My Polish Neighbour Chapter 6

My Polish Neighbour Chapter 6
I woke to find my cock hard with the morning and quickly remembered last night and my magnificent mother. How she had accepted my friendship with Maria; how she now wanted to meet her; how she had brought me to a wonderful climax despite a desultory fuck with father; how she had cum rubbing herself hard against my thigh. I started rubbing myself to bring myself off again. Actually, why don’t I just hold it and see what the day brings?
Getting up and going to the kitchen, I realised Mum had gone to work, Dad will have gone earlier and I was on school holidays. A note to me was on the kitchen table addressed to me.
‘Ian thanks so much for yesterday, all of it. I meant what I said about getting to know Maria. And I also don’t wish to upset any relationship you have with her, though I do envy her a little. Could you arrange with her for us to meet, preferably the three of us as I would be a little shy otherwise. And she does look pretty for her age. I assume she is older than me. That’s right isn’t it? Anyway I have the afternoon off today. If you can arrange anything that would be lovely. Don’t leave this letter around either.’
Your loving Mum
I felt excited as well as slightly anxious. Supposing Maria didn’t want to meet Mum. Or didn’t like her if she did. Then I realised I wanted to please both of them at once and wondered if I could pull it off. I wanted to go round to Maria’s but she too will be out at this time. I would go later.
After breakfast I thought I would have a little scout around Mums’ bedroom. I hadn’t done it for awhile and it usually provided some horny distractions. In the left hand draw of her dresser I found some of her worn but cleaned stockings. I lifted them carefully from their place and smelt a perfumed whiff when I drew them to my nose. Rubbing my cock to semi-hard, I carefully wrapped them round as I got harder. Definite turn-on. Then I saw a pair of suspenders beside them and delighted in their silky feel. Would I dare? No one around till much later. Could I? Would I? I could and would. With my dressing gown still on I tucked the suspender belt round my waist. Good fit. Just right. Dangling garters from the belt just wanting to be used. I couldn’t resist. I had seen Mum fixing them to her stockings and copied in my mind how she would do them. Gingerly, I fingered my hands into the stockings and folded the first between my hands so that it would go carefully over my foot and ankle without laddering the fine mesh. Pulling up my leg and over my thigh I felt the tightness around me. It felt fabulous and I stroked myself and thought of Mum watching me or even catching me by surprise now that we were beginning to get to know each other in a sexual way.
I repeated this with the other stocking fixing all the garters to the suspender belt. I glanced in the mirror. Initially shocked at my transgression, I found myself wanking to the image of me standing there. I then saw a pair of Mum’s heels at the side. I slipped into them and saw immediately the effect of the heel on my calf and body, effectively thrusting me forward slightly as well as pronouncing my calf. Horny making.
I lay on Mum’s unmade bed and wanked myself, dreaming of Mum wearing them and letting me rub and wank against her. I found wearing the stockings and suspenders so exciting. The fact they’d been on Mum made them even more thrilling. I couldn’t resist and shot my cum trying to catch it but not quite managing it. Some fell on the stocking. Then I panicked and recognised I had better be careful not to ladder the stockings. Fortunately, most of my cum was on my upper thigh, tummy and hand and none on the bed.
Undoing the belts I warily unwound the cumless stocking down my leg and then the other one making sure my cum didn’t spread into the folds. Once I got it off, I had to decide how to remove my cum. Washing would take ages to dry. So I decided to suck it off and let saliva do the job of cleaning it of cum. My first taste of my own cum. Slightly salty. Folding them back as I remembered, I placed them carefully back in the draw. The suspender belt suddenly looked out of place. I undid the belt and placed it there as well.
Still feeling horny despite my cum, I looked in the rest of the draws, being very nosy. More underwear. Lifting it up I saw a large brown envelope with the end just folded over but not stuck. A soft-backed book was inside. I glanced at the cover, a drawing of a fully dressed woman with a young boy in short trousers with his head hidden up her skirt and her laying languorously back in a chair in a complete state of arousal with her eyes closed and a smile in her cheeks. The title, “A Mother’s Need” seemed to capture the picture. I wanted to read it but put it back in the draw as I needed to get round to Maria to arrange for Mum’s visit. Mum was obviously still in contact with Teresa as her main contact for porn reading. I had a final stroke before getting dressed for Maria.
It was getting near lunchtime. I did notice that Maria was back at home as she had opened the windows. Knocking, Maria came to the door. She looked hesitant and worried. Imagining why, she closed the door and gave me a tight hug and apologised for yesterday. She was fully dressed in a summer frock with her usual stockings and heels.
Not to be detracted I told her of Mum’s initial anger but that she had calmed down and then completely retracted her venomous mood to one of acceptance and affection for me. She was very surprised at the change and even more when I relayed her wish to meet Maria, and could she come over this afternoon?
I decided to tell Maria nothing about Mum’s behaviour in the late afternoon, about Dad and his unloving assault on Mum, nor about her masturbating me in my bed.
“Mum did say how pretty she thought you were and how much she wanted to get to know you.”
