The Prince Part 2

This is the second part of The Prince, and I would like to thank everybody who read the first part, and to all those who commented and gave positive reviews. I also have to say that in this second part I focused on establishing the characters personalities and relationships with each other, so there is no sexual content in this part, for those who wanted sexual content, I promise I’ll write some in for the third part.

Dining Table

Bryce stared at his large plate of food as he thought about what had happened earlier, he didn’t know how to feel, he knew he had enjoyed it, but knew it wasn’t something his family would approve.

“Bryce, you haven’t eaten anything” said Iona Ayton, Bryce’s mother. She was a very beautiful woman, given her stunning honey colored eyes, and her coal black hair. She was wearing a long red dress with gold embroidery.
“Let him be mother, he’s obviously thinking about what he’s going to do once he enters the battlefield” said Cyril before he took a bite out of a chicken leg.

The candle lights that illuminated the dining room made Iona’s preoccupied expression look even worse.

“What do you mean by entering the battlefield?” asked Iona with a terrified expression.
“It means exactly what it’s supposed to, Bryce is going to war” said Cyril before taking a drink of wine out of his golden goblet.

Iona dropped her silver fork as tears began to fill her angered eyes.

“I will not allow my youngest son to go to war” said Iona angrily.
“It’s been decided mother, he will fight alongside me” said Cyril calmly.
“No, my husband is already gravely injured, and now, you want to take your only brother to gamble with his life” said Iona with frustration as she stood up.
“That is the law of true men” said Cyril as he tidily placed his silverware next to his empty plate. “We gamble our life every day in order to protect what we love the most” said Cyril as he got up.

As Iona was about to speak, Bryce stood up.

“Mother, don’t shed anymore tears because of me. I was the one who decided to go, I want to protect my home and my family” said Bryce as he walked towards his mother and got on his knees in front of her. “So please, give me your blessing” said Bryce as he looked at his mother.

Iona hesitantly placed her hand on Bryce’s head as she recited a prayer silently.

“Promise me you won’t die” Iona pleaded.
“I promise mother” said Bryce as he stood up.
“Perfect, tomorrow you’ll get to meet the army” said Cyril as he left the room.

Iona wrapped her arms around Bryce, and held him as close to her as possible without squeezing him to hard. She caressed his hair as tears ran down her face.

“My dear child…”said Iona.


Bryce woke up to the ever bothersome sound of knocking on his door. He was about to get up and open the door when he noticed he was completely naked. He covered himself with his silk bed sheets and sat up.

“Come in” yelled out Bryce.

The door opened and Fenton entered the room, followed by two large men carrying one large crate each. Fenton pointed towards an empty spot on the floor, and the two men placed the crates there.

“Thank you” said Fenton with a captivating smile as the men left the room.

Fenton closed the door and looked over at Bryce, who had a confused look on his face.

“Sorry for waking you, and for entering your chambers this way, but your brother, prince Cyril, ordered me to get you fitted in to your armor” said Fenton nervously.
“Don’t worry Fenton, I was already awake” said Bryce with a smile.

Fenton walked over to the crates and opened them, in them were different sized armors. Fenton searched the crates for a couple second before taking out a set of silver armor.

“I believe this one would fit you perfectly” said Fenton as he looked at the armor closely.

Bryce was amazed by the beauty of the silver armor, without a doubt, it had been crafted by a master blacksmith. Almost as if he were under some kind of trance, he got of his bed and walked over to the armor. He was under in such a daze, that he completely forgot about his nudity, until Fenton almost dropped the armor at the sight of him.

“Careful with the armor, don’t you see how glorious it is. You can see how the blacksmith took his time to work on every single detail, just to make it perfect” said Bryce excitedly.
“Ummm, my prince…I’m afraid you’re not wearing anything at the moment” said Fenton shyly as he stared at his body, remembering with fine detail what he had done the day before.

At that moment, Bryce broke out of the trance he was in and blushed as he turned around and walked over to a table where he had some clothing neatly folded.

“Look away” said Bryce.

Fenton turned around, but couldn’t help peek from time to time.

“I’m done” said Bryce as he walked over to Fenton. “Help me put it on” said Bryce as he kept on observing the armors fine craftsmanship.

Fenton placed each piece of the armor carefully on Bryce before tightening it.

“Does it fit you?” asked Fenton as he admired how dashing Bryce looked in the armor.

Bryce began to make some small movements in order to see if he had good mobility.

“Yes, it’s a perfect fit. You have a good eye for this sort of thing” said Bryce with a faint smile.

Fenton smiled shyly. He knew he wasn’t good at this, it was his first time as a squire. The only reason he knew it would fit, is because he had studied Bryce’s body yesterday.

“Fetch my sword, were leaving” said Bryce as he walked towards the door.

Fenton ran to a large table in the room were a long beautiful sword was placed, and took it before running out behind Bryce.

