My Neice Amy

How adorable Amy was. And I was here, ALONE with her.

This is a story about my niece Amy. I really don’t

know what possessed me to go forward with this affair

but all I know is that I did. Now I am sorry, because

I fell in love with her and now she has a life and a

boyfriend of her own.

Here is my story.

We were at a family reunion at her home in Delaware.

She went into the house after swimming. And when I

went in the house to take a whiz I startled her, she

was sitting on the toilet taking a pee.

She just looked up at me expecting me to turn around

and walk back out of the bathroom.

But as I looked down I saw her little fur patch between

her legs. She tried to close her legs so I couldn’t

see. But it didn’t really do any good.

She still had on a bikini top. Small tits, probably

the size of oranges. Anyhow, I walked over to her and

reached down and took her head in my hands and bend

over and kissed her on the top of the head. Then I

kissed her on the forehead.

Then I turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

She kept looking at me during the rest of the day.


About a month later her parents went to Europe and she

asked them if she could stay with us while they were

gone. My wife was glad to have her, so they dropped her

off on their way to the airport.

My wife is a nurse and the next day after Amy arrived

she was asked to work afternoons, from 3 p.m. until

11 p.m.

After my wife Margie went to work Amy and I cooked out

on the grill and I asked her if she wanted to take a

swim in the pool. She said yes. Then I asked her if

she brought that cute suit with her. She blushed and

said that she had. So I told her to go up and put in

on and meet me in the pool.

Amy had acted differently toward me since she arrived.

Kind of giddish if you know what I mean.

Anyhow, she came out the back door walking kind of

gingerly. Kind of embarrassed.

I just smiled at her and told her to … jump in. She

came over to the edge of the pool and just sat down

and dangled her feet in the water.

I walked over to the edge of the pool where she was

sitting and put my hands on her knees. Then I leaned

over and kissed her knee. I looked up into her lovely

young face and she was blushing, but didn’t do anything

then. I just bent over and kissed her other knee.

Then I looked up at her and thought…what the hell…

I said. “You know Amy, you sure looked beautiful the

other day on the toilet.”

She kind of caught her breath and broke out in Goose-

bumps, shivering all over. Her face turned bright red.

I said. “Amy, you don’t have to be ashamed honey.

Your body is very beautiful … but I’m sure you al-

ready know that.”

Then I laid my head on her legs, just above her knees.

When I did that she took her hand and placed it on my

head and began running her fingers through my hair.

Her young firm legs were so smooth and tan.

Then I asked her if I could kiss her legs.

She didn’t answer, but just kept fingering my hair, so

I started kissing them just above her knees. I ran my

tongue over her skin … as I kissed and licked her she

shivered. Then I put my hands around her waist and

pulled her toward me a little. I began to kiss her

tummy. I wasn’t between her legs, I was kind of off to

the side.

She kept her hand on my head as I kissed her tummy.

She was really shivering by this time. I asked her if

she was cold? She said, “No,” really soft, “just


I asked her if she wanted me to stop and that I would

if she wanted me to.

She didn’t say anything.

Then I moved my head up a little more and kissed one of

her little breasts through her bikini top. She really

stiffened up when I did that.

I just rubbed her back softly to calm her down and

moved to the other one and kissed it as well.

Then I even surprised myself. I reached around and

untied her bikini top and it fell into her lap.

“Uncle Paul,” she said. “I don’t think we should be

doing this.”

I told her that she was probably right. I asked her

if I could just kiss them once, then we would stop. I

looked pleadingly at her.

She just closed her eyes.

Then I moved my mouth to her bare little breast and

kissed her little nipple. She shivered all over.

I pulled her close to me, opened my mouth wide and

took her whole tit inside. I thought the little shit

was going to faint. She began to jerk around as I

sucked on it. Her eyes were still closed tight and she

had started to breath hard. I just continued to suck

gently, enjoying myself.

Then I moved my hands to her sides and untied her

bikini strings. The material fell away in the back

and then the front. I was now able to see that cute

little fur patch again. What a turn on!

I thought she was going to object, but she didn’t.

