Susan’s first nudist beach experience

This story was entered into a KAW competition and came second

KAW #2 Susan’s first Nudist beach experience. (Part one)

My name is Martin Blackshaw. I am sixty four years of age and a retired long distance driver. It all seems so long ago now, but the details are as sharp in my mind as they were at the time. My wife Susan and I were both in our late thirties and regularly took packaged holidays to Spain. We often saw the signs for nudist beaches as we passed in a car or bus. I suggested going to see what they were like every time, but Susan hastily declined the idea on each occasion without giving it any serious consideration.

Earlier in 1988 we had skinny dipped from a pedalo in Croatia way out in a lagoon, where no-one could see us, and she was thrilled and thought it the best part of the holiday to swim without a swimsuit or bikini. Yet still she refused to go to a nude beach where I suspected everyone would be naked.

We had no children to worry about despite our constant attempts. Every year we would abandon contraception, be it the pill or condoms, to physically try for the child we so desperately wanted. But to no avail. Susan pleaded for us to be tested but I was so blind to reality that we were normal human beings with normal bodies, and that one day she would conceive if we tried hard enough. As the years passed each six months of attempts began to get more tiring and started to affect the rest of our lives.

Jobs came and went with remarkable regularity as the determination to have a child became more and more of a fixation which affected our work. We were both approaching our fortieth birthdays and jointly decided that enough was enough. The previous six months had taken it’s toll. Six months constant daily sex with no successful result at that age is both soul destroying and exhausting. Don’t let anyone tell you different! That high performance car we had put off buying was now going to be a priority. Holidays abroad were going to be regular and enjoyable and, I fervently hoped, with the worries of non parenthood now put aside, Susan would finally agree to that nudist beach I had dreamed about.

That August in 1989 was our first holiday without having to worry about anything. We were in Southern Spain. We had booked a coach excursion form the hotel, and found ourselves seated by another English couple . The lunch stop was in the mountains at a roadside café and we sat and chatted with the same couple from the coach over lunch. Susan commented on the fantastic tans that Derek and Sheila boasted. It appeared that when they were not taking excursions they liked to spend most of the daylight hours on a local nudist beach and, as if to underline how much of an all over tan she had, Sheila did no more than pull a tanned breast from her bikini top, with not a single white mark visible.

It was Derek who put out a restraining hand or her bikini bottoms, which would most probably have been dropped to prove the all over nature of her brown body. They both explained how wonderful nude beaches were, and I could visibly see Susan’s attitude changing as they spoke. Back in the hotel that evening my wife suddenly turned to me.

“Do you still want to go to a nudist beach Martin?”

“Well yes!” I replied, maybe a little warily as this was the first time she had ever mentioned such a thing before, it had always been me who brought the subject up “What’s made you ask that darling?”

“I’ve been thinking about that couple at lunchtime, that woman, Sheila, was all for it wasn’t she?”
“Seemed to be. I didn’t take much notice myself.”

“Oh yeah!” she laughed “You took plenty of notice when she got her right tit out to show you how brown it was!”

“Did she?” I grinned “Can’t say I can remember that.”

“Stop being a prat Martin!” she snapped angrily.

“Sorry love. Yes of course I noticed – not a bad pair either she had!”

“I hate these white marks where my bikini has been. Do you think I could ever have an all over tan like hers?”

“Probably, if we spent some time naked in the sun. I know one thing though, you would look a damn sight prettier than she did.”

“I thought she looked great!”

“I am not saying that love, I am saying that however lovely she looked, YOU would look even better with an all over tan.”

I said no more and left her to wallow in her thoughts regarding the nude beach. Any further encouragement from me would have dampened her eagerness. I knew the suggestion HAD to come from her. I feel sure all you married men will understand my reasoning. Play them at their own games chaps. If you appear too keen they will quickly go off the idea.

It was the following morning at breakfast that Susan resurrected the idea once more.

