Rodger Gets Some More MILF Pussy When He Least Expects It [Anal]

Rodger Gets Some More MILF Pussy

When I arrived at work the next morning Uncle Brian was there waiting for me in his office. He had his feet propped up on the desk and a mischievous grin on his face.

He said, “look at what the cat dragged in.”

This is part four of the Rodger’s Heating and Air Series I suggest you start with part one or part three of the series if you really want to get it, but this story will work as a standalone.

He asked me laughing, “so that was an all afternoon job at Kathy’s place after all” and “did you run into some sort of problem you couldn’t handle?”

Then he laughed some more.

I could hardly contain myself in my excitement I asked him, “so does this sort of thing happen all the time?”

Uncle Brian looked at me and said, “I’ll tell you what, since today is Friday me and you will knock it off a few hours early and I’ll tell you all about it over some beers.

I protested, “…but Uncle Brian I am only eighteen they aren’t going to let me drink at a bar.”

He said, “don’t worry the bartender owes me a favor so I’ll call ahead and she won’t even ask for your id.”

I was beginning to get the feeling that people all over town owed Uncle Brian favors and that most of the people that owed him favors were female. We worked the rest of the day and it was pretty uneventful. At about 1:30 we headed back to the office and locked up. We drove to a small local bar. Uncle Brian went in and I followed in behind him. It was a small place, but we took a seat at a table near the back wall and away from the bar. A busty bar maid in her 40s headed our way with a pitcher of beer and two glasses. She said hello to Brian and thanked him for coming out last Saturday and fixing one of their refrigeration units. After they made some small talk she headed back to the bar.

I looked at my uncle and asked him, “did you get to fuck her”?

He laughed and said, “look in this business you get a lot of favors some of them are sexual and some of them are for more practical stuff like free beer.”

The bar maid that served us called me last Saturday and said they were in dire straits as their main refrigeration unit was going out. I came out and fixed their system it was about 4 hours of labor and $200 worth of parts. I charged them for the parts and we agreed I had $500 worth of free drinks coming for the labor.

I just looked at him in wide eyed wonderment.

He said, “oh and I have decided it is going to be you that is going to service Ms. Meyer’s account from now on you don’t object to that do you?”

Obviously, I told him that I didn’t. We made some small talk and polished off that first pitcher of beer and the bar maid, Gina, brought another.

Look Rodger I brought you here today because I wanted to tell you my story. Again I’d ask that you don’t repeat it. As you might have guessed, I have an alcohol problem, but what drove me to drink is not what you might think. I got married young and had two wonderful daughters. I was trained in this business by my father, your grandfather. He passed away when I was twenty nine and the business became all mine. It isn’t a stressful business as there is plenty of work in this area to go around.

I asked him, “so what was the problem”?

My problem was that I settled down too young, and at 29 years old I found pussy was literally being offered to me every day in exchange for work or discounts on work. Married pussy, single pussy, young pussy, old pussy, fat pussy, skinny pussy, tall pussy, short pussy, black pussy, white pussy any type of pussy you can think of has been offered to me on this job.

Looking at him like he was some sort of god I said, “wow.”
I don’t know how much you have been told about your grandfather, but he was a very religious guy and he raised me that way. That is why I got married young. I didn’t know there was any other way. Anyway, I tried really hard to be a good husband and resist all of this pussy but women would literally walk out naked in front of me or grab my cock. I said no for the first few years, but each time I said no it got harder to say no the next time. That is why I started drinking. To make it easier to say no and truthfully if you drink enough it is hard to get it up if you know what I mean.

He chuckled and Gina brought us our third pitcher of beer I couldn’t help but notice her ample breasts. I think she noticed me staring too. After she left Uncle Brian continued on with his story.

Well one day it happened. A 23 year old girl needed my help and didn’t have any money. She invited me in. She excused herself and came back out without a stitch on. She was a perfect 10 in every way her face was beautiful and her body was right out of penthouse magazine. She gave me my first blowjob at 33. I didn’t last more than two minutes. She was patient and let me fuck her. I didn’t last more than five minutes fucking her after I had just came in her mouth.

I smiled and said, “I sort of experienced the same thing yesterday.”

Your aunt Darlene is a wonderful lady, but we got married too young. We were each others first fuck and our sex life is very vanilla. To this very day she won’t suck my dick or let me eat her pussy. Once I got a taste of that wild uninhibited 23 year old pussy there was no going back. From that point forward I took every offer I was interested in and I even learned how to coax offers out of shy or hesitant ladies.

I asked, “but Uncle Brian why are you telling me all of this stuff?”

I want to take you on as my apprentice. I think you should go to the community college here in town and get your Associate Degree in Heating and Air and work for me part time. Then once you finish school I’ll make sure you get at least two years of on the job training. After that you can stay with the family business or you can go out on your own. Who knows maybe someday you can take over the family business?

I said, “that is a lot to think about Uncle Brian.”

