The New Roommates Ch 1

This is the second story that I’ve written guys, please give me some feedback and if you like it let me know and I’ll continue it. My last story didn’t get to much but I may continue that one as well so without further ado here we go!

It was early Monday morning as the sun started to peak through the shuttered blinds of her room. Liah would grumble as she rolls over burying her face into her pillow, her tail swaying slowly beneath her blankets as she lets out a small sigh. “I don’t wanna wake up.” She whines to herself and lets out a small huff before she throws the blankets off of herself, swinging her legs off of the bed before stretching and standing up, a small sigh escaping her small form with a small purr. Liah wasn’t much of a morning person but once she got into the swing of things her mood seemed to go back to its normal self. Usually she was a happy girl that was energetic and curious about many things, but when she first woke up she could be pouty and as sassy as anyone else.
Walking over to the mirror after a moment of stretching, Liah checks out her reflection, her large baggy Panic at the Disco shirt covering her smooth pale skin all the way to just below her perky rear. A small glimpse of her silky pink panties could be seen as she giggles trying to fix up her bed head a little bit. “I guess today’s the day.” She smiles widely to herself before nodding, running off to the bathroom and jumps in the shower. Today she had made plans to meet up with her roommate that she was going to be sharing a dorm with at college. She felt that meeting them beforehand would be a good idea and make the two of them less awkward around one another.
Thoughts flood the neko’s mind while she was in the shower, her waist length black hair soaked through while her matching ears flick from the water pouring against them, a low purr still rumbling from her chest. She quickly gets herself cleaned up and does her hair before heading back to her room, putting on the clothes that she had laid out the night before. She had chosen a pair of short jean shorts that had a slot for her tail in the back and a black top that had a small band that went around the waist, the bottom of the top flaring out in small pleats much like a skirt would. Giggling and happy with the look she takes a deep breath, double checking that she had everything, keys, phone, wallet, purse, it all seemed to be there as she blushes biting her bottom lip. “Well here goes nothing.” She mumbles.
The two of them had planned to meet up for breakfast and would spend the rest of the day getting to know one another. Neither had planned much with the other for what they were wanting to do besides the meal, however, and that made Liah a little nervous that things were going to get a little bit stale or stagnant between them. Locking the door behind her, Liah would be going over a few more thoughts as she walks down the suburban street where she lived, heading for the downtown shopping and restaurant distract. The city where she lived wasn’t the biggest of them all but it was large enough to have its own mall, movie theater, and shopping street. It was cozy and made for a good visit and the ability to relax and enjoy yourself without feeling crowded, she loved it.
Hurrying down the street Liah would make her way toward the restaurant, Broken Eggs it was called, and was known for having the best breakfast in town, though their other food was also very good. It was at this point that Liah found herself getting nervous, her palms sweating a little bit and her ears twisting and turning this way and that. Meanwhile her tail would sway behind her, small mews escaping her lips from a nervous tick she had always had. Biting her bottom lip she takes a deep breath and walks in the front door to the stewardess that was waiting. “H-hi.” Liah stammered out before calming herself a little bit. “Reservation for two under Liah or maybe Angie?” Angie was her roommate and had been the one to reserve their table.
“Ahh here it is.” The stewardess smiled softly to her. “It seems she hasn’t arrived yet, would you like to be seated while you wait on her?” Liah gives a nervous nod before returning the smile. “Yes miss, that would be very appreciated.” The neko replied her tail starting to sway a bit more normally before letting out a small sigh. Maybe she was being nervous over nothing? As the stewardess led her to the table, Liah would look herself over again, her small A cup breasts not even requiring her to wear a bra always had her self-conscious but the fact that she had such a smooth stomach and thin waist gave her a bit of pride. The stewardess, Jamie was her name, turned around and notices her looking herself over and raises an eyebrow. “Don’t be so nervous sweetie, you look great. I’m sure your date will love it.” She gives another smile and giggles softly.
Hearing this being called a date Liah couldn’t help but blush, her entire face feeling like it was on fire as she tried to stammer out her response. “I-it’s not a date!” She accidently speaks to loudly making a few of the customers look toward her which caused her to be even more shy, her tail curling around her waist as her ears press flat against her head. “She’s just my roommate at college and I wanted to meet up before then so we could get to know one another.” She mumbles very self-conscious at this point from all the staring.
