The Pump House

This work of fiction contains explicit descriptions of male/male anal and oral sex. If this not your cup of tea, read no further. Also, if your not old enough to be reading stuff like this then don’t.

The Pump House

About 30 years ago, school bus number 137 dropped Earnie and Ron off near the corner of CR1502 and State Highway 401. They tossed their backpacks through a barb wire fence, crawled through, then picked them up on the other side. They trudged then across plowed earth and corn stubble toward a small corrugated iron building. The old GMC 471 engine, that this building protected, luckily, was silent this time of the year. In the spring its howl could be heard way beyond the one hundred acre field that it irrigated.

“You ready?” Earnie asked.

“Hell yeah. Look” Ron said as he grasped an elongated vertical lump in the denim of his jeans, “I swear man. I almost saw her pussy when she was gettin’ up from her seat. Bang man! I got ya squirrel. Yee haa!”

“Shit man… I’d crawl through a mile of broken glass on my hands and knees just to lick the pee stains from her panties” Earnie exaggerated.

Once inside, the boys threw their back packs down. Ron removed a well worn pornographic magazine from a toolbox behind the well then laid it open on the oil stained floor. He slowly flipped pages, stroking himself as he studied each photo. He stopped on a full page glossy print of a naked buxom blond with half of an equine like penis in her mouth.

Ron looked around to see Earnie, jeans and underwear pushed down around his boots, jerking away at his five inch rock hard pud as he drooled over the glossy picture.

“Hang on man. Lets try to go off at the same time” Ron said.

“Look at her though. She’s sucking that guys stuff right out of him!” Earnie exclaimed.

“Yeah… you see ’em doin’ that a lot. It must taste good”. Ron said.

“It tastes kinda weird” Earnie replied.

“Ok man. Tell me something” Ron asked laughing, “How do you happen to know that?”.

“Well… emm… ahh… I’ve tasted mine. Just a time or two though” Earnie said, blushing red.

“Ok… I’ve tasted mine too. And it does taste kind of weird. I don’t think anything else in the world tastes like it” Ron admitted.

They turned pages, studying every detail as they jacked. Pretty soon they were humping into their hands, spurting sperm here and there, being careful to not to get any on their precious magazine.

“Watch dude” Earnie said as he collected a bit that was still oozing from his tip on his finger then touched it to his tongue, “Yum”.

Ok here I go” Ron said as he did the same thing Earnie had, “Yep. Tastes great like a V8”.

Both boys laughed and teased each other as they cleaned up with a shop rag and put their magazine away. The next day they were at it again. Inside the shed pounding their puds as they flipped pages in their magazine. Ron stopped on a full page glossy of the blond touching her tongue to a bit of pearly white sperm that had oozed from the slit in the guy’s big purple tip.

“Ok. Here’s the dare. If you’ll taste mine I’ll taste yours” Ron said.

“So I get some on my finger then lick it off?” Earnie asked.

“Nope. Lick it right off my tip. Like she’s doin’.

“Then you lick it off mine?”

“Yep. That’s it” Ron said.

They wouldn’t admit it to each other but the idea of touching their tongue to the others dick really stirred their libidos. Their attention now was more on that little slit in each others tips than the glossy photos. Ron got there first.

“Get ready. Here it comes”. Earnie cupped his hand in front of Ron’s tip and caught three good shots of the thick white liquid. He touched his tongue then to Ron’s tip to collect some that was still oozing from his slit “Yum” he said then stabbed his tongue into the puddle in the palm of his hand. “No wonder she sucks on him like that.”

“Ok man. My turn” Ron announced “I want to do it like she does. Suck it right out of you” he said before grabbing Earnie’s stiffy and taking it fully into his mouth.

“Oh man! That’s wild! Feels awesome man”

“Cum in my mouth” Ron said around Earnie’s dick.

It did feel good for Earnie. So warm, wet and encompassing. But there wasn’t enough stimulation there to get his sperm to come up. Ron was quite determined though to experience Earnie ejaculating into his mouth. He kept experimenting, paying attention to how Earnie reacted to different things he was doing with his mouth and tongue.

“Oh yeah man. ohhh… keep doin’ that!… don’t stop…” Earnie exclaimed on shaky legs right before his hips arched upward and sperm flooded Ron’s mouth.

“Oh man that felt good. Awesome man! Fucking awesome!

“Sucking it out of you was fucking cool too. You can fuck my mouth anytime you want to guy!” Ron said swallowing once again to make sure he got it all down.

“I never felt anything so good Ron. I swear man! Thought my dick was gonna suck my nuts up and squirt ’em into your mouth too for a minute there”.

“Do mine like that. I’ve got some left”.

Ron taught Earnie how to hold his glans against the top of his mouth then suck hard as he moved his tongue up and down the bottom side of his dick. Right away Ron went into orgasm, flooding his buddies mouth with his salty ejaculate.

“Oh man that’s really cool!” Earnie exclaimed, “Yummy yummy yummy. I’ve got cum in my tummy. Wish we had time to do it again”.

“Hey I don’t know about you but I’m kinda out of gas. Leave early tomorrow and meet me here. We can do it again then and after school too”.

On the way to school the next morning they sat quietly on different sides of the bus. With the taste of each others sperm, so strong in their mouths, they feared someone might smell it on their breath and know what they had been doing.

Well the boys had been meeting twice every school day, for a month or so, when one morning, Ron showed up with a new magazine. His dad bought stuff like that from time to time. But when his mom would find it she would throw it away. Ron would always find it though while he was burning the trash. She would hide it in a large Manila envelope that Ron could recognize right away.