By now she was whimpering quietly.

I took my mouth off her little breast and moved it

quickly down her tummy and right to her fur patch.

She panicked and grabbed my head and said, “No, stop,

please Uncle Paul, no don’t do that!”

But I forced my head down until I could touch her patch

with my mouth. When I was close enough I blew a long

stream of warm air directly at her pussy. She about

shit I’m telling you.

I took my right hand, placed it on her shoulder, and

pushed her down to the decking of the pool. Her legs

came out of the water and to the side of the pool.

She kind of struggled trying to gain her balance but I

already had the top part of her body down.

While she was struggling she spread her legs, when she

did her bikini bottoms came completely off. So she was

laying on my right arm, on her back, and I reached down

and put my hand between her legs and cupped her little

pussy in my hand.

All this happened in about 5 seconds. Faster than she

could comprehend. I didn’t move my hand I just held

still. She was breathing hard and so was I.

She asked me to please let her up. She was trying to

stay calm but I knew she was terrified.

There were tears in her eyes. I leaned over and caught

them with my tongue.

With my tongue still on her cheek I moved it toward her

mouth and ran it over her sweet full lips. Then I

placed my lips on hers and kissed her softly.

She gasped when I did that. I still didn’t move my

hand from between her legs. Her right knee was bent up

into the air and her left leg was hanging over the side

of the pool. As I kissed her she put her arms around my

neck and pulled me close to her. I took advantage of

this and kissed her harder using my tongue too.

Amy moaned a little when I slid my tongue between her

lips. She opened her mouth a little and I slid my

tongue inside, just like that!

She started to suck on it tentatively. I about shot my

wad right then and there. By now I could feel the

moisture between her legs on the palm of my hand. That

was also making me crazy!

I pulled my mouth from hers and moved to her ear.

“Amy?” I whispered.

She didn’t answer.

“Amy, I want you to move your right leg further open

for me honey. Please.”

After I asked, she moved her right leg further to the

right, thus opening the space between her legs where

my hand was placed.

“Thank you Amy,” I whispered again in her ear.

I kept my lips on the side of her head and began gently

kissing her neck as I moved my hand slowly between her

legs. With the palm of my hand I began to move it back

and forth. Amy’s body shivered violently when I did


“It’s ok honey,” I whispered, “just relax.” Then I

moved my mouth back to hers and placed my lips on hers

and pressed gently. This time she voluntarily opened

her lips slightly and I immediately slid my tongue

inside again.

I was still rubbing her pussy with the palm of my hand

when I took my index finger and slid it between the

folds of her sweet teenage pussy. I was surprised to

find that it was wet … very wet. As I let my finger

bask in the wetness I moved it up her folds until I

reached her little love button and lightly ran my

finger over it.

“Mmmm,” Amy groaned, her hips bucked up in the air off

the warm concrete. She tried to pull away but I

wouldn’t let her. I held my mouth solidly against hers

and continued to roll my finger over her clit.

As I looked up I could see that her eyes were rolled

back under her lids as she struggled to try and get


Relentlessly I continued working on her mouth as I

turned up the heat and began to thrust my tongue in

and out of her mouth quickly. I was shocked when her

hips began to settle down and she began to thrust her

tongue in and out of my mouth as well.

I began to rub her little clit harder and faster. She

had her arms around my neck and was squeezing me so

tight that I thought she would break my neck. It was

then that I felt her young body start to convulse and

tighten up. She pushed hard against my hand and I

once again cupped her whole pussy keeping my finger

securely on her clit. I rubbed as she pushed and

finally it was over.

Amy had just experienced her first climax.

I removed my mouth from hers and returned it to her

ear. “Did you enjoy that honey?” I whispered.

“Oh God, Uncle Paul!” she managed to utter while trying

to catch her breath.

Even though she was done, I kept my hand on her pussy,

just rubbing slightly.

“I want to make you feel good honey,” I whispered in

her ear and she relaxed her grip on my neck.

Once again I took my finger and began to slide it up

and down between the folds of her soft young pussy.