Jamie gives her one last smile before handing her a menu and nods her head. “Alright dear, don’t worry I was just teasing you a little bit because you looked so dressed up and cute.” She pauses for a moment. “Now then, can I get anything started for you while you wait for her to show up?” She asked with a tilt of her head. Thinking about it for a moment Liah turns the menu over to look at the drinks. “I’ll just take some strawberry limeade for now if you don’t mind. I’ll wait for food until she shows up.” Jamie wrote down the drink order and heads off to get that filled.
Liah, now alone, looks herself over once more before she finally starts to settle down, her hands folded nervously in her lap as her eyes shift around the room from one table to the next. A few minutes go by before Jamie returns with the drink, setting it down on a napkin on the table before flashing a winning smile and walking away swaying her hips. Liah couldn’t help but notice the body of the amazing brunette, her long curly hair hugging her round face, rolling down her back in the smooth rolls that had just the right amount of bounce that brought hair to life. She lets out a small sigh shaking her head and takes in a deep breath. Just as she did she felt a pair of hands get put over her eyes.
“Guess who?” A somewhat familiar voice sounds out from behind her as her entire body seemed to stiffen up, the fur on her ears and tail standing on end before the hands slid away. “So cute! You just tensed up like that all worried but it was so adorable!” The voice said before swinging around and plopping down in the chair across from her. “Oh I’m sorry, I guess I should introduce myself, it’s me Angie.” She smiles happily before letting out a small laugh. “You were easy to find and describe so the stewardess told me I could just come right over.” She explained the question that seemed to be formed on Liah’s partially opened mouth.
Liah squeezed her hands in her lap as she studied the one across from her, taking in her pixie cut red hair that was longer on the right side then the left, her septum pierced with a small hoop and several earrings going up the side of her ear, including small gauges in her earlobes. Liah couldn’t help but smile taking her in more and more, noting her body and her wonderfully shaped chest, all of it made her blush as she realized she was starring and looks away. “O-oh well I’m glad that you recognized me Angie, I was a bit worried that some stranger had just come over here and was trying to hit on me or something. Happens a lot you know?” Raising an eyebrow she finally looks toward Angie and offers her a small smile in return.
Angie nods her head before she leans back in her seat. “Well now we’ve at least met and I know you weren’t lying when you described yourself to me.” She muses out as she reaches over taking a sip of Liah’s drink. “Whoops, sorry I hope you don’t mind, I kind of take stuff without asking at times, wanted to see if that was worth getting or not.” Liah looks between her glass and Angie, shrugging it off. “We are going to be roommates soon, we will be sharing more than drinks most of the time probably so I don’t mind, just try to ask when you remember.” Liah seemed to be getting more comfortable already as Angie gives her a sly smirk. “Done deal little kitten.”
Being called kitten made her blush again before looking away. Just in the nick of time, Jamie walks back over with the menus. “Now that everyone’s here, why don’t I get your orders hmm? Oh and I’ll also need your drink order miss.” She points her pen at Angie. Looking over the menu for a moment it wasn’t long before Angie was ready, Liah had already picked out what she wanted but waited. Seeing that Liah wasn’t going to go first Angie spoke, “I’ll go with the French toast and home style omelet with some sweet tea to drink please, light on the ice.” With that Angie closed her menu and looks expectantly at Liah.
Blushing slightly again, her shyness never seeming to go away fully. “I’d like the mixed berry crepe please, and on the side some hash browns.” This time both girls raise their eyebrows at her. “That’s quite the interesting combo.” Angie mutters making Liah hide behind her menu. “Shut up! I like the sweetness of the crepe but it’s not filling enough so I get some potatoes to eat as well.” She bats at Angie with the menu who laughs, Jamie plucking it up from her joining in as well. “Alright you two, I’ll have that right up.” Walking away Jamie would hum lightly to herself.
“So Liah,” Angie started without hesitation, “What is it you like to do in your free time? It might give us some ideas of where to go and what to do today.” She leans forward and places her elbows onto the table. Having anticipated this question Liah looks over at her and starts to list a few things off, explaining how she liked to read, write, listen to music, walk around outside, shop, hang around relaxing with friends, sunbathing, going to the beach, as well as working out a bit. As she listened Angie would simply nod without saying anything before finally speaking up. “Well then, maybe we can go clothes shopping or something after food and then hit up a movie or something later tonight, or the music store. I know some great bands I could show you if you want, though I don’t know how much you’ll like the music I’m into.” She teased the innocent looking kitten as she points to her piercings and hair style.