“Check this shit out man” Ron said as he opened their new magazine to one of the best photos.

“Holy cow! He’s got that big ol’ dick in her butt hole!”.

“And look at that grin on her face dude. She’s lovin’ it”.

“Yeah. She wants him to shoot his stuff up her ass”.

After the boys got their pants off they were jerking on their puds as they studied each picture one by one. They had been looking at each other kind of funny when Ron asked “Wanna try it? If girls can do that so can we”.

“Yeah… we got the same kind of hole back there as they do. Hmm… yeah. Me do you or yo do me?”

“You do me then I’ll do you”.

Ron bent over and leaned against the engine, presenting his ass to Earnie. Earnie centered his tip in Ron’s brown spot then pushed. Nothing happened so he pushed again. It just wouldn’t go in. Another try and it went upward in Ron’s crack. On another it slid downward between Ron’s legs. It felt good in there, trapped between Ron’s thighs, so he began to thrust. Ron drew his legs together to make it better for Earnie.

“Hey this aint bad Ron. Feels good”.

“Go for it then”.

Earnie grabbed him by his hips then and began to pound away with his hips slapping against Ron’s cheeks. Then after a couple of hard thrusts he blew his load against the back of Ron’s ball sack.

“Wow man! That was good! Yee haa!”

“I’m sure it was. You sure made a mess you out of my nuts though” Ron complained.

“Sorry” Earnie said grinning.

Then Ron had to try getting his dick into Earnie’s butt but didn’t have anymore luck with Earnie’s than Earnie had with his. He ended up humping Earnie the same way Earnie had humped him, popping his wad against Earnie’s ball sack as well.

Well, for a week or so they alternated between pseudo fucking and sucking each other off. They had both seen adds on late night TV for “personal lubricants” and figured that’s what they needed to get their dicks into each others butt hole. The problem though was how to get some of that. Ron was buttering a piece of bread early one Saturday morning when he got an idea. He got a little butter on a finger then went into the bathroom. The buttered finger slipped in quite easily. And oh what a strange but wonderful feel that produced! While imagining his undulating finger was Earnie’s dick in there,spurting away, he jacked out a wad with such force that it splatted on the bathroom mirror then ran down.

Thinking about how much bigger the guy in the magazine’s dick was, than his finger, Ron looked around the bathroom for something larger to push into his bottom. The tapered handle of his hair brush looked interesting. There was enough lubricant left on his anal ring from his buttered finger, to allow it to slip right in. Oh but much to quickly for his virgin sphincter! To the point that it complained painfully about that sudden intrusion. He yanked it out, cleaned it, then wiped the tears from his eyes.

That night though, Ron couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about his new discovery and had a boner that just wouldn’t go away. After he was sure his family was asleep, he tiptoed into the kitchen for more butter then returned to the bathroom. That hairbrush still intrigued him. He started it again, but just the tapered tip. He was enjoying the feeling of pushing it again and again against the resistance of his sphincter when, surprisingly, it just slipped right in. Without any discomfort what so ever! After pushing it in as far as those tickley bristles would allow him to, he removed it then re-inserted it again. Ron new then that he could get Ernie’s stiffy in there without any problem. While massaging his prostrate with the hair brush handle, imagining the guy in the magazine, was in there, Ron beat his meat to squirts once again. He was able to go to sleep after that.

Finally Monday morning got there and Ron was able to tell Earnie about the butter.

“Butter in your ass? So what’s next? You gonna shove a biscuit up there too?” Earnie teased.

After a good laugh they sucked each other off, split a piece of spearmint gum, then headed across the field to wait for the buss. At lunch that day they pocketed a couple of small packages of butter from the condiment stand. That afternoon in the pump house Ron greased himself up, bent over, and Earnie slid right in.

“Wow man! It’s in! How is it?”Earnie asked.

“That did hurt a bit but its going away. Just give me a minute or two… Ok I’m good now. Just feels kinda full back there. Fuck me man.”

“Feels weird to me Ron. Like sliding your dick in and out of an “O” ring or something. Hey now that feels real awesome with my tip going in and out right there. It’s really tight there.

“Well do that to your tip until you cum.”

Earnie took off then fucking Ron like there was no tomorrow. Pulling almost all the way out then plunging back in. Faster and faster he went.

“Oh man… Your hitting something up inside there that feels so fucking good” Ron moaned.

Earnie instinctively shoved up hard against Ron’s ass to get his sperm as far up Ron’s ass as possible when he came. Ron began ejaculating too without even touching himself.

The next afternoon it was Earnie’s turn to bend over. When Ron greased Earnie up with the butter he worked his finger in and out, massaging his sphincter.

“Relax man. Like your going to the bathroom”.

“How’s that?” Earnie asked.

“Better. Push out some… Ah yeah. I think your ready now”.

Ron was able to enter him with hardly causing any discomfort at all then popped a load way up in Earnie’s bowels. Earnie was so pleased to have his friends sperm now inside him.

Well the guys kept this up for that semester. Eventually though they got more interested in girls. After they married they stayed in touch. Last night Ron called Earnie and asked him if he felt like camping out and doing a little fishing that weekend. Earnie said yes. But bring lots of butter.


Hope you enjoyed. Ron and Earnie, as adults, are featured in Campers Delight chapter 2. Wouldn’t mind a comment or two… Haven’t had one yet.