Maria looked curiously at me, no doubt wondering what to make of Mum’s sudden turn around.
“Are you sure Ian?”
“Very much so, Maria. She did say how much it would mean to her to widen her circle of friends.”
“Was your Father in the conversation you had Ian?”
Hesitating, I replied, “No so what?”
“How do they get on Ian?”
She saw me shift uncomfortably in my seat.”He’s out a lot.”
“I see, so she’s missing out on friends is she? What did she say about our little spectacle Ian, once she calmed down?
“She implied I was very lucky to know you Maria.”
“What a generous woman she must be. I think I’m going to like her. Is she sexy too, Ian like you?”
“I think so.”
“She excites you doesn’t she Ian?
I didn’t answer but just smiled.
We agreed to Mum coming round in about an hour for tea and a chat – if she hadn’t changed her mind. A quick kiss, albeit tongue to tongue and I returned home to find Mum already there.
On hearing that Maria was looking forward to meeting Mum this afternoon, she went into a slight panic.
“What shall I wear Ian?”
“It won’t matter what you wear Mum. I’m sure Maria will like you just the same. She isn’t likely to fuss herself.”
“That’s what you think Ian. Give me half an hour.”
After nagging her that we were late, she emerged from her bedroom looking like I had rarely seen her before. Simply wonderful, in a dress I hadn’t seen before. It was a bit dated but did make her look younger. The dress opened at the front but gave good support to her breasts. I wasn’t sure if she had a bra on either. The first button was quite low on her chest revealing the gentle heave of her bosom tops. The dress came to her knees duly stockinged with a dark brown weave and an even darker seam up the rear of her legs. Even her heels were more pronounced, emphasising her luscious calves.
I gave her a definite kiss on her lips. She balmed at me but proceeded to reapply more lipstick to her moist lips.
“I’m very proud of you Mum.”
“Thank you Ian. Just don’t neglect me now will you?”
In my young mind I grasped at a nervousness at meeting Maria.” Mum I promise I will not let you down.”
Reassured we walked out and round the corner to Maria’s place.
Maria opened the door wide to welcome us in great warmth, Mum going in first.
The first thing I noticed was that she was wearing exactly the same outfit as when I first met her with Phillip to see the cats. She was wearing that white blouse, again without a bra. The blouse was only just transparent but so entrancing. She had just placed a light shawl over the shoulders, no doubt in case Mum would be shocked. She too had heels and stockings.
They tentatively shook hands, but then Maria commented,
“Oh Jean, thank you so much for meeting me. Let me greet you Polish style at least.” With that and still holding Mum’s hand, she kissed her on each cheek. Her warmth was immediately apparent and Mum visibly relaxed and gave the loveliest smile in return.
Maria had tea and biscuits at the ready as we entered her living room. I sat next to Mum on the sofa and Maria opposite in her usual armchair. The light in the room was soft given the curtains were slightly drawn.
It must have reassured Mum that I had sat next to her as she soon got into conversation with Maria about their backgrounds. Their conversation became very engaging as they exchanged their childhoods with lengthy stories about the freedom they had to play without the prying eyes of parents. But then Maria paused in her enthusiasm. She implied that all hadn’t been well after she was 13. Mum picked up her change of mood and waited. This was after nearly an hour of happy exchanges knotting their relationship closer and easier in my mind.
“Jean and you Ian. Can I trust you both not to gossip to anyone?” She knew she could trust me. She looked at Mum.
“Maria, I feel I know you already through Ian. If you like, I could tell you about me, which Ian doesn’t know much about, and yet I trust him with my life.
“Anyway Jean, Ian already knows that when I was his age my father took advantage of me. At first because I loved him, I welcomed his advances but then I realised that he had no regard for how I felt. That’s when he started doing things to me that I didn’t want. But he misunderstood my initial warmth and invaded me. He continued to use me and I just put up with it for years until he became ill after my mother left for someone else. He died whilst I tended him. My brother, who hated him, came to stay with me. He was so good to me and became a father figure to me and treated me like a father should. He never took advantage of me even though he had his needs. Later in Warsaw, I fell for a man, who, after a few months, began to treat me just like my father, and hitting me as well. My brother eventually rescued me and took me away to a safe place. The experiences of my father and lover left me very scarred and I began to avoid men, even when I came to England. I now prefer the company of women to men, with the exception of Ian, who has been a very gentle friend and has reawakened me.”
“That’s it Jean except to say that I have no wish to come between you and Ian. Hey, I think I need something stronger after that Jean. Will you join me in something special from Poland?”
When Maria got up, Mum rose as well and hugged her close. It was clear that Maria was touched and returned the hug with a kiss on her cheek, then a light one on Mum’s lips. She went to the kitchen and returned with Polish vodka and three glasses.
“Just a tiny sip for you Ian.”
She poured generous amounts for them and we tinkled our glasses together. Maria threw hers back and went for another.
“Maria I really feel for you. It must have been hard to cope all those years. I only wish you an earlier life like mine. Mine hasn’t been that good recently. I think Ian knows that. It’s nothing new.”
“How was your early life then, Jean?”
