My forgotten prayer

Desire to forget

July25, 2011
My Forgotten Prayer by Sergio (LtnScorpio4x)
I prayed for the day when I would no longer miss you.
Alas, the day is come and I no longer miss you.
I sensed that my prayer is answered, since I have forgotten you and all the pain is gone.
I no longer cry or seek answers to our lost love. I let that go.
My cries were carried far away with sounds of trumpets and let out to fade over the skies; as they rode the echoes in the wind, spiraling down to faint whispers.
And the tears that accompanied my broken heart were sent to follow the rain wherever it may go; to travel the oceans currents, to flow with the wind. They have turned into droplets, to mix with the drizzled air and to become the morning’s mist and dew, as well with the many sparkling drizzles of the waterfalls. Among The trickled waters, my tears pound the waters in the harsh ocean waters currents and sway to upheavals and afro, and cling in the storms of the deep ocean waters, as harsh as no end.

Finally, the quiet sun light that streams them faintly through as cool tiny sprinkles, are gentle soft in silence, and are now peacefully and quietly in the end, serene, seen and felt with the view of rainbows in the Horizon, form lights and colors, and a fresh start is now promised; the dew is offered on with peace, a new opportunity, and in many forms, from vibrant piercing, light trickles, to the brazed mist of the colored sunlit rays is become my smile casted by the power of the sun shown upon my face and everyday hence.

I am at peace to have left you in the past, I have pushed ahead, detoured with direction away from you by the sun glare that does not allow looking back directly onto you, for the bright sun stands in the way.

No ill scenes are captures in sun forced power. Only promise for peace and new beginnings.

It would seem drastic seen that I had prayed to forget you ALLTOGHETHER in order to be happy and free again. Your callous stance, harsh attitude, and cruel abandonment forced me to the truth, that you were not meant to be, and that I am to be strong, and to accept it and realize we mistakes, and that my attempt for true love with you went on in vain. I saw the truth for what it was and is, and it was pain and its passages lead nowhere in its deceit, for no paths met with it and it forced me to forget you by your doings and surprised events and detours, and I too turn and to seek better passage and do the best for me.

Nevertheless, I often did dream to see you, to touch you, to speak to you in order to obtain the closure that I so desired and needed from you and to understand what happened, and allow me to move on. However, you refused me that. Now in the alternate, my Closure is best reached, that by forgetting you in my every thought, and that is my ever desire, is to leave you as forgotten and gone.

You see, Memory of you did fade with each passing day in pain, each resting moon flickered low, each rising sun hesitated in shifting red slow, shadowed dark more, and each new tears drop that would fill my eyes, also would fill the ocean’ tides and helped to wash my fear and memories away. Soon I did forget altogether and even that I had prayed to erase the pain since I saw all hope gone.

In fact, since all hope for us is gone, the chance to free my spirit would be nebulous if not for my prayer.

I am happy and no longer have memory of you, as else why do I sparkle in the sun’ radiance without you and as I dream on again to new beginnings.

I feel the day is come, and the window to my heart streams out new light and joy, and I follow their path to new wholesome ventures and to new love, to be happy once again. All memory so in past now is but a fallen love shall be and is but past gone, an unknown memory, and I am unafraid to have let it go.

Oh, you see, I no longer feel aguish to have lost you since memory is casted away too
I no longer recall your name or know your face. It has dimmed in my mind.
My prayer too is forgotten as to not dwell with thoughts of you, for I too asked for that in my prayers.

Instead, I laugh and sing as I once did before, feeling refreshed to my youth that stayed with me in body and soul as remnant gift to create new opportunities. It is quick to take me new heights, free, wild in spirit, to learn and to experience new ideas, and that I am okay to feel my heart desires, and that it is not late for me in my youth, for I am still young, for feeling and for desiring it: something new. What everyone that possesses youth does: that everything I shall so desires otherwise does belongs to my young soul I will obtain, and will remain true. I have retained youth by a progressive time, in order to love, to forgive, and yes too, to forget, which found me universal.

I am made good by my past sorrow, my forgiveness, and to accept and learn from costly mistakes, which does not fault and no longer blames me; there is only pride that I have, to learn by implanting new experiences in my soul , guided by instinct, to change for good. Therefore, I move on, to forge new happiness and new loves and friendships. I do not know the broken promises anymore, and that is Okay.

For you and me, we are but strangers now, and if by chance we meet, I too have prayed that we keep moving on. I have prayed for that, to forget you, and that I skip onward to the beat my Heart and to the strings of a new song.
With relief, I let go that prayer too. All is forgotten in the mystic end, for that stage was set with a prayer. My prayer is granted…who are you? I now ask since I forgotten, and an answered prayer does not reveal.