“I’ve been thinking” she said in a low whisper, and a quick look round to see if anyone could hear her “that we might try that nudist beach, just to see what it’s like.”

“OK.” I replied without any undue eagerness “Whatever you say love.”

“Do you know where it is?”

“I’m sure the reception will be able to tell me.”

“I don’t want everyone to know we are going there!” she snapped.

“I’m sure they will be very discreet sweetheart.”

I was hiding my excitement extremely well at the thought of my wife being naked in public. You never know, I might have been looking at her through rose coloured glasses, but I thought she was the most beautiful woman on Earth with a body to match. She deserved to be lusted after by other men. I had wanted to get her on a nudist beach for years, and watch other men drooling over her naked beauty, but always knowing that she was mine and would be going home with me and not them.

A visit to the hotel reception informed us that taxis covered the journey from the hotel to the nude beach for a reasonable charge and so no directions were given or needed. The pretty female receptionist made the necessary telephone call and ten minutes later we were on our way. The taxi driver gave Susan a long lingering look as she got into the back of his vehicle. The hotel had naturally already informed him of our destination and I sensed that, with knowing where we were heading, he was already undressing her in his mind, . The journey took just twenty five minutes.

“Me name Julio. You want me wait or I come back?” he asked as he pulled up on the dirt track leading to the beach.

“Up to you mate. But if you leave I want you back here at 4pm, but give me your mobile number in case we decide we want you earlier.”
“First I help you find good place.”

We were thankful for his help as he carried Susan’s girly pink holdall, containing her handbag, our towels, sunglasses and sun cream etc. He used his influence to clear a spot under the shade of a tree, where several youngsters who were not naked were ogling the naked sun worshippers.

“I lay beach towel while you undress” he told us.

“Righto mate, and thanks!”

Susan looked around to see if the youngsters were still looking, but they had gone to another part of the beach. She watched the taxi driver laying out the beach towels under the tree. He turned to look at her.

“This nudist beach senora, you remove clothes por favor.”

“Sorry” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

“We’re probably not allowed to wear clothes when others are naked love.” I explained, although that hadn’t seem to have bothered those youngsters.

Susan looked nervously around and quickly slipped off her T shirt and shorts. She was wearing a lovely matching blue bikini bra and pants set. Julio smiled and nodded his approval. She was obviously meeting his expectations. She smiled back at him as she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Whilst still looking at him she pulled her bra away and allowed her lovely mature breasts to spill out into view.

I felt so proud of her. Her breasts were beautiful – even with the tell tale white patches – and her teats were sticking out firm and lovely. Julio nodded his approval and gazed down at her pants. He waved his hand to indicate the need for their removal. Susan was obviously feeling good about things, giggling and smiling at him as she slowly eased her them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She was totally naked. The taxi driver’s eyes sparkled. He once again nodded his approval.

To my immense surprise and delight Susan showed no embarrassment whatsoever as she pushed him aside and lay down on the towels he had prepared. I smiled as I realised that unbeknown to me she had trimmed her pubic cluster into a fine triangle of hairs. The area immediately encircling the entrance to her enticing cunt was naked and completely bereft of any hairs. I loved the new look immediately.

“You’ve been planning for this havn’t you?” I queried.

“A girl has to be prepared for any eventuality my love.”

She sat down with her right leg raised and the other leg slightly apart. She looked stunning. Julio was in front of her with a wonderful view straight between her legs. He gazed down at her lovely hairless cunt. She didn’t flinch. She was loving and appreciating his attention. She reached into the holdall and selected the bottle of sun cream. She held it up towards me. Julio beat me to it and grabbed the bottle.

“You wanna me protect senora from el sol?” he asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

My wife looked up at me. Her eyebrows raised in genuine surprise. She turned to look again at the bottle of sun cream that Julio was holding. Another quick glance to me with an enquiring grin and the lifting of her bare shoulders. I knew she wanted him to do it. What’s more, I wanted to see him do it. I smiled back and gave her an almost imperceptible nod of my head. She looked back into his eyes and gave him the loveliest of smiles.