Liah shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip from her drink. “That sounds fine by me.” She mumbles after a moment. After this the two of them took the time to get to know one another, their likes, pet-peeves, dislikes, interests, hobbies, habits, anything that they thought would be useful to know about one another, only taking a break when their food showed up and Jamie flirted with them both. Liah couldn’t help but notice at these moments when Jamie stopped by that Angie’s eyes would linger on her for a little bit too long as she walked away. It made her giggle to herself glad to see it wasn’t just her that was interested.
With the bill paid up and their bellies filled they leave Broken Eggs, stepping out into the bright afternoon sunlight as Angie stretches. “Man, that was good, I should come here again some time.” She mumbles rubbing her stomach before looking over at Liah, a goofy smile upon her lips. Liah giggles and nods her head. “Sure we can come back here sometimes and enjoy the town, I love it here!” She seemed a lot more comfortable around her now that they had talked and reaches over grabbing Angie’s hand. “Come on, I know a great little shop to show you! I’m sure they will have some stuff even you like.” She looks Angie up and down teasingly, eyeing the tight jeans that she wore and the simple white blouse that had buttons down from the collar about the quarter of the shirt, fitting the punk looking girl loosely. “Though your outfit doesn’t seem to match your style currently.” She points out.
It was Angie’s turn to shrug as she smirks. “Well you see, I figured I should dress up a little bit today rather than wearing my usual rags since we were meeting for the first time. So many of my clothes have tears and holes in them that I didn’t know if it would be alright going to that place with them on and sitting here. They kinda are more party clothes if you know what I mean.” She rubs the back of her head and looks away making Liah giggle as she pulls her along. Just down the street Liah stopped, pulling Angie into the store, instantly the sound of punk music filled the air as she smirks. “You see, you can’t judge people by what they wear! I love punk as well as a bunch of other music. As long as it’s not classical I’ll give it a go.” She says rather proud of herself before walking over to some of the shelves looking through it all.
The store had a large variety of clothes for sale, all the way from normal every day shirts and pants to those that were more in style and current with fashion and of course underwear, bras and lingerie. Angie raises her eyebrow looking around at how much the store had to offer and murmurs out loud. “You wouldn’t be able to tell this place was like this from the outside, I guess you’re right, you can’t judge something by what you first see.” This made her smirk before she heads over to a rack of clothes and hums along to the song as she looks through them, tapping her foot to the beat. Liah takes note of this but also realizes her own tail was swaying to the song making her laugh as she pulls a few shirts off of the rack and some matching bottoms. “I’m going to go try these on, wanna give me your opinion?”
Hesitating for a moment Angie shrugs her shoulders and heads over to in front of the changing rooms, Liah having already disappeared inside. When she came out she was wearing a black shirt who’s collar had been stretched out so it was draped over one of her shoulders, small tears here and there giving small glimpses of her pale flesh. She wore a pair of matching skinny jeans that had tears along the front of the thighs, the bottom edge was fringed and frayed. “Can you believe we have to pay for something that looks this worn in?” She tilts her head to the side.
Laughing again Angie once more shrugs. “Yeah I guess it is, I’ve never really thought of it that way but it looks good on you.” Pausing as a realization dawned upon her. “You aren’t wearing a bra right now are you?” She asked just above a whisper, an amused smirk spreading across her face as she takes a step forward. Liah immediately realized her mistake with picking this shirt and covers her chest stammering. “W-well I don’t really need one so I was just doing what was normal and comfortable for me.” She turns around and tries to hide her blushing face. “Oh it may not be required but I’m sure they’d look great on you, they aren’t all just for functionality you know.” Walking over to one of the shelves that had some lingerie, she riffles through them all until she finds something and turns around. “Put this on and let me seeeeee!” She almost squeals out ordering Liah.
The little neko takes the bra and panty combo and blushes at them looking at Angie with a confused look. “There’s no way in hell I’m walking out of there wearing only this.” She shakes her head and stamps her foot acting a little bit childish. “Fine then,” Angie retorts. “Just tell me when you have them on and I’ll come in after you and see what they look like.” Liah opened her mouth about to speak but closes it after a moment, silently nodding and turns around, locking the door behind her with a solid click. Angie could hear the sound of clothing sliding against skin coming from inside as Liah stripped off her clothes and tried the new ones on, though looked hesitantly at the panties wondering just how many girls had done the same thing. Sighing softly she slides her own off and slips the new ones on, looking at herself in the vertical mirror in the room with her, posing a bit as almost every inch of her pale smooth skin was displaced, contrasted against the lacy revealing black bra and skimpy panties. The clothes alone already had her face feeling like it was on fire before she reaches over unlocking the door.
