Sharing CIndy Chapter 12 “I Listen As She Gets Fucked By Two Men”

I listen as Cindy gets fucked by two businessmen.

Sharing Cindy
Chapter 12

I put the phone uptight against my ear and struggled to hear what was happening. I could make out some hard slapping noises and the occasional moan and grunt. Every so often I caught a voice, sometimes it was a female, sometimes it was male. Is that another male voice? What was happening?…..

I sat at home on a Friday night, reading through some of the stories about loving wives and all the sexy things they were doing. I enjoyed reading about other couples and how their experiences sometimes mirrored what Cindy and I would get into. I was just reading a great story about a woman who was entertaining her husband and a couple of his friends at a poker game when the phone rang. I picked it up and heard the voice of my wife Cindy in the background.

“Wait…wait……I think he picked up. Hello?”

“Babe? Is that you?” I asked.

“Oh Hi Baby. I didn’t know if you would be home or not. I just called to say I might be a few hours longer. The meeting is going great and we had a great dinner. “

“Are you still at the restaurant? “ I asked. “

“Um, no. We finished and headed over to Alexander’s Pub for a couple of drinks.”

I knew the place. It was in the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel a couple of miles away. Cindy had been asked by her boss, Louie, if she would attend a meeting with a couple of his business partners. I knew why he wanted her there. Cindy was a young, sexy beauty who he wanted to show off to these men. Louie was in his mid forties and was infatuated with her. He had recently seduced her (without much effort!) into a sexual relationship and I am sure he was strutting like a peacock with her there.
I asked her if she were there with Louie. “Um….no. He went home.”

I was confused. If the meeting was still going on, but Louie wasn’t there, who was? “Are the two guys there with you?”

“Uh huh.” Then I heard her giggle and cover the phone. She came back on and said she had to go. Something was up; I just didn’t know what it was. We said goodbye and the obligatory “I love you” then she whispered…….”Don’t hang up.”

I wasn’t sure I heard her, but before I could ask her what she said I heard a man’s voice. “Was he Ok with you staying out?” I heard her reply that everything was cool. I heard some rustling and then what sounded like the phone being placed on a hard surface.

I then heard someone say “Ok, let the party begin.” Then I heard two men laughing. What was happening? My head was swimming. Was she with the two guys somewhere? Were they in a room at the hotel? Is it possible she left the phone open for me? My heart began to beat faster.

I turned off the stereo so I could hear everything better. I heard a lot of rustling and the occasional moan from Cindy. I then heard her say “Oh yeah……..mmmm….right there. Oh yeah.” I knew then what was happening. And I loved it.

For the next hour and a half I listened to moans and bedsprings and the voices of three people having a very good time. My dick was so hard listening to this. At one time I heard Cindy scream out to ”slow down and take it easy.” I then heard her being very vocal, giving me a description of what was happening.

“MMMM yeah, lick me just like that. Oh….I love to have a tongue inside of me. Oh yes…..right there. Flick my clit with your tongue baby……..Is your dick hard again Ken?……Oh yeah…..bring it over here and let me suck it.” He voice was cut off and was replaced with the sounds of sucking.

Of course I also heard the men speaking at times….“I can’t believe your husband is ok with you being out like this.” “You have the sweetest tasting pussy.” “That’s it baby, suck it good.” Do you like having two cocks to play with?” “I can’t stand it, I need to fuck you.”

At that point I heard her cry out “Oh Yes…..oh that feels good…….mmmmmm……yeah baby, fuck me.”

My dick was rock hard hearing this. My mind was trying to come up with a mental picture and when it did, I had to start jacking off.

Just as I heard her start to work up to a loud orgasm, I heard the other guy say to “Flip her over” and then some more rustling. At that point I heard “What the?” and then the phone hung up. Needless to say I was left high and dry.

It seemed like forever, but was probably less than an hour later that Cindy drove up the driveway and came in the door. She walked over to me and sat in my lap. “Did you like that, baby? Did it turn you on to hear me get fucked? It turned me on soooo much.”

I told her it was very intense and I wish it would have been clearer. But it was hot to try to imagine what was happening. I asked her how it ended up that she was getting fucked by two guys when she started the evening at a business meeting. She told me the story as she began taking off her clothes.

Louie asked her to flirt a little with these two men as he wanted to purchase a motorcycle dealership they owned. He hoped that a little distraction would help to his advantage. She wore a sexy red silk shirt and a tight black skirt that came down below her knees. Of course, she had on a pair of black thigh highs and some high heels. She enjoyed the men’s eyes on her when they arrived and said that they were both probably in their thirties and very nice.

As the meeting progressed, they would continue to stare at her and she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs. She caught both men spending more time with their eyes on her than on Louie. It became clear to her that they liked what they saw and soon the attention they were paying to her started to turn her on as well. During dinner, Louie kept them all lubed with lots of alcohol. She said that their names were Ken and Richard and were bothers who owned not only the Harley dealership, but also a couple of local sports bars and a limo service. She really enjoyed their company and it seemed like they were competing against each other for her attention.

After dinner they all decided to head over to the hotel bar and continued to drink and flirt. She said they began to really come on strong and having all this attention focused on her and a few drinks in her system, she began to get turned on. The light touching during conversation was becoming gentle stroking and soon she felt that tingle between her legs and she knew she was turned on. I know that there is a point where I can tell when she becomes horny and there is no turning back.

Louie then told them that he was having fun, but that he needed to head home. He looked at Cindy and asked if she was ok, but she just told him she was fine and would probably stay for one more round. She said he gave her a funny look and raised his eyebrows at her, but she just smiled and told him to be careful driving home.

Once Louie left, the two guys really began to turn it up a notch and were flirting big time. A lot of teasing lead to her letting them know she was horny and maybe open to having some fun. One of the guys disappeared for a few minutes and when he came back, he had the key to one of the rooms. They finished their drinks and all headed up to the room.

She said that once they got to the room she needed to call her husband and let him know she would be late. She said that while she was on the phone, they were actually removing her clothes and began to stroke and rub her all over. She said she wanted so badly to let me know what was happening, but then got the idea to leave the phone off the hook and let me listen.

She replayed everything I had heard and went on to tell me about how they all three tried to fit into the hotel shower but it was too small. She told me that one of them fucked her in the shower while the other stood outside and watched and then they switched places and the other one fucked her.

Needless to say, I really enjoyed the idea of hearing her have sex and not be able to see it. It had my mind really racing. This actually was one of three different times Cindy met the two brothers for a night of sex. One night was spent with them cruising around in one of their limos, where one brother would drive and the other was in the back playing with her. They switched off twice before they parked in the lot of one of their bars and kept the limo rocking for awhile longer.

Each time she would come home and share all the details with me as we made love. Louie ended up buying the Harley dealership and eventually he asked Cindy to move over to work there in the office. This lead to several more adventures that I will share in some of the future chapters.