“Tell me about yourself squire” said Bryce as they walked down the stairs.
“What do you wish to know my prince?” asked Fenton in surprise.
“Everything, from where you were born, to the things you like” answered Bryce as they took the last step off the stairs.
“Well, I was born in the small village of Barviel, just outside the border of the kingdom, to a pair of farmers, and until yesterday, I had never entered the kingdom walls, nor less had I served a prince” said Fenton as they set foot out of the castle and walked towards the training grounds. “When it comes to the things I like, I don’t have many things, but the things I do like are cabbage stew, looking at the stars, and now, serving you” said Fenton as he blushed and looked over at some children who were chasing each other.

Bryce looked over at Fenton surprised, but he felt happy for some reason, he seemed to like the fact that Fenton was pleased to serve him. He was about to say something when a small girl ran into him and fell back because of the impact. Bryce got down on one knee and helped the girl get up. She was probably about 6 years old, her short brown hair gently fell over her forehead in funny way. Her large green eyes were fixated on him. Her body and clothing were covered in dirt.

“Sorry” said the girl in a scared tone.
“Sorry for what, you were just playing weren’t you” said Bryce with a tender smile as he cleaned some of the dirt off her.

The girl’s scared expression began to slowly change into a faint smile. Bryce noticed there was a small rose bush to his left. He extended his arm out to it and cut a small blooming red rose. Bryce looked at the girl, and gave her the rose with a smile. The girl took the rose and smiled happily.

“Now run along” said Bryce as he pat her head.
“Thank you” said the girl as she ran off with the rose in her hand.

Bryce cut another rose and stood up. He looked at the rose for a while and placed it Fenton’s hand.

“What’s this for?”asked Fenton confused as he looked at the beautiful rose in his hand.
“Well, you seemed like the kind of person who liked this sort of thing” answered Bryce blushingly as he looked away shyly.

Fenton smiled tenderly and smelled the rose, it had an arousing sweet smell.

“Thank you” said Fenton with a smile.
“You’re welcome” said Bryce as they walked into the training grounds.

They walked around the grounds that were filled with all kinds of men training with each other, until they found Cyril who was talking with the knight generals.

“So you’re finally here” said Cyril as he looked at Bryce.
“Sorry to keep you waiting” said Bryce.
“Anyway, let’s get to business. You’ll be joining Leo’s army, since he’s the only one who knows your sword technique, and will be most in sync with you. So get to work” said Cyril as he gave him a pat on the back and walked in to the multitude of men.

Bryce and Fenton walked over to Leo, who looked as stunning as ever with his armor.

“So, I guess fate has decided that we’ll be partners in combat” said Leo as he placed his hand on Bryce’s shoulder.
“Guess so” said Bryce with a smile.
“It’s good that you’re only a squire, you look pathetic with that flower” said Nye harshly.

Fenton looked at the floor, he didn’t know what to say.

“What, are you ashamed? I bet you’re one of those disgusting cock suckers” said Nye in a harsher tone.

Bryce noticed that tears were beginning to form around Fenton’s eyes.

“Since you’re crying, I bet you are a damn cock sucker, but since I’m a nice guy, I’ll let you suck mine” said Nye as he grabbed Fenton and dropped him to his knees in front of him.

In a matter of second, Bryce had taken out his sword and had placed the tip on Nye’s throat. Bryce had a frightening angry look on his face.
There was a complete silence in the training ground as everybody stared in awe at the sight of their young prince with a sword in his hand, pointing at Nye, a knight general.

“Leave him alone” said Bryce furiously as he grit his teeth.
“So our brave young prince defends the cock sucker” said Nye harshly as he placed his hand on his sword’s handle.
“I won’t repeat myself again, leave him alone” screamed Bryce angrily.
“Or what” screamed Nye angrily as he lashed out his sword.

Bryce blocked the sword with ease, and soon enough they were clashing swords. The sound of metal clashing echoed through the grounds, after a couple second Bryce’s superior speed and prodigious talent with a sword overwhelmed Nye, causing him to fall on his back. Bryce once again pointed the tip of his sword at the general’s neck, his eyes were filled in rage. Nye was terrified but kept a dead serious face on.

“You will leave him alone, or I promise that I’ll kill you next time” Bryce said angrily as he put away his sword and walked over to Fenton, who was still on his knees. He had scared expression on his face.

Bryce extended his hand out to him, Fenton grabbed his hand and got up, with the rose still in his hand.

“May this be a lesson to all of you. With this rage, I shall always defend my home, my family, friends and people I care for” screamed Bryce with serious look on his face as he looked at everybody.

Soon there was a loud uproar as everybody chanted his name.

“That’s how you win over an army” said Leo with a smile as he placed his arm around him.

Bryce looked at Leo and Fenton, they were both smiling, that single fact alone made him happy. So he placed one arm around Leo, and the other around Fenton.

“I will protect you all” muttered Bryce.