The sound of the click snaps Angie out of her thoughts as well as her focus on what was going inside of the room that was out of her sight and steps forward, her hand shaking a little bit as she reaches for the knob. Grabbing it and opening the door, she quickly steps inside and shuts it behind her, standing almost face to face with her soon to be roommate. Angie’s jaw almost hit the ground as she saw Liah standing there, holding the elbow of one arm, her ears pressed flat against her head, tail curled around her smooth flat stomach, and her blushed faced turned down while she bit her bottom lip. A low groan escapes Angie’s lips as she swore to herself realizing just how bad of an idea this was.
It was at that moment that Liah narrows her eyes a little bit and then looks up into Angie’s eyes. “Angie, what’s that?” She points down toward Angie’s crotch where a rather large bulge had started to appear. Swearing out Angie shakes her head and groans. “God damnit, I should have guessed seeing you like this would have caused this but I thought I could control myself or maybe you wouldn’t be as cute as you looked with your clothes on!” She swore a few more times before shaking her head, placing a hand upon it as she sighs. Meanwhile Liah was biting her lip and found her eyes drifting down again and again to the bulge.
“A-are you a boy then, or you know, a trans?’ She asked trying to not to be insensitive but didn’t know how else to ask. This made Angie laugh and shake her head. “Oh god no, I’m a girl Liah, though I have both, you know, a pussy and a cock.” She scratches her head a bit before thinking it over. “I think what people are calling it now a days is a Futanari, though many people still just go by herm.” Shrugging her shoulders Angie seemed to wave it off, though Liah wasn’t going to let it drop that easily. “W-well Angie, you’ve seen almost all of me so maybe umm… maybe you could return the favor and let me see you?” She tilts her head to the side making a cute face, her ears perking up a bit as she holds her hands up.
Another groan escapes Angie’s lips as she sighs. “Oh alright.” She grumbles and reaches up to unbutton her shirt a few buttons before she slides her hands down and grips the hem of it, lifting it up and off of her head smoothly, shaking out her short hair before reaching down, undoing her bottoms, sliding them off with shakes of her hips. What she revealed was a matching set of bra and panties that were purple in color with quite a bit of design as well as some see through material on them. Liah’s eyes rolled over her breasts which must have been large C’s if not small D’s before rolling down to the large bulge that was barley contained by the panties she wore. “How do you keep it in there?” She asked in wonder.
“Well, I honestly got really lucky that it didn’t pop out this time.” Angie gives her a straight forward answer and shifts around a little bit feeling herself growing harder by the moment. Scratching her nose she coughs to try to get Liah’s attention, which she managed to pull away from her length for a moment. “Well have you seen enough yet Liah?” Hearing Angie actually ask this made her blush rather darkly as she bit her bottom lip and looks away before she mumbles something. Raising an eyebrow Angie leans in cupping her ear. “What did you say Liah?” Her smirk returned to her lips.
Liah shakes her head before drawing in a deep breath speaking quickly. “I said I’d love to see more if I could!” She said it just loud enough for Angie to hear but no one else. Reaching behind her, Angie locks the door to the changing room and reaches up and behind herself, undoing the clasp on her bra before sliding her hands forward, cupping the material in her hands as she winks. “Alright, but if you want to see more you are going to have to let me see more.” Liah nods her head without thinking agreeing to the offer as Angie lets her bra fall away from her body, a giggle escaping her lips. When it finally hit the floor Liah noticed that Angie had each of her nipples pierced, small bars that were going through each of them made her lick her lips a little bit.
Angie kept her eyebrow raised and reaches down, slipping her thumbs into the waistbands of her panties and slides them down her silky thighs nice and slowly. It was obvious that this girl went tanning in the nude often as she didn’t have a single tan line on her body, making Liah shiver, her face growing even more hot as the thick throbbing length of Angie’s futa cock finally sprung free of its prison. Her legs instinctually start to rub against one another as she was getting wet slowly but It grew more and more the longer she stared. Angie snaps her fingers in front of Liah. “Hey little kitten, your turn, no free shows.”
“O-oh alright.” She chirps out and reaches up hastily sliding the bra off to reveal her perky A cup breasts and then reaches down pulling her panties down her body to reveal her hairless, tight lower lips that were just beginning to shine with her juices. She felt very embarrassed to be seen like this but does her best not to show it before standing fully upright, showing herself off to Angie, even doing a small spin, her tail swaying nice and slowly, a soft mew escaping her lips. “That’s a good kitten.” Angie almost murrs out as she licks her lips, her length throbbing in excitement as she took in her form.
