For Want of an Alien Baby

A woman stolen from Earth is to be the mother of a new generation of conquering aliens.

Katrine woke with a gasp – something had penetrated her vagina!
Her blue eyes flew open and the first thing she saw was the alien between her legs. It was tall, greyish-brown skinned, with deep-set eyes, a small nose, and no mouth to speak of. It looked humanoid; bipedal, jointed limbs, and a somewhat expressive face. A cloak hung from its freakishly broad shoulders, and from within those folds protruded a very large member, which was currently half-buried within the human’s vagina.
The young woman drew in her breath to scream, but when she did, not a note filled the room she was lying in, despite emptying her lungs through her voice box. Gasping again as the alien’s cock slid deeper into her, Katrine subconsciously took in the contents of the room, which wasn’t much. The ceiling was high, and variegated with pipes and conduits, while the walls were a dull grey color with only one mode of egress; a heavy hatch.
She was lying on a table of sorts, positioned near the wall and at the perfect height for this alien to penetrate her. As she began to pant from the stimulation, she saw the alien reach with one hand and wave it at the wall under its palm, which erupted in a pane of light that covered the wall. It tapped the pane of light a few times, each time at a differently-colored circle, and then it waved again, collapsing the pane. At these gestures, the table moved slightly, sinking toward the ground about a centimeter.
Since she couldn’t use her voice for some reason, Katrine decided to try and assault this creature, but to no avail, as her limbs were caught at the joints in some sort of shimmering field that allowed zero movement. Her arms were held above her head, and her legs were held apart as far as they could go, and this creature was sliding in and out of her nether regions.
Her eyes rolled as she panicked, attempting to scream or move her arms or anything, but she was very securely bound and gagged. As she came back to her senses, she saw the lights which hung from the ceiling flicker slightly, which was accompanied by the slightest of vibrations that she felt through the table. During this instant, she felt her limbs slip from their bindings only to be re-caught when the power became steady again. She vaguely wondered at what was happening, and where she was at.
She sighed deeply as the alien blundered past her g-spot, the foothills of an orgasm forming within her. It seemed to notice her reaction, and tried to angle itself to repeat the action. He was coming closer with every stroke. Katrine squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth, trying to stave off the orgasm, as she did not want to cum from this alien raping her, but there was no staving off a physical reaction.
The creature’s cock hit home on three strokes in a row, flooding Katrine with an orgasm that crept up from her toes and swept through her abdomen, leaving her panting like she had just run a marathon. She had shrieked at first, but the field dampened all noise she made.
As she came down from her orgasm, she noticed that the alien had closed its eyes and was pumping more insistently than before. Every thrust seemed to scoot her back a few millimeters, and her pert, b-cup breasts jiggled back and forth with the motion. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening, and she started yelling “no! no, please!” before she remembered that she couldn’t be heard. She began to panic again as the alien leaned back, drew out of her, and then plunged in as deep as he could.
She yelled silently as she felt the creature’s member swell within her, but her astonishment rose as she felt something else happen. It felt as though the cock extended up into her further than usual, a little pain shooting through her belly. She gasped through her panting: some part of the alien’s anatomy had penetrated her cervix!
The alien grunted through its small nose, and Katrine distinctly felt a continuous jet of fluid shoot into her midsection. She set her head back on the table and waited for it to be over. After about twenty seconds, she arched one eyebrow and looked back down herself at the alien buried in her. It had not changed position, and there was still fluid being shot into her uterus. She felt something shift within her, and looked down at her proudly flat belly as it rose and fell with her breath.
For the next entire minute and a half, Katrine, her panic diffused somewhat by the odd happenings transpiring, watched as the alien pumped over a liter of fluid into her uterus, making it grow roughly to the size of a melon. Her belly grew before her terrified eyes, expanding slowly outward until the creature had exhausted itself. The alien’s shoulders slumped, and Katrine felt whatever had protruded from the end of the alien’s cock and penetrated her cervix withdraw from her uterus.
At that moment, there was a somewhat stronger vibration from beneath the floor, and the lights flickered a few times. As soon as Katrine saw this happen, she moved her foot from the containment field, and lashed upward, her heel connecting very solidly with the alien’s nose.
