The Mortal and the Magic Wand – Chapter 04 – Thursday

Abbie gets the wand.


Josh and Lara eventually returned to Josh’s bedroom, and got to work fucking on his bed, not caring in the slightest that they were soaking wet. They made love in just about every position you can think of, eventually passing into unconsciousness in the early hours of the morning. They were eventually woken up by Josh’s alarm telling him it was time for school. Josh’s still-erect cock was buried inside Lara’s pussy, and he felt her wriggle and groan underneath him.

“Uh God, I don’t want to get up…” she said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it,” Josh said, intending to make Lara disappear back to where she came from. He opened his eyes, and pulled out of her, willing his cock soft as he did. Josh rolled over and reached for the wand, but it wasn’t there. He sat up, and began looking around frantically for it.

“What’s wrong?” Lara asked him.

“Uh, can you see a wooden stick with weird symbols on it anywhere?” Josh asked her.

“No, why?”

“Uh…nothing. Listen, you just go back to sleep, I’ll be back later, okay?”

“I’ll be waiting,” Lara said, kissing him, before snuggling back under the covers.

This was bad, this was very bad. He needed the wand. At the very least, he didn’t want to have to explain to his parents why he had a naked video game character in his bed. And then there were all the people at school who’d probably kill him once they realised he was now powerless. Josh got dressed quickly, and decided to check the bathroom to see if he’d left the wand in there last night. As he left his room however, he heard quite a lot of girly moans, and the occasional manly groans. They were coming from Abbie’s room. The door was ajar, and when Josh walked in, he was shocked what he saw. His sister, naked, having sex.

But there wasn’t just one of her. In the room were 5 Abbies, all having sex with a different guy, whom, had Josh been more musically knowledgeable, he’d have been able to identify as the 4 current and 1 former members of One Direction. One Abbie was sat on her desk chair, being eaten out. Another Abbie was on the floor, being fucked doggy-style. A third Abbie was 69ing at the head of the bed, while a fourth Abbie was next to her, being fucked doggy style.

The final Abbie was the one at the foot of the bed, riding her guy reverse-cowgirl. This Abbie looked right at Josh, grinning.

“Morning,” she said, the words being spoken by all 5 Abbies, though only this Abbie was looking at Josh. “Sleep well?”

“What the fuck…” Josh said, before noticing that this 5th Abbie was holding the wand. “Uh, Abbie…”

“What’s the matter, Josh? Scared that your sister’s a goddess now?” Abbie asked.

“Abbie, put that down, you don’t know what that is…”

“It’s a magic wand. I found it in your room last night, while you were fucking that bimbo in the shower. Who was she?”

“Uh…Lara Croft,” Josh replied.

“Isn’t she a video game character?” Josh nodded. “Wow, that’s kinda hot, I might try something like that later.”

“She’s asleep in bed now, I can’t get rid of her without the wand.”

“Well I can fix that. Make Lara Croft disappear!” Abbie waved the wand.

“Thanks…now can I please have the wand back?”

“No way! I can do anything I want now! Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you. In fact, you’ll enjoy this next thing. Everyone in this room will orgasm right NOW!”

Josh’s dick shot to full mast, and began filling his pants with semen. The 5 Abbies and 5 guys came too, all groaning out loudly. When it was over, Josh was down on his knees from the pleasure.

“Alright, teleport the One Direction guys and Zayn back to where they came from,” Abbie commanded. She waved the wand, and they disappeared. “Now return me to one body.” With that, the 4 other Abbies disappeared too. The one remaining girl stood up, and walked over to her brother.

“Aw, down on your knees for me? Such a good boy,” Abbie said, hands on her hips.

“Not like I had much choice,” Josh said.

“No, not really. No-one has much choice about anything now that I’m in charge,” Abbie said proudly.

“What about mom and dad? Didn’t they hear us just now?”

“No, I commanded them not to. Because I’m smart enough to do that. I don’t run around the house naked with video game characters. Now I suggest you go change your clothes and get ready for school, unless you wanna turn up with underwear full of cum.”

