The Champion’s Companion 8

The Traveling Temple

Kaarthen had listened, but she nodded off somewhere in the second eon of Marcos’ long history. Marcos spoke at length about former countries, plots he used to separate the rival god Minun or his Champion from power, and the deaths that usually resulted from his many exploits.

When Marcos stopped talking, she was asleep and Vellina stared at him with a hungry gleam in her eye.

Vellina slid her hands under Marcos’s robe and deftly unbuttoned his manhood while rubbing her pussy. Marcos’ hand reached out and massaged her breast, and pulled her long sensitive nipples while she stroked his hard shaft and leaking head with her hands.

She moved over and together they lifted off his robe. He set it aside behind them and lay back onto it. Vellina stood and took off her loincloth quickly. She looked over at Kaarthen asleep and stroked her cheek before she straddled Marcos’ and leaned in so they were face to face.

She was wet, but she intentionally took him little by little relishing the feel of him. He reached up and grabbed her big round udders that swayed so close and lifted his head to suck her pointy rubbery teats.

Finally, she took him all into her tight warmth. Her pussy convulsed learning him and his rhythm. They rocked together slowly with powerful long thrusts, with Vellina easily climaxing continuously over him.

In her mindless haze, she felt him stop and move her off to the side. She still thirsted for his seed and her body’s need was so painfully intense she started to whimper pitifully and wriggle her hips calling him back.

Marcos grinned knowingly and pushed her shoulders down, rolled her over by swiveling her hips up, kneeled behind, and thrust into her. Her asshole winked at him as it was relaxed and pulled open by his strokes. He tried to satisfy it by hooking a thumb into her nether hole. Vellina was shocked and hissed as he kept her from rising with his other hand. He continued pounding her for minutes as she got into the pleasure. She started to push back into him with more and more urgency until her next climax imploded her.

Marcos stopped moving and fingered her ass as she lay below him with more vigor, using his other hand to hold her bucking hips. She eased up off the ground as his fingers moved into her and straightened up onto her knees. The feeling for her was alien, but not enough to make her climax.

Vellina groaned and dropped her hands behind her to grope for his cock. She tugged him forward by it understanding his desire and intent.

Marcos wrapped an arm under her breasts guided his cock in between the cheeks that he coveted to her back hole. His cock pushed in easily gaining an initial purchase. Her hole was tight, but not the tightest, it was naturally loose enough to not always be puckered. Marcos was only slightly lubricated and yet still she only moaned as he claimed her inch by inch. She leaned her head back to rest on his shoulder as he filled her. Her arms reached up and around to massage the back of his neck and head feeling his warm hard muscles.

He started to thrust into her and after a little pushing, she took him all. He changed his rhythm of thrusts into her with a quick deep pace gradually making more and more distance between thrusts. Her large ass and sturdy hips took his thick cock and its building assault easily.

Vellina leaned forward pinching her nipples and dropped her head back to the ground submitting her body and offering her ass up to him. The pleasure she received was great but it teasingly kept her just short of her peak.

Eventually, his strokes and weight pushed her body flat, and he crawled onto her and laid over her while he continued plundering her. He embraced her from behind with one arm around her breasts, the other massaged her clit lazily as he stroked her. His climax was gentle, his cock pulsed and streamed a long oozing flow into her lazily as he rubbed her bud harder so she could peak with him.


Caris noticed the change in Kassin. She was, if possible, more serious now. She was readying Ailli to join her on a hunt by the entrance. For days, she had been gone for hours and days tracking and killing anything she could find around.

“I did it. I have found a seed truly worthy of harvest. Come Ailli, we shall make strong daughters.”

Ailli was nervous as always, and only more so when Kassin wrapped her arms and legs in heavy flexible leather.

“Why wrap only my limbs for this harvest? Shall I be clinging to a rutting cactus?” Ailli asked in half jest.

“For protection.” Kassin said, as though that answer didn’t lead to other questions.

Kassin then wrapped a whip around her waist and did the same for Ailli.

“You won’t need that spear for what were hunting.” She grabbed a coil of rope from the storehouse and pulled Ailli to the entrance. “Don’t worry Caris, no matter what happens we’ll return. Time is on our side.”