With a blaring moan, the creature stumbled backward, but since its hand had been wrapped around her thigh during its orgasm, Katrine was pulled out of the energy restraints and off the table, the creature’s cock still inside her. They both crashed to the floor, the creature on its back, and Katrine landing vagina first on the creature’s hips, the alien cock being driven up into her by the impact. She winced and grunted, noticing that she could make noise now.
She recovered her balance, and drew both of her fists up above her head and brought them down together against the alien’s head. When she struck, she felt the alien cock spasm hard inside her vagina. She repeated her action with a growl, and did it again and again until the alien no longer moved, its cock no longer twitched, and breath no longer made its chest rise.
For a moment, she just sat there dumbly, her fists clenched, waiting for the alien to move. When it didn’t, she regained some wherewithal, and got her legs underneath herself; a light moan escaping her lips as the unhuman cock slipped out of her centimeter by centimeter. Finally all seven inches of the member flopped out of her and against the belly of the thing, followed by a very small amount of pure white liquid, and she watched it deflate much like her boyfriend’s dick used to after she blew him.
Her boyfriend was far from her mind, however. She stumbled back against the wall and slid to the floor, covering her face with her hands and allowing a sob to wrench itself from her chest. Her memories returned to her, but she could make no sense of where she was or how she had gotten there, although she did remember going to sleep in her own bed, but she knew not how long it had been since. She ran her hand through her hair, only to find that the right third of her head had been shaved down to stubble. She gasped at this, as she loved her long blonde curls. She could find nothing else out of place on her body, besides of course her belly, which made her look as though she were about to enter her second trimester.
She shuddered at the events that transpired in recent minutes, and then took a deep breath. She got up off the floor, which was some form of tile, and moved over to the tall cloaked corpse. She kicked it out of spite, and spat on it, and was about to turn away when she noticed the drip of fluid that had come out of her after she got off the alien’s cock. It had turned slightly grey, and had congealed noticeably, to roughly the consistency of Jell-O.
The young woman eyed the liquid suspiciously, and held her belly in her hands, pressing on it and shaking it to try and determine what was happening in there. Nothing felt any different, but since there was no way to tell, she decided to move on.
Where was she? How did she get here? More importantly, how does she get out?
Katrine shook the post-coital sluggishness out of her brain and moved toward the wall that the alien had activated. She waved her hand at a boss on the wall, and out sprung the wide pane of light with multicolored circles. She put her thumbnail into her mouth as she considered, her other hand resting unconsciously on her belly. Deciding on a random approach, Katrine pressed her index finger against a purple circle at about eye-level. Nothing perceptible happened. Frowning, she pressed a yellow circle near the other one, but with no effect.
A blue circle began to shift colors between blue and red, so she shrugged and pressed it. A square piece of the pane of light became what looked like a TV screen, which displayed what looked like a pair of holding cells. The one seemed to be opening, and six shorter reddish-colored aliens streamed out of the cell and past the camera’s range. The other cell didn’t budge, but through its window, Katrine could see something white and humanoid slamming its limbs against the door.
She gasped as something behind the pane of glass clicked, but it was only a piece of the wall extruding. A small square of grey materiel came out in her hand when she pulled; about four centimeters square by six centimeters in length. At the end that was buried in the wall there was a tiny hole dead center. Katrine frowned at this, but wasn’t given time to wonder, as another circle began flashing, this one was red and yellow. She pressed it with her thumb and jumped as the hatch behind her hissed and clanked open.
For a moment she just stood there, both hands clutching the piece of wall, her eyes watching for something coming through the hatchway. She could see the wall of a hallway outside the door, which was grey like the walls in this room. She edged to the hatch, and peeked around the corners, seeing a hall that stretched off to a T-junction in one direction, and a dead end in the other.
Deciding to head for the junction, Katrine caressed her protruding belly and realized that she had not stopped being turned on ever since the alien had filled up her uterus with its reproductive juice. She didn’t mind one bit, although her mind was a little clouded and moved slower than usual. She reached down underneath her bulge and swiped her fingers through her pussy lips and sucked the juice off of them. Smacking her lips, the young woman’s eyes hooded for a moment, and she paused in her step. There was something insistent calling for attention in the back of her mind, but she could not understand what it was.