Josh left the room, and Abbie shut her door behind him. This was horrible! He’d gone from being a god to being a goddess’ older brother! He just hoped she’d be kind to him.
Josh changed his clothes, and headed downstairs. His parents had gone to work while he was with Abbie, so he was alone for now. Josh poured himself a bowl of cereal, and sat down to eat it. He was mostly just focused on his cereal, so it took him by surprise when his cock suddenly sprang into action, becoming hard as stone for seemingly no reason. Josh heard giggling, and looked up to see his sister stood in the doorway, and God, she was sexy. It wasn’t just that her boobs and butt were bigger, it was something else. She was sex incarnate.

“I made it so that all guys are hard in my presence and all girls are wet,” she declared. “And that everyone who sees me will lust after me, but won’t do me unless tell them to.”

“Fuck…” Josh said, trying to resist jerking off right there and then.

“Come on, we’re walking to school together. I wanna ask you some stuff.”

Josh and Abbie began walking to school, his cock straining against his trousers the whole time.

“When did you get the wand?” Abbie asked. “Don’t bother trying to lie. I made it so no-one can lie to me, or refuse to answer.”

“Monday, on the way home from school.”


“In a bush.”

“Do you know where it came from?”


“Were you a virgin before Monday?”


“Who’d you lose it to?”

“Some girl I met at the swimming pool. I just picked her and her friend cause they looked hot.”

“Who else have you had sex with?”

Josh proceeded to list off every girl he’d done stuff with, and Abbie just nodded.

“Typical teenage boy.”

“Hey, you did it too.”

“True, I’m a typical teenage girl. I used it to lose my virginity too, and I plan on getting laid a lot more today too.”

They arrived at school, and Abbie turned to her brother.

“You’d better get to class then. And don’t be too sad about losing the wand to me.”

“I fail to see how that’s possible.”

“I promise I’ll be a nice sister slash goddess. And if you’re a good brother, maybe I’ll think about getting you a hot girlfriend. Now run along.”

Abbie turned and walked away. Josh just stared at her ass the whole time, thinking about how much he wanted to bend her over and plough her. Only when she was out of sight did both these feelings and his erection subside.


“You wanted to see me, Principal Drummond?” Asked a boy who’d been summoned to her office first thing in the morning.

“Yes Peter, I notice your grades have been slipping quite considerably recently,” Mrs Drummond said to him.

“I’m sorry ma’am, please don’t call my parents, they’ll kill me,” Peter said.

“Oh I have no intention of doing that. In fact, how would you like some of those grades to turn into As?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you do me a favour, and I do you a favour.”

“Like what?”

“You know Josh Stoney?”


“He has something I want you to get from him. It’s a wooden stick with weird markings on it.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. But make absolutely sure he doesn’t know until it’s too late, or it’ll be all the worse for both of us.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t need to know that. Just get me that stick!”


Josh arrived at his first class of the day, still feeling deflated. There he found John, being swooned over by his girls outside the classroom.

“Hey Josh, what’s up?” John asked him, but Josh just ignored him and walked into the classroom. He sat down at his desk, and Josh followed him. “What’s the matter?”


“Uh, okay. Well listen, I was thinking of some more girls you could get for me. Maybe Lucy Taylor, and Monica Lavoro, and Jenny-”

“I can’t,” Josh said plainly.

“Of course you can. With that wand, you can do anything!”

“That’s the problem! I don’t have it anymore!”

“WHAT!? What happened!?”

“Abbie took it! She’s got my magic now!”

“Well, can’t we get it back from her?”

“I doubt it. She knows not to slip up like I did. And anyway, she’s probably listening to us right now.”

“Well if she is, then I’d just like to say that your sister is the hottest girl I’ve ever seen, and if she ever needs a co-god or a priest for her new religion, I’d be up for that. Or hell, if she just wants someone to fuck I’d definitely be up for that!”

“You’re a sick man, John.”

“We go well together.”

Abbie wasn’t watching the boys, as she had far more interesting things to worry about. Specifically a whole list of guys at school that she wanted to fuck. And she intended to have every single one of them. Fortunately, with the wand, every single person who saw her, male or female, old or young, would want nothing more than to make passionate love to her. So she felt nothing but confidence as she approached Matt and Eric, two guys in her first class of the day.

