Teacher, Teacher chapter 2

It was now two weeks since the young teachers had returned from Mexico and they had yet to talk. In fact they hadn’t talk on the way home either. They mostly slept and tried to keep a low profile. When Sandy went through customs, the agent looked at her in her club wear and she knew he thought she was a slut. Then he opened her suitcase. Sandy gasped as there were no clothes in it, and it was filled with all sorts of sexual devices.

Chapter 2

Back Home.

It was now two weeks since the young teachers had returned from Mexico and they had yet to talk. In fact they hadn’t talk on the way home either. They mostly slept and tried to keep a low profile. When Sandy went through customs, the agent looked at her in her club wear and she knew he thought she was a slut. Then he opened her suitcase. Sandy gasped as there were no clothes in it, and it was filled with all sorts of sexual devices. There were anal plugs, dildos, ball gags, cuffs, clamps, shackles, a strap-on, and everything you could think of to be used in a sexual situation.

However that wasn’t the worst of it. Right on top of everything was a pile of at least 50 8X10″ glossy color pictures of Sandy being fucked in every hole by many different cocks. There was a large selection of pictures with a “money shot” of cum on her face, tits, ass, and cunt. There was even a picture of Sandy literally covered in cum and she was scooping it up and licking it off her fingers. Sandy blushed all the way to her toes. She couldn’t look the customs agents in the eyes. Here she was standing in front of them with a very sexy little black dress that left nothing to the imagination, entering the country with a suitcase filled with sex toys and pictures showing her being fucked by multiple men. She felt like a slut and looked like one too.

What surprised her was her arousal! I can’t believe this I’m getting excited, she thought. Sandy quickly raised her arms to cover her nipples which had started to poke through her dress and stand out in plain view. I don’t understand why my body is reacting this way. This isn’t sexual it’s embarrassing. Do I really get off on the humiliation? Am I that perverted? “I have got to get out of here I can’t stand this,” She muttered to herself as all these thoughts raced through her mind.

The customs agent closed her suitcase and looked at the blushing slut standing in front of him. He wondered if there was anything he could hold her with but nothing in her bag was contraband so he just motioned her through the gates with a smirk on his face. Sandy quickly grabbed her bag and rushed through the gate. Dawn was not searched and was quite a ways down the corridor from her. It’s just as well I really don’t want to talk with her anyways, Sandy thought.

After that each went their separate ways home. Sandy couldn’t bring herself to face her friend. She didn’t know what to say. She spent most of her time staying indoors and sleeping a lot.

Dawn on the other hand was worried that what had happened would get back to the Martinezes. She had heard rumors that they were ruthless whenever they had something on someone. Dawn had heard that a teacher had been caught in a compromising position and they had used that against her. Sandy knew of her and had seen her in the hallways occasionally. She thought she dressed very risqué for teaching and then she had quit her job shortly after Christmas last year. Rumor had it that she had moved in with the Martinezes and was seen running around the grounds naked. Dawn couldn’t believe that was true but she had left rather mysteriously.

Dawn thought back about that evening in Mexico and how all this had started. She was sitting on her couch in a tee shirt and slippers as she remembered what was going through her mind at the time. “I love dominating Sandy; I’m going to really push her tonight when we go to the club. With no chance of anyone knowing who we are only makes it easier for her to give in. I want to have her naked and on her knees doing whatever I want before the night is over.”

The feeling of having such control over Sandy never failed to excite Dawn. She remembered the first time Sandy submitted to her. Having had her walk back to the dorm almost naked and leading her by a leash down the hallway to their room was a major rush. Looking into Sandy’s eyes and seeing that look of submission, excitement, lust, humiliation, she haddn’t known what it was, but she had absolutely gotten off on that look. Dawn was now completely rapt, recalling what had happened. “Strip slut I want you to crawl naked the rest of the way to the room.”

Sandy’s look when she had heard this was priceless! The fear of getting caught, the humiliation; it had sent a rush throughout her own body. She’d almost came right then. Sandy had quickly stripped her clothes off and dropped to her knees hoping to get this over as quickly as possible. “Slow down slut, or I will make you stay out here for an hour!” She had watched as a look of panic crossed Sandy’s face and the whole top half of her body had turned red. Grabbing the naked girl’s clothes and leash she had led her slowly to the door taking her time unlocking and opening it. She had watched as Sandy shook all over looking up and down the hallway expecting at any minute that someone would discover her. “Nervous are you slut? “

“Oh God, yes. I’ll never live this down if someone sees me.”

“What are you willing to do to get into our room?”

“Anything, I’ll do anything you want just get me out of the hall,” had come her desperate reply.

“Good answer slut. I’ll hold you to that.” Dawn had tugged on the leash and walked through the door. “What are you doing?” She’d said, as Sandy had started to get up from her knees.

“I thought I was done crawling.”

“That’s for me to decide. Just stay where you are, and while you’re at it put your hands behind your head.”

Dawn had quickly removed her denim skirt and top leaving her standing in front of the kneeling Sandy in only her thong panties. She’d reached up and started to tweak her own nipples savoring the moment and the rush of having someone naked, on their knees submitting themselves to her. “Take my panties off slave.”

Sandy slowly reached forward and grabbed the side straps and slowly pulled them to the ground. Dawn lifted each foot so she could totally remove them. Dawn had known that they were soaked; she had been excited since she originally stripped Sandy several hours ago. “OK slave, put them in your mouth.”

Sandy gasped! “Oh My God you can’t be serious? Please don’t make me do this.”

“You have now earned your first punishment slave. You said you would do anything I want; now put those in your mouth.”

Sandy had complied, slowly taking the panties, opening her mouth and shoving them in. Dawn had almost came right then and there. She had never felt so powerful in all her life.

“OK slave, time for your punishment. You better not hesitate again, or question my commands, or it will be worse for you. Now get up and lay across your desk facing the window. I am going to spank your ass till I think you have learned your lesson. You are not to rise up off the desk and you are not to move your hands or we start over. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Dawn, I do”

“I think you should call me Mistress from now on.”

“Yes, Mistress., Came the reply.

Dawn slid one hand down to her pussy and the other to her nipples as the memories flooded back from that night. Her right hand slowly worked its way to her soaking wet pussy and lightly rubbed her clit, as her left hand pinched and pulled on her right nipple.

