Honey On The Hill

AN Older Woman/Younger Man

I had just purchased some rental property and was inspecting my new project, when I heard a knocking at the door. Outside stood a woman, unknown to me, wearing cutt-off shorts and a denim sleeveless blouse. “My name is Jeri,” she said as I opened the door to motion her inside.
“I have been walking by this house for several weeks, wondering if someone was going to purchase it. I have been eyeing it for some time because I work just a few blocks away and am needing a place to rent for the summer, ” she said hesitantly. I told her I had just purchased it and it needed a little work over before I could start renting it out. “Could I see the inside?” she queried.
Not being in any particular hurry, I agreed to show her inside. It was a small 2 bedroom bungalow,
but structually was sound. It had sat empty for over a year, the previous owner having died and the family had jsut settled the estate. As we went from room to romm, I began to take more notice of her. Through her shorts and blouse I could see the markings of a once refined woman, that was now a little down on her luck. Something in her voice and the way she handled herself told me she was or had been from quality stock, although I didn’t question her. I showed her my plans for painting and touching up the inside as well as the outside. The utilities would be turned on the next day I advised her and she could get a much better look if she wanted to come back and lookI gave her my phone number and she left, saying she would call me in the morning, then left as abruptly as she had arrived.

Saturday morning, the phone rang and I found myself talking to her again and agreeing to meet her for breakfast in about an hour. The cafe wasn’t too busy for a Saturday morning and I had no problem spotting her stting in a booth by herself. I sat across from her and looked into her eyes. They were the most bluest eyes I had ever seen. I hadn’t noticed them the night before. Almost mystified, I quickly took in the way she was now dressed. In a tight satin blouse and wranglers.
I beganby telling her that I had not intended to the house right away, but I would be willing to con-
ider a reasonable offer. She went into a short version of being recently divorced after 20 years of marriage, getting a good alimony settlement, and wanting to spend three more months here in town before returning to her home state and getting on with life. Her offer was quite substantial. She was willing to redo the inside of the house at her at her expense, pay the utilities, and $1500.00 cash for three months, then she would be gone.Finishing our breakfast, she said needed to get into work and would cal me when she got off at three, and we could finish or finalize the deal if it was acceptable. I told her it would work for me and I would draw up a short term lease agreement and she could look it over that evening.

Three o’clock rolled around quickly and the promptness of her call encouraged me that this was a good thing. She gave me directions to where to meet her that evening. She was house sitting for some friends and said she would be ready by six o’clock, gave me directions, and hung up the phone. By this time I was looking forward to seeing her again, there was something about her that kept her on my mind. She had said she was 37 when she gave me the quick bio at breakfast. I could see anote of encouragement when I told her she didn’t look 37. I told her I was 27 and look and feel every yearof it. She grinned and blushed a little as I recall. Making my way to the door, she apparently eas expecting me because she answered the door before I rang the bell. I noticed she had on an evening dress and had made special attempts to prepare herself. She was very stunning and I guess she saw the look in my eyes and giggled as she said, “I do clean up pretty good don’t I?” We walked over to an island bar and I handed her the paper work as we both sat down. “I took the liberty of cooking us a quick meal, if you so desire,” she said as she perused the documents. Quickly signing her name to the document, she handed them back to me and said, “I
have almost anything available for you to drink. Would you like a before dinner drink?” Before I could even nod, she said, “You’re a rum and Coke man, aren’t you? It surprised me and again, being taken off guard, I must have looked puzzled. She said again, “When I was married to my husband insisted that I be the family bartender when we were entertaining, mainly because that was what I was wanting to do before I got married. Somehow, I can usually read people.” Then she turned toward the bar and began mixing our drinks. Handing it to me, she gave me a little wink, reached into her bra and brought out a wad of $!00.00 dollar bills. counting out fifteen of them, she handed them to me, then turned toward the kitchen. As I was writing out a receipt, she started carrying out our “quick “dinner of prime rib and garlic mashed potatoes, and spinach salad.
It was superb and I must have told her that a dozen times as we ate and chatted.After we were finished, she mixed up another drink and geave it to me, then motioned for me to follow her.
she led me down the hall way into an open veranda which housed a welcoming hot tub. Wtih out any warning of second thought, she freed herself from her evening gown and panties, the quickly unsnapped her bra, and positioned herself in the hot tub.The drinks were surely hitting me and with out argument, I followed suit. Naked and in the tub, she reached over and began massaging my nuts. My cock was beginning to lift itself above the water when I reached between her legs and began toying with her clit.. Without hesitation, she mounted my stiffened poker and began the task of squeezing the contents of my testicals. She no doubt had been anticipating a good fucking, because by the time she had pumped up and down three times, she spasmed violently, wrapped her arms around my neck, and began to pant heavily, almost like a dog. Now silent, she continued riding my turgid rod until I spat my hot load deep into her belly,
Both of us held onto each other for several minutes before she said, “I guess we do have a deal!!!”