A guy is standing in a men’s locker room when he notices that the man next to him has the name of a women tattooed down the length of his penis. He asks the man about this and is told that penile tattoos are the current rage; that when a woman sees her name tattooed there, she goes wild and can be possessed forever. The man thinks about this for a while and decides to get his girlfriend, Wendy’s name, tattooed on his penis.
One day he is standing in the locker room shower and he notices an Irish guy and just the letter “W” tattooed on his penis because his penis is suffering shrinkage from the water. Concerned that another man has tattooed the name, Wendy, on his penis, he asks the guy if this is the name on his. The Irishman replies in an Irish brogue that the name tattooed on his penis is Welynn, his girlfriend’s name. The guy is relieved and leaves the shower.
A few days later in the same shower, he notices a German man with the letter “W” showing from his shrunken penis. Concerned that this man could have used the name Wendy, he decides to ask him what the “W” stands for. The man tells him in a thick German accent that the name on his penis is, Westrund, his wife’s family name. Relieved to learn that no one else has used the name Wendy, he leaves the shower.
The next week in the shower, he notices a large black man and showing from his water shrunkened penis are two tattooed letters, “W” and “E.” This time he is convinced that someone else has also taken the name Wendy and frustrated, he asks the man what the “W” and “E” stand for.
The black man looks at him and in a Jamaican accent replies, “Welcome to Jamaica, Mon, have a nice day.”

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