What do you do with a third chance at life?

No one under the age of fourteen has any sex in this story.


I am standing and looking into the mirror again this morning, just like many years in the past when my age rebounded from exactly seventy-five to eighteen over several night’s adjustments. The memory of how fine that life had been was still fresh in my mind. And my first life had been rather good also, both of them with fine womanly mates.

I never got an explanation of how this worked the first time, and was just as puzzled this time. Was it the outworking of some kind of karma from two lives lived rather well, or some version of the Buddhist concepts of reincarnation? I just had no idea, and since the past was instantly upon me, I had no time to ponder it at the present.

After freshening up in the bathroom, I moved to the living room to sit in my favorite chair and ponder my next steps. I knew immediately, that I had no intention of reliving the heart-warming life experience that I had with Mariko. It had been so special that I wanted no chance to spoil that memory by some kind of faux pas with her in this one. So, if she came up again, I would gently deflect her from my current life.

I then dressed up in my blue jeans and shirt with my tennies that I favored over the newer sport’s shoes now so expensively available. And somehow, I sensed that things might not be the same when I left my condo this time. The last time this happened to me, I had remained in the same time era and so had coped with things very well. But, this didn’t have to be the case this time. So, I took all of the modern money out of my wallet, it would be still available in the condo if this was still the present time. But, if I went back the fifty-seven years that I had lost in age, to that earlier era too, it would be in the early nineteen sixties.

So, I emptied my coin collections for that time and earlier, along with the bills dated back then and got ready to start my search for a place in this era with a new youthful start again. I threw on a light jacket and moved out to check my mailbox at the mailing center for the condo complex. As soon as my feet hit the ground, all that I was familiar with disappeared into the mists of time, and I found myself standing alongside of a country road aimed north and south Just fields and forest around me.

With me in total shock, a county sheriff’s deputy drove up and stopped to check me out. I was obviously a stranger in his territory and one who seemed out of it, too.

In his approaching swagger, he asked very brashly, “Who are you, kid? And what are you doing out here in the woods alongside of the road?” Evidently, sensitivity to public perceptions was of a lower level of concern in this time.

So, I decided to play dumb and gave him my real name, and that I was evidently abandoned here by my family for whatever reason, that I didn’t know.

This threw him off track and so to cover, he asked, “What was your car like and describe your family.”

“It was some kind of Studebaker and there was my father and mother and my sister Irene.” Dancing on my feet with that one. And he seemed to stare off into space with some recollection of that name, too.

So, as a community service, he took out his clubbing stick and moved me to the prowl car to handcuff me and transport me to the local hospital for observation. It was an uneventful trip, since I was cuffed in the back seat and he had put away his nightclub for the present. When we got to the hospital, it had moved back to the south end of town along the bay side hill where it had been in my youth.

The deputy quickly removed the cuffs and took my arm in his hands and led me into the emergency room. A Catholic Sister, dressed in a nurse’s version of a habit, took me into her care and led me to an examination room for the doctor to check me over. She asked me questions about myself, and I answered in ways that would conform to my family of that era. I told her that I was from North Carolina and had no idea of how I came to be alone here. Also, that I had family in the region. I identified my actual grandfather, Plank Benson, as my distant uncle and nodded at her start over the name. “Yes,” I admitted, there were some very odd first names in my extended family. Some kind of twisted sense of country humor, I guessed. But, that my name was James Blassingame, a fairly normal sounding name for that time, and my actual name also. Since this was an earlier period of time, there would be no problem for this, since my real self was still centered in N.C, at this time, though currently traveling with my family.

The authorities of the hospital called back to my hometown and verified my identity by a deion and some pertinent questions. So, they put out a call over the radios about me, but I knew that my family was now in Canada, and if they even did hear of the mystery kid, they wouldn’t take it seriously, since their James was right there in the back seat bickering with his kid sister.