“Hey guys,” Abbie said sexily.

“Um…hi Abbie…” Matt said, gobsmacked that this gorgeous goddess was even talking to him.

“Listen, we’re both horny right now, so how about instead of heading to class, we go in an empty classroom and you can put those boners to work?” Abbie said directly.

“I, uh…what?” Eric stuttered. Abbie just responded by taking the boys’ hands, something which was borderline orgasmic in their magically-enhanced state, and dragged them off to a classroom which was out of the way.

“Get naked,” Abbie ordered, already topless herself by the end of the sentence. By the time the boys were clothesless, Abbie was also nude, one hand on her hip, the other holding the wand.

“Uh Abbie, what’s that thing?” Eric asked.

“You two won’t question the wand,” Abbie commanded, waving it as she did. “You also won’t cum unless I give you permission.”

Abbie then sat down on a chair, and spread her legs.

“Eric, come over here and eat me out,” Abbie ordered, and Eric did as he was told. He got down on his knees, and bent down to begin licking Abbie’s hairless pussy. “Ohhhh yeah, that’s the stuff.”

Abbie shut her eyes for a few minutes, and just enjoyed this feeling of cunnilingus. Eric wasn’t exactly an expert in this department, but given until last night she’d never even kissed a boy, she didn’t exactly have much to compare it with. Abbie came quickly however, due to her increased sensitivity, and moaned and shuddered for a long time. Eric stopped licking, but Abbie just held his head down.

“I didn’t say stop,” Abbie said, annoyed, and Eric got back to work. Meanwhile, she looked at Matt. “Fuck Eric in the ass.”

“Uh, Abbie, we don’t roll that way,” Matt objected.

“We’ll see about that,” Abbie said, before waving the wand. “You two are now bisexual, and in love with each-other.” Matt’s expression changed, and he immediately grabbed hold of Eric by the waist, and rammed him cock into his ass. The boys moaned, which Abbie felt in her pussy, and Matt began thrusting backwards and forwards like he’d done this a million times. Matt squeezed Eric’s ass, while Eric continued to lap away at Abbie’s vagina. The three of them were in heaven.

“Oh God! Oh God! I’m gonna…Uhhhhh God I’m cumming…” Abbie groaned as she went over the edge. “UH! Cum now guys!” The boys didn’t need to be told twice, and their cocks immediately erupted. Matt filled Eric’s ass with his jizz, while Eric merely erupted all over the floor in an orgasm that was just as amazingly pleasurable.
When her own orgasm ended, Abbie got up, leaving the boys to finish shooting their last spurts of jizz. She then climbed up onto a table, facing the boys, before getting down on her hands and knees.

“When you boys are done, Eric come and fuck me, and Matt, come and get your dick sucked,” Abbie ordered. A few seconds later, they stood up, and assumed their positions. Eric got behind Abbie, and slid inside her pussy, taking his own virginity as he did. Meanwhile, Matt stood in front of Abbie, presenting his erection to her. She then slid it into her mouth, and the 3 teens moaned as their scholastic sex-session continued.

Second period for Josh meant PE, which he was worried about. It wasn’t soccer, meaning his previous command to be the best player in the world was useless now. But that wasn’t what he was worried about. No, what he was worried about was the fact that in this class Josh’s 11th grade class would be playing hockey against the 10th grade girls’ class. The one Abbie was in. Which meant his chances of winning were probably less than 0.

Josh walked into the changing rooms, he and John not speaking to one-another, both trying to process what was going on. Josh noticed Peter was eyeing him oddly, but aside from that, nothing seemed to be off. He took his t-shirt off, followed by his trousers and underwear. It was only when he was completely naked did he realise something was off. In his head, getting naked for PE was totally normal. Everyone in the school did PE naked, they always did. His memories of school PE all confirmed this.

But he also remembered that two days prior, he’d wished for a class of girls at this school to do PE nude. Why would he have done that if it was already done? This led Josh to assume therefore that this new reality was in fact something Abbie had done with the wand. In fact, that was probably why they had PE together now. Which did lead Josh to worry what else he thought of as fact might actually be Abbie controlling his mind.

