“I’ll Be Dirty For You”

Bribery for grades with a slight twist at the end.

1 His Thoughts

He was quite young to be a high school teacher, and some might say a bit inexperienced, but the results he had achieved so far showed that he had a natural flair for the job, the pass rate in his classes being significantly above average.

David had been teaching for only two years now, but he knew exactly what type of student Lesley James was.

She was a very attractive girl who had brains but wouldn’t use them, someone who was capable of straight A’s but who gave up at the slightest difficulty.

She would show up today for her appointment promptly at five despite the fact that she hardly ever showed up for class. She would then tell him a cock-and-bull story about a dead grandmother or some such and she would expect to be given an A.

But the fact remained that she had failed the first important exam in his class in her senior year at school and had failed it badly.

He wondered what they were teaching kids elsewhere in school now.

It was only a few years since he’d graduated himself and he wondered if everything had changed in so short a time. It seemed to him that by the time a person got to her age they should be able to handle a little upset in life (assuming of course that the upset was genuine, and it seldom was). It was a tough situation. These were potentially good students, and if they failed then he could offer a makeup exam. But in Lesley’s case she would probably fail that too.

2 Her Idea

Lesley got to Professor David’s office a few minutes early and she paused for a moment in the hallway outside trying to compose herself. She knew it was her own fault that she had failed the exam; you have to expect that sort of thing when you don’t go to class.

She had gone to see him two days earlier, just after she’d had the idea for what she would do today, and had felt the nervous tension building ever since as this was something she didn’t know if she could handle.

She needed to pass this Course in order to get to university next fall, but she didn’t think Professor David would be able to tutor her enough for her to catch up. She had heard rumours about other girls who got stuck like this (although no one could ever say exactly who had been involved) and these gave the idea that he would pass her if she would do a little “extra credit”.

He was a man, after all, and all men ever thought about was sex.

There was a problem with what she was thinking of doing, though.

A big problem.

Unlike most of the other girls in her class, she was still a virgin. In fact, she had never done anything sexually, she’d never even kissed a boy before and didn’t know how she would react if this grown man not only kissed her but actually did fuck her, as she had been planning for him to do.

All the time in the previous two days planning exactly what she was going to do had got her feeling really horny. And today she had been getting even more turned on as she finalised preparations in the two hours since classes had finished, but what would she really do when it came down to it?

She hoped she could get him lick her pussy before he fucked her because she’d heard that was quite nice. She knew it would hurt a lot as his cock went inside her the first time, when he broke her hymen, though she felt a sudden rush of anticipation at the pleasure she hoped she would get from him licking her clitoris and from when his cock would be shafting in and out of her pussy.

Something called an orgasm.

Lesley had never had an orgasm before but she hoped to have more than one today, and she really hoped that they would be as good as she had heard they could be.

She could smell the sweet aroma of sex as her juices seeped out of her pussy and she put her hand down between her legs, cupping her mound.

She could feel the warmth there.

She could feel the lump of her swollen clitoris.

She could feel the wetness of her juices soaking through the cloth.

But now she was at his door.

Would she be able to go through with it?

Now that the time was here, she was scared that she would succeed in what she had been planning to do…but she hoped it would be worth it.

She felt her nipples go rigid under her top in anticipation of her first ever sexual experience, her first fuck, and, as she slipped a finger under the leg of her pants to touch her swollen clitoris, felt a sudden rush of moisture from her pussy, so much that it gushed out past her finger and trickled down her leg.

She pulled the soaking cloth back over her streaming pussy, barely staunching the flow, and put her wet finger in her mouth to lick her sweet juices off, hoping he would like the taste.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door to his study.

‘Come in.’

3 The “Interview”

After Lesley had taken her coat off and turned to face him, he could see she was dressed in the typical sexually-liberated style of the modern student.

She was wearing all white: a very low-cut, lycra cropped top that was a few sizes too small, so small in fact that it showed both the lower part of her large breasts as they squeezed out underneath and an enormous amount of cleavage, with high-cut lycra sports-pants, cute ankle socks and sneakers. Her long, jet black hair was arranged forwards either side of her breasts, accentuating and framing them.

David thought she looked very attractive like that, the way her big breasts stood out so firm even though her top was so tight, with the dark circles of her areolas and the lumps of her nipples clearly visible through the thin white elasticated fabric. He liked the way her sports pants moulded to her pubes as well, making a groove in the bulging surface of her mound like two fat lips on their side…and he also liked the scent she was wearing, but couldn’t think what it was at the moment.