They both exited and ran out heading south for almost two hours. The sun was still up in the late afternoon when they hid in the brush above the floor of a desolate valley. In front of them, a dry creek passed to the right. An animal trail crossing in front came down and joined it. Large, mostly dead bushes and blacked brush were thick along the creek’s edge a dozen yards away, and grew more sparse with distance

As Ailli waited with Kassin, an eight-foot tall ogress plodded along and came into view following the game trail. It was beady eyed with seemingly low intelligence, with a flat wide nose and wide thick lips on its face. It was the color of dirt and in a few places, a healthy pinkness came out. Its breasts were pointy looking like they had recently grown. From the waist down, her body was tree-like, bulky with hard muscles. Her ankles, knees, and thighs were all almost the same size. Above the waist, the ogress was less hulking and more slender. It was almost under developed along the arms and chest. Its stomach was skinny and flat accenting the flair of its pelvis. Its forearms were thicker then its biceps and its hands seemed swollen with three sausage like digits. A tumbled mop of black hair fell down its back and was full of twigs and dirt.

Kassin explained her plan as they kept an eye on the creature.

“I came across a large ogre rutting with the female. After it had ravished her to its climax, it propped its self up and the female continued to wriggle under it until they both came again. This continued again until the male went to sleep. I watched and other females came and went but I knew when I saw him ‘that was the seed I wanted’.

Then it occurred to me to see what the females do. I picked one, and when the female plodded away, I followed. It met another male who allowed her to eat at its burrow. It seemed to ignore her. She was on her hands and knees gorging on its stash when he came behind her and mounted her with no warning. She still ate as he fucked her until they climaxed. Again, the female rocked herself back and forth until they both climaxed again.” Kaarthen said removing her loincloth.

“What are you doing?”


“So anyway I knew I could take advantage of this but couldn’t see how at first. I had watched the next night and day and found the female working a circuit eating and rutting with five males. I noticed that the largest male was separate and seemed unrelated to the others. She seemed to go out of her way to find him. The smallest two on her circuit were nearly the same size as the female and were relatively lanky adolescents.

One of them had to rape her, since she always tried to resist. Every time they fought for him to get his chance to show dominance. He would punch, and scratch, while they rolled around fighting and pushing and holding her down, he would mount her. When his hard cock finally penetrated her, she would freeze and let him fuck. Just like the others, she would rut him after he grew tired and sluggish after his first load.

“So today, we’re going to take advantage of that and harvest the large ogre.” She announced. “I know that four other females share it. We have a window for a while since females don’t come along when another is around. Using that female will help us stay safe believe it or not.”

The two were in the bushes and rocks above and to the side of the ogress watching it plod along slowly toward the dry creek bed.

“This is one of the youngest females and she is about to enter his territory.” Kassin said.

Ailli was quite speechless and had froze in terror as Kassin told her all this.

Kassin pulled the whips from both their waists and prepared herself. She jumped out following the ogress as it dropped down the side of the bank into the dry bed. She stopped only a few yards behind it and snagged it around the neck with her whip.

While males tended to be ferocious, the younger females like this one were docile in order to survive. The females later grew more aggressive after having a brood and bulking up.

Caught along the neck, the ogress stumbled back and hit the waist high ledge of the bank behind it. Its stubby thick fingers couldn’t reach under the whip as it tried to understand what was happening. Ogres have little more than animal intelligence. The choking sensation and the pressure pulling on it, instinctively made the ogress lean back instead of turning, since it didn’t understand that it had been whipped. Kassin used the slack and passed the whip under one foot to pull its head down harder at an angle that was more than it could bend. The ogress slowed and finally passed out gurgling.

Like a shot, Kassin came up and used the rope. She tied the wrists behind its head, and the outside fingers tightly together. She then carefully unwound the whip. She took the extra rope, made a single loop around the ogress’ neck, and tugged it down off the ledge to the ground.

The ogress landed with a groan and started to wake. It quickly got panicky and made shrill calling noises. Kassin straightened the end of the rope out a few paces then dashed back, swiping its ass with the potency potion and powder as she did so. She climbed as if death was behind her to where they both hid.

“Are you sure you needed me?” Ailli squeaked, but was shushed by Kassin.

On the other side of the gulch, they could see bushes shaking ominously. The noises from back there were blocked out by the shrill squeals of their bait.

“Here it is, we’re only on the other side of the bushes from its lair,” Kassin stated. If she still had pupils, her eyes would have been dilated strangely with obsession, or fervent intensity.

Ailli was feeling quite hopeless now, and seriously had doubts about what was to happen.

The intense feelings only got more severe when she saw Kassin’s target.