Dawn had reached down and caressed Sandy’s ass before she grabbed a belt and swung it down across her left cheek. She’d watched as her new slave’s eyes grew wide as saucers and a muffled scream escaped around the panties in her mouth. But she hadn’t moved her hands and remained on the desk as ordered. Oh how she had enjoyed watching Sandy struggle to comply with her orders as she continued to spank her with her belt until Sandy had totally surrendered and begged to please her mistress.

Watching Sandy humble herself and crying uncontrollably had brought her down from her power trip as she gently reached down and pulled Sandy up from the desk, pulled the panties from her mouth and kissed her lovingly on the lips. “You did well my little pet. I’m proud of you. I know you will obey me from now on.” She had looked into Sandy’s eyes and seen a look quite different from the lustful look from before. She’d seen a look of satisfaction and joy knowing that she had pleased her mistress. “Now pet show your Mistress how much you want to make me happy. ” She’d sat down on the bed and spread her legs. “Beg to satisfy me.”

She’d loved the look as Sandy crawled between her legs and with a sad puppy dog look begged to lick her pussy. “Well done pet you may serve your Mistress.”

As Sandy had tentatively started to lick her cunt the feeling of power rushed again from her mind straight to her cunt as she’d watched Sandy become more comfortable with her position and what was expected and licked with all her heart to satisfy her. What was the final submission was when Dawn ordered her to tongue fuck her ass. Remembering how she’d looked down at Sandy’s eyes just above her cunt and the expression as her tongue was pushing further into her ass, Dawn dropped her left hand down to her cunt and pushed two fingers deep into the channel fucking herself with reckless abandon. Soon Dawn’s climax washed over her body and relieved at least temporarily, forgot any thoughts of what had happened in Mexico.

That feeling didn’t last long however, as the thought of the Juan and Christina Martinez finding out what had happened left a feeling of fear deep within her belly. Would they force them back to Mexico or use the information in some other way. The thought of either option, of being dominated by someone as powerful as the rich couple, or going to jail in another country frightened her. Dawn was afraid what happened in Mexico could come back to bite them in the ass if anyone found out. She made up her mind to avoid any member of the Martinez family if at all possible. She also decided to warn Sandy to do the same.

It was now the Monday before school was to start. The first day of classes was Thursday. Sandy was up and eating breakfast when she heard a knock at the door. She shuffled to the door in her robe and slippers and opened the door. There stood Dawn. They just looked at each other for a minute, and then Dawn rushed up to Sandy and hugged her. They both stood there hugging for a few moments when Dawn looked up at her friend and cried, “I’m so sorry about what happened. I had no idea.”

Sandy looked at her friend with tears in her eyes and said, “I know. We were both stupid.” The tension was suddenly gone and the two women started talking and soon they were making plans for the start of the new school year. Dawn stayed all day and the women never mentioned Mexico again. Both just wanted to forget it like a bad dream.

Thursday came all too soon. Sandy was very excited to start her new job. She arrived about two hours before classes. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Sandy was dressed in black slacks, with a white button down blouse. Her Blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Although she was trying to downplay her looks, you could still see that she was a beautiful woman. As her students filed into the classroom for her first class, Sandy was standing by her desk. She was a little nervous but she was also aroused. She didn’t understand why but her pussy was getting wet. She hoped it was because she was so nervous.

As her day proceeded the arousal went away and everything went very well. At last the final class of the day was starting. It was a twelfth grade English class. As the students entered Sandy noticed twin sisters. They were beautiful; exotic you might say. They were of Hispanic descent, with long dark brown hair down to the middle of their backs and dressed impeccably. Each was wearing a halter dress that accented their figures and was a perfect fit. You could tell they were very well to do, very pretty, and they knew it.

Their names were Anita and Susanna Martinez; their parents owned the condo that Sandy and Dawn had stayed in while they were in Mexico. All the guys and most of the other girls followed their lead and did everything they were told. Sandy could tell these two were at the very top of the social ladder.

Sandy looked at the two and smiled, but when they looked back at her they seemed to look right through her. She felt as if they had stripped her naked. Sandy quickly looked away and dismissed the thought. As she introduced herself to the class and explained what they would be doing the two sisters watched her closely. Sandy felt as if she was on display and couldn’t look them in the eye. They seemed to have such a dominating presence about them. It was as if they knew every dark secret about her.

She remembered her experience with the Divas in her last school and with Dawn’s warning in mind made a decision not to cross these two. She didn’t want to start out on the wrong foot. The class went quickly and soon the bell rang. All the students rushed to the door as Sandy turned to her desk and started to gather her things. She didn’t notice the twins walking up behind her and when she turned around the two girls were right beside her. Sandy jumped and said, “OH, you startled me. I thought everyone had left.”

Anita at 5’8″ tall and wearing 4″ heels towered above Sandy. “Welcome to our school Miss Hauser. I understand you are friends with Miss Reynolds.”

“Yes I am, she is –”

But Anita interrupted her saying, “Did you enjoy staying in my parent’s condo? Did you find everything to your satisfaction? I assume you had no problems?” The tone in her voice made Sandy nervous.

Her mouth went dry and she had trouble speaking and said “N… N… No everything was fine. Why was something said?”

Anita just smiled reached up and brushed Sandy’s cheek with her hand and said, “No worries teach. We got you covered.”

Sandy blushed and backed up till she was against the wall. Her insides were in knots. “Did they know about the police? What if they did? I need to talk to Dawn,” were all thoughts that went through her head in rapid succession. The two sisters watched with interest at how the new teacher reacted and laughed.

They then turned and walked out the door, calling back over their shoulder, “See you tomorrow Miss Hauser, all of you.”

Sandy was now alone in her room. She was shaking and her stomach was feeling nauseous. Sandy reached into her purse and grabbed her cell phone and dialed Dawn’s number. She had to talk to her now.

Dawn’s phone went directly to voice mail. Sandy left a message to call her as soon as possible. She was afraid the two young women, and possibly their parents, knew what happened in Mexico. What Sandy didn’t know was that Susanna had arranged for Dawns cell phone to be stolen. They didn’t want the two sluts to communicate just yet. Sandy finished gathering her stuff and rushed out the door to her apartment. She was so nervous and scared she couldn’t think. As she stood in her living room she decided to fix herself a drink to calm down. That quickly led to another. and another. and another. About an hour later, Sandy, very drunk after all those drinks on an empty stomach, noticed something else. She was aroused!