Once everyone was naked, the boys walked out onto the astroturf. No-one was particularly embarrassed by their nudity, since as far as they were concerned they’d done this a thousand times. The other door then opened, and suddenly all the boys became impossibly erect, and Josh recognised the feelings of lust filling him. The girls came pouring out of their changing room, naked as the day they were born, and Abbie was leading them.

“Hey bro, how’s it going?” Abbie asked, skipping over to her brother. She was still holding the wand, although no-one else was taking any notice of it.

“Abbie…did you do all this? The nudity? And us playing together?” Josh asked her.

“Wow, you’re not as dumb as you look,” she said. “Don’t worry though, I promise to go easy on you.”

Abbie kissed her brother on the cheek, and then ran off to join her team. It was simply girls vs boys, although given everyone present was horny and lusting after Abbie, Josh wondered how able they’d really be. As it turned out, Josh began playing rather well. Far better than he’d expected to. He got the puck, and the girls tried to get it off of him, but he shot, and scored the first goal of the match.

And then, he came. Josh dropped his hockey stick, and collapsed onto the floor in what might well have been the best orgasm of his life, which, considering what he’d been through this week, was saying something. Hot cream poured out of his cock, and the girls’ PE teacher spoke.

“Oh yes, we forgot to mention, this is a special game of hockey,” she said.

“Every time someone scores a goal, they’ll cum,” the guys’ PE teacher said. “We figure it’ll make it more interesting.”

“And fun,” Abbie said, helping her brother up. “And yes, the fact this is all totally normal to you is my doing as well.”

For the rest of the match, everyone worked extra hard, trying to get orgasms from scoring. Of course, Josh and Abbie got the most, but she did allow a few others to score every now and then. By the end of the match, the girls were up by one, which means they won, and the boys got to enjoy the sight of an entire class of naked girls experiencing their victory orgasms.

The boys started to walk back to the changing rooms, as did the girls, but Abbie stopped Josh.

“Wait,” she said.

“Why? Gonna change me more?” Josh asked.

“Not at all,” she replied, before waving the wand. “Peter won’t get dressed, he’ll sit in the changing room waiting for us.”

“Why’d you do that to Peter?”

“Well earlier when you were getting changed, I was watching you. I noticed Peter take a peek in your bag while you weren’t looking, so I kept spying on him. Sure enough, just now the reason he ran off straight into the locker rooms was so he could go through your bag.”

“Did he take anything?”

“No, but I’d like to talk to him.”

They waited for everyone to clear out, and then the two of them walked into the boys’ changing rooms. Peter was sat there on a bench, completely naked. His cock shot up as soon as Abbie entered.

“Hello Peter,” she said.

“Uh Josh, why’s your sister in here?” Peter asked.

“I’d like to ask you some questions. Why were you going through my brother’s bag?”

“To look for a wooden stick with markings on it.”

“Why? How do you know about that?”

“Principal Drummond told me about it,” Peter replied.

“Oh shit,” Josh said.

“What?” Abbie asked.

“So I may have used the wand to fuck Principal Drummond a couple of times,” Josh admitted. “I made her not be able to tell people about the sex but I guess she still remembers the wand.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Peter asked.

“Peter, you will get dressed, and leave the locker rooms, forgetting all about the stick and your conversation with the Principal,” Abbie ordered.

“Alright,” Peter said, a little confused. The siblings watched him get dressed, and walk out of the changing room.

“And now, Principal Drummond will forget all about the wand.” Abbie waved the wand, before turning back to her brother. “And that, Josh, is why you have to be careful with this thing.”

“Well yeah, I know that NOW.”

“Look bro, I know you’re upset about all this, but I promise you, you’re life’s gonna stay great. I gave you all those orgasms because you’re my big bro and I love you.”


Abbie sighed, and figured she’d let Josh deal with this in his own time. She got dressed, and headed outside, where she saw her friends waiting for her. They’d not been in PE just now, but she’d instructed them to wait for her outside.