“OK!” she said softly and leaned obligingly back on her elbows, she parted her legs invitingly, offering her naked frontage to him. Julio unscrewed the top of the sun cream bottle and squirted a sufficient amount on to his left hand. He slowly replaced the top and placed the bottle by Susan’s bare right thigh. He rubbed his palms together to spread the cream. Susan took a deep breath and braced herself for his touch, forcing her breasts higher and more available.

She gave an exquisite moan of pleasure as his hands fell on her bare breasts and carefully spread the cream over the full area of both incredible tits. He rubbed and squeezed her fleshy mounds with expertise and a certain amount of what I can only describe as inspired lust.

“Ohh yes!” sighed my delightfully satisfied wife, as Julio cupped and fondled her full, mature gorgeous boobs. Her arms were then rubbed slowly, followed by her tummy. I held my breath as his hands came closer and closer to her cunt, but to my dismay, and probably my wife’s too, he bypassed it to rub and cover her thighs, legs and finally her feet.

He leaned back to survey his handiwork. Why hadn’t he rubbed her cunt?
I was dumbfounded!

“Have you finished?” she queried, giving him an incredulous look.

“I ‘ave done all” he replied.

“No you haven’t!” she snapped back, and nodded down between her legs, which she was now erotically opening wide. He gazed into her wet and open cunt.

“You wanna me do?” he asked, pointing to her beautiful snatch. She nodded. He glanced at me. I grinned and also nodded. A look of triumph spread over his face as he prepared to squeeze more cream on to his hand.

“But only if YOU undress completely too Julio!” she told him firmly.

She was no fool my wife! Julio replaced the bottle top and gazed again between her luscious bare legs at the object of his desires. Susan could feel her cunt starting to tingle and throb. It was only then that I realised the youngsters from earlier had made their way back and were standing around us watching. They gave a cheer as Julio put down the bottle, grinned and began to undress. First his shirt to display a manly hairy chest and muscular arms. His trousers were next followed by shoes and socks. Clad in only his underpants he stood before my lovely wife, with the material being forced out at right angles from inside his underpants.

Susan stared at the growing bulge. Her cunt was opening wider and wider for Julio to see the red inviting flesh inside her. He dropped his pants in one swift movement and his enormous prick flipped into view and bounced to a standstill before her adoring eyes.

“I knew you liked me!” she giggled and with more eagerness than I thought possible, or even necessary, kissed the throbbing head of his amazing rock hard penis.

She ran her roaming tongue around the bulbous helmet and searched the crack with the tip of her tongue. She gazed across at me and gave me a knowing smile as she clung her arms tightly to her body and thrilled at what she was doing. I realised there and then that something special had been aroused inside my lovely wife. This was more than lust! She spread her legs wide and waited with bated breath for his hands to touch her most treasured sexual part.

Julio picked up the bottle and replenished his hand with the cream. My heart jumped for joy as his hands reached forward and openly rubbed and fondled my wife’s lovely pussy lips. His fingers entered her. She gave a deep satisfied sigh and turned over with his fingers still inside her. He moved to the crevice of her bottom and rubbed her incredible ass and her anal opening. Then back to her eager cunt – from the rear this time. His cock was growing bigger and harder by the second.

“She wants him to fuck her?” came an English voice from the spectators who had gathered behind us.

Susan too heard the remark and turned her body back over to face her latin stud. She thrust her hips on to the fingers which were still inside her grateful snatch. His fingers buried deeper inside her. She took his other hand and pulled him down on top of her. He fell between her parted legs. His fingers slipped from her cunt and she kissed him passionately on the lips.