So, they contacted my ‘uncle’ and turned me over to him. We had visited him a few days before, and he was glad to see me again. He and his lovely wife only had a daughter, and he had always wanted a son. But, from the family dynamics that I read, he was deficient in the process that would produce one. So, with me now available, and with no unwanted intimate process needed, he just decided to take me in and ignore my family from back east, wherever they were or would be.

His lovely wife, Muriel, didn’t seem to have a problem with this either, nor did Dixie, their sixteen year old daughter. She seemed to relish having a brother of her own to torment and punish for whatever offenses that she could think up. She was pretty, though. And I sorrowfully remembered that she died ten years after this as a M.A.S.H. unit nurse in Viet Nam, that monument to seventies hardships and suffering. So, I proceeded to cut her a lot of slack in my manner. No need to respond negatively to the dead, even if they were still alive, I thought. And besides, she was so damn pretty. I think that I already mentioned that.

So, the future baby son’s room was stripped down and remodeled to favor an eighteen year old ready-made one. Dixie seemed to find a lot of delight in that process. By her still being the ‘baby’ sister now, she would not lose a lot of the attentions that came to her to a baby boy. Especially the attentions of her father.

Since school was to start in a couple of weeks, I was enrolled in the local high school, with the same loosely carried out corroborations (as in my previous rebound) from my home school back east. This was not the teacher’s or administrator’s faults at all. In those days, school funding had its issues, too. And so ‘responsible’ students did much of the grunge work to free the teachers to actually teach.

I would be a senior and my grades from back home were pretty good, about a B plus average. The same issues as to scholarships was encountered, though. Since I wasn’t here during my junior year when many of them were to be applied for. But, in those days before such an active public process of getting women’s rights, the son got all of the help with college and lucky me, my ‘uncle’ was quite well to do. So, all I had to do was to up my grade level a bit and enjoy my post high school education.

As I settled in to the household ambiance, it didn’t take very long to get a firm hold on the issues boiling along here. First of all, it was a fine home, kept very clean and neat. Everyone seemed to have bought into that. There was a level of politeness that also made it very pleasant to be there. And everyone seemed to share in the responsibilities and even in sharing of T.V. time, since this was before the days of T.V.s in the bedrooms for children. And the meals were of a very fine home cooking order, too.

There were undercurrents and I picked up on them very quickly, too. There was a current of resentment between Muriel and Plank. Evidently because of his relationship with his sixteen year old daughter. Dixie seemed a lot more affectionate with her father, than would be normal for a girl at that age. And she was very polite to her mother, but not openly affectionate with her. Of course, the probable reasons for these manifestations just weren’t mentioned in polite society in those times. It just ground along, with everyone looking the other way. Even in divorce actions, this was rarely addressed. Jailbirds don’t pay alimony. But, despite the tensions here, any divorce was highly unlikely. The circumstances within the house were just too beneficial for all concerned.

However, with me now in the household as a pseudo son, the dynamics were about to go into a profound change of balance.

The first evidence of this was when in my third week of residence, I got home early to find Muriel taking a shower. Evidently preparing herself to be presented as the altogether mother and wife for the dinner meal and evening family fellowship. I being the aged perv that I am, though now in a young man’s body, moved to catch a glance at her wet body in the shower.

When I opened the bathroom door, I would have bet anything that it made no noise at all, but ‘mom’ called out to me at the door. “James, Honey, would you please get me another bottle of shampoo from under the sink and pass it along to me in the shower?” Then silence.

So, since I was already found out, I moved in and found the mentioned bottle and moved over to pass it over the top of the shower curtain rod. She moved first and then I found myself with a wide-opened stare looking directly at my ‘mom’s’ magnificent body. She wiggled a bit to get her ‘ganormous’ tits in motion and then reached out to take the bottle from my hands. Then with a smile, she looked me in the eyes and asked, “James, why don’t you undress and get in with me. You could scrub my back and we together could save some of the water and power bill by taking a shower together. And if you are worried, no one else is due home for another hour and a half, and Dixie is into her father and he with her, so neither of them would care that much.”