Ever since the two Divas from her previous school had stripped her in her classroom and made her lick their shoes, it had become one of Sandy’s favorite fantasies of being dominated in school. Particularly by young dominant women. Now at the new school the two most beautiful and powerful students could have something to dominate her with and Sandy was incredibly aroused. Maybe it was because she was drunk but her cunt was positively dripping.

As she lay on her couch she unbuttoned her top, undid the front clasped bra and exposed her tits. As she drifted off into fantasy land, dreaming of Anita and Susanna stripping her and dominating her in the classroom, her left hand started to caress her tits and pinch her nipples. The harder she pinched, the more the pain increased, the more aroused she became.

After a couple of minutes she couldn’t stand it anymore and quickly removed all her clothes and ran to her closet where the suitcase was that had all the toys from Mexico. She didn’t know why she hadn’t thrown them out but right now she needed them.

As she opened the suitcase, she was fantasizing about the two Mistresses’ ordering her what toys to select. Sandy was completely into her fantasy. She wasn’t in her room; she was in her classroom, naked in front of the two beauties. Anita, looking at the case, ordered Sandy to remove a set of nipple clamps, shackles for her ankles and wrists, collar and leash, a ball gag, and an anal plug. Sandy quickly grabbed the items and dreamed of taking them over by her desk. Susanna then instructed Sandy to lock the collar around her neck, and put the gag on. Sandy did as she was ordered and also locked the shackles on her ankles and wrists. She was now completely restrained locked away by her own hands. Sandy then grabbed the remaining items and put the clamps on her aroused nipples. The pain, though intense, just amplified her arousal. All that was left was the anal plug. Sandy realized that in order to get this into her it was going to take some work. She hobbled to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vegetable oil and proceeded to lube the plug and her ass. After inserting first one finger then two she was able to relax her sphincter what she hoped was enough to insert the plug. As she placed the plug at her ass, she fantasized Anita warning her that if she couldn’t get it in she would be led out into the hall to find someone who could. Sandy then shoved hard and pushed it past the tight ring of her ass as the pain spread through her body. Sandy was now kneeling in her kitchen, naked, shackled, clamped, plugged, gagged and collared, dreaming she was at school in front of the two dominating women. Her arousal was through the roof. She took both hands and started to work on her cunt, one rubbing her clit rapidly and the other inserting two then three fingers into her cunt and fucking herself. Sandy was oblivious to the outside world. She was in her classroom submitting to the women. She could feel her climax approaching and pushed harder to move herself over the edge. When the orgasm hit, it was like nothing she had ever experienced. She collapsed onto the floor and her whole body shook violently. This continued for several minutes. When the effects of the violent orgasm began to diminish, Sandy couldn’t move, she just lay in the middle of her kitchen floor and slept. About an hour later, Sandy woke from her stupor and realized what she had done. She looked at herself, bound, gagged, and plugged and cried in embarrassment. “What is wrong with me?” Then Sandy thought about her predicament. She had grabbed the shackles and collar and locked them on herself, but she didn’t know where or if there were any keys. She jumped up and hobbled to the suitcase and began to frantically look for the keys. Sandy quickly turned over the case and dumped everything out on the floor. As she pawed through the many items there were no keys to be found. The longer she looked the more panicked she became.

Finally after about ten minutes and no keys, she inspected the suit case more closely. At first she didn’t see anything, but then on the very bottom there appeared to be a zipper to a hidden pouch. She opened the pouch, and inside were several keys. Breathing a sigh of relief she quickly tried the keys till she was free. After removing the shackles and handcuffs, Sandy lay down on the floor amongst the toys scattered about. She still had the gag, clamps and plug on or in her body She fell into a deep sleep not knowing what was to happen and at the moment not really caring.

As Sandy was packing to leave school earlier that evening, Anita and Susanna had left Miss Hauser’s room and walked down the hall to Miss Reynolds’ room. Just as they arrived Miss Reynolds was just about to exit. When she saw the twins she wondered why they would be coming to see her. They were not in any of her classes, although they had been in her class last year. Dawn knew that these young women were very powerful in the social structure not only in school, but in town because of their parents.

“Hi girls, what brings you down here?” Dawn asked cheerfully. Susanna smiled and looked down at the petite teacher and said “Mom told us you two came back from Mexico early. Did something go wrong? Is there something we should know about?”

Dawn couldn’t help but gulp when she said that but quickly regained her composure and said, “No, everything is fine. We just wanted to get back home and get ready for school.” The two twins moved closer to the much smaller teacher increasing their dominant position and prodding a little more. “We heard that some kids were molested. Do you know anything about that?” Dawn’s eyes got big as saucers and she backed into her room as the girls moved forward. Dawn was now standing with her back to the wall with no place to go. The twins standing right in front of her looking down smiling like two tigers ready to strike at their prey.

“N…N…N…No, I don’t know anything about that,” She squeaked, wishing her voice was stronger.

Anita pushed forward and said “My Uncle, the Police Chief, said he thinks the suspects escaped back into the USA.”

Dawn almost fainted right there on the spot. Her face turned white as a sheet and her knees buckled slightly.

“He also said if they manage to catch the suspects there is an extradition treaty and they would be sent back to stand trial.”

Dawn said nothing; she couldn’t. Her voice was gone and she was trembling thinking that she and Sandy were going back to Mexico to stand trial.

Anita and Susanna looked at each other and smiled smiles of a conquering general. They knew right then that Miss Reynolds surrender would be unconditional. Anita then reached into her book bag and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Miss Reynolds. Dawn took the envelope and slowly opened it.

When she pulled out the contents, her knees gave way and she slid down the wall and landed on her ass at the two women’s feet. Inside the envelope were three pictures. One was of the two naked teachers handcuffed in the bedroom as they were busted. The second was of them naked in the jail cell. The third picture was a copy of the wanted poster with their pictures clearly shown and wanted for child molestation.

Dawn looked up at the two towering over her and squeaked, “What is going to happen to us? Are you going to go to the police?”

Anita smiled down at her conquest and said, “Not if you do as you’re told slut. All this will remain our little secret.”

“What do you mean, do what I’m told?” Dawn asked.

“Simple slut, I now own your ass, as well as your cunt, mouth, hands, body and brain. From now on you only do as you’re told. If you don’t you will be punished, and if you refuse you will go to jail in Mexico. It’s as simple as that, slut.”