Its head popped out of the bushes and paused. It was similar to the ogress in that it had three fingers, everything else was different and more extreme. It was bald. Its skin was lighter almost a golden tan brown. Its shoulders were four feet wide. Its neck was thicker than its head. The jaw was flared wide in back, and the boxy squared chin was narrowed and stuck out making it appear to grin maliciously. Its nose was wide but didn’t stick up like the ogress, but instead was smoothed down with nostrils to the sides. It had intelligent bright golden eyes that were very large on its face and catlike. She realized now why Kassin hadn’t let her have lunch as her stomach leapt to her throat.

“That’s not, an ogre, Kassin.” Ailli pointed out watching the sinuous creature leap down into the creek bed.

The monster had to be nearly 12 feet tall. It had a tail at both ends, the one in front was only half-hard and already a foot a half long, the other end was prehensile, tapered, six foot long, and forked. She reasoned it to be a demon of some kind. “…Is …ah, is she going to be okay?”

Kassin shushed her again watching the female. It wriggled to face away from him and offer its social hole. Dimwitted as it might be, it rightly feared this creature. Its life urgently depended on not being seen as some defenseless thing to be eaten.

“Don’t worry the ogress isn’t pregnant so it’ll make the right smells for the male to want to rut. As for that beautiful creature, apparently it was sired by a dragon that found an ogress.” Kassin whispered to her.

“Now watch carefully, when it climaxes I’m going to pull the ogress off it. This may make them upset. All you must do is wet its cock with some potion and sit on it just as we always do together. I’ll be right there dusting it with powder so don’t worry. Now, let’s take off your loincloth. I’ll get you ready.” Kassin said as she pulled down Ailli’s loincloth and rubbed her lover. Ailli was still frozen in shock and staring at the creatures, but her body responded to Kassin’s practiced touch. Kassin poured small amount of the potency potion on her fingers for some directly injected liquid courage as she worked over her reluctant lover.

The two ogres slowly worked towards each other. The male was cautious but already hard and the female mewled and whimpered under him backing up on her knees to him. The male leaned in and licked her ass where the potion was. The female’s scent and her flooded musky pussy hid most of the smell of Kassin and her ropes. It continued and moved up and over her to smell the ropes directly.

Female ogresses have vaginas that are constantly wet for just these situations. Once the male was in position, the female jammed back a few times trying to catch his cock and make the conversion into ‘safe’ territory as a mate. Finally, it caught his rod that had hardened into a straight two feet long pole wider than Kassin’s arm.

She bucked into him a few times then stopped hoping to have convinced him she was friendly and willing. When he didn’t move, she started squealing and whimpering louder, and again thrust her ass back onto him frantically. She didn’t stop this time and really started moving herself with all her instinctive talent.

Ailli noticed how the male seemed to smirk down at her desperation. If this creature had the dragon’s side of the brains as she was already noticing, they could be in a bad situation.

Behind her, Kassin was working almost her whole hand into her pussy trying to relax the hole. The stretching and the potion burned her with pleasant warmth and made her sweat, as she stayed locked onto what the other pair was doing.

The female ogress was sweating and grunting along his length. She had her face in the dirt and was on her knees pushing back onto him taking the whole two feet into her frothy hole. She was mewling and groaning guttural noises the whole time emphasizing her vulnerability and willingness to please. Finally, he shared his load with a content growl visibly sagging onto her back. The female continued but obviously slowed under his weight. She silently worked to make him completely satisfied like her life depended on it.

Kassin charged down hill to the couple pulling Ailli along. They made it to the ledge of the creek bed and dropped down among the two. Kassin pressed the potion into Ailli’s hand and knotted it to her wrist then told her to get ready. The two rutting ogres didn’t notice or concern themselves with their presence. The women were simply not considered a threat to them even in a position of relative vulnerability.

That attitude is what Kassin counted on, and allowed her to catch the female with a hard straight kick to the hip. Dislodged, Ailli saw the male’s cock wagging around and jumped in grabbing the tumescence with both hands stroking him. Kassin paused from rolling away the ogress and threw a dash of fertility powder in the quizzical ogre’s face. He blinked stupidly and sneezed, but that was all that needed to happen. He quickly started to hump Ailli’s hand making very low rumbling noise.

“Use the potion and push him onto his back. Don’t worry, I think they’re not violent anymore.” Kassin directed reassuringly.

So far, this was going well. But, Ailli knew if they lost control, things would get bad one bite at a time.

Ailli tried and sure enough, with one-hand stroking the underside of his cock, she was able to push the calmed benevolent monster onto its back where it propped itself up watching with amusement showing on its calm face.