So, I did as so requested and entered into the steaming shower to admire and help out a lovely woman, who has obviously been mistreated by ignoring of her needs, too. As I got used to the temperature and her, she gave me the luffa sponge and turned to allow me to work on her slim and toned back, with her terrific butt cheeks just down below. The laving didn’t last long and I then was on my knees with my mouth up to her pussy and then to her ass.

She was at first shocked by this, but her body loved it and moved in concert to my attentions to it. Her feelings finally caught up and she moaned, “Oh Jimmy that feels so good. Please don’t stop loving your mommy.” So, I now added tongue actions to the two areas.

With this addition, she rose up to her full height and begged, “Jimmy, don’t you dare stop that! I soooo much looooove you.”

She then reached back and found my dick to be fully inflated. So, she bent over with her hands on the internal wash cloth bar and instructed me to put that big tool where it belonged. I was very enthusiastic about that and immediately plowed right up into her ass, with a finger up her pussy vault. She was now moaning very loudly with sharp little screams of, “Don’t stop now, James!”

I heard the door open and a brief, “Oh, oh…” And then the door closed. I continued up in good old mom, and she let out an ‘Oh My God,’ in concert to her climaxing with a spray of her womanly cum all over my legs and thigh. She then slumped down for a minute or two, driving me even more deeply into her. Then when she came to from the override of her feelings, she turned and licked off the cum that hadn’t already been showered away.

She after that with her eyes staring holes into my face, bent backward and spread her legs with the instruction to , “Put it in me, James!…………… Fuck your mother, my son!………………. I want your cum up into me……………I want you to fill me up with your loving son’s cum!”

So, I moved forward to her pussy hunched forward for my entrance and plowed right up into it with a fervent show of my feelings for this wondrous woman. I knew that she couldn’t hold this position for long and so moved to cum up profoundly into her very quickly. With that she pulled me forward and installed her nipple right into my mouth and begged me to nurse on her like I did when I was her baby. Even though that had never happened, I had great confidence that I could simulate that.

After a few minutes of that fun, we broke apart and dressed for her to finish preparing dinner and to take her motherly place at the dining room table with her loving family. I couldn’t help but notice a more animated presence of hers and a firm but quiet smile present all through dinner. I noticed Plank noticing, also. He looked my way, but not in any antagonistic fashion, and then her eyes met up with Dixie’s but got no return from her daughter.

After dinner I moved up to my room to finish the day’s lessons. And then went to sleep in profound happiness over the events in the shower. Sometime around two in the morning, I felt a presence in my bed. It felt like Muriel, but turned out to be Dixie instead. She cuddled up to me and whispered that she was very turned on by her self-generation and needed help to get over the top, so he was to just get right to fucking her, to calm her libido down.

So, she rolled to her back and lifted her legs to be bent and elevated openly. I moved to the proper entry position and fed my cock up into her pussy. She oohed and aahed over that and made some comment to the assertion that I was much bigger than her Dad, and stiffer, too. Just pillow talk, I figured.

I moved up into her and began the dance of life with her taking an active dance partner’s activity. She pushed up as I pushed down and we connected very deeply. With her stimulating me by actively kissing me and fingering my anus, I came very soon into her, with her thrashing about a bit in her climax, too. Then she roused up, gave me a big smooch and with some cum obviously draining down her legs left my room in a hurry.

Later that morning, Muriel stopped by and whispered in my ear to get ready for school in the morning, but to delay leaving, because we needed to talk, and other private times for us would be rare, if we didn’t schedule them. And, “Enjoyed my daughter, huh?” And then she left.

In the morning, we all got ready for our days as usual. I did see Dad hugging Dixie as she came out of the main bathroom from her shower. He saw me see him, but neither of us made any move of acknowledgement of it. So, we sat at the breakfast table and enjoyed a fine meal in peace and positivity. Then Dad left first in the family sedan, and then Dixie with a swipe at my arm on the way out.

Then with me and Mom alone, we went to her bedroom to confer. We sat on the side of her bed with our feet on the carpet and she gathered me up into a sweet hugging with a very wet kiss. Then she with a very wide smile moved down to her knees and opened my zipper to fetch out her play toy for some attentions.

