Megan and Kyle v2 – part 6

This is a re-edited version of my previous posting. I mainly cleaned up a bunch of spelling and grammar errors. I also clarified a couple of paragraphs. I hope you all enjoy it. Please provide feedback in the comment section.

“Good morning Kyle, hope you are doing well this morning.”

“Good morning Carol, I am well, thank you.” Carol has been my executive assistant since I took over the business when my dad died. She had been his assistant for many years prior and had been with the company for more than three decades. “What is on the schedule today?”

“You have a call with the bank at 8:30, Dwayne at 9:00 to discuss changes on the shop floor, a meeting with Megan and me at 10, lunch with the sales team, and at some point in the afternoon, you need to see Joe in shipping.

At 10, Megan and Carol come into the office. Megan has a fresh cup of coffee for me, she knows me all too well now. We sit around the small conference table in my office.

“Ok, so what do we need to discuss Carol?”

“Well, Kyle, I think it is time to revisit my retirement. I think it is time for me to step down.”

I let out a big sigh. I knew this day was coming. Carol had been planning to retire when my dad suddenly died of a heart attack. Dad was well past normal retirement age at that point; however, he had shown no signs of slowing down. Carol pushed her retirement back to stay and help finish the transition of me taking over the family business that was already in progress but got suddenly accelerated. She had then planned a retirement date when Emily, my wife, was killed in a traffic accident. Again, Carol felt a sense of responsibility and loyalty to the company and stayed on to help until I got back on my feet. Megan had now been working part-time with Carol as her understudy and part-time as my personal assistant taking care of my house. Along the way, Megan had become much more than my assistant but was now also my girlfriend.

“Carol, I don’t know where to begin. Maybe thank you is where I should start. I don’t know where I or this business would be without you.”

“Thanks, Kyle, you and your family have been way too kind to Michael and me over the years. But, unlike the previous time we have talked about this, I now feel very confident that you will be in good hands. Megan here, as you well know, has learned how things work and, in my opinion, will do a good job keeping you organized and able to run the business well.”

“Thanks, Carol,” said Megan “I know you mean a lot to Kyle…and to me. Without you, I would have never met this big galoot.” Megan reaches over and puts her hand on mine. Carol is one of the few people in the company who knows about our relationship. Megan and I have been very careful to keep our relationship private and when she’s in the office, to keep that time professional.

“So, Carol, what are your plans?” I ask.

“Well, I was thinking of retiring at the end of May. That gives us a little under two months to make the final transition.

“I think that is a good plan, Carol. We can announce the transition next week at the staff meeting. You know…” I said thinking out loud “…we should do something special. Since it is going to be around Memorial Day, why don’t we have a big company picnic we can all bring our families and send you off right.”

“Carol, you could bring your kids and grandchildren, oh it will be fun,” Megan added.

“Yes, I like that idea” Carol replied. I knew she would, family is an important part of her life.

“Sounds like I have my first major event to plan,” said Megan. “Anything special you want at the party, Carol? Food, activity?”

“No, just everyone there is fine with me.”

“Ok, I’ll get working on things then. I have a few ideas.” With that, we broke up our meeting and continued with the day.

That night over dinner Megan and I started to discuss what this would mean to us. She was most concerned about her education. She had one more class to go to finish her AA degree. After looking at the course schedule, we realized there was an evening class that fall that she could use to complete her degree. The other things were more around taking care of the house and the like. We figured we could balance home life and work-life like any other working couple. Megan did suggest that we hire her sister Ginny to come and clean once a week since she needed a little pocket money.

That Saturday, we decided to take a lazy morning and headed into the old part of town for brunch. After we ate, we started just to walk around town and enjoy each other’s company.

“You know babe, if I am going to be in the office full time, I am going to need to expand my wardrobe. I can’t show up in jeans all the time.” She looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and flashed here wonderful smile that hooked me on her from the beginning.

“We need to go see Brynn then. Follow me.” I grab her hand and we start to walk a couple of blocks.

“Whose Brynn?” Megan asked.

“Brynn runs the Celtic dress shop.” I stop and look at her. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but it was Emily’s favorite shop. Brynn was one of her best friends. I think with your blond hair and freckles she can put together some outfits that I think you will like.”