Amy began to make soft little mewing sounds in her

throat as she felt my finger gently caressing her love


Just then, the phone began to ring. Amy’s eyes shot

open and so did mine.

She just looked at me.

I looked at her.

“I better answer it honey,” I said.

I jumped out of the pool and onto the pavement and

moved toward the cordless phone that was lying on the

beach chairs.

“Hello, Paul speaking.”

“Hi honey, how are you?” It was my wife on the other

end of the phone. “You guys doing ok?”

“Ah, well, yes honey, we are doing fine.” As I was

talking all I saw out of the corner of my eye was Amy

racing into the house through the sliding glass door

with her suit in her hands. Her little white teenage

bum shined like a beacon as she disappeared into the


“Well I was just on break Paul and I thought I would

call to say hi. Is Amy there?”

“No she’s in the house, and I’m here in the pool. Just


“Well listen, I’ll let you go. Just wanted to call

and say hi. Tell Amy that I said hello and that I will

see you later tonight.”

“Miss you.”

“Miss you too,” I lied.


I loved my wife, we had a wonderful relationship to-

gether. I didn’t want anything to ruin that … but

this young niece of mine was just too much for me to


I walked into the house with the phone and looked for

Amy. I couldn’t find her on the first floor so I went

up the steps to see if she was in the guest bedroom.

As I approached the top of the steps I could hear the

shower running. I approached the bathroom, turned the

knob on the door and walked in.

“Amy, you ok?” I asked.

Slowly she answered “…yes Uncle Paul, I’m just taking

a shower. I, I feel… so … dirty.”

“Amy,” I retorted. “You have no reason to feel that


“But, I’ve never, well you know…” she managed to say.

“Been touched like that before?” I finished her

sentence for her.

“Yes Uncle Paul, that’s it.”

“Amy honey?”


“I thought you said it felt good?” I replied.

I could feel my cock getting hard, I could see the

silhouette of my little teenage niece though the slid-

ing glass door of the shower.

Amy didn’t reply.

My mind went numb, I lost all control. I couldn’t stand

it anymore. I slid open the glass door and stepped into

the shower.

There was Amy with her back to me and hot water careen-

ing over her beautiful lithe teenage body.

Before she could react I had wrapped my hands around

her, cupping both breasts in my big hands and pulling

her tightly to me.

“Uncle Paul, please don’t!” she pleaded.

At this point, those words meant nothing to me. I just

caressed her breasts and kissed her soft young neck as

I pushed my pelvis against her tight young butt.

“You’re so beautiful Amy,” I said as I continued to rub

and caress her firm little oranges.

Then to my surprise, Amy took both her hands and placed

them on mine, gently, as I continued my massage. She

leaned her head back against my chest as I continued to

kiss and snuggle her neck. The warm water continued to

spray over us both and I was lost in the pure lust of

the moment. I moved my mouth to her cheek and struggled

to place my lips her hers. She turned her head as much

as she could, but it only provided partial access to

them. Then out of pure frustration, I removed my hands

from her breasts, moved them to her shoulders and spun

her around to face me immediately pressing my lips

against hers.

Amy flung her arms around my neck as she stood on her

tip toes to reach me. I placed both hands on her little

butt and pulled her close and upward helping her to

reach my lips. She pressed her lips hard back against

mine as we thrusts our tongues in and out of each

other’s mouths.

My cock was rock hard as we kissed and loved on each

other in the passion of that moment. We were suspended

in time as we continued in each others embrace, only

thinking about the moment, not the consequences of our


Then I reached behind Amy and turned off the water as

we continued to kiss. Amy was kissing me back hungrily

as her young passions began to be released. I returned

my hands to her butt and pulled hard moving my finger

between her little crack and rubbing softly. Amy

pushed herself up higher on her toes as she strained

to get as high as she could. I pulled hard on her ass

cheeks as I moved my finger up and down her crack…

Amy shook all over as I continued to rub up and down.

Then I moved my lips from hers and moved them to her

ear again. “Amy honey, I want you to take your hands

and push my swimsuit off.”

Amy took a deep breath and sighed as she just continued

to keep her arms around my neck and I continued to rub

her butt crack.

