Michael & Bev chapter 1

New cousins

I come from a largish family, four sisters and one brother. My father was attached to the military and as a consequence we travelled quite a lot during our early years. Both my mother and father were “only” children, therefore we had no real aunties and uncles. We did however have many pretend aunties (I suppose pretend uncles as well but I don’t really recall them as much). My mother’s mother, my Nanna, as we called her also had 11 sisters and a brother so we had many “Great Aunties and Great Uncles” as well.
Being eight of us we didn’t get to travel much once we had arrived back in England “For good!” as my mother would say. Being eight of us brought it’s own problems with transport and expense of course. We did spend a lot of time with our “Nanna & Dadda” though during school holidays etc.
It was during one school holiday that I was told that we would be going on a bus trip to the seaside. Being that it left early in the morning we had been arranged as such that a majority of us would stay at our grandparents as it was nearer to where the bus left, a couple at one of our Great Aunties and I was asked if I would stay with one of my mother’s cousins Debbie. She had a son Michael, one year older than me, at 15, and a daughter, Beverly, two years younger than me. I hadn’t even heard of them never mind met them but was used to being “farmed out” when the necessity arose.
On the Friday evening I was dropped off at my “Aunt” Debbie’s house and introduced to Michael and Beverly. “Aunt” Debbie looked much like a combination of Sharon Stone and Michelle Pfiffer (If you can imagine such a combination?). Micheal reminded me of a young David Hasslehoff but with his hair cropped much shorter and Beverly a little like a young Jennifer Anniston.
Michael showed me up to his room, where I would be staying the night and showed me his collection of music albums, I didn’t really have much interest but tried to be polite and join in with his enthusiasm. Beverly, or Bev, came to join us but sat as an onlooker rather than part of our little club. “Aunt” Debbie called us down. “It’s time you all had a bath ready for tomorrow” she said “We’ve an early start so to bed early, you don’t mind sharing a bath do you” she looked at me. I first looked at Michael and then at Bev. “Eh” was all I could manage. “Let me and Beverly have a bath first and then you and Michael can have one, we need to save water”. “Aunt” Debbie informed me.
I was later top find out that Debbie’s husband had walked out on her and she was struggling with the bills.
Michael and I went back to his room and I heard the bath taps running followed by splashes. “You don’t mind sharing do you?” Michael asked. “Nnn no” I stammered. It wasn’t the first time I’d shared a bath but not with complete strangers before!
Before long we heard the shout, “Ready you two?”. We both stripped off to our boxers and went to the bathroom. As we approached the bathroom door it opened and Debbie and Bev appeared, both wrapped in towels, Debbie had a great cleavage showing and she looked really hot wet!. Bev on the other hand looked more like a drowned rat, but a clean drowned rat.
We both went into the bathroom, stripped off our shorts, now I must admit I did glance at Michael’s groin, didn’t see much but black pubes and a bit of cock as he raced to get into the bath first, as I climbed in I could see that Michael’s eyes were transfixed onto my pubic area. We bathed, we washed each others backs but that was all that happened. “If we hurry to bed Bev might come through” Michael said to me as he hurriedly dried himself , picked up his boxers and strode naked towards his bedroom, I followed suit.
“You don’t wear pyjamas do you?” Michael asked. Now my mother had packed me some but wanting to “Fit in” with Michael I said “Never wear them”.
We chatted for ages about nothing in particular until suddenly the door slowly opened. In walked Bev wearing a long loose Tee shirt. Michael’s face lit up and he looked over to me (we were in separate single beds, separated by a small bedside cabinet). “If you show her your cock she’ll flash you her pussy” he said to me with the biggest grin on his face. I looked over at Bev, she was standing at the foot of my bed looking rather coy but with a smirk on her face. I had to think quickly, I didn’t want to appear over eager. “I’ve got three older sisters and a younger one as well” I said “I’ve seen plenty of pussy before” I told them both. I had but not for years, but I wanted to cool and more mature and experienced than I was. “I tell you what” I said to Bev, “If you let me see your pussy I’ll show you something you’ll really like”. Both Bev and Michael looked at me intrigued. Then Bev came around to the side of the bed and lifted her Tee shirt so that her pussy was directly in my face. I reached out with both arms, moved her over to the side a little and slipped out of bed. I managed in the manoeuvre to swing Bev around and put her backside against the bed whilst I knelt on the floor, my face still inches from her pussy.
“Lay back” I asked her, she sat on the bed and lay back, her head now on the other side of the single bed and her knees bent this side but together and down towards the floor, they didn’t quite reach. I put my hands on her knees and parted them with very little resitance. I quickly then placed my open mouth onto her pussy mound, I’d never done this before but had once managed to get a quick watch of one of my dad’s porno videos’ and wanked myself stupid to it not taking too much notice of technique. I was going to have to bluff my way through this. I moved my tongue onto her smooth almost hairless pussy, I felt a little lump on my tongue as I pressed it to her ( I later found out that a girl has a clit, what a dumb ass I was) . Bev gave out a load shriek followed by a “Wooo woo”. I thought at first that I had hurt her and I stopped and looked up at her but her face was a picture of joy. I must’ve been doing something right. I went back to doing as I was before and Bev once again gave a little squeal followed by a “woo woo”. Michael by this time had gotten out of bed and was beside me watching closely. “What are you doing” he asked. “This is called oral sex” I told him in rather a superior voice. “It’s when a guy licks a girls pussy and in return she puts his cock in her mouth” I continued before getting back to Bev. I was obviously learning as I went along and let my tongue lick in between Bev’s pussy lips, parting them as I did. I tasted pussy juice for the very first time, not bad but maybe a little bitter, I thought little girls were made of sugar and spice? I was probably getting the spice I thought to myself. Bev was enjoying my attempts at oral and Michael went around the other side of the bed. He had his now erect cock in his hand and placed it near Bev’s face. “Here put this in your mouth” he told Bev. She glanced sideways at the throbbing hot member aimed right at her mouth. “It’s what girls do to guys when they do that to your pussy, apparently” he told her. Bev with a little reluctance looked down at my and then opened her mouth. Michael pushed his cock in, just a little at first. He took a deep intake of breath as he felt her warm wet mouth touch his cock. He then pushed further into her mouth. Bev probably feeling she was going to have it rammed down her throught took hold of his cock to stop him pushing any further. She was breathing rather fast by this stage and was having trouble getting enough air. Michael’s cock was long and slim, longer than mine I thought as I watched from my vantage point whilst licking Bev’s pussy. I found Bev’s pussy hole and stuck my tongue in as far as I could. She pushed Michael away as she arched her back towards me, grabbed my head and pulled it into her as she made a load “OOOOOOAH”. Pussy juices flooded out of her, to be honest I thought she had peed. I tried to pull my head back but couldn’t. Bev fell with her head back onto the bed and Michael, not wanting to miss an opportunity thrust his cock back into her mouth. A couple of quick thrusts in and out and he came. Bev, still trying to get her breath back after her orgasm swallowed the lot, choking at first but not a drop escaped her lips. Michael, head back buckled at the knees with a load thump. “What’s going on up there?” came a shout from downstairs. Like a flash Bev jumped up off the bed and headed for the door as Michael shot around this side of my bed and jumped into his. As Bev left the room she looked back at me, then at Michael and with the back off her hand wiped her mouth. She smiled and left. “Don’t worry” Michael assured me “Mum will be drinking by now and won’t come up until later. That was fantastic” he said
“The most we’ve ever done is see each other’s privates, I’ve never managed to get her to touch me and now because of you I’ve had a blow-job”. He pulled the covers up to his chin and laid on his side gazing at me.

To be continued.