But, whatever, David reminded himself that she was his student and he stood up to greet her.

Even after all her planning Lesley hadn’t truly believed, deep down, that she would be going through with what she intended and she had thought she would be laughing at her ridiculous expectations in a few minutes.

But it was happening.

It was really happening.

She had walked in the door and the first thing this guy did was stare at her breasts and pussy.

He was her Teacher and he was staring at her breasts and pussy.

She couldn’t believe it, momentarily forgetting in her nervousness that she had dressed this way precisely because she wanted to encourage this reaction.

She felt a short involuntary tremble pass over her when he touched her shoulder in greeting.

He pointed to a chair and asked her to sit, then sat down in his own with his back to his desk.

She went over, picked up the chair and moved it so that when she sat down in front of him with her knees together, there was a gap of about a foot between them.

‘Well,’ Professor David began, ‘I believe the reason you have asked to see me is your exam grade. You scored less than ten percent.’

She flipped her hair back over her shoulders and then leaned forwards with her head bowed, clasped her hands and put her elbows on her knees, squeezing her breasts together.

‘Yes,’ she said, looking up at him, deliberately giving him a clear view down her deep cleavage, ‘that’s why I’m here.’

‘You wouldn’t have done so badly if you’d gone to the lessons,’ he said, a bit discomfited by the sight though he felt his cock give a twitch. ‘Actually, I think you would have done rather well.’

His words set her back a bit and she had to regroup.

He could tell she was quite surprised to discover that he had noticed her absence in such a large class as hers and was sure she was formulating a “dead grandmother” story.

‘I’m really sorry I missed so many classes. I was sick a few times and I…I don’t know what else to say. I’ve just got to pass this course,’ she pleaded, ‘otherwise I won’t be able to go to college at the end of next year.’

He was impressed. It wasn’t everything by a long shot, but it certainly did contain some elements of the truth and showed she recognised the seriousness of the situation.

He thought for a moment. She wasn’t so far behind that with a little bit of extra help she couldn’t pull the expected “A” for the rest of the course.

The problem was the first exam.

Maybe if she would do some sort of research paper, an extra credit assignment. It would be very hard work but, who knows, she might even learn some things the others in the class didn’t.

‘What can I do? Is there anything I can do to pass this exam?’ she asked, sitting up straight and arching her back to push her breasts out more.

‘Well,’ David replied, leaning towards her and putting his right hand on her shoulder in what he thought was a friendly gesture, ‘there is a way I could give you a passing grade, but you will have to work for it and I don’t think you’ll like it.’

David was completely unprepared for what happened next.

Lesley jumped up and stood in front of him with a determined look in her eyes, his right hand running down over her breast as she did so and feeling the lump of her nipple dragging across his palm before he could snatch his hand away.

She put her hands on her hips with her elbows and shoulders forced back, pushing her large breasts out just above his head, her cropped top stretching tighter and the hem rising to just below her nipples.

He thought she was going to claim that no amount of work was too much and, in a way, that’s what she did.

‘I know what you want me to do,’ Lesley said. ‘You want me to be dirty for you.’

She cupped her hands on the bare skin of the underside of her breasts and pinched her swollen nipples through the cloth.

‘You want me to squeeze your cock between my breasts and put it in my mouth.’

She paused, put her right hand on his shoulder and moved her left hand down to cover her pubic mound.

‘You want to lick my pussy…’

After a short pause, she added, ‘And you want to fuck my brains out.’

David was about to protest. He was shocked and wanted to assure her that he had meant no such thing but before he could do so he realised how close she was standing, just in front of him, and, because he was leaning forwards, this meant he was looking up at her. He was looking right up under the front of her cropped top at her half-naked breasts just inches away.

The slight smile on her face told him that she knew this and was making no attempt to stop him.

He averted his eyes and glanced down.

She took her left hand away and put it on his other shoulder, so he was staring straight at her pubic mound.

He could see now that a large patch of the white cloth was stained a darker colour from her juices, the source of the aroma he thought he had recognised, and he could see a line of wetness had run down the inside of one thigh.

He raised his eyes to her half-naked breasts and then looked up further to her beautiful face just above them.

She smiled again.

Her smile told him that she wanted him to see this, and more.