“I hate to compare Maria, but very secure and loving. My
Dad never hit me or Mum and they gave me a very secure home life. If anything, I was the naughty one. Mum never noticed, but when I was about 13 I remember getting cuddles from Dad in front of Mum. She either didn’t notice or didn’t mind. I remember one evening, when it was very cold and we were sitting by the fire. He let me sit astride his leg cuddling him round his neck. I got very excited moving along his thigh. I kept it slow, so Mum wouldn’t notice. He didn’t move. I did and then it happened. I wasn’t sure at the time but it was a completely new excitement I had never had before. He just held me whilst it happened. After he gave me an extra hug as I collapsed on his shoulder. After that evening Dad got to know me a lot more on our own. But I need to get to know you better Maria, before I tell any more. Ian hasn’t heard about that either.”
I stirred slightly grasping what she had said so openly to Maria, but didn’t follow it now.
“Well, Maria, how did you get to know Ian so well?” I blushed at the audacity of her remark. Maria was cool as the cucumber.
She relayed the story of the kittens and would we like to see them sometime and how Phillip and I went round to her flat one morning.
“They called slightly earlier than I had thought. I was dressed in this outfit, but without the shawl. I hadn’t had time to put it on.” Maria then put her hand to her shawl and placed it neatly beside her. I saw Mum quickly take in Maria’s transparency as she listened to her. I stirred some more.
“Well Jean they were both delightful with the kittens as I held them in my hands and arms, crawling about me as well as handing each of them to let them hold the kittens. It was then I noticed that Phillip was totally distracted by the kittens. Ian definitely wasn’t. I could see his eyes were elsewhere, furtively looking at my blouse.
“I can see why Maria.” She smiled in response.
“I couldn’t believe myself when I took the opportunity, when Phillip was in the toilet, to invite Ian round, ‘anytime you want to see them again’and he immediately took me up on it.”
“Beautifully said Maria.” Mum had instantly grasped the ambiguity.
We paused as we took in the significance of what Maria had said.
“When they left, I was torn and not sure what I had let myself in for and should I have done it – leading Ian on that way. But when I thought more about it, I just couldn’t resist. So that’s how it started Jean. He came round after lunch, which I hadn’t expected and it was lovely.”
“You are being a bit coy Maria” she teased. Maria did then blush and smiled.”What can I say?”
The memory of that day and the atmosphere here was having a drastic effect on me, which Mum, then Maria noticed. We all went quiet as they looked at each other, then Maria commented, “I feel so close to both of you, you know and very excited to have you here. We could see Maria’s nipples hardening against her blouse. She slipped her fingers to her blouse buttons and undid two more buttons leaving only two left to undo. Her deep cleavage came more fully into view as well as the shape of her breasts which had slight sag to them, which I had already found exciting when she revealed them to me the first time.
“I wonder what’s happened to Ian, Jean?” They both were glancing at my groin stiffened and tenting my trousers.
“I think Ian is enjoying our company don’t you?”
“Oh Ian what’s in your head then? Is it seeing Maria like that? Are you really enjoying our company then?”
“Mum what do you think? I’ve just been listening to every word. . . .
Before I could go further, Jean had glanced at Maria and then moved her nearest hand to hover over my covered stiff cock. She didn’t grasp it but delicately searched and began to unzip me. She must have realised how close I would be. Deftly she wound it down to reveal that I had no underpants on.
“Oh very naughty aren’t we?” Freed, my cock suddenly found its natural angle. Again, another look between them. Maria acknowledged Mum’s glance and smiled reassuringly.
“Yes, Jean, please do.”
Then, I understood what the meaning between them. Mum leant forward and over me. Her tongue made the first link with my sensitive skin at my cut head. Before I could close my eyes in delight, Maria was opening her blouse and fondling her nipples with both hands. Mum slid her mouth around me and closed her lips over my smooth swollen head. She then went into slip-slide along my length but still gently so as to try to stave off the inevitable.
“Oh Jean how beautiful, your both so beautiful.” I could see Maria, now dragging a free hand along her thigh. Mum looked round at that moment to see Maria her thighs wide, without panties, running her finger along her pubic hairs. At that moment she beamed at Maria, and then returned to her purpose with more pressure round me.
I let my hand slip into mums dress and yes, she had no bra on. She let me slip my hand over the nearest breast. Heaven. Her nipple stiffened even more at my touch. At that moment I also saw Maria masturbating her wet cunt in front of me.
“Mum don’t stop, please don’t stop.” I shot my first load of spunk right in her mouth, feeling totally exhilarated and guilty at the same time. She didn’t stop and kept her mouth closed completely round me. I collapsed back into the sofa overwhelmed by the suddenness of it.
Just then Maria went into wailing with her own self-love as she rubbed her clit with speed and vigorous movement to get her own release. Mum and I watched her go over. Both of us must have found it a wonder, maybe the first time for Mum watching another woman. She was very beautiful at that moment.
We all paused in silence at the sheer sultry feeling of it.
Jean, I want to kiss you both?

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2012-09-24 02:18:03
Awsome make more stores mmm love these