“Me, Grace and Hannah are excused for the rest of the day and can go home,” Abbie commanded, before hiding the wand in her bag.

“Hey Abbie,” Grace said. “Ready to go?”

“You bet, but listen girls, I’ve got something I wanna show you, so let’s go back to my place and do it,” Abbie said.

All the way home, Grace and Hannah questioned Abbie about what it is she wanted to show them, but she refused to give anything away. The girls arrived at the Stoney house, which was currently empty, and went upstairs to Abbies’s bedroom. Grace and Hannah sat down on the bed, while Abbie stood and pulled out the wand from her bag.

“What’s that?” Hannah asked.

“This, girls, is a magic wand,” Abbie told them.

“What, you get it from Toys R Us or something?” Hannah asked.

“No, because it’s not a toy,” Abbie grinned. “I think it’s best to show you. So Grace, Hannah, I command you to have the most intense orgasms ever.”

Abbie waved the wand, and her two friends gasped.

“Oooo…Abbie, what is this!?” Grace moaned. Hannah too was moaning, although Abbie noticed that her friends seemed to be cumming a lot less hard than she’d intended them to, as they were only mostly panting with the occasional “ooo” or “ahh” coming from them.

“What the fuck was that!?” Hannah asked.

“Not what I wanted,” Abbie said, before waving the wand again. “Grace and Hannah will orgasm again, and it will be a thousand times as strong this time!”

The girls shuddered, and Grace clenched her legs, but aside from that the orgasm was incredibly basic.

“What’s going on?” Abbie asked. “Make me orgasm now.” Abbie waved the wand, and she felt a shiver rush through her. Her pussy quivered and tingled a little, but beyond that, nothing. “Make me orgasm again!” This time, there was nothing. Nothing at all. “Orgasm! Orgasm! Orgasm!”

Abbie continued shouting commands and waving the wand, but nothing happened.

“Abbie, what is this?” Hannah asked. “What did you just do to us?”

“The wand isn’t working!” Abbie shouted in panic. “It’s like it’s broken or something!”

Before Abbie had a chance to panic any more, she heard the doorbell ring. She put the wand down, and went to answer it, and there was one single police officer stood there.

“Good afternoon, Miss Stoney. You’re under arrest.” The policeman waved his hand, and Abbie’s world went dark.


Josh meanwhile headed to his next class, which he spent sulking yet again, thinking about any possible way to get the wand back from Abbie. But then, did he really want to? Sure, he wasn’t in control now, but she really did seem to want to be nice to him with it. Maybe he could learn to live with Abbie being in charge.

Josh left his class, and was walking down the hallway when an invisible force hit him, causing him to fly into an empty classroom, and sit down on a chair. He couldn’t move, this invisible force apparently holding him down.


I’ve got him! At least, I’m pretty sure it’s him. The trail led me to this school, and there’s a massive amount of a magic on this boy, so it must be him. He looks up, and sees me.

“What’s going on!?” He asks. “Who are you!?”

“Where is it, you teenage brat?” I ask him.


“My wand! My magic wand! The one you’ve been enjoying yourself with all week!”

“That was yours?”

“Wow, he’s got brains after all! Yes it was. I charged it up but then lost it. Now tell me where it is or we’ll both be in trouble.”

“I don’t have it any more, my sister has it!”

“WHAT!? Well where is she!?”

“I don’t know!”

“Well we need to find her! The plus side is that if you’ve been using it as often as I suspect you have, the batteries will be almost flat, which should limit how much damage she can keep on doing.”

“What did you mean when you said we’d both be in trouble?”

“I meant that I was able to track you down with the magical trail. And the chances are the police will find your trail soon too. In that time I need to get my wand back and get the fuck out of here.”


“Magical police. You and I are both criminals.”

“I’m not a criminal!”

“In the court’s eyes you will be. Rape and mind control are both illegal, and you’re guilty of both on multiple counts.”

“That’s for the court to decide.”

We both look up and see a police officer stood walking into the room.

“Oh shit!” I shouted, but before I can resist he’s already got the restraint spell on me, and I’m out cold.