Showering at campout

THis is a true story that happened when i was 11

I was at a father-son campout when I was 12 in a national park with my dad, a friend of mine and his dad, and some other people from our neighborhood. We had it in a national park so we did a lot of cool things like fishing hiking swimming campfires, that sort of stuff. There weren’t any nice showers at the camp. But everybody decided to use them because they were the only ones there… right? Wrong. Me and my friend Raleigh had found one in an RV campsite about a ¼ of a mile down the path. I was am a tall, skinny white kid with long beach blonde hair that just covers my ears. Raleigh is a medium height, buff, but not fat, white kid with short brown hair. We both have that beachy-surfer look to us being from Virginia beach. One day after we had been hiking and fishing, we decided we needed to take a shower. “OK”, my dad said. “But yall be back in time for dinner”. We said we would and we took our bikes and rode to the RV campsite we had found. Once we got there we got our clothes and towels and snuck up to the nice, clean showers. “It’s so cool that we found this place”, Raleigh said. “I know”, I said, “nobody knows about this place.” We came up to the shower house and realized something…. There was only one big shower. “Crap”, I said, “and we gotta be back in a half hour, we’ll have to take real quick showers to get back in time.” “I know a way we can get our showers done quicker”, Raleigh said.”We can just take one together.” “I don’t know,” I said,” I know we’ve seen eachother before, but we’ve changed a little bit since then if you know what I mean.” “Yah, I guess you’re right, it would be really awkward too.” Right as he said that, I checked my cell phone and we had 20 minutes. “ Well. I guess we have to, we don’t have enough time.” “Alright he said, just make sure nobody sees us going in or out, that would be weird.” We took our stuff into the large shower and put it down on the bench. The shower had plenty of room, but just one shower head. I first took off my shirt showing my awesome looking upper body. . He did the same too. Then we took off our hiking shorts at the same time, grinning at eachother the whole time. Raleigh then went over and turned the shower head on. Then, at the same time, we put our thumbs in our boxer’s waist-band, pulled them around and started pulling off our boxers. Mine were off first revealing my normal, soft, 2 ½ inch penis with dirty blonde hair surrounding it for about ¾ an inch. Raleigh was very reluctant to pull his all the way down. Finally you could see his whole dick which was 2 inches, but very thick, with brown hair surrounding it for about ½ an inch. We stared at eachother’s naked bodys for a little bit. “Alright,” I said,” Let’s get clean.” Raleigh turned around and walked towards the shower head. You could see his buff, bare ass which was white as snow. It almost got me hard but I didn’t. We washed our hair and faces without any problem. Then, we had to clean our bodies. We both had AXE body wash which we put on our hands and started rubbing on our chest. Raleigh started rubbin his lower stomach with the soap and atarted moving towards his dick. Icoukdn’t help myself from staring right at it, this started to get me really hard. Once he saw my penis get erected, his did too. “Sorry,” I said,” I’m not gay, it’s only natural.” “Same here, but since we are hard, and nobody is here…..” “ What?”I said. “We might as well use them!” “Ok” “Zeke,” he said,”do you know how to have sex with other guys?” Yah, I guess so”“Alright then, do you wanna go first?” I nodded and got on my knees and started to suck his penis and his balls. Raleighed moaned with pleasure. I told him to tell me when he was going to cum. “Now” he said. I stopped sucking and his dick was pumping and jerking insanely. “ Now its your turn” I said. “But let’s go over here”. I went to the bench and laid down on it while Raleigh got on his knees and started sucking my penis. “Get my balls” I said. He then took my balls and put them in his mouth and licked them in his mouth. I moaned with orgasm. I told him when I was about o cum and he stopped. “Zeke, you know how you stick your penis into girls, can you do that with guys?” Raleigh went to private school so it wasn’t a surprise he didn’t know this. “ Yeah”. I took some of the AXE and rubbed I on my dick. “Bend over” I said. “ This will feel really good.” I put some AXE on his anus and rubbed it around. I told him to relax as I put my fingers in to loosen it up. I then placed my penis on his anus and pushed into his virgin anus as hard as I could. “OOOOHHHHH, that’s hurts” I waited for it to lossen up a bit then I really started pushing. “ OOOHHH”, he said,” that is amazing Zeke, push harder!!” I did and a few minuted later, 1,2,3,4 shots of cum went into his buut-hole. He said it felt warm. Ten He lubricated himself and I and pushed his penis into myh anus. As I said before, his penis was not long, but very very think, as thick as my dad’s!! He pushed and pushed on my virgin butt-hole until I almost yelled in orgasm. He started thrusting his hips back and forth. “ Holy crap” I said, “ I feel like you are hitting my prostate!” He probably wasn’t since his dick was only 3 ½ inches long while mine was long at 5 ½ inches. He kept thrusting as I reached my orgasm. “OOOHHH, my god Raleigh OOOHH!!” finally after a 15 second orgasm he cummed into my anus. I quickly turned around and sucked the remaining cum off of his penis. “Wow,” he said,” that was amazing.” He kissed me on the lips and we stood there outside the shower in the locker room naked for a good amount of time. Rubbing each other’s dicks. Then my cell phine rang, it was my dad! We got our clothes on and rode our bikes back to camp. “Raleigh” I said,” I’m not gay, just to let you know that.” “I know,” he said,” neither am I. but that was still great.” “Yah, it was”
Raleigh and I are still good friends but in no way are we in a relationship. We are not gay, just really good friends put in an awkward situation.