Quadruplet Connection Chapter Six: Homecumming

Chapter Six in an ongoing series.

QuadConn ch. 6 – Homecumming

December 22nd

Frank pulled up in front of the airport entrance and fired off a text to Ashley as he looked around for her. Soon, a recognizable blonde head of hair exited the sliding doors and waved vigorously to him, a wide smile gracing her face. Frank couldn’t help but grin his own self, as it had been far too long since he saw his sister and experienced her bubbly personality. He opened the door and got out, bracing himself as Ashley flew into his arms for a hug. Frank gasped as once again her familiar energies coursed through him via their bond; bubbly, vivacious and wonderful.

“Ohhh Frank! It’s super good to see you and feel you!” she said into his shoulder.

“I missed holding you, Ash, it’s been far too long!”

She squealed a bit as he squeezed her tightly, then let go of her. They didn’t want to be too familiar in public, as the airport was in the town they lived on the outskirts of, and somone might be there who recognized them. So, Frank helped his sister load her luggage into the car and maneuvered his way through traffic and onto the highway.

While he drove, he stole glances at Ashley when he could; her hair was a little longer, and if anything, she was more toned and lithe looking than he had ever seen her. Her capris showed just enough leg for him to see lines of muscle clearly defined, as did Her midriff where her shirt rode up. Her face was the same though, pert and smiley with bright eyes. She caught his eye and smirked, then spoke.

“See anything you like?”

“I was just noticing that cheerleading seems to agree with you. You look really good!”

She leaned back and used her hands to smooth her shirt below her breasts to her legs before replying.

“Yeah it’s been rewarding, doing physical stuff all the time. But as you can see, I’m NOT pregnant, which would have been my preference. Still, I like looking good.”

“I did notice that. We tried pretty hard before you left, I’m not sure why everyone else got pregnant and you didn’t.”

Ashley looked over at him and played with her fingernails. “Maybe we just didn’t try hard enough.”

Frank shrugged, “I guess we’ll just have to keep trying until you start growing our baby. We have a few days.”

He looked over and caught her eye, while reaching to lay his palm flat against her muscular tummy, “For the rest of today, all of my cum goes in here.”

Her eyes flashed hungrily, and she caught her lip between her teeth. Sparks and arcs of her arousal and need filled Frank’s mind before He had to disengage in order to keep an eye on the road. He watched the highway as Ashley slid her hands up his bare arm, and snuck one hand up his short sleeve to feel his chest. He drew in a breath and sighed as he let his sister feel him up for the first time in many months.

“Glad you haven’t gotten flabby on me, bro.”

Frank grinned, and as she moved her hand to caress his cheek, he playfully bit her fingers, eliciting a squeal from her. Careful to focus on driving, Frank snuck a hand across the center console of his car and grasped Ashley’s muscular thigh, feeling her strength. Slowly he crept his hand up and pressed his fingers into the crotch of her capris, rubbing slightly against her fabric-imprisoned nether regions. A light whimper escaped her mouth before she clapped a hand over her lips and glanced his way.

Gratified that he could still draw a reaction from her, Frank attempted to continue, but forgot to keep an eye on the road for a second too long. He swerved to stay in his lane as a car attempted to pass him, tapping their horn a couple times at his lack of attention. Frank waved and sighed in relief.

“Maybe we better wait until we get home.”

Ashley looked at the cars sharing the highway with them, then pointed at the next exit.

“Take this exit, then take Baker Street North to our road.”

Frank merged, wondering why she would want to take the longer route.

As soon as they were onto the single lane road, the college student reached over and laid her palm on Frank’s crotch, feeling the outline of his half hard cock with her fingertips.

“I can’t wait til we get home. Can we get started now?”

Frank used one hand to undo his pants, and pushed them down a little at a stop sign, then fished his hardening cock out of his underwear. Meanwhile Ashley tied her hair back out of the way carelessly, and as soon as it was accessible, dove on Frank’s cock.

He sighed as his sister closed her mouth around the skin of his member, feeling every inch glide past her lips and over her tongue and down her throat. The bond that connected their family had not gone away between Frank and Ashley; as soon as the top of her tongue first graced the top of his glans a bolt of lightning shot through him. The lightning that scoured his nerve endings and neurons was definitely Ashley’s; it bubbled and shone the same color as her personality, and it was impossible to mistake her for anyone else, even if he were blindfolded. In her haste, she spasmed and drew off of him with a cough and a sheepish expression.

