
One day, a woman went to the doctor’s office and said, “My husband isn’t doing very well in bed.”
The doctor handed her a bottle and said, “Give him one pill every night and see how things go.”
That night, she gave him one pill and had sex. The next morning, she woke up and said, “That was good. I’ll try two pills tonight.”
The next morning, she said, “That was great! I’ll try three pills tonight!”
The next morning, she said, “That was AMAZING! I’ll give him the rest of the bottle tonight!”
The next day, the doctor recieved a phonecall from a young boy. “Sir, you have to help me!”
“What’s wrong?” the doctor asked.
“You gave my mom some pills to give to my dad,” the boy said.
“Yes? And?” the doctor asked.
“Well, my mom’s dead, my sister’s in the hospital, my ass hurts, and my dad keeps going around the house saying, ‘Here, kitty kitty kitty…'”

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anonymous readerReport

2012-10-05 19:17:43
way old . . . . . . but still funny .

anonymous readerReport

2011-05-16 17:37:51
That saves me. Thanks for being so senbsile!


2006-01-16 21:52:39
that fucking joke is as old as dirt!


2005-07-06 02:41:05
that was a cool joke


2004-08-14 15:52:54
this is way old…..