He was very confused by the situation and now, to make matters worse, he felt his cock begin to stir again.

‘Well, that’s ok,’ Lesley continued, ‘I’ll be dirty for you.’

She cupped her hands under the bare flesh of the lower, exposed, part of her breasts again. Then she pushed all four fingers of each hand between her breasts, pulled her cleavage open and said, ‘I’ll let you put your cock between my breasts.’

She squeezed the hard lumps of her nipples through the thin cloth of her top with the forefinger and thumb of each hand and licked her lips suggestively.

‘I’ll suck your cock for you and make you cum in my mouth.’

She moved her left hand down to cover her pubic mound again.

‘I’ll let you lick my pussy until I cum.’

She moved her right hand down to her pubes as well, but she slipped this one underneath her sports pants.

‘I’ll even let you fuck me if you want.’

She took away the hand which had been over her sports pants and moved it to hold the back of his head so he couldn’t draw away, the outline of her other hand visible now. He could see that her second and third fingers stopped at the knuckles which were rising and falling; so two of her fingers were obviously in her pussy and moving in and out.

She took her fingers from her pussy and pushed them between his lips into his mouth so he could taste her juices.

She said, ‘I think your cock is already a bit stiff. Let’s see how hard it gets.’

She moved both hands to her breasts, grasped the bottom edge of the cropped top and pulled it up over her head, slowly.

If David had had any chance of stopping her, it was gone now.

As she raised it he saw more of her large and perfectly formed breasts showing.

After what seemed like ages, she pulled her top off over her head and her lightly-tanned orbs fell completely free.

He couldn’t believe how gorgeous her large breasts looked, and on a girl so young as well.

He saw now that she was clad in a miniscule bikini top, if you could give such a tiny thing that name, and he could clearly see her nipples, which were already very swollen, sticking out through the gossamer-thin, semi-transparent material.

Her “bikini top” was a single cord that looped around her neck, crossed below her collar-bone, widened only slightly where it passed over her large nipples and then went around her back. It covered the hard lumps of her nipples but, with her nipples so swollen, was not wide enough to cover very much of the dark brown circles of her areolas as well.

Her breasts looked even bigger as she was only about five feet four tall and very slim.

She turned sideways to him, bent over with her legs and back straight and began to untie her sneakers.

He liked the way her breasts hung down when she was bent over.

After she had untied her laces, she stood up to face him again and took one of her sneakers off, leaning forwards and balancing herself with her forearm resting on his shoulder, her hand on the back of his head.

This meant, because he was still leaning forwards himself, that her big, almost-bare breasts were very near his face.

She threw one sneaker aside, changed hands and leaned forwards to take the other one off.

Her big breasts were even closer.

She repeated this with her socks and, after tossing the second one aside, put both hands behind his head and bent lower to touch her lips to his. Her lips parted and he felt her tongue forcing its way into his mouth.

She broke off the kiss, lifted her head up a bit and pulled him forwards so his face was between her breasts in her cleavage, then stood up straight, slowly, and turned to face the other way.

After running her hands over her lycra pants, she bent over, thrusting her bottom close to his face.

‘Do you like my bottom? Touch it for me, Teacher. Squeeze my bottom.’

He reached out with trembling hands and caressed her soft bum for a few minutes through the skin-tight Lycra fabric of her sports-pants. He could see the outline of her pussy where the thin fabric stretched over her mound with the large wet patch that darkened the cloth and, because he realised he couldn’t stop her from doing whatever she had planned, ran his finger slowly along in the groove where the soaking cloth was pulled between the soft flesh of her swollen labia.

He could feel how hot and wet she was.

I can do this she thought, feeling a delicious shiver as he touched her slit.

Lesley stood upright, turned round to face him and eased both her hands down the inside of the front of her sports-pants to touch her pussy. He could see that she pushed the first two fingers of each hand into her pussy, as well as the wet patch getting bigger.

She was getting really turned on now.

She could feel the moistness of her pussy, her juices pouring out, and was certain that she could go through with what she had planned, especially after he had touched her there.

She took her hands out, brought them up to her face and licked her juices from her fingers one by one, slowly and sensuously, looking deep into his eyes all the time.

‘Is this dirty enough for you?’

Then she moved her hands back down and gripped the front of the waistband of her pants.

She pulled the waistband away from her flat stomach and glanced down underneath them, paused for a moment and then looked at him with a coy little grin.