She got on its hips, pulled the potion’s cap off, and poured the contents down its piss hole and around the head. The effect was immediate, and the head darkened as the whole organ pulsed and grew to a huge two and a half feet and as thick as her knee. Ailli had to take deep breaths to calm herself. Her mind was rebelling at placing its body in such a vulnerable position.

She squatted over the giant spike idly wondering if they were the first to do this. The thought took over and gave her the courage to fuck her second cock ever.

She didn’t get far. She actually stopped with a good four inches of the head inside as her legs locked up. Kassin had to jump in jamming her further down and helping her back up as she lolled limply like rag doll. She got a good nine inches in before she screamed enough and worked with Kassin to work with what she had.

Kassin kept dashing powder in the ogre’s face and eventually it further swelled within Ailli and came again. It rumbled under her and a gushes of semen escaped down her legs and floated her off the ogre’s cock.

As the male rumbled, they noticed the female making noises. She was curled up watching them, and no readable expression was on the ogress’ face whatsoever.

Kassin helped Ailli off, congratulating her and dumped her potion remaining bottle on the glistening pole. Kassin then quickly replaced Ailli but had the same problem of freezing up only partially impaled. Ailli helped her and rubbed her bud as she too went limp. Apparently, it helped since the ogre came with her quickly and then fell asleep in disinterest.

Kassin was pained trying to stand up off of the monstrous organ. She was not usually penetrated as they had sex and its cock had knocked her open pretty good. Her sore ‘flower’ was stretched and gushing gobs. In a stupor, Kassin looked around at everything.

“I think we won’t have to do this again.” She said grinning conspiratorially at Ailli.

Kassin jubilantly congratulated Ailli again and they packed up to get back.


Marcos had continued his story. He spoke of wives he had, each more beautiful then the next. He spoke of adventures in every place and several on the high seas. He spoke of sadness finding out the children he sired with mortals were borne as vampires. Long ago, his anger toward the creatures started when he had returned to his apartments to find his seven-year-old fraternal twin children eating their dead mother. He talked about his shock as the boy, his beautiful blond son who looked just like his mother, attacked him. He killed boy but the girl escaped him.

He spoke of how he prosecuted a private war on vampires, attacking them onsite until a few thousand years ago. He met with the remaining hand full of surviving children or their representatives and forgave them. He told them to stay out of Menthino and to tell the others who refused to see him.

He spoke of how he gained power over the years, and eventually asked the Dark Mother herself, to allow him to have mortal children. Kaarthen knew that to be the first time the Dark Mother started to love him.

Their traveling was peaceful across the mountains. The land slowly lowered and mountains turned to hills and the trees thickened. They listened as they walked, and during sad parts, Vellina would suck him while Kaarthen would have him drink from her breasts and console him.

They came upon a ‘Traveling Temple’ as they exited the woods. They were in the waters of the Ort below the trio under the cliffs. They met up with them that night. The group was young and idealistic and they came from cities in western Menthino. Like most of Menthino, they looked at the Ort with reverence. There were nearly one hundred and fifty Priestesses and 20 Shield maidens and Huntresses. Most were young Priestesses borne in enclaves, a few others were young women who just finished conscription and pondered a path for their new lives. The group had come to this dangerous area to taste and bathe in the waters as they ‘descended from the Dark Mother’s loins’.

When they found out they were meeting the Champion of the Dark Mother, they spoke in backhanded honorifics to the women. Kaarthen was addressed as ‘the Champion’s blessed maternal sheath’ or ‘The Goddess’ chosen milk carrier to the Champion’. Vellina was named ‘submitting Sister of the Companion’ or ‘Vessel of the Champion’s fertile excesses’. Marcos finally quit smirking and had the young and bitter women address them as ‘Companion’, ‘consort’, ‘mistress’, or just their names.

The Shield maidens were interested in a visit to the wilderness of the eastern mountains. They got excited with the news of a new enclave and the energy quickly spread. The name ‘Spear Mistress’ rang in the women’s collective psyche as a return to glory.

Most Shield maidens who protect traveling temples are semi retired Warrioresses on break from the harsh life of tracking fugitives and killing troublesome animals. They took it easy with the group resting and being comfortable.

In general, the Warrioresses commonly wear armor depending on what they can afford and have a symbolic grey boar pelt tied over their shoulders.

The Warrioress doesn’t fight for honor like a Huntress. They usually carry the heavy weapons like halberds, battleaxes, and maces. Short re-curve cavalry bows are carried for distance. As Shield Maidens, they also use a variety of weapons but their role is slight restricted.

The next morning found a different attitude among the pilgrims.