Frowning in concentration, Katrine was taken completely by surprise as she heard shots from multiple energy weapons come from the junction of hallways that she was proceeding towards. She hid behind a rib of the hallway just in time to see another of the cloaked grey-skinned aliens back up into view, firing a handheld weapon down where he had come from. As the young human watched, a beam of white energy connected with the grey-skin’s head, and he fell back against the wall of the hallway that Katrine occupied. A moment later, a series of the brownish-red colored aliens that she had seen escaping their cells rushed past the body of the alien, continuing down the unknown passage.
When all the footsteps had moved out of earshot, the sneaky human got up from behind her cover and approached the body. The eyes were closed and the limbs were limp, but it still drew breath, despite the maroon gash along one side of its head.
With a rush of inexplicable eager joy, Katrine realized that the thing was still alive!
Her breath deepened, and her pussy was positively dripping with her own natural lubricant, leaving a barely noticeable trail behind her as she got close. She kicked the handgun out of the thing’s reach, and watched for any movement. When she saw that the creature was quite unconscious, she licked her lips and with her free hand squeezed the nipple of one of her breasts, searching the folds of the cloak for a bulge that was the source of her attraction.
For a moment, Katrine reeled in confusion. Why was she lusting after an alien of the same species that had raped her and pumped her full of alien goo? Her reasoning failed under a deluge of sexual attraction, so the thought fled from her mind as she knelt by the side of the creature. She reached under the rough robe that it was wearing and felt around for the cock that she knew was there. A warmth spread through her belly when she found it, and she threw back the robe and practically dove on it, sucking the flaccid alien meat into her mouth and pumping it with her hand. Despite the alien being unconscious, the member began to rise and harden in her hands, which only increased her arousal.
When it was just hard enough, the young human quickly popped it out of her mouth, threw a leg over the alien’s hips, and guided the tip inside her sopping folds.
She sank down the entire length of the cock, feeling every inch of it part her tissues until it came up fast at the end of her vagina. She bit her lower lip and moaned in pure pleasure. She had straddled the alien while facing him, so she put her hands on its shoulders and began working herself to an orgasm, which came on quickly. The wave of it reared up and dropped on her faster than it ever had before, leaving her grunting and squeaking and shivering on the oblivious creature’s hips. After she recovered, she did the exact same thing, working her hips up and down and rotating them so that the maximum amount of dick stimulated her g-spot until a torrent of pleasure caused her to tense every muscle in her body randomly, so much that she nearly lost her balance.
Groaning in overwhelming pleasure, Katrine fell forward on the alien’s chest, her boobs flattened against it. She sighed and moaned and sighed some more until she felt a faster pulse through the cock inside her. A bit of anxiety stole through the fog of pleasure that locked her brain. Was the thing waking up?
Without removing the cock from inside her, she leaned over and grabbed the energy handgun and held it pointed at the alien’s head. There was no movement, however, so she slowly began rocking her hips again, building the foundation for another orgasm.
Before she got even halfway there, when she paused to grind down on the cock, she felt suddenly the end of the alien’s dick push forward through her cervix, which caused her enough pain to screech. She was panting and sweating, and awaiting the next fill-up, she leaned forward again and pressed her breasts against the creature’s chest and pushed down as hard as she could with her hips against the alien.
The unconscious alien thrusted in its sleep, releasing its inner reservoir, causing the liquid to pulse through the alien’s throbbing member, up through Katrine and into her uterus, adding to the liquid that was already there. For more than a minute the human was careful to keep the alien’s cock buried as deep as possible, feeling a great fulfilment that grew every second that the alien filled her. Her belly grew, protruding more than before, forcing her to take her breasts from the alien’s chest and lean back; her hands holding her stomach as it grew and grew under her fingers.
Finally the alien collapsed back into unmoving sleep, and Katrine felt it’s extender tip recede from her cervix. Feeling very fulfilled, she got up off of the alien, a tiny amount of fluid escaping her gaping vagina lips, took the handgun, and blasted two shots into the alien’s skull.
She bent down with some trouble, as she now looked to be about seven or eight months pregnant by human terms, and picked up the rectangular piece of wall that she had grabbed from her room. She cast one last look at the now dead alien, and continued on toward whatever he destination was. Initially, Katrine had wanted to figure out how to leave this place, but now, the insistent something in the back of her mind had her seeking something else entirely.
