Have Massage Table, Will Travel – 5

An early retiree decides to take up massage as a second career and ends up having multiple adventures in alternative life style.

“Have Massage Table, Will Travel” reads the card of a man.

I’m in my late forties. Healthy and interested in staying that way. So I’m in good shape and like to ride my bike, walk, hike, workout at my home with weights, stretching and Martial Arts. I learned massage from the local community college to try something different after 25 years in the computer industry. Unmarried but happy, I had retired early and was enjoying finding fun and interesting things to do.

Purchased a nice second hand table with all the attachments. Assembled a collection of lotions and oils in a little black bag, and placed an add in the local papers and magazines to try massage work. The add simply read, “Have Massage Table, Will Travel” and included my number.

I now have a few regular clients and enjoyed having normal massage work between wild encounters. Some new clients from referrals and some from the adds, which I have yet to review. So, I was busy enough and yet enjoying my early retirement. My technique was good and everyone loved my style, demeanor and table side manner.

A few days after the crazy appointment with Rod and Jessica I was relaxing in my office contemplating the past events when my phone rang. I had no reason to hesitate I answered. It was Jessica. She asked about dinner and wanted to know if I was still interested. Again, I had no reason to hesitate. I told her I would still really like to meet her for dinner, some place nice, quiet. I had this strange attraction to her beyond the kinky sex kitten she seemed to portray. So, we set a time and place and hung up.

Now, I’m certain there was something going on in my head that isn’t quite on the surface. Some deep dark wondering that kept me from separating my desires from reality. I kept seeing Jessica and myself having a normal relationship interspersed with moments of crazy sex. It wasn’t that nothing else mattered. I’m more mature than my eighteen year old self, but something from that time was rising up inside me leaving reason and logic separate from this daydream.

Days later we met for dinner and a nice restaurant. She was dressed nicely and quite proper. Her face and hair well made up. She was a classy woman through our entire meal. We spoke mostly of small talk and local news which she seemed quite up to date on. She had a clear opinion and position on politics which mirrored my own. When I delivered her home she didn’t make any advancements and I was keeping my cool as if my eighteen year old self was being kept in check. I told how much I enjoyed the evening with her. We kissed at her door and I turned and walked away.

The next day I called her to see how the dinner settled and ask if she would like to see the coast sometime soon. She said she would love to but would have to call me back in a couple days as she had a busy schedule that was sporadic. I thought nothing of it and agreed to wait for her call. As soon as I hung up the phone it rang. It was George’s wife. He wanted to schedule another massage. However she said, we are hoping for a special massage. When I asked what they had in mind she shyly said that George need deep massage and she couldn’t quite help him with it. It required a man. I thought to myself, ‘Here we go again.’

Obviously my sex life had never been this open before and the availability of partners had never been so varied. Again, my eighteen year old self would have blushed with the situations I’ve been offered in the past couple months. I took a deep breath and pondered her statements. Then she said, we’ll double your usual fee. This new line of work was never about the money. After years of technical service work around computers and programming I retired early and decided to try my hand at massage therapy. I got certified and sent a request to some publishers for adds in their publications. I never thought this would turn out to be lucrative or sexually charged. I agreed and set up the appointment.

I arrived at their home at the scheduled time and was greeted the same as before. I set up the table and prepared for a normal massage expecting him to launch into his fumbling request for sexual servicing. Georges wife, Jinny didn’t leave like last time and was hovering around the wet bar when George came in.

“How about a drink?” he asked.

“Beer?” Jinny said.

“Okay.” I replied. Jinny was definitely still shapely and beautiful. Quite the attractive woman. But, different than Jessica.

Jinny mixed a drink for George and opened me a beer. She had a drink going and we raised our drinks for a toast. After a couple draws from my beer Jinny told George to not waste time and go get on the table. George complied putting down his drink after a long draw and dropping his rob eased himself up on the table. That is when I noticed HE was wearing a thong and what looked like a butt plug. I thought to myself, ‘That must be what Jinny meant by a deep massage.’

I started my normal massage like the last time and as I got to his legs Jinny instructed him to spread his legs wider. He complied without complaint and pulled his feet up and his knees out exposing the now obvious butt plug. Jinny said I should massage his butt now and excused herself. She disappeared down the hall. Once she was out of earshot I spoke to George.