Five Huntresses and Shield maidens and several of the Priestess were angry and wanted to fight. Kaarthen couldn’t understand how they could get angry with them. Marcos had to tell her that these were the people who liked to be ‘in charge’. Last night had disturbed their plans and so now, they want to take control back.

They challenged Vellina since she wasn’t of relative importance. However, Kaarthen shouted down that silliness. She sent Vellina back to Marcos and challenged ‘everyone who wanted to stop the Dark Mother’s Traveling Temple from helping a new enclave’.

The Priestesses couldn’t fight and that left the five. Kaarthen took the time to remind everyone that those who go to the new enclave must all fight. She sneered at the Priestess who balked after only last night talking about how devoted she was.

They shouted back at her, unbelieving that a significant revelation of the Goddess was given that changed how traditions were done.

Two kinds of rage forced her to lift Lourndai and challenge them, or any who would fight.

The five were the only ones to accept the challenge they told Kaarthen they wouldn’t give her any quarter.

She responded, telling them they won’t need to. Three of the five were older Shield maidens with some grey hairs but still hard of body. Two were Huntresses that Marcos noted were stupidly using the foot and a half long blades. Vellina tensed in his arms. He felt the need to remind her that Kaarthen literally had nothing to worry about from this group. He did however lament aloud how the good fortune of running into a group so soon had been just as quickly spoiled.

Kaarthen heard all of this and the heart beats of those who stood before her. While they breathed to relax and slid into various battle forms, she stood calm.

“Come.” She beckoned. These mortals before her were dust given souls.

She stood relaxed, feet together one knee bent slightly with a hand out imploring. Lourndai was held relaxed just below the blade behind her and to the side. One day, the Sisters would make a statue of the pose for the entrances of enclaves.

They charged. Two Shield maidens had full swords and shields, one a short spear, the Huntresses trailed.

Two paces from Kaarthen they burst into brilliant white flame and fell screaming to their knees. As they fell flat, the flames went out and they found themselves whole and unburned.

The five didn’t move their eyes were wide and unseeing. They had seen their deaths, some as old women who needed care to get to the bath, others in a few months hence. All had seen this revelation while feeling the pain of the awaiting deepest darkest furnace of the Dark Mother’s eternal prison.

“That wasn’t done to punish you, or to beat you. It was a trade done by the rules. Armed with long sight, and knowing that which most mortals covet. I want to ask you: what is important? Where and what drives you, that you can’t do this?” Kaarthen asked quietly.

“Companion you are merciful, we knew this to be a test. Our sisters who could fight would leave for the few of us a large group to defend. We also never knew we would travel further. Without supplies, one or both groups would be in danger to slavers if we split. We know the lands you speak to be dangerous wilds, and full of the oldest creatures. We thought they would die at best or be defiled by some abomination at worst.” A black-haired Shield maiden with crows’ feet and weathered cheeks responded after catching her breath. She pushed up her upper body while sprawled on the ground to address Kaarthen.

“Speak plainly was that concern what really made you attack?” Kaarthen asked. She knew, because the Goddess inside of her knew, that plenty of other nastier emotions were at work with some of them.

“No Companion, I was with pride and fear. Your eye’s are like the stories. I know you see us as clear as water. I would not let the temple split and would not go into those mountains with them. Forgive me. I know those sisters deserve better then my weakness.” Pleaded a dark haired Huntress her age on hands and knees in back.

“I admire your honesty, but it pains me to know that three Sisters alone in that wilderness charged with destroying a widespread enemy does not call your heart and sing for your blade.” Kaarthen started, curious where all this was going. “If the other Sisters share this fear, the Goddess may believe it necessary for a purge of reluctance, so that the fervent may help the oppressed and thin spread among us.”

Kaarthen paused looking over them to the group before speaking for all. “Know that those who go forth will be blessed with a rapid and safe journey. However, if you wish to return, you would also be safe traveling with us. We travel to Mavvus at the moment. I cannot direct you, but I implore you all to meditate for yourselves over this so you do not regret the decision for any flippant or arbitrary reason.”

She felt herself completely pleased. More would go than return, and that was mostly because of the speech. Those that returned would keep her from incinerating every sister they met. She had to remind herself that here in Menthino, most Sisters would know the Champion and that should help her keep a low profile.

The women divided and packed for the rest of the day. Sisters continuously added themselves to those going. Eventually all the Huntresses and Shield maidens went along. A group of fifteen Priestesses opted to go back.

Marcos watched Kaarthen like a hawk, and she could feel his stares throughout the day as she answered questions and gave directions. They all settled in for the night out on the edge of where the traveling temple had camped.