I know you have another month or so before you have to make a decision, and I am going to get you some more pussy too. However, if you come to me in a month and tell me this is what you want to do I want you to promise me you won’t get married until you are at least 30 as this job will get you more pussy than being a rock star.

I said, “I promise Uncle Brian.”

We were both pretty plastered and I started slurring my words. I asked Uncle Brian, “how are we going to get home?”

He replied, “don’t worry as we finished our third pitcher.” He raised his hand and Gina came towards our table with her car keys in hand.

Gina said, “well it looks like I am going to have to take you two boys home.”

We followed her out of the back door of the bar and piled into her car. Uncle Brian let me ride shotgun while he got into her backseat. We got to Uncle Brian’s house first and out he stumbled towards his front door. I see why Uncle Brian is always getting in trouble with the family now as here it was about 6:30 pm on a Friday and a strange woman had dropped him off on his doorstep stumbling drunk.

As we pulled out of Brian’s driveway and got back onto the highway I felt Gina’s hand on my thigh. I looked over at her and she smiled at me. She had to be at least 40. She put her hand on my cock and it was stiff.

She said, “good you can still get hard and since you’re so toasted it will probably take you a long time to cum” and “how about I find us somewhere to go fuck?”

For the second time in two days I was shocked. The offer was appealing for two reasons. Reason number one was I was eighteen and horny. The second reason was I needed time to sober up. If Gina dropped me off at my house stumbling drunk like this I’d never hear the end of it from my parents. Hell they might even make me quit working for Uncle Brian.

I said, “that sounds good to me, but won’t your husband get upset?”

“Honey, I love my husband, but I love a good hard stiff eighteen year old cock even more,” she said.

We drove for a few miles until we reached a secluded park. She parked her car and we climbed into her backseat. She pulled her top and bra off she had DDs. I undressed. She grabbed my stiff cock and started stroking it.

“Oh, the things I am going to teach you,” she said.

She engulfed my cock with her wet mouth. It felt good, but the visual stimulation was more powerful than the physical stimulation because of all of the alcohol I had consumed. I started feeling for her pussy with my fingers. She had full bush and I rubbed her wet slit. I brought her cum up over her clit hood and teased her with my fingers. She continued to suck on my cock. She sucked on it for a good four to five minutes and said, “well it looks like you’re in no danger of cumming soon so now you’re going to fuck me.”

She bent over allowing me to enter her doggie style from behind or at least the best doggie style position one can get in the backseat of a Ford Taurus. It wasn’t tender or sweet I just shoved it in as I was drunk.

“oh oh that is it baby let me feel that hard cock,” she said.

I fucked her hard. Indeed I fucked her harder than I have ever fucked a female. After about 40 minutes had passed I was still pounding away, but I couldn’t cum. Even the added stimulation of it still being daylight and me being able to see her brown eye didn’t make me cum. The alcohol had made me numb. She came several times. I couldn’t feel the contractions of her pussy around my cock as I was too numb, but I could see her asshole spasm each time she came.

Finally she said, “honey you made me cum good and my pussy is getting sore, but I think we could fuck for another hour and you still wouldn’t cum.”

I said, “yeah it feels like I really have to or need to but I can’t.”

“I have an idea as I don’t want to send you home with blue balls,” she said.

She took my hand and led me out of the car. She grabbed her purse. We walked back to where the trunk was. She pulled a tube of lube out of her purse, squirted some onto her hands and then used her hands to slather it all over my cock.

“Have you ever fucked a girl in the ass,” she asked?
Excitedly, I replied “no.”

“Well it should make you cum, but it is very important you follow my lead as you can’t hit as hard as you did my pussy,” she said.

“ok,” I replied.

She bent over the back of the trunk and held her ass cheeks apart. She said “line your cock up to my asshole and slowly start to push, when you feel the head pop in stop and wait for me to tell you when to start moving.”

I did as instructed and my cock popped right in as she was no anal virgin. Still with just the first two inches in and numb from alcohol I already knew it was the tightest hole my dick had ever been in.

She said, “ah ah ah honey start moving but not too fast.”

I did as I was told and within a couple of minutes my cock was balls deep in her ass. Even though I was numb the sensation of my inexperienced eighteen year old ass totally dominating this 40 year old experienced women made my cum start to boil in my balls. In and out for 4-5 minutes and she could tell I was getting close.

“That’s it give Gina you cum” and “cum in my ass baby,” she said.

My response was, ” Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah oh my god” as I delivered the largest load of cum in my life into this 40 year old’s tight ass. She smiled as my cock started to go limp and slid out of her ass.

She grabbed some tissue from her purse and said, “I have to go take care of some business, but I’ll be right back.”

She walked about twenty feet away squatted down and shit my cum out. I guess I should have been grossed out but being drunk I wasn’t. In fact I think I giggled. Gina came back up to the car and we both got dressed and got in her car. I had her drive me back to work as I figured it would be best if I slept it off for a few hours on the couch in Brian’s office before I attempted to come home.

her real ass pic she once sent me: