ruomei _revised

I would hate for you think any of my story is fiction, certain names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent, and not so very innocent.
I should tell you that all my life, being a daughter of Chinese immigrants, I have been described as doll like. I am short by western standards, just under five feet tall and barely a hundred pounds. Until last week when I got my hair cut, it was so long that I could easily sit on it. But really I am not some pathetic geisha stereo typed waif; I am a healthy little apple-cheeked young woman. I have always been an outgoing dominant personality, and more often than not, disciplined for it.
I just turned twenty, I live in Toronto and sometimes Vancouver, my family for the most part tries to keep me under their control, I even married someone they choose who is almost twice my age and came here from China the same time as we did. He is a quiet man, and has secret bi-sexual inclinations, so we are mostly just friends, with mild passing romantic interest in each other.
The story of my life is very sexual and sometimes shocking, now I am free to do whatever I want as long as I do it discreetly. If I told you my last name you would know who I was, my father is a self-made man, and I spent a major part of my formative years under investigation by various jealous law agents. Who if and when they got a cut of the action, would say nothing. For the most part however, every one was silent and no one ever dared crossed my daddy.
I am the youngest, and the only girl out of four children, born when the youngest brother had just turned ten. So needless to say, a pack of aggressive older brothers kept me safe and taught me to me be very cunning with the male species.
My first sexual experience was late one summer afternoon at my brother’s twentieth birthday party, a lot of people were drifting through our large house witch sits on sprawling property in the Toronto area of North York. I was high from sugar and several stolen glasses of champagne.
I remember being dizzy and my cheeks were bright red. I saw some people making out in the garden. They were my brother and some girl. I was on the other side of a large vine covered fence and couldn’t see the other person’s face, but I saw his hand slide up to her upper thigh, he had her pushed against a wall, talking to her, sweet and forceful. When he did, she giggled. I remember being shocked to see my brother’s penis in her hand, hard with a purple head. I am pretty sure this was the first penis I ever saw, I was very innocent and sheltered those days.
Startled by some one coming down a path I ran inside the house, and suddenly became sick on the kitchen floor. My father spanked me as the maid cleaned up the mess. Actually I enjoyed his hand on my bare bottom.
In the next few years I discovered masturbation, and became quite the pervert. If my friends were doing it also, nobody ever mentioned it. Soon it was all about malls, clothes and talking about boys, a subject I was never allowed to talk about around the house.
Nothing was out of limits for my quest for satisfaction, the whirlpool hot tub and its jet streams shooting into my crotch, brought me to my first, honest to god, seeing stars orgasm. I remember even riding the arm of a chair, the friction bringing my clit to stiffen, then the wonderful wetness in my panties. Had I been on my own, I believe I could have been a really good slut.
My mother thought I was getting my period a little too young, when she found some blood on my panties while doing the wash. I was taken to our family doctor at one point. My mother was in the room with me, holding my hand. My feet were up in the metal stirrups. The kind old doctor, who delivered me, smiled at me and said in English, only for my sake,mother never really learned english… that I should take it easier on my body in the future.
Interestingly and dangerously enough I lost my virginity in my father’s office, I went in late one night to find my future husband, who had been celebrating his 34th birthday with my father and brothers earlier. He had decided to sleep in the quietest room of the house, as the party raged downstairs.
I had heard my brothers in moments of anger call him a fag or a pansy. Macho posturing I thought mostly, cause he never had lack of female admirers, was well groomed, and was well spoken about art and fashion. He had the terrible luck of being born into a family with a history of a violent business.
He moaned when I turned on the overhead light, I quickly turned it off and switched on the desk lamp.
“Where’s your dad?” he asked.
“Oh, somewhere with the boys down in the basement playing mah jong,” I said sitting down at his feet on the soft brown leather couch.
“Why are you not in bed yet?” he scolded me.
“Oh, no school tomorrow.” I said as I slipped his shoes off.
“Let me sleep I feel ill.”
“Dad would kill you if he saw you with these shoes on his couch.”
He laughed. “If your father was in here the least of our problems would be my shoes.”
“Why?” I asked, playing coy.
“Well you are barely wearing anything, and … honestly that’s enough to get me killed.”
I was in a short black chemise that I use to wear as a night gown in those days, red satin and very short.
“Don’t be so pathetic.” I got up and locked the door then knelt at his feet at the foot of the couch.
“Daddy loses the keys and locks himself out of here all the time, cause of the safe he has to wait for the locksmith to come and open the door in morning.”
He smiled at me.
“And,” I added undoing the buttons of my gown, “If you are really nervous there is a roof below the window that is a little jump that goes to the garden.”
I put my hand on his lower leg, and slid it up his pant leg.
“Mei, what are you doing?” he stuttered slightly.