Dawn’s mouth fell open and tears started to stream down her cheeks, as she realized she really had no choice in the matter, It was slavery or jail. She looked up at her new Mistresses and said, “I will do as you wish.” Dawn’s whole body slumped as she knew she was now the slave to two high school Divas.

“Good,” Susanna said. “It looks like you know your place already at our feet. Now strip off those clothes and get to licking our feet slut.” Dawn couldn’t believe her ears. strip here in her classroom and lick their feet. She just sat there not moving. Susanna screamed “NOW SLUT! YOU HAVE NOW EARNED A PUNISHMENT!”

Dawn jumped and quickly started to remove her top.

“Faster you cunt, we haven’t got all day.” Anita added. Dawn quickly dropped her top on the floor and unclasped her bra. She was now nude from the waist up. She then rose up to her knees and unfastened her pants and pushed them and her panties down. Dawn then sat down and pushed her pants off her feet. She was now naked with her clothes piled beside her. She then rolled over onto her knees and lowered her head down, stuck out her tongue and started to lick Anita’s high heels.

Susanna reached down and grabbed Dawn’s clothes and took them over by the door. She took Dawns bra, panties and panty hose and threw them in the trash. She then took her blouse and removed all the buttons but one. She then opened the door and walked out into the hallway. As school had just let out about a half an hour ago there were still people in the hall. If anyone walked by the door they would be in for a shock as Miss Reynolds was in plain view naked licking Anita Martinez’s shoes.

Dawn could see the open door out of the corner of her eye and started to panic. Anita looked down at her slave and said, “Don’t you dare quit licking or it’s straight to jail slut.” Dawn just closed her eyes and prayed that no one would walk by her door.

Susanna returned a couple of minutes later but Dawn’s clothes were nowhere to be seen. Susanna then walked over to where Dawn was finishing cleaning Anita’s shoes with her tongue. She sat down in Dawn’s desk chair and demanded, “Crawl over here and get busy on my shoes bitch.” Dawn defeated crawled to the dominating teenager and started the demeaning task.

Anita then walked behind the kneeling teacher, grabbed a ruler off her desk, and with a vicious swing, brought it down on the teacher’s naked ass. Dawn suddenly rose up, reached around and grabber her ass and howled out in pain. As she was now kneeling with her hands behind her, rubbing her ass, Anita swung again but this time she aimed for Dawn’s exposed tits. Again Dawn screamed out in pain as a large welt immediately appeared on her right tit.

Susanna looked at the crying teacher at her feet, rubbing her ass and tits and said, “I told you that you had earned a punishment. If you keep screaming every time you are punished, the whole school will be in here witnessing what you are doing to keep out of jail. Now quit screaming and keep licking. While you’re at it count each stroke and ask for another slut.” Dawn looked up and said, “Yes Susanna.” As Dawn started to lower her head down to continue her assigned task. Anita again swung the ruler smacking Dawn’s ass. Dawn’s head jerked up, but she didn’t scream. Through her clenched jaws said, “One, thank you, may I have another?”

Anita quickly struck again and said, “You are to address us a Mistress from now on slut. That last one didn’t count. You still have ten more to go.”

Dawn squealed when the blow landed but it wasn’t loud enough to be heard outside the room. Dawn then cried, “One, thank you Mistress, may I have another?” She then bent down and licked Susanna’s shoe. They continued the spanking for the remaining nine strokes.

Dawn was now totally surrendering to the dominant teens. The harsh punishment had dissipated any thoughts of resisting. Her ass was on fire as well as her right tit. Now finished with the cleaning of Susanna shoes, she remained kneeling before her new Mistresses waiting on further instructions.

Susanna then looked down at the naked teacher, smiled, and said, “Here are the rules you will now live by slut. You better write them down as if you disobey any of them the punishments will be severe.” Anita dropped a piece of paper and pen down on the floor

Susanna continued, and Dawn wrote down.: You are to obey each command without hesitation. You are never to cum without permission. You are no longer allowed to wear any pants, panties, pantyhose, nothing to cover your cunt. You are only permitted to wear skirts or dresses. Unless we say otherwise. You are not allowed to wear a bra. When you get home throw out all you bras. You are to remove all hair from your body below your neck. If we find any stubble you will be punished. You are only allowed to speak when spoken too. And always address us as Mistress in private and Miss Anita or Susanna in public. You are to be naked at all times in your apartment. You are to wear a collar and leash at all times when you are alone or in our presence, unless we say otherwise. You must ask permission to go to the bathroom. No exceptions, ever! “There will be other rules but these will do for now.”

Dawn finished writing all the rules and wondered how she was going to keep her slavery a secret from the rest of the world. Dawn had enjoyed dominating Sandy and being the Mistress. Now the shoe was on the other foot and Dawn didn’t like being in this position. Having total control and now having no control was too much for her to comprehend. Dawn knew she had to do something to get out from under their thumb. Right now she had to do as told and wait for an opportunity to escape.

Anita then grabbed Dawn’s hair and pulled her face up and looked into Dawn’s frightened face and said, “You are not to contact Miss Hauser. You are not to communicate with her in any way. If you see her in the hall at school, avoid her; do not even look at her. If we catch you communicating with her in any way you will be punished severely. Do you understand slut?”

Dawn looked down at the floor and whispered, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Good slut. Now crawl over here and lift my dress and eat my pussy. All this fun has made me very horny.”

Dawn fearing additional punishments quickly crawled over between Anita legs, lifted her dress and began to lick her hairless cunt. Dawn noticed that she tasted sweet and it was not offensive as she had expected. As she continued to lick her new Mistress’ pussy Dawn was getting aroused. How could this be arousing? Humiliating herself before the two students, Dawn didn’t understand how her cunt was soaked and starting to leak down her legs.

The two sisters continued to use the humiliated teacher for another hour or so. When they had finished for the night, Dawn was left with a face full of cum left from each of the two young women. Her tongue and jaws were sore as they had her constantly licking something. Dawn now had intimate knowledge on every nook and cranny of both of the girls. Her tongue had probed their asses, feet, pussies, and anywhere else she was ordered. Now she was watching her Mistresses getting dressed to leave and wondering where her clothes were, but she was afraid to ask. One of the rules was only speak when spoken too.

As the two sisters approached the door to leave, Dawn crawled after them whimpering. Anita smiled and said to Susanna, “Looks like our slut wants to speak. Should we let her?”