“Oh! I’m not used to this monster of yours! The dildo I practice on is not nearly as big.”

Frank laughed watched her wipe her spit off her chin and try a second time. The back of her head slowly descended in his crotch until he felt her chin dig into one thigh and her nose into the other. Her tongue was busy licking around his shaft as she began to move up his cock again, using all her powers to attempt to coax forth his life-giving seed. And her powers were formidable.

Frank groaned some and regripped the steering wheel hard; it was going to be tough to hold it in for the few minutes it would take to get home. Ashley was doing an incredible job despite not having had much practice for months.

She suddenly drew up off of him, a tendril of drool hanging off her chin and connected to his cock.

“I know we want to get pregnant. But I really want to swallow your cum.”

“I was just thinking that. Go for it. I’m not far from it.”

She nodded and took a deep breath before descending upon him once more. The hotness of her mouth and throat and the wet friction of his cock sliding over her tongue and down her esophagus was sheer heaven, even more so because of the unique signature of Ashley’s presence making the act that much more meaningful and passionate. It was as though she was blowing his very soul.

Frank just turned into their road and could barely see their house in the distance when Ashley’s ministrations began to pay off.

“Ohhh man I’m gonna cum soon.”

Ashley quickened her head-bobbing and used her hand to brace herself against the center dash as events began to culminate. Her unwitting fingers touched the power button to the radio, and some nameless heavy metal guitar blared out of the speakers, drowning out the wet sucking noises coming from where her skin met his.

Frank breathed shallowly as he felt his balls begin to churn and his lower guts begin to rush, mixing and preparing his seed for deposit. He turned the car into the driveway and threw it in park, Ashley never breaking stride.

Grabbing the back of Ashley’s head, Frank pushed down and thrust his hips upward, a couple inches more of his cock slipping down his sister’s throat, and exploded with a guttural grunt. Bypassing her mouth altogether, the first few pulses of his semen shot straight down her esophagus and into her stomach. She drew up off of him to catch the last of his load in her mouth, sucking on the head of his cock like a lollipop.

His other senses darkened for a moment, and all he could sense or feel was Ashley’s fervor at the apex of their interaction, and her passionate love for him underlying all her lust. It was truth, uncensored and unfettered by poor explanations or language barriers, carried from one person to the other by electric thoughts.

Then the world snapped back and he was in his car, and his dick slipped from between Ashley’s lips with a pop. They caught their breath, Ashley between swallows, until Frank looked around and noticed something was off.

“I pulled into the Madison’s driveway.” he whispered as he fumbled to turn the blaring radio off.

Ashley swallowed once more as she looked around and her eyes went wide. Frank backed the car out of their neighbor’s driveway and reparked in their own, fifty feet down the road. Ashley and Frank shared a nervous giggle.

“Good thing they work all day, or that could’ve been super bad!”

Frank nodded at Ashley’s comment and put his cock away. He then looked at her as she ordered her clothes and hair, then checked the rearview mirror to assess her makeup.

“Im happy you’re home again, if only for a little while.”

Ashley smiled that smile she saved for him and they leaned in to share a kiss. He could taste residual semen on her tongue, but that didn’t faze him one bit; he had missed Ashley far too much. Neither one wanted to break apart, but the longer they did stuff like that in public, the greater chance there was of being discovered. So they reluctantly parted.

“I’ll get your bags, go on inside. Everyone is waiting to see you.”

At Frank’s recommendation, Ashley got out and went to the front door while Frank popped the trunk and began unloading. By the time he got into the house with the two suitcases, one duffle and one purse, all four girls were standing around one another chatting back and forth between themselves.

As he set the bags down in an unobtrusive corner, Frank regarded his family. Ashley energized him simply by being around her; her personality was positive and contagious. She was currently the center of attention, being the home-comer.

Jean was asking Ashley about college and what her dorm was like and her professors. Jean: the smartest of the group, had plans for college sometime next year, and wanted to find out all she could from someone with first-hand experience. She subtly had one hand touching Ashley’s fingers, sharing her feelings directly with her sister. Frank loved her insight, and her gentle personality.