‘Would you like to see what’s down there, Teacher?’

That was obviously a rhetorical question because she started to pull the pants down before he could answer.

The upper part of her bikini bottoms came into view as the pants descended past her hips.

She pulled the pants down further and further, bending forwards to do so until her head was almost touching his.

He straightened up a little, out of her way, and she carried on bending forwards, pulling the pants down more. Finally, they were all the way to the floor and her head was in his crotch where she paused for a moment, breathing in the aroma of his maleness.

With her head so close, she could see his erection straining against his pants and thought it looked as though it was quite big, a lot bigger than she thought they usually were.

She stood up straight, with the pants around her ankles, revealing that she was wearing extra-small g-string bikini bottoms which matched the top. They were so small that they only just covered her clitoris and had slipped a little way between her labia.

Lesley pulled his knees apart, moved forwards to stand right up against his chair and put her left hand on his right shoulder for balance, pulling him closer again. Then she lifted her right foot up so she could pull the leg of her pants off over her foot.

Her knee went out to the side as she raised her foot, and he watched from just a few inches away, as her bikini bottoms pulled up so tight the gusset almost completely disappeared between the smooth, puffy and very moist lips of her slit.

She switched hands to hold his left shoulder and took the other pants leg off in the same way.

Even more of the gusset slid between the lips of her slit when she raised her left foot to remove her pants completely.

She put her hands on her hips, arched backwards and pushed her g-string-clad crotch forwards into his face.

‘Do you like what you see, Teacher?’

She paused so he could have a good long look.

She stood up straight again and lifted her hands up to cup her breasts.

‘Would you like to see my breasts, Teacher?’

When he nodded she turned around to face away from him again and looked back over her shoulder. After waiting for a moment, she pulled her hair forwards out of the way and said ‘Well, pull the knot undone, then.’

He reached up to the knot in the middle of her back, tugged one of the loose ends and let go when it was free.

She turned to face him with her hands on her hips, her hair draped over her breasts, though not entirely concealing her nipples, and he saw the single cord looped around her neck, the ends hanging down in her cleavage.

‘Pull it off.’

He did so and dropped it onto the floor.

‘Do you like my breasts?’ she asked quietly, flipped her hair back and cupped her hands under her breasts again, flicking each now fully engorged nipple with her index fingers.

God, I can do this, she thought, I really can.

She realised she wanted more.

She actually wanted him to fuck her.

She wanted it more than anything she’d ever wanted in her life.

‘Do you want to suck my nipples?’

He couldn’t answer, he could only nod his head again; he was completely enthralled by her.

She put one finger of her left hand under his chin, lifting his head up.

Then she leaned forwards and, still cupping her right breast, pushed it into his face, an erect nipple forcing it’s way between his lips.

David couldn’t help but open his mouth to allow the nipple in.

He closed his lips around her swollen nipple and gave it a gentle suck.

Then he sucked harder and harder still, flicking the nipple with his tongue, until it swelled some more and now stood out as large as an acorn in his mouth.

The other nipple was presented to his mouth and was given the same treatment.

Oooh, yeeees. Is this dirty enough for you?’

Lesley stood up straight and turned around with her back to him again.

She bent over once more and made a show of rubbing the bare cheeks of her bottom about a foot away from his face.

She couldn’t believe it, but she was starting to enjoy teasing him like this so she pulled the cheeks of her bottom apart and moved back towards him until her bum was just an inch or so away from his face.

She stood there for a few moments, with her legs spread a bit, then eased her g-string bottoms down partway until they were hanging by the wet cloth caught between her labia.

Lesley paused and then tugged them the rest of the way down and then off, meeting a slight resistance as they pulled from between the swollen lips of her dripping pussy.

Her head was touching her knees now and she moved back a bit more until his mouth actually made contact with the engorged lips of her wet pussy.

All he had to do was stick out his tongue a little and he could lick her pussy.

Would he?

She waited.

She waited a bit more and leaned backwards slightly making firmer contact between his closed mouth and her pussy.

Would he lick her pussy now?

He did.

He opened his mouth, pushed his tongue out between her puffy labia and licked gently up and down between the wet folds.

It felt incredible.

What had she been missing all this time?

It was as if something deep inside her was awakening.

Aaaaahhhhhh, that’s soooo good.’

Lesley was almost cumming and it would be the first orgasm she’d ever had. But not yet, it was too soon.