Liah looks between it and Angie, she had found out she preferred being with girls, having fooled around a few times but nothing like this. Seeing such a thick length on such a beautiful girl had her body melting and feeling like it was on fire, her eyes shifting over her again and again as she lightly pants. It was like she was being forced into a heat before she drops down in front of Angie. “I’m sorry.” She mumbles before gripping the base of her shaft and takes the thick head into her mouth, moaning out as she closes her eyes. Her free hand instantly disappears between her legs as she started to rub and finger herself.
“Holy shit!” Angie groans out and tilts her head back, placing a hand against the wall of the changing room to brace herself as she felt her legs almost give out from the sudden shock. “Damn girl you could have said something fist.” She saw Liah in a completely different light as she watched the neko pant around her length, taking her deeper and deeper with each bob of her head. Liah would whimper a bit which only succeeded in sending vibrations into Angie’s thick length, making it jump until she pulls back with a rather loud pop. “D-don’t blame me, it feels like I’ve been forced into heat here and I have to do something to stop it.” She manages to say before she moans, the fingers working away at her pussy filling the small room with the wet sounds of her slit along with her thick scent.
Angie shivers and grins. “Well I’m not going to object to some free head.” She muses out. No sooner had the words left her lips were Liah’s lips wrapped right back around her length, working from tip to base, her tongue tracing each and every vein it could find as she moans out softly, her large eyes looking up toward Angie, her nipples hardening upon her perky breasts. Angie would bring her one hand down to gently stroke Liah’s head, guiding her further and further along her length, pushing her cock deep into her throat as she holds in another moan, not wanting to get found out and kicked out of the store. Swearing to herself she bucks her hips forward, eliciting a moan from the horny kitten before her. “Oh I’m going to love being roomies with you if this is how things are going to go.” She whispers out and grips a handful of her hair, starting to thrust.
When Liah felt the thrusts really starting to take hold, she takes her hand off of the base of Angie’s length and braces herself on her thigh, holding herself steady as she opens her throat, swallowing and sucking around the wonderful rod that must have been at least seven and a half inches long slamming into her again and again. Being such the good girl that she was, she pushes her head forward to meet each of the thrusts, her nose mashing against Angie’s crotch each time she thrusted forward, small sounds and wet squelches escaping her throat and mouth each time Angie moved. Liah was enjoying herself quite a bit, her sweet nectar dripping down her thighs as her own hand words faster.
Angie tries to keep pace with the way that Liah was fingering herself, her hips pumping forward faster and faster as her moans grew in volume until she had to bite her own bottom lip to keep them from being heard. She shakes her head a little bit and digs her fingers into Liah’s hair all the more, her cock throbbing and leaking precum, swelling up a little bit to show she was getting closer and closer to the edge as the little kitten worked her over like no one else had before, her tongue tracing along the underside of her girthy length, rolling and swirling around the entirety of the shaft before tracing the underside of the crown of her cock, with each pump of her hips.
It wasn’t much longer until Angie thrusts into Liah’s mouth and tilts her head back, her body tensing up as she started to shoot rope after rope of thick, hot cum into the kitten’s mouth, whispering to her. “Drink up your milk little kitten.” She giggles and looks down to see Liah nodding and blushing lightly, swallowing it all obediently as she shivers, her fingers working herself over more and more. Angie was surprised that she hadn’t cum yet with how she was working herself but soon was glad that she hadn’t.
Liah licks her lips clean of the excess cum and kisses her tip a few times before standing up, bending over. “I need it Angie, please?” She asked cutely as her ears press against her head, her tail lifting up. Angie couldn’t resist what was presented before her and slips forward, her well lubed cock covered in Liah’s spit brushing against her dripping slit. “We aren’t going to have to worry about it not being ready enough, that’s for sure.” She gives the kitten’s ass a firm spank before pushing her hips forward, a low moan escaping her lips while Liah cries out, “Nyahhhhh.” A shiver running through her body, Liah arches her back and squeezes down on what had already slipped inside of her quivering love tunnel.