“Oh, I know that place. Ginny and I have window shopped there. Way more expensive than I could ever afford.”

“Megan, I apricate how you have wanted to maintain your independence. You have blossomed in the year that we have been together into an amazing woman. But please, let me take care of this ok? Let me please?”

“Ok, but I think I know how to pay you back later.” She hugs me and brushes her hand over my crotch. Then she grabs my hand and we head to the store. Megan starts to look around. I ask the clerk if Brynn is in. A moment later a feisty redhead comes out from the back. Upon seeing me, she runs over and gives me a bit hug.

“Kyle, oh my, I didn’t expect to see you. How are you?”

“I’m doing ok now, thank you. I need your help. See that cute blond over there?” Brynn glances over and back to me. “That’s Megan, she is starting a new job and needs a professional wardrobe. I have figured for a while that you could probably do wonders with her.”

“Are you two an item?” She looks Megan up and down and smiles at me. “You do like the Celtic type. Yes, I can help her.”

“Thanks, Brynn, and today, budget is no concern. She is going to be cautious, she is naturally thrifty, but today she is on my budget. Anything you think will work for her, let’s get ok?”

“Got it, Kyle.” Brynn walked over to Megan, introduced herself, and started to find stuff for her. I excused myself, with an excuse that I needed to run an errand. I told them to text me if they finished before I got back. I walked down the block to another merchant I had not been to for years. Completing my purchase and scheduling a pickup date, I made my way back to Megan and Brynn. I could see on the back table there were a few dresses, skirts, half a dozen sweaters, and some tops. Megan was standing on a stool, getting measured for what was probably the umpteenth time that day. Brynn turned to me, “You didn’t tell me she was a Cooper. I had just the thing for her. You like?” Megan had a plaid woman’s kilt on. Brynn continued “It’s the Cooper family tartan. The blue matches her eyes and the red accent of the tartan pulls a bit of the strawberry out of her blond locks.”

“I think he likes it, Brynn, look at the bulge in his pants.” Megan giggles.

Brynn turns her head and gets a good look. I roll my eyes in mock annoyance. Brynn returns to her work. “I was always envious of what Emily had, now I get to be envious of you Megan. Kyle is a good man. He always took care of Emily and wanted what was best for her. She and I were besties in school, so if you ever want the dirt on him, let me know.” The girls giggle. I know I am in trouble now. “But seriously Megan, he is a good catch. Don’t let him go.”

“I don’t plan on it, Brynn,” said Megan looking me up and down. We finished up and Megan got back into her tight jeans and boots. She was shocked at the bill but compared to what I had just spent down the street, it wasn’t that bad. As we walked out, I was carrying several large paper shopping bags filled to the brim. Megan looked up at me, “Good thing you spent all those years lifting weights for football, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to carry all this.”

After loading the car, I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. She jumped into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. Her tongue slips into my mouth while my hand caresses her ass. I don’t care if we are on a public street and people are watching. After a minute, Megan lets go and I ease her back to earth. We get a couple of catcalls from passersby and head home.

That evening Megan suggested we go to my favorite steak house for dinner. It doesn’t take me long to get ready, but I was not prepared for what I saw when she walked into the living room to grab her purse. She was wearing the kilt with a white sweater and black stockings with thigh-high boots. But what really did it is whatever she had on underneath. Her girls were noticeable in the sweater. She gave her chest a wiggle. I was mesmerized by the pair of 34DD swinging back and forth. She had pulled her hair back some and given it a bit of a curl. I noticed she was wearing the same earrings she had worn when we went on our first “official” date.

It was fun watching all the people check her out at the steakhouse. The waitress gushed over her kilt. She looked at Megan, “I should probably card you, but let’s just say I did. We just got a couple of cases of French Malbec, and I hear it goes well with the Filet. Can I get you two a bottle?”

“Sounds nice,” says Megan. The waitress was right, the wine was an excelling paring for dinner. As our plates are being taken away, she asks if we want dessert. “Well babe, do you want one dessert or two?”

The waitress smiles noticing at the lust on Megan’s face, then looks at me. “I think you had better skip dessert here, what you are going to get at home is better than anything you are going to get here.” With that, we finish up and head home.