Vanessa stood opposite the pair, adding to conversation on occasion with a few words; her hands were at the small of her back, pressing her belly out as she stretched a bit. She was beginning to let her hair grow out naturally, as signified by the two or three inches of light brown at the roots of her normally black hair. Frank saw this as a sign of change, of his angel spreading her wings, and he loved her even more for it, feeling like he was growing along with her. Before her pregnancy, she would hardly speak two words to her family.

Standing just beyond the group was Tasha, their mother, who was standing with one hand on her pregnant belly, just watching the three women chatting. She was probably doing the same thing that Frank was, basking in the richness of their family, now that they were reunited with their absent member. She looked at Frank and caught his eye, her smile widening to a grin of joy and satisfaction, which Frank could not help returning.

Frank was struck by how joyful he felt, seeing his developing family back together again. He decided right then that this was his life goal; to build a life with his sisters and mother and to live with and care for them. Frank’s realization of this felt natural, an obvious conclusion to the warming of the family’s relationships.

He folded his arms and nodded to himself. He was going to secure their future together.

That night, as Frank and his mother finished putting away the dishes and wiping down the counters, Frank decided to bring up his idea for a home.

“Mom, could I run something by you?”

“Of course baby, what’s on your mind?”

Frank leaned against the counter next to his mother and folded his arms, his brow furrowed in thought.

“I was thinking that this house isn’t going to be big enough for all of us, once the children are born. Since I’ve been making good money at my job recently, and you’ve been making good money for so many years, why don’t we buy a bigger house?”

Tasha nodded and absently touched his arm with her fingers, their energies swirling and feeling each other.

“I was wondering that myself recently,” she said, “but I hadn’t come up with a plan for it yet. I was thinking somewhere in the country, secluded and remote, where there aren’t as many people to question our lifestyle.”

Their energies were harmonious as Frank looked over at his mother with a smile on his lips, “That’s exactly what I was thinking mom! I’m so glad we are on the same page!”

Tasha smiled warmly and held out her arms for Frank to hug her, which he did. Their arms clasped around each other, instinctively seeking out what bare skin there was to touch, to allow their energies to mingle. As they drew apart, they sought each other’s eyes, where the fire burned for each other.

With gentle passion, Frank kissed his mother, their natural rhythms aligned with each other after so much practice. Their breath mingled as closely as their energies, which were soaring with mutual pleasure as their tongues began to sneak out and mingle as well.

With a moan they broke apart, their breathing rapid, and Tasha put her hand on her son’s chest while she came back down to earth.

“Oh my boy, you’re so good at that. I’d love to keep going and see where it leads us, but I’d feel guilty keeping you from Ashley while she’s home.”

Frank blinked as he landed back on earth as well and came to the same conclusion. Ashley had gone to bed recently, as had Jean, but Vanessa was still on the couch watching a tv show. Frank decided that it was time to go to Ashley.

He kissed his mother once more, then drew away from her, his hand sliding gently over the convex surface of her belly, which carried two of his developing children. She pulled her shirt up enough to where Frank could lay his hand on her supple skin. Frank closed his eyes and joyfully basked in the presence of all four of their energy signatures dancing around one another.

Again he returned to earth and bid his mother goodnight. He left the kitchen and came up behind Vanessa on the couch. She craned her head to see him and smiled briefly at him.

“I’m going to bed, Nes,” Frank said as he snuck his hand down her shoulder and across her chest, “I’ll see you two in the morning.”

Vanessa planted kisses on Frank’s arm, “I love you, Frank.”

“I love you too.”

He slid his hand down Vanessa’s loose shirt between her tits to lay his palm against her stomach, which held their gestating child. The connection between them all made him smile, warmth heating his chest. Vanessa sighed with contentment. When he withdrew his hand, Frank made sure to grasp one of her engorged titties; since she wore no bra, it was practically an invitation. He heard her hold her breath as he tweaked her nipple between his thumb and forefinger; the electric spark of her stimulation reaching through their bond.

Even though it pained him to do so, Frank let Vanessa’s breast fall from his grasp, and he leaned down to kiss her goodnight. Her taste lingered on his lips as he left her and made for the stairway.

He stopped outside Jean’s bedroom door and cracked it open a bit. The room was dark and quiet, and he could barely make out the sleeping form of his sister, and the most gentle of snoring noises. Not wanting to wake her, Frank carefully closed the door and moved to Ashley’s room, his anticipation rising. The door opened before he could even knock.

There she stood, naked as the day she was born.