Both girls gasp out at the same time from the feeling of being slid into and being squeezed down on, Angie pushing her hips forward more and more as Liah backs up towards her a little bit. “N..nyahh it feels so much bigger when it’s down there then in my mouth.” She pants out softly as she wiggles, getting used to something so big being pushed further and further inside of her. Angie, unable to hold back any longer, grabs ahold of Liah firmly by the hips and pushes forward in one fluid motion, her entire length disappearing into the neko as she groans and moans at the same time. Liah nearly screams out at the feeling of being taken so suddenly, biting down on her arm as she looks back, glaring at her as she pants through her nose, keeping her mouth there just in case.
It was a good thing that she did because after getting used to being so deep inside of Liah’s tight pussy, Angie wanted more and slowly started to pull out of her, not stopping until only her tip was left inside. With her usual cocky smirk she thrusts her hips back forward, repeating this again and again, each time getting a little bit faster until the clapping sound of her hips meeting Liah’s ass echoed off of the walls of the small room, their combined panting breaths making it stuffy in there, their bodies starting to sweat together, shining gently in the soft light of the room. Shuddering a little bit, Angie reaches forward and grabs ahold of Liah’s arms, pulling her back so she was forced to look up and turns them to face the mirror. “You see, that, you see the face you’re making Liah? Remember this because you’re going to be making that face a lot more often once we move in with eachother.”
A soft grunt escapes her lips as she gives an especially rough thrust, their bodies slapping against each other firmly while Liah whimpers no longer able to bite down on her arm and moans out almost constantly, trying as hard as she could to control the volume as her eyes were glued to the scene she saw in the mirror. Her slender body, covered in a thin layer of sweat getting pounded into by her beautiful roommate while her juices dripped down her thighs, her tongue hanging out of her mouth a little bit and her tail swaying happily. The kitten blushes and mews out. “M-more, harder please!” Angie was all too happy to oblige the kitten as she again starts to draw almost all the way out of her but now angles her hips so that she was pushing out towards that slender, pale skinned stomach of Liah’s and then slams forward as hard as she could.
Liah’s eyes almost roll into the back of her head as she basically screams out. “Oh god yes!” her stomach bulging out a little bit from the length that was being slammed into her. Rocking her hips back again and again, she matches each of Angie’s powerful thrusts, their bodies in perfect sync. Angie trying to rut deeper into the kitten’s body, the kitten’s tight pussy milking the thick cock that was plowing into her and taking her, trying to draw it deeper and deeper. Both girls were in a state of utter bliss as Angie leans down, whispering into Liah’s ear. “You’re my kitten now.” She bites down onto her neck marking her. This makes Liah moan out. “NYAHHHHHHHH!” Her body couldn’t take it as she finally came and came hard, her pussy squeezing down and clamping onto Angie’s length, her juices almost spraying out of her as she moans and pants, twitching as her body convulsed from the force of her orgasm.
Even though Angie had just come not too long ago, the force of Liah cumming had her slam her length as deep as it could go into the kitten, claiming her depths as she started to cum with her, filling her with her seed, marking her as she pants against Liah’s neck. The two of them stayed like this for some time, panting sweating messes covered in one another’s juices and cum. Liah giggles after a while and slides off of Angie, blushing deeply as she did so. “S-sorry about that, my animal side kinda took over.” Angie shakes her head and steps right up to Liah, pushing her back against the wall and stares deep into her eyes. “Don’t you ever apologize for doing something that great again. Next time you do, I’ll beat that perky ass of yours until you can’t sit, got it?” Liah blushed deeply and nods her head biting her lip.
Her eyes scan the room looking at the mess that the two of them had made, Liah sighs and pouts a bit. “It looks like I have to buy those panties and bra now, your cum got on them and so did mine.” This made Angie burst out laughing as she grins and shrugs. “Well at least we know they look good on you.” She reaches out giving Liah a spank on the ass making her jump as the two of them quickly cleaned up, Liah putting her old panties on hoping that the cum wouldn’t leak down her legs as she struggled to walk out of the changing room, letting Angie go first then her a little bit after. The area around them reeked of sex and they hurried away after paying for a few clothes as well as the bra and panties set for Liah. They were glad that no one had noticed the commotion that they had made, or so they had thought since no one had said anything.
The rest of the day was uneventful for the two of them, teasing one another, talking more about their likes and so on, but this time more sexually than anything and when it was finally time to part ways, they gave each other a deep lingering kiss that made Liah whimper and not want to pull away. Angie had to push her off and shake her head. “I’ll text you alright?’ She gives her a sly smile and walks away, hands in her pockets and whistling while Liah heads inside and finally cleans up from their fun that day, eagerly awaiting the text from Angie.