Susanna laughed and said, “Yeah why not she is following the rules. What do you want slut?”

“Please Mistress, what am I to wear home? You took my clothes. How am I to get out to my car if I am naked? Someone will see me. If I am discovered I won’t be you slave for very long. I will be sent to jail.” Susanne again laughed and looked down on the slave at her feet and said, “Your clothes are in the twenty fifth locker on the right. You are to wait ten minutes before you leave the room to retrieve them. Tomorrow you are to report to school wearing a short skirt that is at least six inches above the knee. As for a top it must be a tight pullover with a scoop neck that shows some cleavage. Your shoes should be at least four inch heels. We will meet you in your room at seven am. Do not be late slut.”

Dawn quickly thanked her Mistresses for allowing her to have her clothes back and continued, “I will do as you instructed Mistress.”

The twins quickly left the room, leaving the naked teacher on her knees in front of the open door. Dawn quickly jumped up and closed the door, dropped to her knees and started to cry.

Sandy woke on the floor surrounded by all the sex toys. Her jaw ached as she still had the ball gag inserted. Her ass was also still filled with the plug and her nipples ached something fierce. Sandy removed the gag first and rubbed her sore jaw. Then she slowly released the clamp on her right nipple. The pain was intense as her nipple now had blood rush to it and allowed the pain to flow back to her brain. Sandy screamed and started to rub her burning nipple trying to relieve some of the pain. It continued for about five minutes before it slowly started to recede. Sandy then held her breath and released the other clamp. She again screamed as the pain hit with full force in addition to her other nipple that was still causing her a lot of pain. Through all of this Sandy reached down and started to rub her clit. Her pussy was already aroused by the pain and the fantasy of being dominated.

She continued to rub her clit faster and faster as her arousal continued to mount. As she was getting closer to her orgasm, she took her other hand around to her ass and grabbed the plug and started to fuck her ass with it. This brought her over the top and the orgasm radiated out from her pussy and ass to all parts of her body. She lay back amongst the toys again to enjoy her latest climax.

While lying there she grabbed the plug once again and removed it from her ass. As she lay there her fantasy took hold of her again and she was again in her classroom with Anita looking down at her laughing and calling her all manner of names. She looked up at her fantasy Mistress and heard her instruct her to take the plug that had been in her ass and suck it clean. Sandy, even knowing that this was a fantasy, couldn’t refuse the command, and brought the plug up to her mouth and inserted it sucking it clean. After a few minutes Sandy sat up, still sucking the plug and gathered the toys back into the suitcase. She then crawled to her bed and passed out still sucking on the plug.

When Sandy woke the next morning the anal plug was still in her mouth. She was disgusted with herself. Why did she do those things to herself last night? How did she allow her fantasies take control of her? The two sisters didn’t do or say anything that indicated they knew what had happened in Mexico. Sandy decided that she had let her imagination get away from her. Today is just the second day of the new school year and she was just paranoid about all that had happened.

Sandy quickly got up and jumped into the shower. The warm water felt good on her sore nipples as Sandy set the showerhead to pulse. She turned up the pressure and started to message her aching body with pulsing water. As soon as the water hit Sandy’s clit she gasped as her arousal was immediate. She continued to hold the showerhead close to her clit till she had an orgasm to start her day. Sandy quickly turned off the shower and dried her body. She walked into her bedroom to get dressed.

Twenty minutes later Sandy was walking out her door on the way to school. It was now 6:45. Sandy liked to get to school early; it helped her get ready for when the students arrived. At 7:05 she walked into her classroom. What greeted her stopped her in her tracks. On every desk, taped on every window, on every wall were pictures of Sandy. They were from Mexico. In each she was naked and being fucked in one or more holes. Many had her face covered in cum. All were incriminating. Sandy dropped her bag and ran around the room gathering up the pictures. Panic was setting in as she realized that her secret was known to someone at the school. She needed to talk to Dawn. Why hadn’t she called her back last night? That was not like Dawn. Sandy decided that she would walk down to her room as soon as she finished gathering up all the pictures.

Just as she finished putting all the pictures in her desk, Sandy headed for the door on the way to Dawn’s room. But as she opened the door there stood Anita Martinez. Sandy jumped back, startled that someone was there. “What do you want Anita?” she asked.

Anita smiled and smirked, “You are very photogenic don’t you think slut?” Sandy gasped and realized she now knew who was behind the pictures.

“What do you want Anita?” she again asked. “Not much teach, just you, slut!” Anita answered. Sandy cringed at the answer. After last night’s fantasy and now faced with the possibility of it happening for real sent a tremor of terror down her spine. It’s one thing to fantasize about something; it’s a whole other thing to live it.

“What do you mean you want me?”

“Simple cunt, I own you. I own your body, your mind, your clothes, everything. If you resist my commands you will be punished till you comply. If you refuse or try to run you will end up in a Mexican prison. The choice is all yours. You have one minute to decide. If you agree to submit, you will remove all your clothes, drop down on your knees and declare you are my slave,” Anita said with a look of a disdain at Sandy.

Sandy just stood there unable to move. Her mind was rapidly trying to find a way out of her predicament. Anita then brought her back to reality as she started to count down the time she had left to decide. “30 seconds slut, better get to stripping, you wouldn’t want me to walk out of here would you?” Anita laughed.

The words hit Sandy like a slap in the face. She quickly grabbed her top and pulled it over her head, followed quickly by her bra. “15 seconds to finish slut.” Anita continued. Sandy started to panic and ripped the fly open on her pants and shoved them with her panties and pantyhose down her legs. As she now stood in front of her new Mistress naked she looked down at the ground and dropped to her knees. Sandy couldn’t look up, keeping her head down looking at the floor and said, “I am your slave, Mistress.”

“Louder slut, I want to hear it loud and clear.”

Sandy looked up and said in a loud clear voice, “I am your slave, Mistress, I am yours to command. I will do anything you want.”

Anita walked up to the kneeling teacher grabbed her chin and turned her head up to look her in the eye and said, “Open your mouth slut and stick out your tongue.”

Sandy looked up at her Mistress and did as directed when Anita smiled and spit into Sandy’s mouth. Sandy was so shocked she didn’t react. As what Anita did hit her she blushed from the humiliation of being made to drink her Mistress’s saliva. It was as if she had been branded. Sandy felt lower than an animal. That simple act of domination cut directly to Sandy’s soul.