His hands once again found her voluptuous naked breasts and fondled and squeezed as they continued to kiss. In what seemed an eternity in time they kissed and fondled each other, embraced like two naked latin lovers on that nudist beach as the youngsters and several watching naked spectators drank in the beauty of their lovemaking. I watched in awe as my obsessed wife seemed to demand more and more intimate kissing and fondling.

This wasn’t just lust, I knew Susan too well, this was genuine love for this Spanish paramour. She wanted this attractive dusky gallant inside her, filling her with his hard latin manhood, and she couldn’t understand his reluctance to enter her. I loved my wife with an ardour that was unquenchable, and this always led me to do what was best for her and in her interest. I gazed over at their writhing naked bodies and smiled.

“Perhaps not complete lovemaking, yet” I whispered to myself as I walked over, knelt by their side, gently grasped Julio’s immense prick and with incrdible precision slipped it inside my beautiful wife’s waiting pussy. He turned his head to wards me, his eyebrows raised in questioning delight. I nodded my approval. His dark brown eyes sparkled with joy as his enormous cock slid so easily and satisfyingly inside her.

Susan arched her back sharply in grateful acceptance of Julio’s penis penetrating so inexorably deep inside her inviting body. It was as if it was meant to be. I stepped back to watch him ravish my beloved wife like the experienced gigolo he obviously was. In and out he thrust his prodigious prick, while she in turn pushed her hips vigorously upwards with a loving eagerness I had seldom seen from her, attempting to get as much of him inside her as humanly possible.

They were so beautiful together. Their naked bodies pressed tightly together and both thrusting with their hips as they continued to kiss. Tongues entwined as they rhythmically made love as we all watched in silent wonder. It wasn’t the thrusting fucking of two strangers anymore. It was too lovely humans enjoying each other’s naked bodies to the limit of their capabilities. Susan seemed so happy and contented with Julio inside her, and he in turn kissed and caressed her with a fondness only someone who really cared for her would do.

Maybe, I thought, he wasn’t a gigolo at all, just a normal red blooded man loving and enjoying the inviting charms of another man’s gorgeous sexy wife. In and out he continued to push his throbbing meat, with them both sighing and gasping in obvious delighted extreme pleasure. Nothing could be heard except their loving sighs and the splashing of the waves from the nearby ocean. Everyone, including the dressed youngsters, sensed that they were witnessing something lovely and meaningful. I loved the fact that my Susan was so happy in Julio’s arms, her body and his as one, with him deep inside her in the most intimate way possible.

Eventually, after almost an hour of this incredible lovemaking their sighs and gasps began to climb and get increasingly louder until, in almost perfect unison they exploded in sensual mutual orgasm. I almost cried with joy as I saw my darling wife writhing and convulsing her awesome body against Julio’s as she climaxed so powerfully. Julio too was trembling and squirming as he emptied his juices inside my darling Susan’s vagina. It was so lovely to watch. Exactly as a loving sexual encounter should end. Perfection indeed. I was overjoyed for them both, but obviously more so for my own adorable wife.

The onlookers knew that they had seen and enjoyed perfection sex at it’s most wonderful. Both Julio and Susan were exhausted, and rightly so. They had given their all in making the situation such an awesome spectacle. I helped Julio to his feet. His fast diminishing penis slipped out of her pussy and Susan clutched her hand to her sexual entrance to prevent spillage of the loving juices Julio had pumped inside her. I then expected her to crouch and empty herself but she declined.

“I want to keep it all inside me so it melts and blends into my body love.”

She surprisingly admitted to me as I held her upright. Her legs, not unsurprisingly with all her exertions, gave way under her and she fell to her knees in front of Julio and threw arm arms around him, her hands on each buttock, and kissed his now limp penis with the caring love of a completely sexually satiated woman. I took Julio’s hand, shook it vigorously, and thanked him for treating my wife so kindly and with such obvious love.

“I fuck senora any time you wanna senor!” he assured me with a smile.
“Tomorrow love!” cried Susan “let us fuck again here tomorrow. Please my darling, please let Julio fuck me again!”
“OK love! I hear you. Of course you may fuck again tomorrow.”