“Amy,” I said again, “please do as I ask you. Now.”

With that I rubbed her crack harder pulling her closer.

I heard that mewing sound again in her throat as she

slowly moved her arms from around my neck to my waist.

“That’s it honey, now put your fingers in the waist

band of my trunks and push them down.”

Amy did as she was told and pushed the trunks off my

waist and down my legs. As she did my cock sprung up

like a monster in bondage getting out for the first

time. It actually hit her right in the belly as it

broke loose. Even though she couldn’t see it she

gasped at the feel of it hitting her.

Once at the knees, the trunks fell naturally to the

floor and I stepped out of them. Amy stood there with

her hands still on my waist as I returned my mouth to

hers and kissed.

Then I took my left hand and brought it around my body

and grabbed her right hand and placed it back on my

neck. I returned my hand to her butt. Then I took my

right hand and took her left hand and pulled it around

to my hard cock and placed it against it.

Amy jumped in shock as she felt a hard cock for the

first time. I maneuvered her fingers open and placed

her open hand around my cock.

Then I started to move her hand back and forth. I took

my mouth off of Amy’s and looked her straight in the

eyes. “Amy, take hold of my cock and move your hand

back and forth. Please.”

Amy’s eyes grew wide as she heard the sternness in my

voice. Then I felt her fingers tighten around my cock

and slowly she began to move her hand back and forth.

Still looking into her eyes I complimented her, “Nice

Amy, just keep it up, nice and slow honey.”

She was really trying hard to do as I instructed as

she moved her little hand slowly, back and forth. I

knew by now that her little cunt had to be wet, and

not from the shower water. So from behind I moved my

finger to the bottom of her hole and around to her

little cunt hole. To my great excitement I felt the

warm juice exuding from it.

Then I took both hands and moved them past her butt and

onto the top of her legs and then down a little. Then

I instructed Amy to, “Let go of me.”

She did. Then I pulled on her legs and her whole body

came up off the floor and her feet dangled in the air

secured in my arms.

When I did this I moved close to Amy and my cock

naturally found a hiding place between her legs. Then

I let her down a little and her pussy came to rest on

my stiff cock.

Amy’s body tightened up as she tightened the grip on

my neck.

“Take it easy honey,” I said in a calming voice. “Just

take it easy and relax. I’m not going to hurt you.

Just trust me.”

Amy loosened up a little bit.

Then I began to move her butt front and back as I

pushed my cock back and forth against her warm teenage


“Does that feel good honey?” I asked as I continued.

Amy’s breathing quickened as her body began to auto-

matically reacted to the new found sensations between

her legs.

“Kiss me Amy,” I commanded, as I continued to saw at

her pussy with my hard cock.

Amy attached her lips to mine and sucked as I gave her

my tongue. The sounds that emanated from her throat

only served to heighten my sexual arousal.

Then Amy began to moan and tighten her pussy up and she

fought to feel my cock harder against it as she started

to cum. Her whole body shook as the waves of orgasm

pulsated through her young body. I could feel her love

juice pouring out onto my cock as she came over and

over again.

At that moment I knew I had to fuck her … and fuck

her now.

When her climax had subsided I let her down, pulled

the glass door open, picked her limp body up and

stepped out of the shower onto the bathroom floor.

With my cock still sticking straight out I moved

toward the bedroom.

She was lifeless as she lay there on my wife’s and my

big king sized bed, from the tremendous orgasm that

had just drained her.

As I moved my hand to her pussy she was soaking wet.

Her juices were even running down her legs. I resisted

the temptation to put my head between her legs and lick

her sweet nectar up. I had other things on my mind for


I reached over and took both of her knees in each hand

and pulled them wide apart. I could see her sweet pussy

staring me straight in the face. I could see the matted

hair that was drenched by her pussy juice.

Climbing onto the bed, I got on my knees and extended

my body over hers until my face was flush with hers.

Amy just lay there limp, looking me into my eyes. Then

I lowered my body until my cock was flat against her

little slit and began to move back and forth.