Anita then drew back her hand and slapped Sandy across her face. The pain and shock took Sandy by surprise and sent a wave of arousal straight to Sandy’s cunt.

“Here is what is going to happen today. In the bag by the door you will find today’s outfit, also included are a couple of toys, a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs. When I leave you, will insert the toys in their proper holes, dress, and teach your classes as normal. Oh, you are not allowed to sit. You must remain standing all day. One more thing you will not cum. At lunch you will strip and put your clothes in your desk. You will then kneel by the door and put on the blindfold and cuff your hands behind your back and wait. You will not move until I tell you. Hopefully I don’t get distracted and make it there before your next class! Enjoy your first day as my slave slut.” Anita then gathered Sandy’s clothes and shoes and walked out the door shutting it behind her.

Sandy was in shock. It was the second day of classes and here she was naked in her classroom, a slave to the most dominate student in school and she was so aroused she almost came when Anita gave her orders. It was her fantasy cumming to life.

Sandy then crawled over to the bag and started to get dressed. The outfit consisted of a lightweight summer dress, very thin and short, it came to just mid-thigh. Sandy knew that she couldn’t stand in front of the window as the dress would be almost transparent. The shoes were a five inch strappy sandal that matched the dress. There was nothing in the bag but the toys, cuffs, and blindfold.

The toys were an anal plug that was about a one and a half inch in diameter at the widest point, tapering down to about three quarters of an inch at the base. It was about four inches in length. The other toy was a set of Ben-Wa balls. Sandy had put things in her ass before, but nothing this large, and the balls were larger than she had seen before as they were about two inches in diameter each.

Sandy walked over to her desk, inserted the plug in her mouth and looked in her purse for some kind of lubricant to use on her ass. At the bottom of a side pocket she found a travel bottle on hand lotion. She quickly pulled up the dress and squirted the lotion down her crack. She then took her fingers and started to work the lotion up her ass, working first one then two fingers past her rosebud and into her ass.

When she looked up at the time, Sandy realized she had only a few minutes to finish as school was about to start. She quickly grabbed the plug from her mouth and placed it at her ass and pushed. At first it was no problem, but as she continued to push the pain and burning started to increase. Sandy pulled the plug back and pushed forward again harder and squealed as it felt as if she was splitting herself in two. She then pulled back one more time and pushed again and the plug popped into place. The pain subsided and Sandy grabbed a napkin from her desk and wiped the sweat from her brow. She now had only a minute or two till the bell was to ring, so she grabbed the balls and quickly shoved them into her aroused pussy.

She quickly dropped her dress and tried to walk over to the bag to get her shoes and the rest of the things lying on the floor. Just as she bent over, the bell rang. Sandy panicked grabbing the blindfold and cuffs in one hand and the shoes in the other. She quickly ran over to her desk barefoot and sat down to put her shoes on. Sandy had momentarily forgotten about the plug in her ass and grunted as it was shoved further into her ass. At that exact moment the first students started to walk into the room.

Sandy was sitting at her desk, barefoot with the cuffs and blindfold in her hands. She quickly shoved the cuffs and blindfold into her drawer hopefully before anyone noticed. The first couple of students looked at their new teacher; she had a strange look on her face. She almost looked panicked as she was sitting barefoot at her desk, in a short dress slamming her desk drawer. They watched as Miss Hauser bent over and started to put her very high heeled shoes onto her bare feet. Two of the young men stopped dead in their tracks and watched. They had a clear view down the top of her dress as well as up her skirt. Her knees separated while putting on the shoes. They each smiled at each other as it appeared that their new English teacher wasn’t wearing anything under her dress.

Sandy looked up at the two boys and turned red, realizing what she was flashing. She quickly recovered and told the two to get to their seats. Sandy then remembered her instructions and stood up and started class. The first few minutes everything went as well as could be expected. Sandy calmed down and started the lesson plan. But then the toys started to do their magic. The balls inserted into her cunt started moving.

Sandy’s voice caught in her throat as her arousal suddenly started to skyrocket. Her pussy was drenched and started to leak down her leg. As Sandy walked from the chalk board to her desk the balls came in contact with her “G” spot. Sandy’s legs almost buckled. She quickly leaned against her desk as the students watched her closely. Sandy thought she was about to orgasm right there in front of her class barely ten minutes into class. Sandy then said, “I’m sorry class, I’m not feeling well. Please excuse me, I will be right back.” Sandy quickly exited the room and rushed to the nearest bathroom. Once inside she ran into the nearest stall and sat down on the toilet.

She was so confused, she wasn’t allowed to sit and here she was sitting on the toilet. She wasn’t allowed to cum and she knew if she didn’t get herself off right now, she was going to orgasm in front of her class. Sandy slipped her hand down, pulled up her dress and started to stroke her clit. It took about fifteen seconds for Sandy to orgasm. It rocked her down to her toes and continued for about five minutes. When she was aware of her surroundings she dropped her head into her hands and started to cry.

After about another five minutes Sandy heard someone in the stall next to her. Oh My God she thought. How much noise did she make when she climaxed? Did they know who she was? Sandy was humiliated and wondered how her situation could be any worse.

Dawn arrived at class right at 7:00 am. She was dressed in a jean skirt that was very short. Being only five-foot-two that meant that her legs weren’t long. Susanna’s instructions stated that the skirt must be six inches above the knee. That left the skirt only about four inches below her cunt and ass. That also meant that with no underwear, if she bent over even slightly, her bare ass would be exposed. Dawn’s top was as required, a pullover, very tight, with a scoop neck that showed a lot of cleavage. Susanna arrived shortly after Dawn arrived. Dawn jumped when she opened the door and walked in and directly up to the nervous teacher.

“Strip slut!” She said.

Dawn quickly removed her top and skirt to stand naked in front of her Mistress. Susanna then instructed Dawn to bend over her desk and pull her ass cheeks apart. Dawn slowly bent over her desk, grabbed her ass and exposed her nether regions. Susanna then pulled out an anal plug and lube. She coated the plug and placed it at the entrance to the slut’s ass. Dawn gasped as she realized what was about to happen. Susanna showed no mercy pushing the plug home with one motion. Dawn screamed in pain as it felt like she was shoving a baseball bat up her ass.