I felt no degree of jealousy at what I had seen and enjoyed. My only thoughts had been for the pleasure he had brought to my wife. I had shared my wife with a wonderful man who had given her joy and satisfaction in the most stunning way possible. I was delighted to agree to them making love again the following day.

As it happened we took Julio’s taxi every day until the end of the holiday to the same nudist beach. Nine incredible days of seeing my wife fucked and totally satisfied by her Spanish stud. Each day they climaxed mutually and Susan kept his sperm inside her to blend into her bloodstream. Even on the day we were leaving for home she insisted on travelling in his taxi to the airport, with me travelling on the official package tour bus with the suitcases. I discovered afterwards that they had made love in a lay bye on the way to the airport. I was so pleased that they had one private final session without an audience, and even without me.

Susan was in a dream on the flight home. She was both happy and terribly disappointed at having to leave her Spanish lover, and actually shed a few tears before we arrived home.

It was three weeks later when she missed her period that we began to wonder. A second missed period four weeks later, and a doctor’s visit and check up confirmed it – she was pregnant. Only then did she admit to me that she had not returned to her daily birth pill following our last planned six month attempt for a baby. We had finally decided to abandon any further attempts, and buy the new Mercedes we had fallen in love with as a placebo for our disappointment. Now, it appeared, we were going to get our new car AND a baby. We couldn’t have been more delighted.

Doctor’s visits and careful checking on dates pointed to the fact that the conception occurred at the time of our Spanish holiday. Neither of us made any comment although I feel sure that Susan was as convinced as I was as to what had happened. It seemed strange that after six months of constantly trying for a baby, with making love almost every day, it appeared that it had only been successful on that fateful holiday week.

Seven months later Susan gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. One look at him was enough to answer all our questions. Susan looked up at me from her hospital bed with maybe a hint of desperation. The smile I gave her was enough to alleviate any fears. Seven pound six ounces of dusky delight. He even looked like his father. But I didn’t mind. We both knew he had been conceived in love and I had been there to watch and help, and that is all that mattered. We called him Julio. Susan and I had always wanted a child and how could I resent the lovable bundle of joy that had been born out of deep affection on that far off nudist beach.

I was subsequently tested and found to be lacking in the sperm potency department, so a baby would never have been a product of our own lovemaking. Maybe fate played a helping hand to bring the Spanish taxi driver into our lives and into my wife’s grateful vagina. A vagina he fucked so lovingly in full public view on that nudist beach. I shall cherish the memory of their wondrous sexual coupling every time I see OUR handsome son.

We have been on holiday to the same hotel in Spain several times, but never met up with Julio’s father again. Perhaps it was for the best. Susan would never have experienced the same wonderful situation a second time, although I have to admit I would have loved to watch her making naked passionate love to him once again. Memorable occasions seldom seem to be as good a second time. Despite that I was sorry that she never got to enjoy her Spanish lover again, and never got to tell him of their beautiful lovechild.

It all happened so long ago. Our Julio is now married with dusky children of his own. On his seventeenth birthday we told him of the way he was conceived, and the love his mother had for the man who impregnated her. I also told him I could not love him more if he had been my own child. I was there to watch at his conception and I never regretted what happened for a second, as without it he would never have been born. It was mine and Susan’s most glorious and indelible memory of our marriage together, and he was the product.

“You must love MUM so much dad to accept what happened?” Julio confided in me one Christmas as we all celebrated together with his wife Adele and their two sons, OUR grandsons.
“I do and always have loved her” I replied as I hugged him close to me “And I honestly wish she could have met your real dad a second time and maybe have given you a little brother or sister – that is my only regret.”

Susan, who was also sitting by his side, squeezed my hand, leaned over and pecked me on the cheek, and cuddled closer to our son following my frank admission.

“Yes” she whispered, looking at Julio and me “That would have been nice.”