She moved the chair a bit closer, stood up straight and covered her pussy with her hands. Then she turned around to see Professor David kneading his cloth-imprisoned cock.

She sat down on her chair with her knees together, totally naked now, and lifted both feet to rest them together on the edge. She drew her knees up to her ample chest and wrapped her arms around her legs, hugging them to her.

Then she leaned back in the chair, moving her hands to her knees.

Keeping her feet and knees together, and looking him right in the eyes, she dropped her hands down and forced them between her thighs to cover her mound again. Then she let her knees fall apart all the way very slowly and moved her feet to the corners of the chair.

‘Would you like to see my pussy, Teacher?’ she said, looking at him coyly again.

He nodded.

She moved her hands apart a little and pulled her labia apart with her fingertips, exposing herself fully to him.

‘Is this what you want to see?’

He saw that her pubic area was completely shaved. He could also see that her pussy lips were really swollen and shiny, dripping so much with moisture that a trickle was running down on to the chair.

‘Do you like what you see?’

She paused.

‘Is this dirty enough for you, Teacher?’

She paused again.

‘Perhaps not,’ she said.

She put two fingers of one hand in her mouth to wet them, moved her hand back down to her open slit and traced her fingers up and down the crease, slipping first one finger, and then two into her pussy and pushed them in deep all the way up to her knuckles. She pulled them out and pushed them in deep again.

‘Is this dirty enough for you?’ she asked rhetorically again.

‘No?’ she said.

She put her other hand up to her mouth and licked two more fingers.

She put that hand between her legs and pushed the tips of those two fingers into her pussy as well, drawing her other fingers out a little.

She pulled her pussy wide open so he could see right up inside.

‘Is this dirty enough for you?’

By now she was desperate for him to fuck her.

He WAS going to fuck her, she could see it in his eyes.

He knew he was going to fuck her, but she could see something else as well.



It took all her willpower not to beg him to fuck her NOW, straight away, with no more delay.

She began moving her fingers in and out slowly, masturbating herself gently.

David never really considered himself to be the type to let sixteen-year-old girls strip naked and masturbate themselves for him.

He raised his eyes to look at her beautiful face, then down to those stunning breasts and nipples glistening from his saliva.

My god her breasts are huge.

If she left right now he would be content to jerk off, imagining his cum landing on those soft orbs.

He looked lower still and saw her wide open pussy, with those four fingers pushing into it as far as they could go, being pulled out and pushed in again and again.

She was incredibly beautiful.

He glanced up at her face and back down to her pussy.

She started moving her four fingers in and out of her pussy faster and faster, masturbating furiously now and giving a low moan as she did so.

My god, he thought, she’s almost having an orgasm.

She moved one of her feet up his leg, sliding it along the length of his now rigid cock into his lap and felt her juices pouring out of her pussy as she masturbated. She also noticed a dark stain spreading on his pants. It was only precum, but she didn’t want him to cum yet.

She knew that he could be made to cum now and that would be her grade, but she wanted something out of it herself.

She wanted him to fuck her.

He would fuck her.

He must fuck her.

She stood up with her fingers still deep inside her, moved really close to him and masturbated herself with her pussy only inches from his face.

She took her fingers out of her pussy, put one hand on his shoulder for balance and brought her foot upwards to grip it with the other hand. Then she straightened her leg still holding onto her ankle and did a vertical splits movement.

David was reminded of the movements a ballerina would make but this girl looked unlike any ballerina he had ever seen before.

When her leg was fully raised she moved her hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck and pulled his head towards her fully open pussy until his mouth was touching her pussy lips.

He opened his mouth, stuck his tongue out and licked her pussy lips again.

‘Oh yes, Teacher, that feels so nice. Aaaaahhhh yeeesss.’

It was still too soon for the first orgasm of her life, and she couldn’t hold that position for long anyway, so she lowered her foot to the floor, slipped her fingers back into her pussy and started masturbating herself inches from his face again.

Then she walked round behind him and sat on the edge of his desk with her legs apart.

He spun his chair around and found himself at eye level to her pussy, those fingers still moving in and out.

‘I have never had my pussy licked,’ Lesley revealed as she laid back on his desk, put one foot either side of him on the arms of his chair and moved her knees wide apart.

‘Could you please lick me, pleeeese?’

David knew that the “pleases” were fake, but he didn’t care.