Susanna then grabbed Dawn’s hair and spun her around and smacked her face. “OK here’s the deal slut. Take this egg and put it in your pussy. Today you are to leave both of them inside your body. For each class you are to sit on your desk for at least half the class. You are not to cross your legs. You are not to cum. At lunch you are to strip completely and kneel down beside the door. I will give you more instructions then.”

She then handed Dawn the wireless egg and walked out of the room. Dawn just stood there naked and plugged, wondering how she was going to survive the day. She hated to be in this position. She also realized that she had to do as instructed so she quickly inserted the egg. She was surprised at how wet she was. Dawn’s arousal was undeniable. Susanna’s treatment of her was pushing buttons she didn’t know she had. Once inserted, she grabbed her clothes, dressed and 10 minutes later the bell rang to start the day. As the students entered her classroom, Dawn looked down at her chest and realized her nipples we not only hard, they were clearly outlined by her shirt. It was almost as if she wasn’t wearing a top at all. Dawn quickly crossed her arms and hoped that they would go down before too long.

As she started the lesson, Dawn decided that she might as well get the desk sitting out of the way and walked to the front of her desk. Just as she jumped up on the desk, the egg started to vibrate. Dawn, still adjusting to the plug being shoved further up her ass, gasped as the egg came to life. She just sat there in front of the class with a wide eyed look on her face. She was using her hands to keep her ass slightly off the desk to keep the plug from going any further into her. The egg’s vibrations were now increasing and threating to make her lose control of her of her body. Her tits were now totally exposed and giving everyone in class a show.

Dawn then gritted her teeth and told the class to do the assignments on pages ten through fifteen. The entire class groaned but didn’t stop watching the teacher as it looked like she was about to have a seizure or something. Dawn realizing she had to do something shouted, “GET TO WORK, NOW!” Her students quickly opened their books and went to work, still sneaking peaks at their teacher squirming on her desk.

Dawn was starting to panic, as her climax was rapidly approaching. She knew she wouldn’t make it to the door before it would take over her body. She also knew that in spite of everything there was no way she would be able to hide her climax from the class when it finally hit. She was now in the throes of passion as the approaching orgasm was taking over her body. Then suddenly the vibrations stopped. Dawn opened her eyes to see the entire class watching her as she started to regain her senses. Dawn turned red and blushed down to her toes. She quickly got up and excused herself and walked to the nearest bathroom.

Once inside she sat down on the toilet when she heard someone enter the stall next to her. All she could think of was how badly she needed to cum. Suddenly the person in the stall next to her started to groan, and Dawn could hear distinct noises like someone was masturbating. Dawn couldn’t believe her ears. She was in the stall needing to get off and in the next stall another person was having an orgasm. Dawn couldn’t stop her hand as she reached down and stroked her clit. It took only a few strokes before she joined her neighbor in a massive orgasm.

Neither woman wanted to leave the stall first. Each wanted to see who was in the other stall. awn finally couldn’t wait any longer and opened the stall door and walked to the sink. Sandy watched through the crack in the door as the person next to her walked by. She then stood up and looked over the door of the stall and saw her best friend washing her hands. Sandy squealed, opened the door and ran over to her friend. She almost knocked her over as she grabbed Dawn and embraced her in a bear hug. Dawn jumped when she heard the squeal and had just turned when Sandy grabbed her.

Dawn looked at Sandy and noticed how she was dressed. Sandy’s lack of underwear was clearly evident and Dawn knew that the twins had their hooks into Sandy as well. Sandy also looked at Dawn and knew she would never dress like this to teach her classes. She knew that they both were submitting the two sisters. Dawn was first to speak. “I’m not allowed to talk to you. If I am caught I will be punished. Please we need to get away from each other. “

Sandy quickly responded “I’m scared what they are going to do to us. I need you to know I will be there if you need me.” Dawn smiled and kissed her best friend, then quickly left the room. Sandy fixed her makeup and followed a few minutes later. Both teachers returned to their respective rooms and gained control of the students. The rest of the morning went by quickly as the two teachers coped with their individual situations. Both Sandy and Dawn working on controlling their own arousal to make it through each class to get to lunch.

Sandy’s lunch came after the fourth period. After the last student left the class she quickly went over and shut the door. Sandy then went to her desk and removed her clothes and placed them in her desk. She then grabbed the cuffs and blindfold and went to the door. Sandy dropped to her knees, placed the blindfold over her eyes and snapped the cuffs on her wrists behind her back. After a couple of minutes Sandy realized that if someone should walk into her room she would be fired on the spot. Her problems in Mexico would be exposed and she would be in jail forever.

In spite of this Sandy’s arousal was through the roof. Was it the possibility of getting caught, or was it the submitting to the dominate teenagers? She didn’t know. But Sandy was aroused beyond comprehension. Sandy had no idea how long she was on her knees. All she knew was that they hurt and that the longer she was there the greater the possibility of being discovered.

Suddenly she heard a noise at the door. Was it her Mistress? Was it someone else? A moment of panic hit her when she heard Anita’s voice. “A little aroused slut? There is a puddle between your legs. I guess you are excited I’m here.” Sandy breathed a sigh of relief. It was her Mistress and not someone else. She almost climaxed from the sound of her voice.

Anita then grabbed her slave pulled her to her feet and dragged her to her desk. She pushed Sandy down on top of the desk and kicked her legs out to spread her wide open and exposed all Sandy had to offer. Anita then bent down to whisper into her ear, “I am going to paddle your ass as you didn’t follow my instructions this morning. You sat down both in this room and in the bathroom. You also came when I told you absolutely not without permission. You will learn not to disobey me again slut.” Anita then walked over to the wall where there was a paddle hanging. It was there mainly as a decoration and had never been used before today. She walked back over to Sandy draped over the desk and said, “You better not scream too loud as you might draw attention from someone out in the hall. Also, I want you grab the other side of the desk with your hands and they better not let go or we start over with your punishment. You are getting ten swats and you are to count each one and ask for another. Do you understand slut?”

Sandy cringed as she heard Anita’s instructions and said, “Yes, Mistress.” The first swat landed right on Sandy’s left cheek. Sandy’s head jerked up and she clenched her mouth and breathed heavily through her nose as the pain streaked throughout her body. She then spoke quietly, “One, thank you Mistress. May I have another?”