She passed door after door, seeing no sign of the reddish aliens she had seen before, until she came to a window of sorts. She was in space, on board some sort of very large craft, from which another smaller craft was disengaging. The young human watched as the boxy vessel unhitched its docking port from the craft she was on, turned completely around, and rocketed off into the stippled blackness of space.
Moving on, Katrine was lost in swirling arousal and singular purpose, which she would know when she found it. She almost didn’t hear the steady knocking and yelling until she came upon the door that barred the way of the noisemaker. The naked woman paused and blinked, turning her head to see a viewport in the center of the door next to her, upon which a familiar-looking white alien was banging.
She could hear the noised it made, vocal and otherwise, but none of it made sense to her. However, she did see a boss on the wall next to the door that created a small pane of light when she waved at it. Pressing a button, the hatch hissed open, disgorging the pure white alien into the hall.
Katrine cocked her head at this new being. It turned its soft eyes on her and moved its small mouth, making sounds that made no sense to her ear. She shook her head with a confused expression on her face. The alien’s eyes examined her body, noting her bulging stomach, and the hand that rested upon it, clutching the rectangular piece of metal. Its eyes widened and it reached for the metal, but Katrine thought it was reaching for her belly, so she quickly stepped back and brought her energy weapon to bear.
The alien clasped its hands behind its back, bowed its head, and retreated to the doorway from whence it came. Katrine edged ponderously past the alien, keeping her gun trained on it, and continued down the hall until she was out of range of it. Her mind hardly noted this new alien, for she was intently on a mission now, which directly involved both the piece of metal in her hand and her now sizeable belly.

The white-skinned alien with delicate features and spindly limbs named Rho watched the female turn the corner and disappear. It cursed in its own language, for it seemed that the breeding process had already begun. The poor human probably had no idea what was happening to her.
Now that he was free, however, it was Rho’s job to stop this before it completed. He would not allow the Conquerors to ravage this sector of the galaxy, like they had done his own.
He quietly crept out of the cell blocks and followed the engorged human female. He came to the corner where he had lost sight her and peeked round the corner, to see her waddle around another corner down a length of the hall. Rho snuck after her, but paused at a cabinet set into the wall. He waved his hand and activated three of the buttons on the pane of light in sequence, and the cabinet snapped open.
Inside were various extensions and modifications to the basic energy handgun that most crewmen of the Conquerors carried standard issue. Rho removed three pieces; a barrel, a sighting aperture, and a stock. A satchel lay at the bottom of the cabinet, so he bagged up the components, closed the cabinet, and proceeded after his quarry.
He looked round the corner just to see the human female confronted by a member of the Conquerors, but a blast to the head was all he received. The corpse fell to the floor, and the human female proceeded on her way without a second look.
Rho shook his head and crept up slowly to the corpse and took his energy pistol. With one eye on the retreating back of the human female, Rho attached each modification to the pistol, and created a higher-powered, more accurate version, albeit slightly bulkier.
He knew what he had to do.
He caught sight of the human just as she accessed a broad doorway, but before he could bring his weapon to bear, she disappeared through it, the hatch sealing shut behind her.
The delicate alien lowered his weapon and jogged to the doorway, but when he tried to access it, a negative tone sounded from the hatch. He set his long gun aside and pried open a panel on the wall, and got busy with the circuitry within.

Katrine found herself in a companionway with one hatch at the end. She made her way over to it, sensing that her goal was near. Each wall of the hallway was some sort of transparent metal or glass, allowing a stunning view of the stars and of a bright blue burning sun about 1 astronomical unit distant. She gazed at the view for a moment and then returned her attention to the door.
It had no access, no handle, and nothing to wave at to activate a pane of light. She searched every corner of the hatch, and finally came upon a small rectangular opening that could only accept one object that Katrine has seen since she woke up being fucked.
She took the piece of metal that she picked up earlier, and slotted it into the wall. It clicked, and the hatched hissed and then slid open with a whir.
Katrine held her weapon up, ready for anything, but what she saw made her mouth drop open.
The room was large, at least fifteen meters along each wall, darkened, with windows looking out at the abyss. At the other end of the room was a raised dais, upon which slept an alien similar to the ones she had been killing, but it was half again as large, and had a mouth underneath its nose. It woke at her presence, rose up to a sitting position, and gestured her forward.