Amy was so exhausted she couldn’t even talk, she just

mouthed the words, “No … please … no.”

But I was beyond caring about that now, I just moved

my right hand between us and took hold of my cock and

positioned the end of it at her little opening. Even

though she was a virgin, Amy’s pussy had opened up like

a little flower in the morning sun from all the cumming

she had done.

Without further ado I gently moved my hips forward and

my fleshy spear pushed itself in side her tight

opening. She winced for a moment and then relaxed.

Good Amy,” I complimented her. “Really good honey.”

I pushed again and the entire head found its way inside

her. I hesitated for a moment and just worked the head

in and out slowly.

“Pull your legs up honey,” I requested of Amy. She

pulled her feet toward her butt and her knees pointed

toward the ceiling.

“Good Amy, now spread your knees.” She did, now I had

a nice target to aim for.

I pushed again and about 1-1/2 inch’s found its way

inside of her. I felt the resistance of her hymen and

prepared to take it.

“Amy honey,” I said, “when I push forward it is going

to hurt a little, but it will be ok shortly there after

that. Do you understand?”

Amy nodded her head yes.

I pushed and another 1-1/2 inches slid in. Amy grunted

as she felt her hymen pop. I felt the release as I

pushed again and stopped momentarily so she could get

used to it.

I had about 3-1/2 inches inside Amy and I slowly

started to move in and out of her tight little pussy.

It felt absolutely wonderful, she was so hot. Her juices

mixed with a little blood, started to lubricate her

canal as I slid in and out of her.

Amy was tight, and warm, and I told her so. She blushed

as she watched me on my elbows push again. The next

inch went in easier as she began to adjust to this new


For the next five or six minutes I just pulled and

pushed gently in and out of her sweet young cunt. Even

though her pussy was tight, it was stretching nicely

to accept my rock hard cock.

When I felt she was ready I pushed again and plunged

another inch deeper inside her. This time I didn’t

hesitate but kept rocking back and forth.

Amy started to breath hard again as she regained her

strength from her former efforts. Still looking into

Amy’s eyes I asked her to tighten her pussy muscles

around me as I pushed into her. She did, and her face

turned red from the sensation it gave her, not to

mention what it did to my cock.

By this time I knew she was ready for all of me so I

began to rock back and forth and each time I came

forward, I inched a little further inside her. She

began to rock her hips in unison with me as I fucked

her with steady motions. Then, at last, I pushed the

last of my 6-1/2 inch cock inside her and came to rest

with by balls resting against her asshole.

“Wonderful Amy I said, you did just wonderful.” I

whispered into her ear.

Amy closed her eyes, and then opened them slowly while

smiling back at me, though not saying a word. Then I

slowly pulled by whole cock out to her opening and

then with one clean motion I pushed it all the way in


Amy shuttered at the feeling inside her as she accepted

the inch of my manhood.

I never stopped, I just continued pulling all the way

out and pushing all the way in again. It was the most

incredible feeling to actually be fucking this pretty

young teenager. Her body felt so firm under me, and I

was being driven crazy my the feel of her young cunt

wrapped around my hard cock.

Then Amy began to tighten up and I knew what that

meant. She threw her arms around my neck and began

to moan, humping back at me with passion. I increased

the speed at which I fucked her and she started to

cum again.

“Oh gawd!” she moaned as the waves of ecstasy pulsated

through her body at lightning speed.

“Oh Uncle Paul,” she moaned, “oh gawd Uncle Paul!” She

groaned and began to shake all over as her orgasm

reached its ebb. By now I was plunging in her hard

and deep, giving her all I had and pounding my balls

against her little ass, time after time.

I couldn’t hold off anymore, I began to push hard and

I could feel my cock begin to throb. Quickly I pulled

out of her and stroked my cock hard. It began to

squirt! The first wad hit Amy on the chin, the second

on her sweet young breast and the third landed on her

belly. Her eyes were wide with amazement. She had

never seen such a sight. Her face was glowing as she

watched me get off, right on her.