‘Go ahead, eat my pussy, make me cum,’ she said. ‘I want to cum with your tongue in my cunt.’

She pulled her beautiful pink lips apart with her fingertips as David bent forward and inhaled the sweet smell of her pussy. He kissed and licked around the lips a few times, then slid his tongue into her tangy wet hole as far as he could. He pulled it out, gave her clitoris a few more licks and sucks, then pushed his tongue back inside to lick the inner walls of her pussy again.

She bucked her hips and rammed her pussy into his face.

Ohhh yeess,’ she cried, ‘eat me, eat my cookie. Oh, make me cum on your face.’

Then she felt two of his fingers invade her pussy as well while his other hand slid up over her stomach to cover a breast, squeezing a nipple, and she came almost immediately as he lapped furiously at her delicious young clitoris.

Lesley’s whole world exploded, then surged back together, only to blow up again.

She had never had an orgasm before and even what she’d heard about it hadn’t led her to think it would be as good as that.

She just couldn’t believe what she had been missing.

As soon as the last wave had coursed through her body, she knew that she absolutely must have his cock inside her.

He would fuck her.

She knew he would fuck her.

She was now truly desperate for him to fuck her and couldn’t wait any longer.

She knew she would have his cock inside her soon but she had to make sure it would be ready first so she sat upright on his desk and pulled him to his feet, unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, then undid his pants and pushed them down.

He stood there now clad in only his boxers.

She pushed him back into his chair and swivelled it round the other way, then she walked round, knelt down before him and reached up to his waist. She grabbed the waistband of his underwear and began to pull them down.

He cooperated by lifting himself off the chair so she could pull his boxers down.

As soon as his cock was free of its prison it sprang up and she opened her mouth in surprise.

She discovered the reason for that strange look in his eyes.

She had never seen an erect cock before but she knew that this one was a lot larger than most and she felt an instant of fear that it would be too big for her.

God, it must be over eleven inches long and as thick as her wrist.

But she was too far gone to care.

She pulled the underwear down the rest of the way and off, along with his pants, then leant forward, took his cock in her right hand and began to slide her fist up and down slowly.

His cock was so big that her finger and thumb didn’t meet when she wrapped her hand around it.

She knew she was right in wanting David to take her virginity.

David groaned in pleasure.

She held his cock with both hands, bent her head down to give it a little kiss on the tip and then looked up at him and smiled.

‘The Teacher has such a nice hard cock,’ she said in a very breathy voice. ‘Lesley wants to suck the Teachers cock.’

David smiled in agreement.

‘I never had a cock in my mouth,’ she said, speaking to his cock. ‘Oh, I want to suck you soooo bad.’

She slid up his front to touch his lips lightly with hers, put her left arm around his neck and kissed him. He felt her warm pink tongue slip into his mouth and her big breasts squashed against his chest, her nipples making hard lumps against his skin. She didn’t stop pumping his massive cock the whole time. She kissed his ear and stuck her tongue inside it.

He nearly shot his load it felt so good.

She breathed into his ear, ‘I wanna blow you, I want to taste your hot cum. Oh Teacher, ooooohhhh. May Lesley please suck your cock, I want you to cum in my mouth?’

David could only groan.

She slid down his chest, her large breasts brushing across him, held his cock between her breasts and moved them up and down, masturbating him with her cleavage.

Then, taking his cock in her hand, she planted more loving little kisses all over the tip. He watched as her small pink tongue licked at the small hole in the end. She was actually eating his precum. She ran her tongue up and down his cock a few times, then looked up at him and smiled.

Mmmmmmm. Lesley likes her lollipop. She’s gonna eat the whole thing.’

She put her mouth over the tip of his cock, circled it a few times with her tongue and then swallowed it until the head was pushing against the constriction at the back of her mouth.

She lifted her mouth off and looked up at him as she said, ‘Lesley wants to eat more of her lollipop.’ She paused and added, ‘She’s gonna eat all of it,’ with a hint of determination in her voice.

She lowered her head and he watched as his entire cock disappeared into her mouth. He could feel it squeezing through the constriction at the back of her mouth and then sliding deep into her throat until her nose was in his pubes.

No one had ever been able to deepthroat his cock before.

Her warm wet mouth slid up his cock until she had just the head in her mouth and she felt his jiz rising as she sucked harder a few times.