Ashley had showered earlier, taking a long time in the bathroom. Now Frank could see why. Every inch of her but her head was hairless, shaved off close. The lamp on her bedside table illuminated her poorly, but as she stepped back to allow him in, Frank saw every curve and line of her body as the light slid over it. She was completely in shape, with her abs defined and the muscles in her legs standing out. Her breasts were exactly the same as he remembered them, supple, and gravity defying, with nipples already hard.

Frank met her eyes finally, and he saw fire dancing in them as she held his gaze.

He came forward and wrapped his arms around her naked body as their lips met, the length of their torsos coming together. The sudden connection between them was like a lightning bolt striking them both at once, causing them both to gasp with wide eyes before returning to each other’s embrace. His hands slid over the skin of her back while they tongue wrestled, Ashley smashed her tits flat against his chest, all of which caused Frank’s cock to grow, forcing them to make room for it growing up between them.

Somehow, while they were inextricably connected with such passion unrequited for many months, Frank managed to strip himself bare and back his sister up against her bed. With the gentlest of pushes against her shoulders, he caused her to begin to fall backwards. Their lips snapped apart, and Ashley managed to barely stifle a shriek as she flopped on her back. She frowned playfully, with a grin on her lovely face. Frank got on the bed himself, his ball sack swinging at the base of his dick as he clambered up between her legs.

Ashley spread her legs wide and ran a couple fingers through her slit and held them out to Frank, who took the slick fingers in his mouth and sucked her juice off of them.

“Mmm, I remember that taste. Tastes like Ashley!”

She giggled at his remark and lightly ran her fingernails down his chest, leaving wakes of static electricity between them. Frank’s cock was pulsing, ready for insertion, which Ashley was all too aware of.

“So you gonna stick that thing in me, bro?”

Frank edged up closer to her and grasped his dick, sliding the glans up and down her folds and across her clit, which caused her legs to shiver and her eyes to glaze over. He pushed inside of her, eliciting a groan from him and a whimper from her as he pushed all the way in to the bottom. For a moment he held himself completely within her, while Ashley’s hands squeezed his arm and shoulder as she got used to him. It had been six months, after all.

Even though her eyes were still squeezed shut at his entrance, Frank began to thrust in and out, beginning the climb towards his orgasm. He growled a little as he slowly began to fuck her, nothing was in his mind but pure lust, which was broadcast across their bond, clearing Ashley’s mind of anything else as well. Both of them were intent on the most basic of things: insemination.

Ashley vocalized a little as Frank began to pick up the pace, her vaginal folds stretching to allow his cock’s movements within her. She squeezed her eyes shut as he moved over her, feeling physically his ravaging of her canal, and mentally feeling his overwhelming lust as he moved inexorably toward his ultimate goal. Nothing else pervaded her mind except the stimulation of her body and her soul.

Ashley’s lust soaked brain and the regular stimulation of her pussy pushed her to the brink and over the edge. Her orgasm unleashed itself within her body, causing her eyes to fly open and her breath to become irregular, her chest flushing, and every breath tinged with a whining voice. She unconsciously wrapped her legs around Frank, her heels landing on his lower back, helping his every thrust into her deepest reaches.

Her orgasmic ecstasy flooded across their connection, causing Frank to begin to cum as well. His eyes came up and locked with Ashley’s wide eyes as he increased his speed, slamming into her vagina at top speed until he burst, spurting flood after flood of his fertile semen into the end of her love tunnel.

She could feel every shot of his cum, by the flexing of his muscles and by the splashing feeling at the end of her vagina. She grinned weakly through the pleasure crashing over her as she stared into Frank’s eyes while he exerted himself into her.

Slowly, their mutual pleasure wound down, and Frank’s cock began to quit pulsing. They stared into each other’s eyes still, having never broken eye contact since they began orgasming, while they caught their breath. Frank came out of his fervor and blinked, then leaned down to share a gentle kiss with his sister. She unclasped her legs from his midsection, allowing Frank to roll off of her to lay beside her.

Ashley drew her legs up to her midsection, keeping every drop of his cum within her to slowly seep through her cervix into her uterus.

They lay next to one another, their lust slowly fading to simple love for one another. Ashley had just enough energy to reach over and turn her light off before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The author wishes to thank the readers for their perusal, and hope they were satisfied by the content. More to cum later!