Katrine lowered her weapon and carefully stepped forward, her protruding belly leading the way. Halfway there, she let her weapon clatter to the floor, for the closer she got to the alien, the safer she felt. This is where she was supposed to be. This is where the task is finished.
As she came in an arm’s length of the large alien, he (it was probably a ‘he’, while he sat on the edge of the dais, a long and very thick cock-like apparatus lay like a third leg between his uncovered thighs) gently wrapped his arms around her and drew her into an embrace. Katrine returned the hug, smiling contentedly; she curled her arms around his back. After a moment, they released each other, and the alien placed one hand carefully upon her swollen midsection and looked her in the eye. He then spoke in passable English.
“Hardly a more suitable candidate for this generation’s expansion could have been chosen. You are now most ready to receive the eggs. Please, join me, Mother of the Expansion.”
He made room for her on the dais, and Katrine climbed up beside him, feeling the muscles in his arms. She automatically knew what was coming, and she felt her pussy getting wet, so she slid her other hand through her lower lips and bit her lip. The alien caressed her body, and gently urged her onto her back. She sighed, and watched the member between his legs swell to resemble a rock hard shaft, with an abnormally large opening at the end.
She couldn’t wait to be penetrated by this large alien, and then receive his eggs.

With a snap of electricity, Rho succeeded in opening the first set of doors. They flashed open and slammed against their stops, allowing egress to the hallway with the glass walls.
Picking up his weapon, Rho proceeded to the next door, intent on smashing his way through somehow to stop the ritual within.

The large alien lay on its back and held its cock perpendicular with the ground, inviting the heavily pregnant human to sit on it. She had a small amount of anxiety, as she had never taken anything half as big as this. So, frigging her pussy for all she was worth, and stood over it and aimed the tip at the folds of her opening.
The head of his cock pushed inside, causing her to grit her teeth and lock her knees, her breath hitching at the sudden entry. The alien firmly but gently pulled her down further onto its throbbing cock, centimeter after centimeter disappearing beneath the supple skin of the human female. She yelled outright at the alien’s penetration, one long anguished primal mating yell as she was stretched to her limits.
The alien member bottomed out within the deepest folds of the human, and used his apparatus to find the cervix of the female and attach the head of his cock to it. Katrine vaguely felt this, and wrapped her hands around her belly in preparation of receiving the eggs.
But the alien grabbed her, and, without his cock moving hardly at all, rotated them both so that Katrine was on her face, with her ass angled up toward the alien’s hips, while the alien crouched on his feet. It wiggled around, trying to get himself as deep as possible within her, which made her pant irregularly and her eyes roll.
With a twitch of his muscles, the end of his dick spread open Katrine’s cervix, eliciting a flash of pain that shot through her like electricity, and caused her to scream into the dais. No fluid surged out from Katrine’s uterus, as the creature’s dick was so large it created a seal. With the way clear, the alien grunted and flexed, coercing the bundle of eggs he held inside himself to descend towards their waiting receptacle.
Katrine panted and held on to the dais for dear life as she felt the bundle of eggs move into the creature’s cock from his body, and descend into her with each pulse of the alien’s musculature. The rate of her pants increased the closer the alien eggs moved to her g-spot, until finally, as they ground their way past it, she orgasmed hard, hard enough for a shriek to escape her and her whole body to spasm. She then fell limp in the alien’s clutches, unconscious from the pleasure and the pain.
The alien pushed and squeezed the bundle into the fluid-filled uterus of the human, until they popped through the head of the cock which held open the cervix. As soon as the alien felt this happen, he withdrew a little, allowing the human’s cervix to snap closed behind her new inhabitant.

Sparks flew past Rho’s face, and the door shivered and opened a half-meter. Inside, he could see the human woman, limp, with the alien buried inside her guts. He growled, and leveled his weapon at the creature, and held the trigger down.
A single continuous beam flashed forth, striking the large alien in the chest, and burning a hole completely through it. It fell back with a gurgling moan, its member pulling out of the female with an obscene wet slurping noise, and it crashed to the floor behind the dais.
Rho strained against the door and drove it the rest of the way open. He strode through the room, only glancing at the vista beyond the walls, intent on the pair at the end of the room. The woman lay on her side, a bit of fluid leaking from her gaping vagina, but she seemed to be alive, so Rho left her alone. His attention turned to the large alien when it spoke in a raspy voice.
