My Doctor

A visit to the gynecologist is not most women’s idea

A visit to the gynecologist is not most women’s idea
of a great time. For some of my friends, those trips are a
source of anxiety and fear. Donning a paper dress and being
poked and prodded with various instruments can be a real
bummer – unless the man doing the poking and prodding is
absolutely gorgeous. I’m lucky enough to have such
a doctor. I’ve always been a sucker for Italian men,
and he’s the epitome of the type: thick black hair,
deep brown eyes, athletic body. My first gynecologist,
a sweet old woman who’d taken care of me since I hit puberty,
retired two years ago. She recommended that I transfer
my care to Dr. Santino, a man who had worked under her. From
my first visit, I found myself unable to stop thinking about
what it would be like for him to handle parts of me with the
delicacy with which he held his stethoscope against my
chest. He asked me questions while reviewing my charts,
and listened to me patiently, his eyes locking with mine
for so long it made me shudder. I wanted to believe that he
felt it, too – that he was as drawn to me as I was to him – but
to him I was probably just another patient. Or so I thought…

“That’s a lovely dress, ” was the first
thing he said to me that day. I shrugged off the compliment
with some deprecating remark (“This old thing?”),
even though I’d spent all weekend searching the malls
for the perfect outfit for seduction. The dress I settled
on was a clingy affair, high cut here and low cut there. Though
I knew he’d notice (he was always quick and generous
with the compliments), I didn’t expect his eyes to
slide down me the way they did. As I turned to take a seat on
the examination table, I could see his reflection in the
mirror over the sink as he stared lustily at my ass and legs.
I flushed, and I could feel myself moistening. Just that
one look from him would have been enough to satisfy me. Then
he handed me the paper gown and said, “Cathy [his
nurse] had to leave early on personal business.
If you like, we can postpone the examination…”

“Oh, no. That’s okay – I took time off work to be
here, and I’d rather get it all over with.” I laughed,
then smiled teasingly. He smiled shyly; now it was his turn
to blush…

He returned to the room armed with a tray of swabs and vials
and looking unbearably sexy in his white coat. My pulse
quickened when his hands slid beneath the paper gown and
found first on breast, then the other. It was the best breast
exam a doctor has ever given me; he cupped them, then squeezed
gently yet firmly, pulling lightly at my hard nipples as
I suppressed a moan.

Asking me to lay down, he lifted the gown over my stomach
and rubbed my torso in search of abnormalities. (“Nothing
wrong here”, he said huskily.) Then he sat at the end
of the table and took first my left then my right foot in his
hands, caressing each gently, then softly placing it into
a stirrup. I was so aroused I thought I would faint. I felt
him place a finger in me. “Does this hurt?” he
inquired, a teasing quality to his voice. With the gown
over my knees, I couldn’t see his face at all and had
no idea of what he had planned.

“Oh, not at all, ” I answered with just enough
flirtation in my voice to keep him guessing.

“How about this?” he asked, pulling his finger
out halfway and slipping another in alongside it. I suppressed
a moan.

“That’s fine, ” I answered, and I could
hear him chuckle – the arousal in my voice must have been
pretty obvious. He continued to finger me, and then I felt
something exquisite on my clit. It took me a second to realize
it was his tongue! Then I could hold it in no longer; I moaned
and arched my back as he finger-fucked me and licked me at
the same time. Soon I was near coming, and barely noticed
when he stood up (without ceasing the motion of his fingers),
lifted my gown over my neck, and fondled my breasts and stomach
with his other hand.

“Oh, yes, ” he sighed, squeezing my tit lustfully.
He bent down and sucked one breast, then the other, fondling
them at the same time. He looked into my eyes, almost asking
permission. I knew what he wanted, and I spread my knees
even wider to let him know he could have it. With his free
hand, he unfastened his belt and unzipped his pants, pulling
out a very nicely sized and extremely hard erection. He
pulled his fingers out of my pussy and rubbed the tip of his
penis over my slick, wet lips. Every molecule in my body
wanted him inside me; I moaned and stared into his eyes,
willing him to do it. He obliged, sliding his penis into
me so quickly and with such force that we both gasped. My
feet curled in the stirrups. His hands found my breasts
and squeezed them while he pounded me with everything he
had. Suddenly, I came with such force I thought I was going
to fly off the table.

I stopped him. He looked at me questioningly, a little fearfully,
as if afraid I’d suddenly changed my mind. I slid down
the table until I was eye-level with his cock. I grabbed
his hardness and stroked it, then pulled it between my full
breasts. He groaned, reaching down to help me squeeze my
tits around his cock as he fucked them. Then I slid further
down, and took him in my mouth. “Oh God, ” he
moaned. Then he looked down at me and asked sexily, “Can
I come on your breasts?”

I smiled in response, and slid his cock in and out of my mouth,
tonguing him while I fondled his balls. Suddenly he pulled
out of my mouth. I moved up a little, then pulled his cock
between my breasts as he came like a rocket. His come shot
all over my breasts as I rubbed him against them. The sight
of my come-sticky breasts must have been amazing for him,
because looking down at them made him groan and he spurted
a fresh squirt between my tits.

We cleaned up without comment. I think he was a little worried
after the fact; after all, sex on the examination table
isn’t exactly included in the Hippocratic Oath. When
we were dressed, he asked me, “So, what now?”

“Now?” I repeated. I stood up, pulled one of
my business cards out of my wallet, and slipped it into his
hands. “Now you call me. When your out of the office.
And we get together.”

He smiled. “Sounds like a plan.” He touched
my cheek and gently kissed my mouth. Sure enough, he called
me later that night. We had a wonderful dinner the following
night, and an even better dessert… He and I are incredible
together. However, no matter how hard we try (and try and
try…), nothing can match the passion of that first “examination”.