Finally my cock went limp and I dropped it. As it

dangled between my legs I reached up and ran my finger

through the still warm cum laying on Amy’s body. When

my finger was gooey I rubbed it over her nipples and

then took my index finger and ran it across her lips

wetting them with my cum. I don’t know if she was

comfortable with this or not, but she didn’t protest.

So I continued by inserting my finger in her mouth.

“Suck it Amy,” I said. And she sucked it softly licking

all the cum off.

I smiled. “You’re a natural honey,” I said.

She smiled back. o-O-o

It was about a week later and we had all planned to go

to the theater to see Braveheart. My wife was dying

to see her favorite actor. She had told us that she

would be home by 5:30, and that we could go out to get

a bite to eat and catch the 7:00 p.m. movie.

I was busy most of the day in the garage and Amy was

busy doing housework for my wife. It was amazing but

we never really talked about that first time we were

together. It just never came up. Amy did look at me

with speculative glances from then on though.

About 5 my wife called me and told me that she was

going to be tied up for another shift, some kind of

multiple patient emergency. She told me to just go

without her if we wanted.

Amy proceeded to get dressed and we left for the

restaurant. Amy was dressed in a cute pleated skirt

and sandals, I just threw on a pair of dress trousers

and a sports shirt.

After the restaurant we headed downtown to the movie

theater and to our dismay the movie was sold out. We

traveled across town to see if we could find another

theater where it was playing and we struck out again.

Needless to say, we were both disappointed, very


As we headed back toward home we spotted a Drive-in

theater where Braveheart was playing. Amy shrieked

as we approached the theater. “Let’s go Uncle Paul,


She got no argument from me. It had been years since I

had been to a drive-in, and I thought that Amy was the

perfect companion for the occasion. I smiled to myself

as I pulled the mini-van into the line that was waiting

for entry. I paid and was told that because of the

height of the vehicle that we would have to pull to

the back of the theater. It was still a great view

but just a little bit toward the back.

Once settled the first movie began. As we sat there

watching the movie I couldn’t help but watch Amy as

she put one foot underneath her butt and kept fidgeting

in her seat.

“Something wrong Amy?” I asked.

“No not really Uncle Paul.” she said.

“Amy, you know I really can’t seem to get the other

night out of my mind.” I could see Amy’s face turn red

as I mentioned our little affair.

Then I leaned over to her and took her face in my

hands. “You are so beautiful, Amy.” I said, and then

I kissed her. It took her breath away as I licked

her lips back and forth. Amy moaned as I continued

the assault on her mouth.

Then as abruptly as I began, I stopped, moved over to

my side of the van and started watching the movie.

Amy was confused at my action. I know that she had

expected me to do something more. I could see her

watching me out of the corner of her eyes.

Then I moved my hand to the front of my pants and

started to rub my already hard cock though my

trousers. Amy kept trying to be unassuming as she

watched. After a minute or two I unzipped my pants,

slid my hand inside and pulled out my cock and started

to stroke it slowly. I saw Amy gasp as she watched

this lewd exhibition.

I continued to stroke my cock slowly, looking straight

ahead at the big screen. Amy really started fidgeting

by now.

Then I turned to Amy and said, “Amy, let’s move back

to the other seat for a minute, Ok?”

Amy didn’t answer as I moved quickly to the bench seat

behind us.

She kept watching the show as I sat waiting for her.

She didn’t move.

I then reached up and took hold of her hand and en-

couraged her to move back with me. Reluctantly, she

slowly got up and moved. Once seated I asked her if

she would like to help me. She just blushed as she

watched me stroke my cock.

“Come on Amy, move your hand over here and help me

stroke it.” I pleaded.

Slowly, Amy extended her arm and her hand came in

contact with mine.

“Good Amy.” I said as I took hold of her hand and

meshed it with mine, all the while stroking slowly.

I watched her eyes as they got big from watching the

real show. Then I reached my hand over, put it behind

her head and pulled her closer to me.

“Amy, I want you to lean your head down here so you

can get a closer look.” Amy put up a little resistance

to my pressure, but it was no match for my strength and

she relented and moved closer to my hard throbbing


With my hand still on the back of her neck I pulled

her face closer until her face was about six inches

from my dick.

