The Old-Man Part 2

Joseph Montgomery now left the hotel where he had been staying for the last few weeks.
He was now heading for somewhere new.
He still didn’t have any idea where he wanted to go.
But this was Joseph all over.
He would just pick a destination and go.

The Old-Man



Part 2


Joseph Montgomery now left the hotel where he had been staying for the last few weeks.

He was now heading for somewhere new.

He still didn’t have any idea where he wanted to go.

But this was Joseph all over.

He would just pick a destination and go.

Joseph was now in the small railway station of the small seaside town where he had been staying for the last few weeks.

He had enjoyed his time in this small quiet seaside-town.

But it was time for him to move on.

And having independent means meant that he could go where-ever he wanted.

When-ever he wanted too.

Joseph now looked around the small station.

Apart from a couple of other people.

On another platform.

He was the only person on this platform.

Joseph wished that the train would hurry up as the station was very open and he was very cold.

As on cue a small two carriage train slowly entered the station and pulled up on his platform.

When the train stopped, and the doors opened only about five people got off. Joseph now got into the last compartment in the second carriage.

He was very surprised to find once he got into the compartment that the carriage was one of the old type with no hallway.

Joseph now smiled to himself, it looked like he had the whole of the compartment to himself.

And it was nice and warm too.

Joseph now made himself comfortable.

He took off his heavy winter coat and used it as a blanket.

He got himself nice and comfortable in the corner of the compartment and soon he had drifted off into a restful sleep.

Joseph had no idea how long he had slept.

He was awoken by a woman’s voice.

She seemed to be arguing with some-one.

Joseph now looked out of the window of his compartment.

On the platform was a well-dressed woman in her early 30s.

She had a boy dressed in school uniform with her.

The woman was arguing with a man who was wearing a railway uniform.

She was pointing and shouting at him.

The man looked like he was trying to explain something to her.

Then the man just waved his arms in the air and turned around and walked off leaving the woman to shout after him.

Joseph was now quite relieved when the train started to move off.

But his relief was short lived.

Because the woman suddenly opened the door to his compartment and she now pushed, the poor boy inside of it.

She then picked up a couple of cases and tossed them into the compartment. She now quickly jumped in after her cases closing the door behind her.

At first, she didn’t see Joseph.

Joseph was now watching her with a bemused look on his old face.

The woman was still too busy cursing under her breath to have noticed Him.

The woman now turned around to say something to the poor boy.

However, she now noticed Joseph, who was looking at her with an odd expression on his old face.

She suddenly stopped saying what she was about to say and just looked angrily at Joseph.

Joseph however just smiled at this arrogant woman and said.

“Good day.”

To her.

The woman and the boy now sat down across from him, neither of them said a word to him.

They continued to sit in silence for a few more minutes.

Joseph now picked up his heavy winter coat and took some sweets out of one of the pockets.

He now popped a sweet into his mouth.

He now offered the bag of sweets to the woman and the boy.

The boy was going to accept.

But the woman slapped his hand and just glared at him.

The boy sat back in his seat and looked very upset.

But he didn’t say anything to the woman.

Joseph now looked at the woman.

He now said to her.

“Madam I do not think that your action was necessary.

A simple NO would have done.

Your son was not misbehaving and so I don’t believe it was necessary for you to have slap him.”

The woman now glared at Joseph.

However, she did reply to him.

“First off, I am not his mother.

I am his step-Mother.

And how I choose to discipline my Step-Son is not your concern so please mind your own business.”

And to emphasise her point she slapped the boy’s hand once more.

The poor boy just looked at her in confusion.

And he started to cry a little.

Until she told him to stop it right now or he would get a lot worse when she got him home.

The woman now just looked at Joseph.

Joseph just glared back at her.

He had got her message very clearly now.

Joseph now could see for himself.

That this Lady was very used to getting her own way and not being crossed.

Joseph now smiled to himself he was going to change this situation for the better. And he had just the thing to change this situation in his inside pocket.

He thought to himself.

Joseph now took something out of his pocket.

It was a metal circular silver cylinder.

The cylinder was about five inches in length and about two inches in width.

On the top of the cylinder was a funny looking red crystal.

This device had taken Joseph nearly 10 years to perfect and it was the only one of its kind in the world as far as he knew.

And nobody knew about it.

And that was the way that Joseph liked it.

Joseph now quickly held the device up to the woman and the boy with the red crystal facing both of them.

He closed his eyes tightly and pressed a button on the device.

The compartment was now Illuminated by a strange red light for about a second.

Everything in the compartment was now deadly silent.

Joseph now sat directly across from the woman and he now looked directly into her eyes.

She was very silent and not moving.

And she was staring into emptiness.

Joseph now said to her in a very firm and strict voice.

“Do you hear my voice?”

The Woman said.


To him.

Joseph now smiled to himself.

Joseph now gave the woman some instructions.

Joseph told her.

“From now on she would never hit him again.

And she was to try her best to be as nice as possible.

And to make up for hitting him, when they were alone, she was to happily do whatever he asked of her.

And Joseph repeated this a few times to make sure that she fully understood the order.

Joseph now held the device up to them both once more. He once again closed his own eyes tightly and pressed the button on the device.