She slid her mouth all the way down until the head was deep in her throat again.

Up and down all the way, up and down.

She felt him stiffen and knew he would soon cum. She slid his cock out of her mouth and caressed his balls with her free hand, running her pink-painted fingernails through the hair on his jewels.

‘Lesley was a bad girl making Teacher eat her pussy,’ she said looking up at him. ‘Lesley’s sorry, pleeeease give her a drink of your hot cum?’

She looked longingly at his stiff tool. Her tongue darted out and gave his cock a long wet lick.

‘This is good candy, but it makes Lesley thirsty. Do you think if she sucks hard enough on this straw, she’ll get a drink of something good?’

She put the head of his cock back into her mouth, closed her lips around it to form a seal and sucked as hard as she could, her cheeks puckering in with the vacuum she was creating.

Then she began to pump her hand up and down his long thick shaft.

Oh fuck he thought, this little slut is jerking me off in her mouth. Lesley is jacking my cock off into her mouth.

He could take no more. His cock exploded inside her mouth with a feeling you can only get from a blowjob. He felt as though he came for a very long time.

He saw her swallow once, twice, still sucking hard and stroking like mad.

She tried to swallow again, but choked, jerked her head back and his cock fell from her mouth, but she kept pumping it with her little hand. Another gob shot out, spattered on her lightly-tanned cheek and she jerked back further. Seeing his cum splat on her innocent little face gave him another surge that forced the last of his cum out. It shot out, arced through the air between them and landed just above one of those perfect, brown nipples. He watched as it dripped down and rolled across her tit. She licked wildly at his cock, her hot, pink tongue sliding up and down his spent shaft.

‘Now for the next part’ she said, standing up. ‘Just to make sure I get an A on my report card.’

‘What are you going to do?’ he asked.

‘Well, I said you could fuck me, didn’t I. You do want to fuck me, don’t you?’

She leaned forwards to hold his head and bent down to kiss him, working her tongue into his mouth so he could taste his cum mixed with her pussy juices.

Then she lifted her head up, rested her elbows on his shoulders and brushed her large breasts over his face, feeding her hard nipples into his mouth for him to suck each one in turn. While he was sucking her nipples, she hooked one of her legs over one arm of his chair, then the other leg over the other arm and lowered herself down slowly until her pussy was over the head of his massive cock, just touching it. Guiding it with one hand, she dropped down a bit further until the top of the head was just inside her pussy and she felt it pushing against her barrier, then she pulled up slightly, paused for a long, teasing moment and dropped down until it was at her barrier again.

She pulled up again, paused, moved down and up almost imperceptibly and paused again.

‘Do you want to fuck me?’

She couldn’t wait for him to answer and suddenly dropped all the way down hard.

She screamed with the sudden pain, a pain which was worse than she thought it would be.

After a moment, the pain subsided and she felt an incredible warmth as his huge cock filled her up completely, stretching her tight virgin pussy until it was pushing hard against the end of her passage.

She moved up slowly and dropped down hard, up and down again and again, faster and faster, her large breasts bouncing as she approached her orgasm. With a cry, she reached her peak and rammed herself down on him, her pussy muscles going into a series of rippling spasms that set David off and he unloaded a huge amount of come deep inside her.

After a couple of minutes Lesley looked down into his eyes.

‘You’re not finished yet, you know.’

‘What do you mean?’ he asked

She lifted herself off him, his cock falling out of her pussy and flopping down onto his stomach.

He noticed some blood on his cock.

Her blood?

So, she had been a virgin?

He hadn’t been sure. He thought her cry may have just been for his size.

Well, he hoped he had done well for her.

What she said next confirmed that he had done well for her.

She pointed at the blood on his cock.

‘That was the first time for me and it was great, but it hurt a bit.’

‘I want to do it again without the hurt.’

‘You’ve already got your grade,’ he said, jokingly.

‘Yes, maybe, but this is for me. I want you to fuck me, and fuck me properly. I want you to make me cum again and again.’

She got to her hands and knees on the floor between his legs facing away from him and turned her head to looked back.

At the sight of twin globes of Lesley’s backside and the opening to her deep well of pleasure between them, David felt his passion rising again and his cock responding.

He got to his knees, placed the tip of his cock at her opening and pushed just the head into her pussy. He pushed it a bit deeper, leaned forward along her back and reached round to cup her huge breasts, one in each hand, the nipples making hard lumps against his palms.

