Mistress Kelly Pt. 3

kitty is in love with Mistress beyond belief and will do anything for Mistress. Mistress on the day of their move has a party and kitty is the entertainment, she is modified and abused by all there.

In the three weeks left before moving Mistress and kitty were busy. kitty learned the proper way to care for Mistresses clothing. Several times kitty was cropped severely for her failures but she did master that task because the clothing Mistress had and the clothing Mistress bought kitty was very beautiful,sexy and kitty wanted it to stay that way. Mistress had picked up the dress that was altered and when kitty tried it on she was amazed at the way her completely tanned body showed through the material. The new light treatment used to remove hair was working and the way the cloth felt on her was very erotic. The most precious gift from Mistress was her new collar. The black titaniuum contrasted so eroticly with her skin and the gold nameplate was like a neon light flashing in the night. The collar was impossible to remove but that was not a problem since kitty was so proud of her collar. A 36″ long and sturdy leash completed the look Mistress desired. At night kitty knelt on the floor next to Mistress and purred often as Mistress played with her hair and rubbed her body as if she really were a cat. When Mistress allowed kitty to lay next to her on the sofa kitty would lick Mistresses body and purred with satisfaction. kitty especially liked licking Mistresses cock to arouse her and rewarded by Mistress letting her take her cock into her mouth. kitty was so attuned to Mistresses needs she could take Mistresses cock down her throat immediately. kitty was allowed to be in bed with Mistress twice a week, otherwise kitty slept at the foot of the bed on the floor. kitty always awoke before Mistress and prepared her coffee,prepared the shower and made sure her clothing was ready. kitty remained naked until Mistress decided which cothing kitty would wear. kitty really liked the outfits Mistress picked because it would always be just enough to draw lots of attention to her. At work she became friends (with Mistresses approval), with two women, Moi, a beautiful somewhat tall Asian and Rhonda a Polish immagrent. Steven who was a man with the looks of a weight lifter but acted like a sissy was really friendly. They were really nice people and thought highly of Mistress.

Everything that kitty had owned was given to GoodWill and what was left in the apartment would be taken away this weekend to the dump by a company Mistress hired. Mistress informed kitty that on Sat. night they would have a party to celebrate their new home and Moi,Rhonda and steven plus others would be there. Mistress also stated that more changes were in store for kitty once they moved. kitty purred because changes had always meant good things for her since Mistress had named her kitty and owned her.

Mistress moved all that was necessary during the week while kitty was at work. When they awoke Sat. morning and showered Mistress dressed in her tight black leathers and kitty was dressed in her skimpy leather shorts, boots and her crop top. Mistress knew how the manager, Mrs. Henry lusted ofter kitty so Mistress gave kitty the apartment key and a invitation to their party that night and told kitty to deliver them to her.

They left the old life behind and Mistress drove them to her penthouse. There was a private elavator to the penthouse which they took. Mistress entered their penthouse and showed kitty where she was to remove her clothes everytime she entered and where her tail was kept and where it was to be put just before she left for work. Mistress showed kitty the entire penthouse except for one room which kitty would see tonight. Where everything was kept, how she required the penthouse to be kept. kitty meowed and purred the whole time and asked good questions of Mistress. kitty was intrested in all the artwork Mistress kept, paintings of Shemales making love, Mistress fucking men in the ass, lezbians, and many pictures of some of the biggest cocks kitty had ever seen. Mistress turned kitty towards her and kissed her deeply and told kitty tonight she would recieve three special gifts and many people would welcome her into the circle of the owned.

Around 8 the gurst began to arrive. kitty was kept naked as she served drinks and such to the guest. kitty was told not to offer anything to the males and females that accompanied Mistresses guest. All of Mistress guest were dress in stunning outfits with only one male guest, a tall well built Black man. At exactly 10 p.m. Mistress announced that the show was to start at 10:30 sharp so everyone was to go to the entertainment room. Mistress took kitty by the arm and led everyone into the room. Mistress told kitty to stay put and went to the wall and pushed a button on a recessed panal and a platform arose from the center of the room that was 8′ square and 3′ high. Mistress asked Moi if she would do the honors andbind kity to the platform. kitty was taken to the platform by Moi and told to lay down. First her left leg was stretched out and cuffed to a tie point. Then her right leg was stretched tightly so her legs were almost parallel to her hips. Lastly her arms were stretched and cuffed above her head. Mistress announced that she had 3 special gifts for kitty and that Moi had the pleasure of giving these gifts to kitty. Moi smiled to Mistress and thanked her for the honor and was handed a tray with 3 rings and piercing devices on it. Kitty, it is the custom of the slave to accept these piercings honorablely and make not a single noise. Moi selected the proper piercing needle and without hesitation slowly put it through the left nipple, put the proper ring to the needle and put it through the nipple. kitty did not make a sound, she loved Mistress to much to dishonor her. Moi repeated this procedure on the left nipple. Then Moi asked Mistress to assist her, Moi had Mistress hold kitty’s clit hood away from her clit and took the appropiate needle and told kitty to bite her lip and slid the needle through her clit proper, attached the ring and put that through her clit and was done. kitty, you have homored your owner Mistress Kelly, therefore tonight you will further honor your Mistress and you will service all guest here by allowing each and everyone of us to use your mouith and ass as resepticules for our gifts to you. With that Moi, one of kitty’s best friends at work disrobed and to kitty’s suprise was a tranny with a 7″ dick which was put into kitty’s mouth and Moi fucked kitty’s mouth very hard and deposited what kitty thought was a quart of cum. One at a time and two at a time everyone enjoyed the hole of choice. Then the male slaves were told to masturbate on kitty and kitty was told to eat the pussies and asshole of the female slaves that were serviced as she serviced the guest. Around 2 am the guest left and Mistress returned to kitty who was left of the platform. Mistress had not enjoyed kitty with the others, the only hole no one was allowed to use would now be used by Mistress. Mistress was very excited and wanted kitty’s pussy, even if it was sore. Without regard for kitty Mistress sank her 8″ cock into kitty with just two shoves and roughly fuck kitty, tring to get kitty to wimper but kitty took it wantingly until Mistress came in gallons. Mistress stayed inside kitty until she became hard again and again fucked kitty for a full 20 minutes until she came again. Mistress left kitty bound to the platform, covered in come and retired for the evening.

To be continued……….