Once again, the compartment was illuminated by the same strange red light.

A few seconds later the woman started to blink and to look around the compartment a little confused.

She now noticed Joseph for the first time.

She now smiled at him in a friendly manner.

Joseph returned her smile.

The woman now said to Joseph.

“Where are my manners.

I haven’t introduced myself.

My name is Denise, and this is my lovely step-Son Christopher.

Christopher just looked up at her in confusement.

But Denise smiled at Christopher and ruffled his hair in a playful manner. Christopher now looked more confused.

Joseph just smiled at the boy.

Joseph now introduced himself to both Denise and Christopher.

Joseph now said to Denise.

“Now I want you to tell me the truth.

Have you maybe not been the best step-mother you could have been to poor Christopher here?”

Denise’s eyes suddenly started to fill with tears, as she admitted.

“That she did sometimes treat Christopher a little too harshly.”

Joseph now said to her.

“Would she do anything to make it up to him.”

Denise just smiled at Joseph and nodded her head to him in answer.

Joseph now told her.

“To stand up and to take her heavy coat off.”

Christopher was watching everything in total silence. But Joseph could see that he was totally captivated by what Joseph was doing now.

Joseph now asked Christopher.

“How long it would be till the next station.”

Christopher now told Joseph.

“That it was a long time probably over half an hour to the next station.”

Joseph now studied Denise.

As she stood there smiling at him.

In total silence.

She was about 5 foot 6 inches in height.

She had long blonde hair and was in her early 30s.

She also had a very nice figure with a set of impressive looking breasts which were pressing against her blue dress that she was wearing.

Joseph now looked intently at Christopher who was starting to feel a little uneasy.

Joseph gave him a reassuring smile.

Joseph now asked him.

If he would like to see his step-mothers large breasts.

Denise flushed a little at this.

But she still didn’t say a single word.

Christopher now went very silent.

And Joseph could see that he was very embarrassed.

However, Joseph wanted this woman to make up for all the times.

That she had probably mistreated this boy.

And she could start by mothering him with her ample breasts.

Joseph now told Denise.

“To undo the front buttons of her dress so that they could both see her ample breasts.”

Denise now said to Joseph.

“Well if you are certain it will make him feel happy.

I suppose I don’t mind doing that for him.”

Denise now turned to face Christopher all the time as she undid the buttons of her dress she kept smiling at the boy.

Joseph just sat back and watched.

Denise now pulled out both her large breasts.

Denise wasn’t wearing a bra.

Joseph had to admit to himself that she did had lovely large breasts, with large areolas and lovely big nipples.

The boy was in for a real treat he now thought to himself.

Denise now sat back down next to Christopher.

She told him.

How sorry she was for being so mean to him.

But she promised him from now on she would make it up to him.

She now put her hand on the back of his head.

Denise now gently pulled his face down towards her breasts.

And at the same time, she lifted her left breast up to his face.

She told him.

“To be a good boy now.

And to kiss and lick and suck on her nipples.

Joseph now popped a couple of sweets into his mouth as he just relaxed and watched this woman now showing her step-son that she did really love him.

After Christopher had licked and sucked from breast to breast for about 10 minutes.

Joseph notice that he had a small bulge in his trousers.

He now made Denise aware of this situation.

And he now asked her.

“If she could think of a way of making him feel better?”

Denise now just nodded her head to Joseph.

She now slipped off her seat, so that she was knelt on the floor in front of Christopher.

Christopher just looked at Joseph a little confused now.

Denise quickly got to work.

She had his belt undone in a few seconds.

Then his button and then his zipper.

She then pulled down his trousers.

Denise now could see his small cock pressing out against his small white under-pants.

Denise now took hold of his underpants and she now swiftly pulled them down his body.

So that his small cock and balls were now exposed to her.

Christopher quickly put his hand over his cock in embarrassment.

But Denise gently moved them away and told him.

“That mummy was going to make everything better.”

Christopher had no idea what she meant.

And he was wondering why she was grinning at him with a very odd expression on her face.

Christopher however, now moaned out in pleasure as his stepmother now started to lick up and down the length of his small shaft.

She then took each of his balls into her mouth and she now gently licked and sucked on them.

She continued to lick from his shaft and his balls for several more minutes.

Until he was as hard as he was going to get.

She then took the tip of his cock into her mouth and she now started to suck hard on it.

Christopher was moaning and thrusting his small cock up into her mouth.

Which Joseph thought was highly amusing?

However, Denise never once stopped sucking on his small cock.

She continued to suck on her step-sons little cock.

Until she was rewarded with him shooting off into her mouth.

His spunk was a little watery.

But she did enjoy the taste of it.

Denise was just finishing cleaning him up with her tongue.

When the train started to slow down.

Joseph now told them both.

“That the train must be arriving at a station soon.”

Denise had only just finished getting him dressed when the train stopped at the station.

The door to their compartment now opened and two old fat ladies now got in with them.

Joseph now had to really stop himself from laughing.

Joseph now decided that this place was just as good as any other place.

So, he now said goodbye.

“To Christopher and Denise.”

Joseph now grabbed his own suitcase and left the train.

Both Denise and Christopher waved bye to him as the train now pulled out of the station.

End of Part 2