She lowered my pants and then my undershorts to fully expose me. She caressed my equipment while looking up to me and telling me, “I love you so much my son. I want you to be so happy here. Please let me take you dick into my mouth for me to taste you and for you to be relaxed for your day at school.”

“Mom, this is great. But, if you don’t hurry, I will be late to school and we have an important test today. In my first class!”

I figured that would get her on the move, but she moaned to me, “It is alright, son, I will drive you there in the pick-up and cover for you if necessary.” So, much for that effort. I was going to be into it till the finish……… up in her.

With my ‘morning wood’ still latent, she got me up quickly and then without undressing, opened her bodice to let her tits hang free and laid back to lift her day dress up to expose her un-pantied pussy. It was glorious to the view, too. All reddened, wetted and open for my view with her legs widened out. “Please lick it first, James!” So, I did and she moaned from the feeling that that generated.

Then with time on my mind, I mounted up and gave the old girl a real ride for her money. And she was gasping and shouting to a final cum-filled climax of the both of us. She reached up to kiss me, and then we raced to get me ready for school. On the way there, I laid down on the seat and as she worked the steering wheel and columnar gear shift, I lifted her dress and side moved her panty to suck the cum out of her. She nearly put us in a ditch, but got me to school in one piece and then before she would let me leave, she moved me to the driver’s position and with her splayed over the steering wheel and her back to me, she got another load to figure out what to do with. I made it in time to take the test, and got an A on it. Must have been through a relaxing morning, and a full evening of study the night before.

Four weeks later, both Muriel and Dixie turned up very pregnant. As pregnant as a woman could be I surmised. It was quickly arranged for Dixie to spend the summer at her aunt’s out of town and to put the baby up for adoption. There was no way that it would be aborted, nor for her to raise it. She was just too young for that challenge then. She cried when this plan became apparent to her.

Muriel continued with the morning fun, and Dixie would show up on some of the nights. Evidently, Dad wasn’t turned on by a pregnant daughter. There was some mention of a young secretary at work being his new sex interest. But, I doted on the two pregnant relatives, and gave them all that I could. And they both went wild in pleasing me, sometimes together when Dad was out of town on business or hunting.

That spring on a business hunting trip, Dad was accidently killed in a hunting accident. Some noted that the accidental shooter was the young secretary’s father, but since Dad though a fine family man was a terror at work, no one thought to look into it further than assigning it as an accident. Turned out that the young secretary was pregnant, too. So, her child was folded into the will of my father as a prospective heir.

Things sort of settled down at home, with me and Mom and Dixie. Since, my actual place in the family had never been made known to the public in general, and because though I was young in appearance, I also acted older because of my real age and so no one thought much of it that I settled in as her lover afterwards. We didn’t favor answers to the curious, either. Just held our tongues to not agitate other’s inquiries.

Since, father had left us with a generous pension, with social security for mom, we got along fine. And I lived on as a professional student for a number of years, until I again got my Retail Marketing and MBA degrees, much to Muriel’s pleasure. She got herself fixed so that there would be no more babies, too. And sadly, Dixie did die in Viet Nam as an Army nurse serving to help others. That was a very sad day when the Army color guard came to our home with the news.

The son of Muriel and I turned out to be a fine boy and we named him Victor, for no discernable reason. It just came to mind, I guess. Same name as my grandfather (in my original life), though. And when he grew up, he married Jessie, a local native beauty and one of the sweetest women that has ever been born. This was also consistent with what my original grandfather had done. And to drag this out further, they had a son name Matthew, the same name as my original father. Thank goodness in this rendition of my life, Jessie didn’t die early like she had in my original life.

This all became very unsettling to me, but since the generations didn’t match up between this era and my original life as to time periods, I guess it was just a crazy coincidence after all.

Muriel died leaving me alone for the last twenty years of my life and then I followed her upon the night of my seventy-fifth birthday.