“You are too late, weakling. The next phase is begun.”
Rho scoffed and shouldered his weapon, discharging it into the alien’s face.
He then gathered up the human female, now fully pregnant with the alien’s progeny, and strode easily back the way he had come.

Katrine swam back to consciousness, and blearily opened her eyes. She say a dimly lit room, at one side a porthole that gave a view of the stars, at the opposite side, a noticeably different hatch from the ones she had bypassed before. At that reference to her recent memory, the young woman gasped and sat up, slightly impeded by the huge belly she now sported. She looked down at it incredulously, stunned at how huge it was. Any normal woman would be well passed her due date with a stomach this large.
She could feel something inside moving around. Not kicking like a human baby, but more like turning and sliding. She had absolutely no idea what was inside her.
Anxiety was beginning to rise in her mind when the hatch hissed quietly open, and a tall, pale white alien strode through lithely. It regarded her with large, bright blue eyes, and blinked. Unconsciously, Katrine tried to use her hands to cover up her most nether of regions, but to little avail.
“Who are you?”
The alien pursed its lips. “You do not recall?”
Katrine shook her head.
“I saved you from destruction. Even though you almost destroyed me. You may call me Rho.”
The human nodded slowly, looking down at her swollen midsection, and looking back up at Rho with an accusatory stare. Rho strode further into the room, and stood near the porthole.
“The one who impregnated you is dead. But you still carry and nurture the Conqueror’s next generation.”
Rho regarded her sadly. “Within you are a thousand infant Conquerors, the aliens which impregnated you and decimated my own kind, along with many other aliens. They are that which I have named them and no more.”
He leaned closer to her, “The next generation of Conquerors must be destroyed, so that they may not unleash destruction again.”
Katrine held her impregnated belly with both hands and stared at it. Tears formed in her eyes and fell down her cheeks. “How are you going to do it.” She said in a resigned voice.
Rho cocked his head.
Meeting his eyes, the woman said, “How are you going to kill me?”
Shaking his head vigorously, Rho explained that that isn’t going to be necessary.
“I am from a species known to others as the Healers. Our very tissues are imbued with energy that we can form to our will, and use to knit wounds, kill viruses, and even prolong life.”
At this point he hesitated.
Katrine asked him to go on, anxiety overwhelming her patience.
“I can replace the infant Conquerors with my own young, using the energy stored in the tissues of my reproductive organs. I will have to re-impregnate you. But, I would assume that you would rather die than be intimate with another creature.”
Blinking in surprise, Katrine thought on the idea. Have a bunch of babies that would take over the universe, or help contribute to the repopulation of what seems like a kindly alien species? The choice was simple.
The young human female moved close to the alien called Rho, and leaned forward to kiss his lips, which were slender and warm. Her belly touched his midsection, and his hand moved forward to caress her. His pure, almost translucent white skin was so smooth and warm that Katrine felt safe and comfortable in his arms.
After a moment or two of this, Rho eased Katrine back onto her mat, and planted his lips on her mouth, escalating things to full speed. The human’s tongue slipped into Rho’s mouth and found his own, swirling and playing with it. To her surprise, Rho’s tongue snaked past hers and entered her mouth, coiling around her teeth and tongue with more length than any human ever had. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she drew back with a sucking sound. Rho’s tongue receded into his mouth with a slurp, and he looked on at her, a bit confused.
“That’s…” Katrine started, her heartbeat already elevated, “kinda hot, actually. Maybe you can try out that awesome tongue on me down below?”
Rho nodded and slid down her length, teasing her tits and tracing along her ribs until he met the spherical bulge which was her pregnancy. He hugged it, nuzzling her belly with his face for moment before proceeding to her snatch. Katrine was touched deeply by this alien’s affection; she felt as though he really cared about what happened to her.
Examining her pussy lips, Rho parted the exterior folds with one set of fingers, and the interior folds with another pair. He then licked her still-hooded clitoris with his tongue, and seemed to smile when the female in front of him shuddered and moaned. He then located the opening to her vagina, no longer gaping from her recent ordeal. He slid his tongue into the entrance, noticing a dampness already forming, and pushed inward. He heard the irregular breaths of the human, but could not see her expressions because of her belly in the way.