Anita laughed at her slut squirming on her desk from the first blow and knew that Sandy would not disobey her again. She quickly swung the paddle again and smacked her right cheek. Sandy again battled not to scream but did as she was told and thanked her Mistress and asked for another.

Anita continued with the punishment and Sandy did as instructed but as the last blow landed Sandy was now crying uncontrollably and was begging to please her Mistress.

Anita then grabbed Sandy’s hair and stood up her slut. She turned her body and quickly smacked her tits several times till they were bright red and looking very sore. Sandy stood there crying and begging to do anything to stop the punishment.

When it was all over Anita said to her slut, “Give me your keys to your apartment. We are going to make some changes to your lifestyle. I will return them later today.” Sandy stood up from the desk and grabbed her purse. She took out her keys and handed them to Anita. Anita then told the slave “Remember you are not to sit or cum for the rest of the day. If you do this punishment with seem like child’s play. I will see you later slut.” Anita quickly turned, tossed the keys to the cuffs on her desk and walked out the door. Sandy ran over and shut it, trying not to expose herself too long in the hallway as her hands were still cuffed behind her, and slumped to the floor and cried. She then quickly stood up as she didn’t want to disobey her Mistress.

Dawn’s lunch was during fifth period. When her class left she quickly shut the door and stripped off her clothes. She then dropped to her knees and waited for her Mistress to arrive. She didn’t have to wait long, as Susanna arrived a couple of minutes later. Dawn couldn’t look her Mistress in the eye. She was afraid she would give away that she had disobeyed her instructions. Not only did she not sit on her desk the required time the first period, she went to the restroom and climaxed and spoke to Sandy. All of these things could produce a punishment if her Mistress found out.

Susanna reached down and grabbed Dawn’s chin and looked into her eyes and said “You have been a very bad slut. Haven’t you?” Dawn’s face showed if all, she knew Susanna knew she disobeyed. She just nodded her head as a tear ran down the side of her face. Susanna then told Dawn to stand up and walk to the rear of the room. Once there she pulled a pair of cuffs out of her bag and a length of rope. She cuffed her hands in front of her then tied the rope to the cuffs. Susanna then took the other end of the rope and threw it over the lights and pulled up Dawn’s hands high above her head and tied it off on a desk.

She then took a crop out of her bag and proceeded to attack all of Dawn’s body. From her tits to the ass there wasn’t a place that wasn’t marked by the crop. Dawn was crying and begging to do anything to make it up to her Mistress. After twenty minutes Susanna released her slave and told her that when she got home that night she was to breakup with her boyfriend and kick him out of the apartment. When that was completed she was to text a message to Susanna that it was done. Dawn would then be given further instructions.

Dawn managed to get through the rest of the day without incident. Her students enjoyed her display when she sat on her desk. The boys in the front row got a bird’s eye view up her short skirt. Only once more did the egg start vibrating. Dawn, probably because her entire body was hurting because of the whipping, was able to contain the arousal. Although when the period was done, her cunt had leaked so much that the back of her skirt had a large wet spot from her cunt juices.

After the last period, Dawn hurried back to her apartment. When she arrived her boyfriend was waiting for her. Even though she had feelings for him, she wasn’t in love with him. She knew that it was going to be difficult to kick him out on short notice, but what were her choices. Let him stay and disobey her Mistress, or kick him out and piss him off. The choice was clear.

Bob her boyfriend was laying on the couch when she arrived. He was not working and hadn’t been working for a while. He had lost his job at the local automobile factory about two months ago and hadn’t worked since. Dawn entered the door and laid into him about not working, not cleaning, not bathing, not doing anything. She tore into him about anything she could think of till he lost it and grabbed his suitcase, filled it with his clothes and walked out. He screamed over his shoulder he would call to arrange to get the rest of his stuff that weekend.

Dawn sat down on the couch and started to cry. She felt like she was losing everything and her world was crashing in around her. When she had dominated Sandy, it was in fun and ended after a few hours. The way this was starting out it was going to be her life. Although she felt some arousal at being dominated, being a slave to a teenager is no way to live a life. She had to find a way to get them out of this situation. A few minutes later she reached for her phone and texted Susanna that the deed was done and Bob was gone and not coming back.

Five minutes later Susanna showed up at her door with two men in tow. They immediately went to work on Dawn’s apartment. Susanna took Dawn into the bathroom made her strip and cuffed her to the shower. Dawn was now naked and tied up in the shower listened to the men work. She wondered what they were doing and what was going to happen to her.

The balance of Sandy’s day was a roller coaster of emotions. After her lunch punishment she dared not disobey her Mistress. She stood for all of her classes. The Ben-Wa balls did exactly what they were supposed to and kept Sandy on the brink of an orgasm. Several times it took all she could do to not climax in front of her class. During the last class of the day, Anita and Susanna took great pleasure in watching her suffer. Several times they would text Sandy and ordered her to walk around the room, knowing that at any minute she might lose it and orgasm. Finally the bell rang and the class emptied except for the two Mistresses. Sandy stood by her desk and waited for instructions. Anita walked over to the door, shut and locked it. She then turned to Sandy and shouted, “WHY ARE YOU STILL DRESSED SLUT?”

Sandy jumped and quickly removed her clothes and apologized to the dominating young Mistresses. Anita then walked over to Sandy and stroked her ass, admiring the red splotches still marking the white skin. Sandy cringed as any touch sent pain through her ass and straight to her cunt. Susanna then sat at Sandy’s desk and ordered the slut to crawl over and lick her cunt as she was given her instructions.

Sandy quickly dropped to her knees and crawled between the young woman’s legs to pleasure her. As Sandy started to lick Susanna cunt, she pushed her tongue into her ass and probed her depths. When she moved up to flick her tongue over her clit Susanna started to moan as Sandy’s tongue was working its magic. Anita meanwhile pulled a thin Rain and shine coat out of her book bag. The coat had all of the buttons removed but had a belt to hold it together and tossed if on Sandy’s desk. Susanna was now very aroused as her orgasm was approaching. She grabbed Sandy’s head and ground her face into her cunt. Soon she gasped as the climax overwhelmed her senses. Sandy sat back on her haunches and waited for further instructions.

Anita walked up to Sandy and tossed her the coat. “From now on this is what you wear between your apartment and school nothing else. You will find further instructions when you get home. Now get over here and eat me, I’m horny and need some relief.”

Sandy crawled over to her Mistress and began to complete her task.