“Well what does it look like I am doing?” I asked as I let my gown fall open, my nipples were rock hard, on my almost non-existent “b” cupped breasts. Despite his protests, I straddled him and could feel his cock growing hard through his pants.
“Put your hands on me.” I ordered and he began groping my breasts rough in big hands full, pulling at the nipples.
“Not so rough.” I complained, getting annoyed, “Can I ask you something?”
“What?” he groaned, as my little ass cheeks flexed on his growing erection.
“Are you a fag like they say?”
“Huh? Who told you that?” he asked, his eyes wide.
“I’ve heard people say it. Uuhm, mmmm,” I said as he began to poke a finger under the edge of my panties, into my pussy spreading my lips apart.
As he is feeling her up, I believe he would ask if he is acting like a fag, not if he looked like one. Rock Hudson didn’t look like one either.
“Do I act like a fag?” he asked massaging my clit.
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t know what they act like,” I said, my head spinning from his touch.
“Well,” he laughed, “have you seen your brother? Now he acts like a fag.”
“You fucked my brother?” I laughed “which one?”
“Never mind that, I think it turns you on. I feel how wet your pussy is. God its so pink and tight Mei. Are you serious? You really want to fool around with me? Do you want me to fuck you?”
“I have known you my entire life,” I said, “and I want to know what its like to make love with someone who won’t try to own me afterwards.”
I unzipped his fly and his cock lurched, actually really puny. but nice androck hard.
“I know that it isn’t very big, but i know how to make you not care.”
I giggled nervously as he sat me down on the sofa and spread my legs, moving his face to my pussy lips. I almost lost it as he began eating me out.
“Did you shave it?” he asked surprised by my neat and hairless pussy.
“I do. For swim class. Hey do me a favor?” I asked.
“Yeah? What? Anything. Do you want me to stop?” he said still licking my clit.
“Fuck me now.” I ordered.
The party was in full swing downstairs, the traditional music, vibrated the walls, no noise complaints were a concern, and no one would dare to call the cops on our family.
So no one would of heard me cry out, “bite me.”
As he turned me over on my fathers prized couch, he entered me doggie style, a slight tear in my eye, then the hot sensation of his cock being inside me, my pussy wetting it, so he could slide in and out, one hand on my hip, the other on my clit.
I was whimpering in pleasure but he took the time to ask if I was still enjoying myself, he took my nod as a signal to fuck me harder and faster.
He did a funny thing then, while still buried deep inside me; he took hold of my hair and wrapped it around his hand like a horse’s reign.
“A little pain feels good Mei,” he said as he pumped, “see it makes you tighter. Not that you aren’t all ready, almost to tight… God your pussy is so tight.”
“Shut up and fuck me harder,” I ordered grinding back on him.
“Okay! If that’s how you want to do this.” he laughed, and jerked my head back by the hair, he was fucking me so hard the couch was banging the wall, his balls were slapping against my ass.
There was a knock at door; a jiggle of the knob then, the sound of several steps down the hall.
“Ooh yes, that’s it, fuck,” he hissed through clenched teeth. “Your so tight mei, it almost hurts.”
As he began to squirt, I felt his come inside me.
We were holding each other, and he reached into his pants pockets. In there was a thick wad of cash a cell phone and he showed me he had a small handgun.
“Now please, whatever you do don’t tell anyone,” he said sternly.
I got up and walked to a small cabinet and slid the fake wood panel to show him a video monitor that at that moment displayed him naked on my father’s perfect leather couch.
“Shiiit.” he sighed.
“Yes.” I smiled “we video taped that entire thing, daddy has that in his office in case he wants to record his business, ahem, meetings, you won’t ever shoot me with that gun, my brother’s would cut your balls off and feed ‘em to you.”
“Mei, I have a lot to loose. And I don’t mean nothing by it.”
The years of our marriage, he became my bitch, doing whatever I wanted, though I secretly think he saw one or two of my brothers on the side, which continues until this day.
A lot of people see my life and think I am lucky and charmed, or that I am a poor soul trapped in a violent life of guns and crime, I am who you see, and I make no excuses for it. Thank you for listening.

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2006-12-19 12:42:03
Mei–Love your story thus far.I also am attempting to become proficient in the writing of erotica.I have a Chinese friend,a female student with whom I shared some delightful moments when she was here as tourist.

While my language is English,here in Jamaica it is somewhat different.

Just being Chinese lends a bit of the exotic so people are already in a receptive mood.

Your life is quite interesting as is mine.Please share more.


2006-12-03 17:24:30
Waiting for more chapters of “Dollface” and her hot desires. Would like her to meet another guy that will fuck her the way she wants, and take her away from her gay husband. Mikein Arizona


2006-11-17 20:33:11
Great story, Little One. Made me want you. You got a nine


2006-11-10 10:26:19
I was away visiting my grandmother! this chapter was just the beginning of my stories, sort of a introduction. and I suppose my english wasnt as great as I thought it was, sort of happens when you spend your life communicating mostly in your native tounge.. my next chapter involves me with a sexy red escort, catching a foot fetishist and watching my husband sub out to my older brother! hopefully by this weekend!


2006-11-07 23:18:14
Are we going to have more? She is a hot little girl.