have to share my bed if you don’t mind.
-oh that’s cool. But yea I’m ok with that- she starts to strip to her boy shorts and bra.
Damn this girl is gonna drive me crazy tonight. I change into my boxer shorts and sports bra we get settled in bed, her back is to me. In the dark I can make out her outline, her calm breathing; I stay like this for about an hour. I am sure that she sleeping I can hear her soft snoring; she turns and I can see body, her boob is slightly coming out of her bra and that drives me over the top. I run my hand over her body slightly trying not to wake her up. I shift closer and started to run my mouth over her bare shoulder and head down towards her boob. Once I get there I take in her nipple to my mouth and start suckling; I hear a slight moan come out from her which makes me stop for a second to see if she is awake. When I see her face is relaxed and her eyes are still closed I let out a sigh of relief. I go to start again a genial moan escapes from her unconscious mouth as you wrap her lips around her breast, sucking hard. She seems to be enjoying this even if she doesn’t know it I slide my hand down her sexy slender body, I slip my hand in her underwear and gently cup her bare pussy. The adrenaline of ‘raping’ a woman in her sleep was exhilarating but I was wary that she could wake up at any time… I begin massaging her clit as I continuing to suck on her right tit. I move my hand lower until my fingers are teasing the girl’s cunt. I couldn’t help myself so I slip a finger into her pussy, surprised it was so tight. I slowly begin moving the finger in and out of her vagina. She moans some more in her sleep, however soon her eyes open…
-Wha…what the fuck are you doing- she says groggy from suddenly being awoken.
My finger is still buried deep in her cunt. Without a second though I continue slide my finger in; and around inside the sexy tight cunt, quickening my pace.
-St-stop that yo-u slut- struggling to find her words as she lets out a moan of pleasure, she continues to protest but her body is saying something completely different.
-I…oh god- her body squirms under mine in protest though she has no intention to stop now.
-I…I said s-top- her moans quickening; I decide to slip in another finger just for fun she moans in obvious pleasure.
-N-no…don’t…stop” I smile as the she cums hard under my crafty hand. Shivering and shaking as she calms down not letting her finger escape for any of it. Kim finally finds her bearing and pulls at my hair and throws me to the ground. I get up as she dives on top of me, her wet pussy rubbing against my stomach.
-What the hell do you think you’re doing! – She demands.
-I….I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me” I plea, hoping she doesn’t know some sort of self defense.
-Why did you do it! -She questions.
-Because you’re so hot and I was so horny, I just had to
-Well… all you had to do was ask…- She says seductively as she begins bucking her hips against my stomach. She moans as she smiles. She moves further down; sliding my boxer shorts down with her and soon their bare pussies are grinding against each other. My clit is dancing in a sea of cunt juice… She grips my tit hard for better leverage and speeds up. I moan loudly as she does so.
-OH GOD! OH GOD!” we both scream in unison. Soon we are both having orgasms and we cum so much it creates a puddle on the floor and slowly soaks into the carpet.
She leans forward in exhaustion and smashes her lips against mine. Our tongues enter each other’s mouths. Soon she breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes.
-So should we continue this or should we get some rest- she says with a yawn
-well you look tired I guess we can finish this later- I say this while moving my arm around her ass and slipping two fingers in her dripping wet pussy. She moans a bit, but she gets up and helps me up.
-we’ll finish this later then right now let’s get naked and just sleep in each other’s arms.
I do as she says and we get back into the bed and I spoon her from behind. My arm is over her hip while my finger is teasing her clit slightly. We both drift off into a nice slumber with wet sexy dreams of the things we can do to each other.