“Amy, I want you to open your lips and kiss it.”

“Uncle Paul!” she protested.

“Amy, now. I’m not going to tell you again. Have I

hurt you yet Amy?”

“No.” she quietly replied.

“Then I’m not about to start now. Open your lips and

kiss it.”

Tentatively, Amy parted her lips and placed them on

the head of by big tool.

“Good Amy, now open a little wider and take more of it

in your pretty little mouth.”

Amy looked up at me with her pleading brown eyes,

hoping that I wouldn’t make her continue, but it was

not to be. I pulled harder on her neck and the tip

of my cock entered her warm moist mouth.

I felt Amy tighten up as she tried to adjust to this

new intruder.

Then I removed my hand leaving only hers on my cock

as I let my other hand join the other behind her neck.

I pulled gently and a little more of my cock found its

way into her warm mouth.

“Ok now Amy, I want you to start sucking it gently.

Use your tongue to lick the end of it.”

Amy made some sound of protest in her throat but I

wasn’t about to let her up.

“Suck, Amy” I commanded. “Suck it now.”

Knowing that her choices were limited at this point

she began to apply a sucking pressure to my cock. It

felt so great. I moaned with pleasure.

“Stroke while you suck Amy,” I said, as her little head

started to bob up and down. “Take your other hand, Amy,

and cup my balls while you suck, please.”

Amy’s other hand came up to my balls and took hold of

them never letting up on her sucking motions.

“Good Amy, you learn fast.” I complimented her. “Now

open that sweet mouth and go down further on me.”

Slowly Amy opened her mouth and when she did I pulled

her head down further until about 3/4 of my cock was

in her mouth. Her mouth was producing a lot of saliva

as she sucked and I could hear the slurping sounds as

she continued to work on me.

“Squeeze my cock harder, stroke it faster as you suck,

honey.” I moaned in pleasure.

She squeezed harder and quickened the pace and I could

feel my balls swelling with love juice for my little


“Amy, Uncle Paul is going to cum in a minute.”

Amy struggled to get her mouth off my cock but I

wouldn’t let her.

“Relax Amy.” I said, “Just relax. It won’t hurt. When

I start to cum just breath through your nose and

swallow as fast as you can. It’ll be OK.”

Amy made a sound in her throat that I interpreted to

mean yes.

Then I could feel it starting to erupt.

“Here it comes, Amy!” I said. I could hear her breath-

ing rapidly though her nose so as to store up enough

air so she wouldn’t choke.

“Stroke it harder honey, stroke it harder!” I screamed

as erupted. Amy began to choke, but recovered as she

swallowed quickly just in time for the next shot that

came squirting out.

“Mmmmmmm,” Amy moaned, she was obviously afraid she

couldn’t swallow it all, but she kept trying as another

shot came squirting out. This time it was just too much

for her and it started running out the sides of her

mouth and onto her chin. As she opened her mouth to try

and breath more hot juice came out of her mouth and ran

down her chin.

“Swallow, Amy” I growled in passion, as she tried her

best not to lose any of my precious juice.

“Lick my cock off good.” I commanded as she regained

her composure.

Amy looked up into my eyes for a moment, then began

to lick my cock enthusiastically until everything that

coated my cock was recovered. Then Amy looked up at

me again with those big brown eyes glazed over with


Amy just looked at me breathing hard as I asked, “Did

you like your first cock tutorial honey”? Then I

reached over and pulled her over to me and planted my

lips on hers. I could taste my salty semen on her

lips as I kissed her passionately.

I sat her up as I moved over a bit and grabbed the

lever on the seat and pulled it so that the back

reclined. I quickly positioned Amy so that she was

leaning backward with her legs hanging over the front.

“One good turn deserves another,” I snickered as I got

on my knees, spread her legs and started kissing the

insides of her thighs.

She struggled to try and close her legs as I kissed

them but I placed my hands on her knees and pulled.

Her legs spread as I pulled.