In the car, Megan hikes up her kilt and slips a hand down her panties. In the dark, I can’t tell much other than they are a dark color. I can see the outline of a matching dark color garter strap against her creamy white skin. I get a whiff of her aroma. She has angled her body in the passenger seat to give me a view of the show. I have a hard time concentrating on the road with her moaning and using her other hand to massage her tits. Suddenly I see flashing lights in my rear-view mirror. Busted. Megan straightens herself up as I pull over. I turn my dome light on and grab my paperwork from the center console. The officer walks up and I roll the window down. He shines his flashlight in the car, I can’t make out much of who it is. I see the light go over to Megan.

“Megan Christine Cooper, would you please quit distracting Kyle while he drives?”

“Ok Daddy,” Megan says a bit sheepishly recognizing the voice of her dad, Deputy Cooper.

Scott Sr. looks at me “Careful Kyle, I pulled you over since you were speeding a bit and driving a bit erratically. But I have a good feeling it is not because you are drunk like it looked like, but someone over there was occupying your mind. Please be more careful ok?”

“Yes sir” I replied.

Scott, looking in the window, clearly got a whiff of his daughter’s arousal. “You behave over there, ok Princess?”

“Yes, daddy, I’ll be a good girl. At least until we get home…” There is a devilish smile on her face.

“La la la… I don’t want to hear it…my little girl…” Scott shakes his head. “Well, you are all grown up now. It’s just hard for a dad to let his princess go. Ok you two, be careful drive safe. Have a good night.” With that, he walks back to his car. True to her word, Megan behaves the last two miles home, but just until we get home.

I barely park the car and she is rubbing my cock through my pants. “Why don’t you join me in the bedroom.” She doesn’t need to ask me twice, I follow her to the bedroom. She pulls me onto the bed and jumps on top of me. She lifts her kilt and starts to rub her panty clad pussy against my trouser clad cock. I reach up and massage her tits through her while woolen sweater. It does not take her long in her aroused state to reach bliss.

Once she comes down a bit and catches her breath, she begins to remove my shirt and massage my chest. Kicking off my shoes, she helps me pull off my pants and underwear. My 7 ½ cock is sticking straight up. Megan rubs my dick against her still sweater-clad boobs. She lifts the sweater over her head to expose a beautiful dark green bra. It has a lace mesh that gracefully holds her large breasts. I can fully make out her large areola and erect nipples. I lean forward and suck one then the other through the fabric. Each time Megan lets out a quiet moan. I pick her up and stood her on the floor, unhooking her kilt and dropping them over her boots. There is a matching set of panties and garter. I see that she was planning ahead as the panties are over the garter straps. I pull her body next to mine and kiss her deeply, my pecker pressed against her stomach.

My hands enjoy the feel of her lace panties against her bottom. I can feel that the moisture has wicked up the backside some. Her hands are squeezing my bum as well. I guide her to the edge of the bed and raise her legs and pull her knickers off. Getting on my knees, I begin to use my tongue on her thigh, slowly moving it closer to its target. Her clit is fully engorged now and sticking out just a little bit. I reach up and gently roll a nipple between my finger and thumb. I use my other hand and slip my middle finger into her folds. Megan arches her back a bit and lets out a soft moan. I suck her clitoral hood between my lips while continuing to finger her. She grasps the edges of the bed as her body gets ready for orgasm. Her moaning intensifies. I continue to suck on her hood and curl my finger in her pussy hitting her G spot. Finally, she can hold off no longer and wave after wave of pleasure courses through her tiny body. A little bit of squirt comes out of her pussy onto my face. I lap it up.

I help her flip over, so her feet are on the floor and she bent over the side of the bed. I come up behind her and in one push slide my cock into her pussy. I feel her trimmed pussy hairs tickle my cock as it slides in and out. My hands are on her hips pulling myself in and out of her. I feel her vaginal walls hugging my cock. She clamps her muscles around my cock causing it to shoot her full of cum.