Some time during the night Vellina had went to make water and returned leaving her loincloth off. She felt frisky and went to unbuttoned Marcos’ pants but found someone already there sucking him gently. The person was in the shadows and crouched between Marcos’ legs. Vellina watched quietly as they relieved him of his load. After they were done, they left and Vellina could see Kaarthen on the other side of Marcos watching as well. Kaarthen stroked him with her hand while Vellina scooted closer and cupped and massaged his balls.

As soon as they got him hard, another shadowy figure emerged and crouched between his legs. She stroked his stomach with both hands saying a quiet prayer and took him into their mouth. Vellina watched in wonder, and Kaarthen watched in arrogant propriety as the woman licked and sucked him while massaging his balls.

Vellina started to rub herself thinking of a way to get to his cock. She imagined sucking it, but also riding it surrounded by Kaarthen and these shadowy women as they watched her. Once the woman took yet another load and left, Vellina quickly moved in to straddle him. His cock was soft however, and Vellina spent a few minutes rubbing him up her oozing slit getting him up to usefulness.

Kaarthen sat up next to her and grasped her around the waist. Vellina was surprised when she then carefully and gently sucked her nipple. Sapphic play between the two had so far just been accidental touches and kissing while sucking his cock. Kaarthen’s extremely gentle hands stroked the undersides of her breasts and navel before dropping to her bud and hefting the cheeks of her generous backside.

Under them, Marcos had become active and hardened at the sight of them. He penetrated her pussy as she mewled and groaned from the mix of sensations already making her peak. He grasped her hips possessively as she danced on him and grinded them back and forth. Vellina climaxed with a moan and the sensations continued as her lovers ignored it.

Small eruptions and twitches continued through her as Marcos ceaselessly grinded deep within her core while Kaarthen pulled and twisted her bud between her fingers as it ground along into his wispy pubic hair and hard abs.

Kaarthen started licking her neck after moving to sit tightly behind her. She pulled Vellina’s honey colored mane up and over her head and she chewed and nibble her ears, neck, spine, and shoulders.

Vellina climaxed again, her body was becoming a sweating quivering mass of womanhood under them. Her lovers continued attacking her body through its climax from underneath, in front, behind, and over the top. Kaarthen kept her from falling forward limply under the barrage.

Vellina climaxed a third time her body tightening and a long stifled moan of suffering escaped her clenched teeth. Vellina’s body wanted to curl up into a ball but the two working together continued their assault.

A fourth orgasm hit, making her sigh out a groan and fall back into Kaarthen. Sparks flashed in front of her eyes, and she made weak noises of protest as they continued. She was pushed forward onto Marcos and didn’t have the energy to jump when Kaarthen started fingering her ass. Marcos below her kissed and licked her face and neck. She could feel Kaarthen behind her grinding her pussy into the left cheek of her ass and rubbing her hands all around her back. Drops of Kaarthen’s milk sprinkled onto her as the lusty Amazon built to her own frenzy.

She climaxed a fifth time and reared up her upper body. Kaarthen caught her with a restraining arm around her front between her pendulous breasts. She was turned and she saw a sight better than what she had fantasized not a few moments ago. Four women and many more in the shadows circled them and masturbated to their display. Beyond them, shadowy limbs moved as groups engaged in energetic Sapphic play. Marcos pinched her sensitive nipples then and Kaarthen brought her off with a bite to the ear.

Climaxing for the sixth time, Marcos erupted under her. The feeling of his explosion seemed to turn all her pain and exhaustion into ecstasy and she passed out.


Caris’ mornings lately had been carefree. She would wake, bathe, and eat the stew from the night prior. Once outside, she would practice with the spear or meditate in the temple with Ailli until midday. When she came out of the dorm this morning, she heard the whining noises of some thing braying to the south.

She figured the Kassin and Ailli had captured more men than need to be sacrificed. She walked down to see if any were worthy of harvest. She was quite surprised to see a giant plainly female something shackled. A large four foot diameter column twenty feet tall arose over the creature it was placed parallel to eight other columns to line a path to the flat wide rocks in the stream.

The female creature was bent with her head level to her waist. Her arms were shackled together behind her back up high with tight magical chains that extended from the top of the column. A collar kept her head down and it ran through a ring before splitting and shackling the creature’s feet. The creature only got louder when it noticed Caris. Its head and shoulders were resting against the column. The chain hobbling its feet was very short. The ring was so high on the column that the creature could only stand bent, if it sat it would choke it’s self.