He pushed his tongue in further, and met the end of the tunnel before his tongue was fully extended. Katrine felt this, and lifted her legs to slowly wrap around his head, encouraging him to stay within her. Rho felt around with the tip of his tongue, and felt the cervix; his seed’s destination. In the meantime, he felt that he should stimulate her with his tongue, so he retracted it some, tasting the sweet taste of her natural lubricant. The friction of his tongue against her pussy walls kept Katrine’s heart pumping and chest rising, and Rho could feel the walls of her pussy contracting and unclenching on his tongue.
Such an elastic mode of egress!
As his tongue moved past a certain rough spot, Katrine grunted amidst her moaning, and her legs tightened around his head.
“There! Right… there, do that again.”
Rho found the spot again, and rubbed against it with his tongue over and over again, as rapidly as he could. He heard Katrine’s breath rate increase proportionately with the rise in pitch of her moans. At just the right time, he pushed down on the little clitoris he had uncovered earlier with his finger. This press of the button caused Katrine to clench all her limbs and shriek out the rest of her breath. Inhaling with effort, she pulled her shuddering legs off of Rho’s head and leaned up and forward, pulling his head up and out of her crotch. His tongue came after, slithering out of her and back up into his mouth like a thin snake; the area around his mouth shiny from her juices. Their eyes met.
“Take me, Rho. I- ugh-“
At this moment, Katrine felt a sudden release within her midsection, as though something under pressure had just ceased being so. The next second, a flood of fluid shot out of her pussy and onto the floor, all of it grey. The human looked up at Rho in panic.
“What now?? Is it too late?”
Rho shook his head and pulled down the sheer pants that he had worn, exposing a semi-hard cock the same color as the rest of his body, except for a pink tip. He started jerking it, but Katrine reached over and pulled him close, and grabbed the alien cock.
“I need your seed, Rho.” She said with intent to arouse. “Please. I need as much as possible, get these things out of me. I can’t wait to feel you inside me, dousing my insides with your cum…”
Rho’s cock seemed to stiffen instantaneously, but a cramp caused Katrine to gasp and fall back. Rho saw something within her belly shifting, slightly changing her contours, but he lined up his cock anyway, and plunged in. She was so slick from her cum and Rho’s saliva and fluid from her uterus that Rho was able to slide completely in with no trouble. As Katrine felt him fill her up, she grabbed the sides of the table she lay on and yelled at him to fuck her as hard as he could until he fills her up.
The white alien obliged.
His hips moved steadily, smacking against her buttocks and thighs rhythmically, while his cock stimulated every inch of her. He could feel her involuntary spasms as the labor cramps came into action. He wasted no time, however, for there was none to waste.
His thrusts came harder and faster, and Katrine yelled and yelled at the dual pleasure and pressure of being fucked hard and beginning to go into labor. Rho began to grunt with every thrust until he slammed deep into her and ejaculated hard and long. He came like a human male would, with spurts of semen shooting into her depths. She could feel every one, and was surprised when she could feel the cum moving inside her, supposedly stealing through the gap in her cervix and combating the Conqueror young. She no longer felt Rho’s cum moving through her, so she assumed that the transformation had begun.
Rho groaned and pulled out of her, a line of sticky cum connecting her pussy with his dick until it snapped. He placed his hands on her belly and closed his eyes, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Katrine watched him intently, and moved her hand to place it on one of his. Her labor pains slowed and stopped, cramps no longer made her midsection clench. She looked up at Rho’s intent face with wonder, her panic fading.
He slowly opened his eyes and sighed. “It is done.”
Katrine got up, her legs still weak, and threw her arms around the alien’s shoulders and squeezed him. He returned the embrace, putting his face in her hair. For a while, they stayed like that, both of them glad that the experience was done with.
Breaking apart reluctantly, Katrine was the first to speak.
“Soo, when am I going to have your baby?”
Rho smiled a bit at the coy expression on the woman’s face.
“Within a couple weeks the child will be ready to be born.”
“Am I going to stay with you until then?”
“For longer than that, if you wish. You are the mother of my child, I would like to provide for you.”
Katrine’s mouth dropped open. Live with this alien? She considered that he saved her life, saved this part of the galaxy, AND made her cum hard all in one day, so the rest of his life should probably be an interesting one.
“I will!”
Rho’s features softened at Katrine’s answer, and they re-embraced, careful not to disturb Katrine’s newly pregnant belly.