I gingerly pull out, not wanting to leave but knowing I need a break. Megan holds up the covers of the bed and we both snuggle up to each other under them. Enjoying a post-coital closeness, no words are spoken. Just kiss, a stroke of a hand, a look is all that is needed. After a short period, I feel a hand on my dick. Soon it is replaced with her lips. They tenderly kiss and lick up one side and down the other. Soon, my member is inside her mouth as she works to get him hard. I rise to the occasion. She positions herself on top of me and begins to ride me. Rocking her hips back and forth I let my hands wander over her body. Her hips, ass, side, and back, my hands exploring continuing to heighten our mutual enjoyment. I reach her bra strap and undo it. She slips the straps off and releases her girls. I take one nipple then the other in my mouth. Each time rewarded with a guttural purr. My lioness experiences another orgasm and collapses in my arms.

I let her recover and then roll her onto her back. I reenter her love canal and we move into a missionary variant where my legs are on the outside. My cock stimulates her clit with each thrust, I feel her hair sensually tickling me. I pump her for a couple of minutes. I feel her back arch and breathing become more pronounced. This pushes me to the edge and we cum together, my seed filling her for the second time tonight. We spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms.

The weeks fly by and the day of Carol’s last day arrives. Megan has booked a large party tent to be erected on the edge of the parking lot at the office. I walk around the festivities checking everything out. A catering company has set up next to the tent and the aroma of their BBQ can be smelt a block away. Large inflatable slides are on the other side for the many children of our employees. Inside, on one side of the tent is a stage where a classic rock cover band is playing. The drummer has a chrome Slingerland set with double bass drums. Megan tells me that he is related to our production manager and works at the local tractor supply store.

Eventually, there is a break in the music and people have for the most part finished eating. Since this is a family event, I had encouraged Megan to invite her family. I leave the table we have been sharing with them, and grab Megan to help me. Borrowing the singers mike I speak, “Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have your attention, please. As you know, Carol has been with the company for many years, since I was a little boy. She has become, in many ways the heart and soul of this company. Many of you know that she was going to retire but stayed after dad passed away. And then stayed on after my Emily was killed. But now it is her time to step down. Carol, can you please come up here? And bring your husband Michael as well.” As Carol and Michael come up, Megan opens a large box placed in front of the stage in advance. She pulls out a large bouquet. “Carol, these are but a small token of our appreciation to all that you have done. But here in the flowers is a card. You have talked for years about you and Michael going to the Caribbean for a vacation. Inside you will find two gift cards. One will cover your airfare to the Caribbean and the other for a two-week stay at one of several resorts. You two can determine which one you want to go to and when works for you.” Many cheers erupt for Carol.

After everyone finishes their just applause, I continue “As you all know, Megan Cooper here will be stepping up into Carol’s shoes. A year ago, when she started to work for me, I was not in a good place. Dealing with the loss of my wife, the pressure of work, I was cracking. She pulled me back together and now has become an indispensable part of my life. Some of you know that we have been dating for several months. But I don’t want Ms. Cooper to be my assistant for very long. Instead…” I reach into my pocket and pull out a small box I had ordered that day when she was trying on clothes with Brynn and get on one knee “…instead, I would rather work with Mrs. Wells. Megan, will you marry me?” For once Megan was completely speechless. Her hands are over her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I hear a giant “EEEEEEEEEEEE” coming from our table, probably her sister Ginny. Finally, Megan gathers enough strength to nod her head yes. I scoop her up in my arms and kiss her. There are several whoops and cheers from around the tent. I slip the ring on her finger. It has an oval shape diamond surrounded by small emerald chips. After a moment, Megan runs off the stage to her sister and mother to show them. Many of the women from the office come over to take a peek and congratulate Megan.

I make my way over to Carol. “Thanks for letting me steal your thunder a bit.”

“It was the right thing to do Kyle. I am so happy for you. Megan is going to be an excellent wife for you. I hope you have as many years of happiness as Michael and I do.”

The party continues for a few more hours. Finally, after most of the people have left and Megan is absentmindedly fiddling with her ring while finishing supervising the cleanup, I walk over to her and take her hand. She looks at me, “Well babe, you surprised me up there. I was not expecting that.”

“Someone has to keep you on your toes” I reply.

“Well, you do that all too well. Looks like I have another event to plan. But that can be done later. For now, let’s go home. I want to fuck your socks off.”