The creature was obviously miserable. Sometimes, men would be out here in the same position stripped naked. None ever died by simply sitting down and choking themselves, despite the agony and embarrassment.

Caris’ only regret was that it was a woman. She figured it must have done something to be brought here. Using her hands, she brought water to the creature. It was morning and the sun would get hot since it was already cloudless. In the enclave, it was much warmer than the surrounding area. The sunlight was strong here at high altitude. Caris eventually tired of helping it and wandered off to practice her combat forms for the morning. She wondered what kind of weapons could take down a creature like that.

Ailli woke late in the afternoon. She felt like the day before had been a dream. After breeding the ogre, they had taken the ogress. Kassin had walked along side it with her whip out and ready as Ailli had led its rope leash. Once they got into the enclave, Kassin had brought it to the flat rocks and prayed quietly. Ailli didn’t know how it happened but one column they used to hold prisoners had grown taller and thicker. When they chained the ogress, the chains were thicker too. She knew some other things happened but it was a haze and she had been too tired.

Ailli brought some rice and stew in a serving bowl down to the creature. As she left the clean kitchen area, she paused in her room and dressed in a short robe that ended at her thighs. Walking past the stone buildings of storehouses to the creature, she tried to remember more. Kassin had said she intended to bond the creature to the enclave but Ailli had never heard of that before or any example similar.

She tried to feed the creature, but as it ate, it chewed and ate the wooden spoon also. She was reduced to tipping the bowl and pushing food in its mouth.

Once done feeding, she looked the creature over for wounds anywhere. Its legs were a mess with small cuts all around the knees and ass. The ogress even had thick calluses on its back from all the rough rutting. As she walked around, she came to the creatures winking social hole. It was frothy with moisture. The stress and uncomfortable position had forced its body to try to use its only defense mechanism, which was sex.

Ailli first looked at it with disgust. She was reminded of the creature shamefully submitting earlier to save its own life.

Ailli had been raised to see that as the worst kind of life. She thought of the extreme stretching the hole must do too please those big demanding males.

She was shocked that she got hard thinking these nasty thoughts. Her cock was waving around and if she didn’t feel the breeze on its wet length, she wouldn’t have noticed. She stopped staring at the filthy hole. The scent of musk stayed on the wind with her and drove her crazy.

Ailli back away over to the column across from the creature. The night before Kassin had dropped her whip there after they finished binding it. Ailli wanted to hurt this creature for its shameful display and for arousing her to consider using its filthy body. She grabbed the whip and turned back to consider how much she could get away with. She understood the damage the whip could do and understood her lover Kassin wanted the ogress protected for more than just a sacrifice.

Walking up to its backside, she stroked its cheeks feeling around again but this time for places where she could hurt it. Her hands were drawn to its active drooling hole.

She touched its bud. The clitoris on the creature was oddly shaped. It wasn’t atop the pisshole and partially hooded like a woman. Instead, it surrounded the pisshole in a tight puckered swollen ring. The outer lips on the sides exposed the clit to likely make it an easy target for a swinging set of heavy ogre balls

She pushed a finger at the hole, the ogress immediately tightened up. Backing up she bent the whip in half. She wanted to teach this filthy creature to obey. Mercilessly, she punched its cunt with her fingers together. A battle was waged and the monster bore down and tried to stop its own degradation. She swung the doubled up whip hard, striking its hip. The ogress jumped and lost its concentration. The fingers she’d been ramming forward sank in until the ogress stopped her again. Its feet were moving to kick but it couldn’t move an inch. Ailli jammed forward again but couldn’t take anymore of the clenched hole. She whipped it twice, on its thighs and to the top of its ass. Each strike her hand slipped in a little further. She added one more strike every time it balked or tried to refuse her. She repeated the process, intent on teaching the monster and focused on claiming it with her touch.

She got to seven before the ogress had an orgasm from the whip. Its confused howl felt great as her arm slid in up to the elbow. By then it was sweating and wasn’t standing still. She got to the end of the hole at ten. The ogress had resorted to wagging and bucking its hips like a happy dog. Nevertheless, just past her elbow the hole finally stopped. Ailli felt the puckered ring of the creature’s cervix. It occurred to her as she fingered it, that this was a wall she could get past. She wanted to teach this filthy shameful creature a lesson that would not ever be forgotten. She dropped her whip and rubbed its huge bud. She poked the cervix and the clitoris with her fingers trying to gain entry into each.

She didn’t care that the creature came, how hard, or how many times. She was too focused to notice her own hard-on aching for stimulation. She just kept working her fingers into the tightly puckered holes.