He flexed his hips ever so slightly, pushing in a little bit further.

‘Oooohh, I like that.’

Lesley’s low cry encouraged him to push his cock in a bit further, just a little.

Another low moan.

A little bit further.

Another low moan.

He pushed his cock in a bit more and then quickly pulled it almost all the way out.

He paused.

‘No, no, please, put it back in me,’ she said.

He pushed his cock into her pussy in small stages as before, but went a bit deeper this time and then pulled almost all the way out quickly.

‘Give me more,’ she sobbed. ‘Please just fuck me, fuck me?’

He realised he could get a bit of his own back on her for the invidious position she’d put him in by punishing her with an excess of pleasure so he pushed his cock in, again going a little bit at a time and finishing a bit deeper.

Then he pulled out again.

In and out slowly again.

And again.

She couldn’t stand it.

She tried to jerk backwards onto his cock but she found she couldn’t move, he was holding her too tight.

He pushed his cock in bit by bit and pulled out slowly again.

She tried grabbing at his hips to pull him forwards, to get his cock in her but, again, she couldn’t move.

‘FUCK ME,’ she screamed, ‘FUCK ME, FUCK ME.’

David pushed all the way inside in one swift smooth motion. He pulled almost all the way out again and pushed back in slowly.

Out and in again, even slower.

Lesley, by now, thought her pussy would go into meltdown and was moaning at the excruciating ecstasy of what was happening to her.

‘Please, David, faster, faster. Oh please, faster.’

He repeated the slow in-out actions a few more times, really getting his revenge now.

Then he suddenly changed pace.

He jerked himself upright, grabbed her hips tight with his hands and started ramming his huge cock in and out of her pussy at a fantastic rate.

Lesley felt the blessed relief of the cock she craved finally slamming into her pussy, the immediate release of her orgasm like the detonation of fireworks in her mind.

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh David, I’m…aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, YEEEESSSS, aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. I’mmmm cummmmmiiiiinnnng,’ she screamed.

He suddenly felt Lesley’s pussy go into spasms, which set him off and they felt the union of their joining in an explosion of pleasure that nearly blew their minds apart.

After a moment, coming down from the peak of their joint ecstasy, David pulled out and collapsed back with closed eyes and a stunned expression on his face.

Lesley turned around, still on her hands and knees and looked down at him.

‘I wonder,’ she thought.

She bent down to his cock and gave it a little suck.

It started to swell a bit.

She sucked harder.

He opened his eyes and looked at her questioningly.

‘The first time, it hurt,’ she said, ‘and the second time was so I could see what it’s like without the hurt.’

She gave his cock another suck, taking this one very slowly right down her throat.

When she drew her head up, she sucked hard on just the head.

Then she did it again, even slower, drew her head up until his cock appeared out of her mouth, looked up at him and said, ‘Now I want to do it again, just for fun, ok.’

He felt he was powerless against her determination and his cock seemed to be leading a life of it’s own.

‘But I’ve go to get back to my marking.’

‘Not till you’ve fucked me again.’

She swallowed his cock right to the back of her throat a third time, until her nose was in his pubes.

‘But I’m exhausted.’

Then he felt her tongue licking his balls as well as she gulped and swallowed.

She pulled up, his cock fell out of her mouth and she said, ‘Oh, you won’t have to do a thing except lie there.’

She crawled up his body until she was squatting with her pussy poised above his cock and lowered herself down on it, feeling the huge pole invade her pussy again.

She pumped her bum up and down, his massive member penetrating her depths time and again.

She moved faster and faster and faster.

Suddenly she was there, the spasms in her pussy again set his cock off and he came as well.

‘Wow’ he said a few minutes later as they recovered. ‘Are you sure you’ve finished now?’

‘Yes, I’ve finished, at least for now.’

‘Erm, I think I’ll give you an A for the course.’

‘No,’ she replied quickly, realising that she wanted to get fucked by his enormous cock again, ‘not an A for the course, just for that exam. I have four other exams to take in your class and I will be needing a LOT of special tutoring.

David realised that this could be a new way of teaching since it was suddenly apparent that she wanted his cock more than he wanted sex with her. He could require her to bring her books to any sessions with him and only fuck her if she learnt something. He might, no, he would get in trouble if the governing Board of the College found out but he was sure they would realise he had the best motives at heart and he hoped he would be able to keep his job.