Jessica’s Number – Part 2 of 4

10 years after the Gender War came the National Femal Culling Agency or NFC for short with this agency all women were forced to register for the National and state meat lotery and wait for there number to be called.

Jessica’s Number

Story: #4
Copyright ©2004
Written: December 14 2004
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed By: Ay-Wun
Please send any comments about this story to([email protected])

Part 2 of 4 – 10 Years Later

10 years have passed Since the legalization of cannibalism in the United States and the institution of the National Female Culling Act of 2060 implemented by congress to solve the worlds meat shortage, by using the meat of young girls age 18 – 30, who would be butchered by hand using various sharp knives and cleavers while still alive or by using The Jessica 3000.

The National Female Culling Agency, or NFC for short, was born after congress passed the National Female Culling Act and women were freed from their sex slavery and servitude, although some were still owned and served their masters, but the vast majority of women were free to run their own lives, get married, have kids, go to work, pay their taxes. That is of course until their number was up. It was decided by the NFC that every female between the ages of 18 and 30 had to register with the NFC and would receive an Alpha-Numeric Meat Identification Code consisting of four letters and 3 numbers [Example: HG556KP]. Every month 1000 numbers would be called the lucky girls would then either be picked up at their home by a Meat Collector from their neighborhood processing plant, or report directly to their neighborhood processing plant on their own.

Girls could volunteer their meat to the NFC or wait until their number was called. Girls who passed the age of 30 were no longer called so there was a chance that your number would never come up. Those who volunteered their meat to the NFC could choose everything that would take place during their processing. They could choose to be butchered or spitted whole while still alive or dead, if they choose to die first they could choose the method by which they would be killed, such as having their head cut off with a guillotine or axe, hung by the neck until dead, or those who enjoyed pain could choose to be tortured to death or tortured until near dead then spitted whole or butchered while still alive.

Those whose number had been called would not get any choice in the matter, they would be selected for either live butchery or live whole spitting based on the fat content and size of their meaty bodies. These girls were given a meat grade rating A or B. Grade A’s were reserved for whole live spitting because their meat was decided to be of the best top quality and the Grade B’s were butchered into parts, packaged and shipped to super markets all over the country

When a girls number was called it was mandatory for the girl to be either picked up at her home by a meat collection truck once a Meat Notice sent to the girl from the NFC was delivered to the girls home with her instructions and pick up times, she was to wrap up all family and financial business before the pick up time. If the girl wanted to go to her neighborhood processing plant on her own she would need to call her designated meat collector and inform him that he would not need to pick her up.

Apart from the National Female Culling Act there was also a State Meat Lottery for some states within the United States. Not all states had this State Meat Lottery, each girl, in each state, that had the lottery would have a special State Meat Lottery number and each month the state they were registered in would call 100 young girls by number to give their meat for a state barbeque. This would bring the state extra revenue to go toward their budget the same rules applied for the State Meat Lottery as did for the NFC.

When a girls number came up for either the NFC or their State Meat Lottery, if the girl should run away they would have a special tactical police force go out and find the missing girl and every female in her family, no matter how young or old they were, would be forced to give their meat as punishment. Very few girls ever ran away but once an 18 year old girl did run away and all the women in her family were called up to give their meat as a punishment. She had to sit and watch each female member of her family spitted whole and set to roast over an open fire.

When it came to her sister’s turn, her executioner savagely raped the young girl, while her sister watched from across the room tied to the wall. After he savagely raped her, she too was spitted whole on the Jessica 3000 and set to roast. There was no greater shame than an NFC run away.

For those girls whose numbers were called and looked as if they were scared enough to run away, they would be forced into tight bondage by their mothers, and taken to the processing plant for processing. Few girls ever had the chance to run away. Then of course, there were the girls who liked the idea of being spitted or butchered alive, and couldn’t wait until their 18th birthday so they could turn themselves in to the processing plant to volunteer their meat to the NFC.

The NFC called 1000 numbers each month to supply meat for super markets all over the country as for each volunteer 1 number less was called giving some other young girl a chance to live. For those hundred numbers called for the State Meat Lottery the same rule applied each month a few girls would always volunteer. These girls are the type who love pain and think that the spit would be the greatest lover a young girl can have and give her the ultimate orgasm, of course, they were right. A young girl would have to be a fool not to volunteer her meat to the NFC. The Ultimate orgasm is a wonderful prize.