She was easily able to get one finger into the creatures piss hole. It wouldn’t open further so she twiddled her index finger into it, flicked it with her middle finger, or pinched it with her thumb while she, twisted, pulled, and hooked her finger in it.

The cervix was harder to crack open but quickly got easier. She got one, then two, then three fingers into it. The ogress was howling constantly now and had the cutest hiccups. Ailli’s hand and arms were dripping its fluids everywhere. She pulled her finger from the ogress’s pisshole.

Pulling her arm out slightly from the clenching vagina, she bent her elbow. Her cock was really distracting now. She jammed and kissed it against the creature’s clitoris, almost jealous of the creature’s pleasure. She could feel it clenching its mushy pussy on her arm as it continued to bray.

Ailli was the type of person to do research, and the enclave’s library was perfect for that. Ailli had learned from the books in the enclave library a spell to enlarge her cock. Once cast it gave her the ideal size for her lover. She hadn’t demonstrated it for Kassin yet, since Ailli liked a good suck, and Kassin usually did the fucking. Casting it one handed was difficult, but it worked, and she got a nearly two foot long cock the width of her foot.

She pulled her arm from the ogress’ crotch and heard a whimper of relief. She chuckled, almost laughing aloud, as she heard it. She looked over at its head and saw its sweaty hair sticking to its face she slapped the top of it’s ass to hold the laughter in.

She lifted her cock for its hole while still giggling. The hips of the ogress were a little too high to be comfortable. She used the handle of the whip on the back of its knees to make it bend them lower. The wet sound of gurgling reminded her to make it take a small step forward.

The creature had no idea yet that it wasn’t just being given more pain. However, Ailli upon discovering the ogress’ cunt at just the right height plunged her cock in to its complete surprise.

The hot wet cunt felt marvelous and the ogress under her took her length with another surprised howl. Ailli noted the training was going well since the ogress didn’t attempt to stop its violation.

Ailli’s oversized cock was also over sensitive, and feeling the pussy in so many more places after the long wait was too much for her. She was only able to get a few satisfying strokes in before she exploded.

The orgasm was toe curling, but the sensation of shooting what felt like buckets of cum was instantly addictive. She froze jammed deeply into her wheezing lover for literally minutes as gouts and gobs of sperm spurted out her giant cock.

Ailli understood in an instant, the instinctive fascination of shooting a load of potent sperm into a vagina. She had normally taken blowjobs from Kassin. She was familiar with the desire at the end to shoot deeply until her warm receptive mouth and watch her accept it in her body when she swallowed. The difference now was exponentially amazing. The urge to thrust in her load deeply was compounded by the knowledge that the cervix she was against was loose and open. She also felt the ogress milk her as the flood went in, which made her want to push deeper and deeper. Those feelings, and the magically enlarged cock, kept her orgasm going for much longer then normal, rolling her eyes and lolling her head back despite the lack of intense pleasure compared to a female orgasm.

Finally, she dismounted. Despite feeling like she had ran a full sprint the whole time, she felt marvelous. A pleasant ache of emptiness told her in one shot she had completely relieved herself of seed in the well-adapted creature’s pleasure hole.

She stood feeling the sun and the air on her face with her hands on her hips. A feeling of well being and contentment with the world flooded her. She stared down at her cock as a thing of beauty and wiggled her hips.

Ailli remembered where she was, and walked around to the front of the ogress to share her mood. There was no expression on its face. The plain field of flesh didn’t have the features for showing expressions. The ogress was simply two beady eyes without eyebrows, two nostrils and a wide mouth. The whole face was one color of brown except the very edges around the eyes that was pink. The constant smooth color was without lighting or darkening on the nose, cheekbones, or forehead.

Ogress flinched at the sight of her, and stared at her cock. Ailli only felt disgust looking at it. It needed something to remember her by. She sauntered in a circle around it a few times thinking of what to do. Its nipples grabbed her attention, so she played with them idly. Its abused pussy was swelling shut after the workout trapping her spending. She smiled to herself and dipped her right hand into it getting a handful of her essence. She walked to the front and looked at it again. She grabbed a nipple and pinched hard keeping good pressure. She looked at the creature’s face, and spread her cum across and down its forehead letting it drip down its nose and cheeks. The ogress’ eyes were moving tying to look at anything but her. Ailli reveled in the creature submissiveness toward her and smiled broadly. Once the ogress licked the dripping cum off its lips, the filthy creature just stopped and looked at her in another unreadable expression.

Probably begging mercy Ailli thought.