“Keep your fucking legs open Amy, I’m not going to

tell you again.” I said sternly. With that Amy relaxed

her legs and they opened easily as I continued to move

up her thighs with my mouth. Quickly I approached her

pussy and immediately placed my mouth on her wet

panties and blew a hot stream of air directly into her


Her whole body shook as she felt the warm air enter

her. Then I pulled her panties aside and drove my

tongue into her wet hole. Amy screamed, and her body

shuttered as I tongue fucked her fast and hard.

I had my hand under her ass as I ate the forbidden

teenage fruit hungrily, as her legs flailed all over

the place.

I pulled my face away as I felt her approaching her

climax. She pushed her ass toward me trying to get my

tongue again, but she was denied.

I reached under her and took hold of the waist band

of her panties and pulled them violently down off her

ass, down her legs and off her feet. They were soaking

wet and smelled wonderful.

“Amy take your hands and place them behind your knees

and pull them up as high as you can.” Amy did as I

told her and pulled them high in to the air.

There my little niece was, with her legs spread in a

lewd position and her pussy sparkling with wet cunt

juice. My prize was staring me right in the face as

I extended my arm and placed my thumb on her little

clit and began to rub it hard.

“Unnnnhhhhhhh,” Amy moaned as I continued to rub.

“You like that, honey?” I snickered.

I reached up with my left hand and placed it behind

her head and grabbed a hand full of hair and squeezed.

Amy’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“Answer me you little bitch. Do you like it?”

Amy nodded her head yes, eyes frightened.

“Tell me damn it, I want to hear the words come out

of your little dick sucking mouth.”

“Yes Uncle Paul, yes, I like it.”

“That’s better.” I growled. “Now you know what Uncle

Paul is going to do Amy?

“Uncle Paul is going to take his big cock and stuff it

in your little pussy and make you explode!”

With that I pulled my trousers down to my knees, took

my cock in my hand and started to stroke it until it

was big and hard again.

“Open those legs wider a part, Amy, I want a good


Amy pulled her legs wider and I could see the juice

running out of her pussy.

I reached in and pulled Amy’s little ass toward the

front of the seat so it was on the edge. My cock was

now just inches away from her sweet teenage love


Then I took hold of my cock and started to rub it up

and down her soaking wet pussy. I lingered momentarily

at her clit and she shuddered.

I positioned the head of my cock right at her tight

entrance. “You ready Amy?” I asked.

She just looked at me, breathing heavily.

“Well here I cum, ready of not.” And with that I pushed

the entire length of my prick into her wet cunt. She

groaned in pain as it stretched her from top to bottom.

When I felt my balls come to rest on her little asshole

I knew I had reached my destination. I stayed still

for a moment, letting her adjust to my big prick inside


Then I told her to put her legs over my shoulders. She

did. I moved my body up over hers and placed my mouth

on hers. She put her hands on my shoulders and I began

to pull slowly out of her and then I pushed back in

again till I hit bottom. Amy just grunted as I started

to fuck her slowly and methodically. I hoped it

wouldn’t be long until she was ready to pop, because my

cock was about ready to start squirting again. She felt

so good.

I was massaging Amy’s little ass cheeks as I fucked her

harder and harder and kept my mouth on hers.

Then I felt Amy’s cunt start to spasm and I knew she

was ready. I started fucking her harder and I could

hear my balls slapping against her ass as I kept

pumping away.

I pounded hard against her as she let out a blood

curling scream and started to buck so hard I could

hardly hold on.

The heat from her cunt was so hot that I thought my

cock would melt. Then I felt my hose starting to

squirt the much-needed liquid to put out her fire. Amy

continued to buck, I must have deposited a pint of

fresh cum inside her young 14-year-old body.

Amy came three times during that session and even after

we were both finished her little cunt kept sucking hard

on my cock, milking it of every drop of love juice that

was left.

For the rest of the movie Amy sat on my lap, without

panties on, and with my cock between her legs resting

against her pussy. Doubtless to say, that before the

movie ended I did get hard again, and I did slide my

cock into her cunt and fucked her while she sat on my

lap, depositing another load of cream deep inside her

sweet teenage pussy.