“So, what are we learning this time?” I asked remembering the last time he wanted to know how to give a blow job.

“Anal sex.” he said without lifting his head from the halo.

“Have you been practicing? You know if can be painful the first few times?” I said nonchalantly.

“Yes, he has.” replied Jinny from other side of the room, “Haven’t you dear?”

I turned to see Jinny in a rob and an obvious protrusion at the waist. She came over to the table by George’s head and watched intently as I started working my massage cream and hands around his ass. He wiggled and moaned. Reaching his hands under his waist he organized his stiffening dick. I kept working around the cheeks and butt plug occasionally pushing against it eliciting a sharp jerk and squeak. As his body started to arch Jinny opened her rob to expose a strap-on dildo which she rubbed up against his face. He responded without question and began licking and sucking on it.

“George has been learning all about what I go through. Haven’t you George?” she says.

“Mmmm, hmmm.” is all he can say.

By now I’m not massaging any longer. I’m playing with his butt plug and watching his wife get off on George working his mouth on the dildo. I suspect the gadget had a dildo on the inside which transferred the sensations into her pussy as she was quickly becoming more aroused the longer he worked it. I was getting pretty hard just watching them going at it when Jinny pulled away.

“I think he’s ready. George. Floor!” she said, instructing my like a dog.

George nearly jumped off the massage table and go down on all fours just like a dog. He wagged his tail and panted with his tongue out. Jinny pulled out his butt plug and wiped the area. Then she applied some lube from a bottle she produced from the pocket of her robe. Then she walked around to his face and knelt down sticking the dildo back in his mouth. She didn’t say a word to me but I knew what to do. I dropped my pants and rubbed my already stiff cock against the lube on his ass and lined up. I pressed against his hole a couple times until the head pushed in past the sphincter. He groaned around the dildo in his mouth.

“Easy boy, your going to like this soon enough.” she said fucking the dildo in and out of his mouth.

All the while rubbing her clit against the strap. I could see a shiny line of something moist running down the inside of her leg. I pulled out and pushed back in. He groaned again but Jinny just got more excited. I wiggled the head of my dick around to loosen him up a little more. Then as I pulled out and started to push in again, Jinny shoved the dildo hard into George’s mouth forcing him on to my cock. He groaned low and long. Then Jinny grabbed the back of his head and started pushing and pulling him on and off my man meat. He was tight and I was having a great time fucking his ass while watching Jinny’s sexy little body get more excited as she humped her dildo into her husband’s mouth. Her robe slid open and I caught a full view of her trim stomach, firm perky breasts and all.

Now I was fucking him hard and he was moaning and squeaking every time I plunged deep into his ass. His wife wasn’t holding on to his head anymore. She was too busy rubbing her crotch and breasts as she shot to orgasm. Watching her cumming I could tell it was making George orgasm as his ass started squeezing and pumping my dick as he came. I was so close to cumming myself watching the two of them working through their sexual experiences. My dick felt thick and hard against his ass as I groaned and started cumming.

“He’s cumming in your ass, dear. Can you feel him pumping his sperm into you?” Jinny said devilishly, suddenly back in control of her senses.

“Yes dear.” he responded from deep gasps.

“Yes what, my sex dog.” she demanded.

“Yes. I feel his cock pumping something hot into my ass.” he said shuttering with the realization.

“That’s better, dog. You just want to fuck and get fucked, don’t you?” she said, shaming him.

“Yes. I like to fuck and get fucked, mistress.” he responded sheepishly.

Jinny closed her robe around her dildo, twitched and smiled. She looked up at me and nodded. Then headed back down the hall. I pulled out and slapped George on the ass. Got up and headed straight for my beer still waiting on the wet bar. I took a deep draw and grabbed a towel to wipe off my dirty dick. I started to pack my table up and get ready to go. Jinny came back with a check and a smile on her face. Then she turned to George still waiting on the floor.

“George. Cleanup!” she instructed.

George didn’t say a word but went down the hall for a towel and started to clean up the mess we had made on the floor.

“I hope we can rely on your discretion and would like to get your help again. When the need arises.” Jinny said still smiling.

I wasn’t going to explain how I was just a massage therapist. Instead, I accepted the compliment, the check and got packed up. On the way home I thought to myself again, ‘I really need to find out where my advertisements are running!?’